War Lord

Chapter 125:  In the name of survival

"Everyone would think that Old Bruce died of a myocardial infarction, because he really shouldn't drink so much alcohol. His heart, which is about to die, can't stand such intense stimulation." Pella said expressionlessly, as if saying something. A matter that has nothing to do with her.

"Just do what you said, Pella, do a better job!"

"Follow your instructions, boss!"

Pella stepped back quietly, and Theon quickly moved his fingers across the light screen of the computer. Another set of programs that had been designed immediately replaced the original system. In this set of programs, Theon had the highest priority. As a result, the previously rejected document was immediately approved by Theon himself.

Theon had always had the ambition to replace Bruce, but he didn't take action. Firstly, it is not so necessary, secondly, the old Bruce can sometimes block some insignificant troubles for Theon. But now it's different. Remute, which is about to start, will become an efficient machine, and Theon will not allow old parts like Bruce to interfere with the machine's operation.

From today on, he must firmly hold power in his own hands, even if the price of power is endless blood!

There was no hesitation in Theon's eyes. Hesitant people couldn't do big things, just like old Bruce. And the fate of this kind of person is to be eliminated by the times, and finally become a corpse in his own residence.

In this respect, he feels that he and Zero are the same kind of people. As long as they decide what they do, they will go all out to achieve it.

Theon walked to the office window, with still steaming coffee in his hand, facing north.

"Respect us!"

Theon said silently.

Today is destined to be an extraordinary day for Remut.

At noon, old Bruce was found dead in his bedroom by the servant. The strong alcohol in the bedroom and a few empty bottles have explained the cause of Bruce's death, and after the doctor's confirmation, it has also been confirmed that there is a large amount of alcohol remaining in Bruce's body. So his sudden myocardial infarction had to have a good reason. Although some representatives of the union who had friendship with Bruce were still suspicious, the sudden increase of patrols in Remute made them dispel the thought of questioning. .

On the same day, Theon held a meeting of union representatives. Under the attention of the Cobra troops and the soldiers with real guns, Theon soon took the throne of the union chairman with an overwhelming number of votes.

Regardless of whether he was standing in the Theon camp before, or standing on the opposite side of the representative. In the next series of measures Xi Si announced, they all began to realize that Remte would make big moves. This emerging base city will soon turn like a wheel, and the resources and wealth generated will continue to be poured into Theon's plan.

It is foreseeable that Remut will usher in a period of rapid development. As for the remute under the frantic operation, whether it is ushering in a new life of metamorphosis, or stepping into the **** of destruction, no one knows.

Even Sisi doesn't know!

He only knew that when Zero came out of Death Ridge, Remte would show a whole new side to the world.

Zero is now walking in the jungle like a tropical rainforest.

After leaving Phoenix, after passing a section of low but steep mountain road, in the evening, he and Moni formally entered the Death Mountain known as the Forbidden Land of Life.

However, he did not expect that the mountains, which were called forbidden land, terror, death, and other terrifying adjectives, were filled with amazing vitality. Unlike the desolate wilderness, there is actually lush vegetation in Death Mountain. The two people just walked into the fringe zone, and they already saw many plants that only appeared in the old times and are now basically extinct.

Regardless of the low bushes or the tall trees with bright fruits, the vitality of these plants is too strong. The intensity of its intensity appeared in front of Zero like a living person.

This is a living mountain.

Zero made such an evaluation of Death Mountain.

But the name of Death Mountain is not just a name. The horror of this mountain lies in the death you can't see. Zero hasn’t encountered any powerful mutant beasts yet, but like shrubs with branches and leaves that can grow jagged at any time, fibrous roots can rise from the ground and dig into the prey to **** blood and eat blood, or the appearance looks like a man-eating tree. Weak, emerald green grass that easily cuts the human body in essence...The plants here are all full of thirst for flesh and blood, just like a hungry beast.

Half an hour after Zero entered Death Mountain, he was attacked by such an abnormal plant. In the turbulent years, in addition to living things, plants also changed in order to survive. But the mutation of these plants in Death Mountain seems to be more severe than that of relatives in the wilderness. From Ling's point of view, they even had a little intelligence, which made people feel that the entire Death Mountain was filled with a strange atmosphere.

It was night, and the grass within ten meters of a hillside was completely cleaned up. Even something similar to rhizomes in the soil was dug out by Zero, and after being roasted to dryness under the sun's remaining temperature in the evening, it was used by Zero for the burning of a bonfire at this moment.

And it turns out that zero care is right. When these seemingly harmless rhizomes were thrown into the fire, they twisted like living creatures, causing the flames to crackle. Moni left this weird fire with some fear, but Lala was quite interested, and the little beast stretched out his short forelimbs to touch the rhizomes.

When contact with foreign objects is detected, some wood whiskers will quickly grow from the end of the rhizome, and then try to wrap around like tentacles and pull themselves away from the fire. Of course, the guy who had such an attempt cut off with a saber with zero Mushu, and then helplessly was gradually burned into carbon in the flame, motionless.

It’s just that even though these things look dry on the outside, they contain a lot of water. Even when grilling in the fire, it usually takes half an hour to stop twisting. Zero thought, this might be the origin of the plants' strong vitality. This jungle's desire for survival is embodied in the different life forms of each plant.

"Zero, how long are we going to stay here." Moni hid beside Zero, shrinking herself.

Looking at this stubborn child, although Moni didn't say anything, her lightly trembling body showed that she was very scared. Ling patted her powder back and said, "At most ten days."

Moni nodded and didn't ask any more questions, but took out the dagger that zero gave her to practice. Zero knew that Moni didn't want to become her own oil bottle, so she tried to practice everything she taught her. But he also knew that it would take a long time for Moni to become stronger and even survive in the wilderness on her own. No matter how strong the desire to become stronger now, this fact cannot be changed.

But Moni has this thought, and Zero appreciates it very much. In the face of the cruel reality, some people choose to yield and some people choose to resist. Undoubtedly, Moni is the latter.

A map constructed in Phoenix is ​​spread out in front of Zero's eyes. This map only shows the approximate topography of Death Ridge, and the so-called passages in it are nothing more than caravans and sporadic troops that have been cultivated over the years. The mountain road is nothing. Such a mountain road is not convenient for travelers to pass, but it is not safe at all. Not to mention those mutant beasts that haven't been spotted yet, just such ubiquitous mutant plants are enough to threaten anyone who passes the mountain road.

In fact, there is not much difference in safety between Shangshan Road or the way of walking directly over the mountains like Zero. The difference is that the caravan cannot take the zero-movement method because of the goods, and although the zero takes a straight line, it greatly shortens the time, but because there is no support from the team, the safety factor is also reduced accordingly.

The two methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. As for how to choose, it only depends on the ideas of the person who chooses.

here we go again.

Ling quickly took out Colt, then turned and aimed at the dark part of the jungle.

Just now, Ling Sheng felt peeped. With the improvement of his ability, the sense of Zero became more and more acute. He didn't think that was an illusion. Weak, but with a slight tingling sensation, it was a hostile detection. But after Zero took out Colt, this feeling quickly faded, indicating that the person or creature peeping at him had left.

Feeling like this always appears from time to time after Zero enters Death Mountain. And judging from the frequency and location of appearance, the other party is constantly approaching him.

Without accurate information, it is impossible for Zero to determine whether the opponent is the aboriginal of Death Ridge or the lingering killer from Parklan. But no matter which party it is, as long as he or it is hostile to Zero, Zero will always give them a surprise.

The sudden movement of raising the gun frightened Moni, but the girl did not panic. Instead, she grabbed and pulled her body and lowered her body~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At the same time, she grabbed the dagger in her hand and made an attack at any time. . It wasn't until Ling put Colt away that Moni lifted her own alert posture.

However, Zero Ass has not yet sat down, and the bushes not far to the west are shaking. At this time, the wind was blowing, and it was not surprising that the bushes were shaking. Strangely, the swaying of the bushes was completely opposite to the direction of the wind, as if they were escaping from something. If it weren't for the zero sensitivity, and the golden right eye to adjust the visual distance freely, otherwise it would be impossible to find such a subtle situation when replaced by another person.

Ling immediately pulled Moni back to a place where the bonfire could not be illuminated. After a while, two men appeared on the camp that Ling had cleared. The man is not wearing modern clothes, but just a hemp skirt underneath. The skirt is painted with various graffiti-like patterns with unknown paint, and there are also various colorful tattoos on the body.

The man held a sharp wooden spear in his hand, the tip of the spear was painted with turquoise color. If it is not for the worship of a certain color, it is the use of poison, an ancient but effective attack method. Due to the long-term exposure to intense radiation in the air, the two men have different levels of mutated tissues on their bodies. These mutated tissues appear on their chests or shoulders, just like a layer of biological armor.

When such mutated tissues deteriorate further, they will compete with human organs for the body's nutrients, eventually leading to human death. No one can change this outcome unless it is removed through precise surgical procedures like Master did.

And before they become lethal, the abnormally thick fibrous layer of these mutant tissues does play a defensive role against them.

These two people fell in the zero eyes hiding in the dark, but they were no different from the jungle natives of the old age. And they knew nothing about the mountain mob that George said.

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