War Lord

Chapter 134:  Death Canyon

Zero raised her head and looked at Atessa.

Artesha sat down next to Zero, breathing for a few breaths, and said, "He walked away from the upper reaches of the Larsen River."

"Are you sure?" Ling asked, because the injury needed time to recover, and he couldn't do the reconnaissance work by himself. Artesha volunteered to take on this task, and after more than two hours, the girl returned to the village.

Artesha raised her eyebrows and said, "I have been the best hunter in the village since I was 5 years old. I have always been!"

After she emphasized this point, she clicked on the map in front of Zero and said: "This guy is as you said, very cunning! He has almost cleaned up all the traces of leaving, including all the physical traces that can be left, including footprints. He didn't stay, but he couldn't remove the smell. I have to say that the smell of you outsiders is really quite obvious. It's so obvious that it's like a torch in the dark. I smell it."

"Following his scent, I came to the upper reaches of the Lamarson River. There were traces of plants being felled and mud traces of heavy objects being pushed into the water. I think he had no extra physical strength to clean up the traces when he got here. After cutting the wood to build a raft, he quickly chose to go into the water and escape." Atesha added.

Looking at the map, the Lamason River is a tortuous river, and the area about a kilometer downstream does not become flat. There are mostly rapids and rapids, and there is no place to land. In other words, if Parkland's killer gets into the water, then he must get downstream to land again.

Zero points downstream and asks: "How long does it take to drift down the water from upstream to downstream."

Atesha closed her eyes, apparently calculating in her heart. After a while she opened her eyes and said, "Three days."

"Three days?"

"This is the most conservative estimate, including that this guy didn't throw the rapids into the water, or did not attack the megalodons and tricornis in the Lamason River." Atessa sneered: "It's summer, La The mutant beasts in the Mason River are active. Even if they do not attack this outsider, their violent movement in the water will cause various turbulences and undercurrents, which will greatly increase the time to pass the La Mason River. Three days is already the shortest. Time is up, it can't be any shorter!"

Zero looked at the map, from the Semitic village to the lower reaches of the Lamasen River. Except from the waterway, there is only crossing the Death Canyon. Judging from the trend of the map, although Death Canyon does not run through this northern area in a straight line, its slight **** is much faster than the snake-like Lamarsen River.

"How long will it take us to reach the lower reaches of the Ramathon River if we walk through Death Canyon?" Zero asked again.

Artesha's eyes lit up: "You can arrive as soon as tomorrow afternoon. Death Canyon is full of death flowers, and the strong wind in the valley blows endlessly every day, making the death flowers fly all over the sky and become an insurmountable barrier. But during the day, The wind will stop around 12 to 3 in the morning. We can swing past the countless trees and vines staggered above the canyon without touching the death flower. But..."

Looking at Zero, the black girl said with some regret: "Your injury will not be able to act until at least tomorrow, so we have to postpone our arrival time by one day."

"That's too late." Ling stood up, took out another roll of detoxification bandage and then wrapped his body around and said: "We will set off tonight. We must arrive at the downstream area tomorrow evening, and then we can bring him. a surprise."

"Can you hold it? It takes at least two hours to pass through the gorge, the amount of exercise..." Atesa said skeptically.

Ling smiled and said, "As long as there is no fierce fighting, there should be no problem."

He is not exaggerating. The estimation of the injury during the day is the recovery data of the last serious injury as a reference. But zero discovery, now his body's ability to recover seems to have been enhanced. The injury that was basically recovered tomorrow morning has now reached the minimum standard for action. With this development going on, it is not impossible for Zero Believe to recover from the injury of Hans in a blink of an eye, and even to regenerate the body.

Seeing zero persistence, Artesha did not object, so the two quickly packed up.

Zero woke up Monnie, and it was too early to see if it was too early. Naturally, she couldn't let Monie act by herself like going to Death Canyon during the day. But the zero situation only allows him to act on his own, and he cannot use a speed faster than Tier 4 agility, otherwise his injury will worsen. So the task fell on Artesha. Fortunately, Artesha didn't hate Moni, so the black girl did not object.

In this way, the three people left the village and shuttled between the mountains at a constant speed of 150 kilometers per hour in the dark. Although only Tier 3 agility speed was used, looking at Artesha's face with ease, I thought that this black girl might not be much lower than her in terms of agility enhancement.

Agility enhancement is an auxiliary ability. Generally speaking, only the fighting system, and mainly women, can strengthen this ability. Because women's physical strength is not as good as that of men, it is decided that they have not strengthened the development potential for higher-level strength. Therefore, they need more flexible skills and extraordinary speed to make up for the lack of strength.

Even the high-level fighting domain fierce people, they can choose the level of reinforcement of the third order at most in this ability. After all, for them, flexible skills are not as clean as the suppression of absolute power. Therefore, in the eyes of many people, they are not optimistic about agility to strengthen this ability, although once the lowest level of ability is developed to a higher level, it will cause a qualitative change effect. However, in the eyes of many people, agile reinforcement is an escape skill. Those who choose to invest in this ability usually represent the weak.

Zero has no prejudice in this regard. He is not good at Elemental Domain or Fighting Domain techniques. Regardless of whether it is a sniper or a short-range gun battle, both of which require a distance from the opponent. So for him, the cost-effectiveness of agile enhancement is currently the highest. For a gunman, distance is life!

And Artesha, who grew up in the jungle, seems to have invested a lot of evolutionary points in agility enhancement. In addition to being a female factor, this is somewhat related to Artesha's living environment. After all, on Death Mountain, the speed is faster, and the probability of life-saving is relatively higher.

After two hours, the three of them came to the dividing line seen in the early morning on the downhill. From stepping on the reddish-brown gravel, you can clearly feel that the radiation intensity in this area is much stronger than that of the area occupied by the abnormal plants. To this end, Moni has already put on protective clothing and activated a radiation protection kit to withstand the huge amount of radiation in this area.

But this was not enough. With Moni's physique and equipment, she would spend about two or three hours in this area at most. After this time, Moni will be infected, which will cause a series of genetic diseases, which will eventually lead to a complete genetic collapse.

Therefore, Zero Sum Artesa does not stay. Only after a short break before entering on the grass with green vegetation, he pierced towards the entrance of Death Canyon at a speed with afterimages.

Both of them understand that this is not only a race against the Parkland killer, but also a race against time. The time left for them to pass through the valley, in terms of their abilities, the distance of the canyon with a depth of two hundred kilometers is just right. This also has to ensure that there are no accidents on the way, and as long as it accidentally falls to the bottom of the valley, the flowers of death will become their final destination.

When I came to the entrance of the canyon, the wind stopped for about 1 minute, and the time was strictly calculated by Artesha. When the three people arrived at Taniguchi, they could just see the splendid scenery of the blue magic flowers constantly falling to the ground in the sky. This scene, like falling from the sky, is as beautiful as a dreamlike firework. At the same time, it is also the deadliest firework.

Artesha did not speak, and Moni, who was carrying her on her back, had been secured with a bark rope made of a Semitic human body. Therefore, the black girl does not need to be distracted by Moni. She concentrates on choosing every place to stay, carefully staying away from every place where the flower of death might be stepped on, and constantly moving towards the mountain wall of the canyon. Zero followed her, landing as precise as Arte Dongsha's repetition of movements.

Under the dark night, the figures of the three of them kept approaching the canyon wall. UU reading www. uukanshu.com was getting closer, and Ling saw that the wall of Death Canyon was scorched, but there were many holes on the wall. There are vines with thick arms sticking out from these holes, and they are intricately entangled in the air, and are connected to the other side of the canyon to form a dark green barrier.

These vines are the only plants in the canyon, and they are slightly different from ordinary vines. On the roots of the vines, there are round, hard shells of different sizes, which look like abnormal tissues produced by the human body for a long time under the radiation source. The Grim Reaper on the ground of the canyon actually grew out of the abnormal tissue of these plants. Grim Reaper is the product of vines that remove toxins from their bodies, otherwise they would not be able to grow so densely in this area where the radiation source is so intense.

Zero had no time to sigh the wonder of nature's creation, and watched Atessa suddenly speed up. She almost ran on the sloping mountain wall with Moni on her back, and when she reached the top, she stretched out her hand and hung it on a vine. Following that, Artesha moved quickly with her hands intertwined, just like that, moving towards the depths of the canyon through the ubiquitous vines in mid-air.

Taking a deep breath, Zero suddenly increased his speed to Tier 4 agility. There were painful signals from all over the body immediately, and Zero's face was pale, but the hard-will suppressed the voice of body resistance. The huge kinetic energy in exchange pushed him to rush up the mountain wall like Atessa, and then when he was approaching the highest point, his hands suddenly grasped a vine, and the zero relieved the ability of Tier 4 agility.

Fortunately, this "journey" for exerting strength is not far away, and Zero's body is still able to withstand it. But watching the trend of the canyon extending far away, Zero couldn't help but smile. Now he can only hope that his body can survive this not too far, as well as not too close, as he expected. Otherwise, the faint blue light ground under his feet will become his most gorgeous coffin!

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