War Lord

Chapter 159:  Duel

In the dark, a car and a big truck that looked like an old age, and two armored combat vehicles were driving on the road to Windmill Town.

In the black car, Sauron folded his hands between his legs and closed his eyes to rest.

Since taking over the task of intercepting and killing zero that day, Sauron, after a day of reorganization of the army, took his personal unit and set off to Death Mountain. There was no news about the battle between the Bald Eagle and Zero after the two entered the Grim Reaper Ridge. But through the observation of Parkland family intelligence agents, the unprovoked flames exploding in Death Mountain and the destruction of the Lorrain Bridge not long ago indicate that the battle between the two people is still going on.

This surprised Sauron very much.

The bald eagle is not only a sniper expert, but also a master of jungle warfare. Under his pursuit, Zero seemed to be still alive, which made Sauron wonder whether Zero's luck was too good, or Lan Qi's killing skills were not as good as before.

But it doesn't matter, because he is here. The fire element proficiency has been upgraded to Tier 4, and the gene sequence in Sauron has made room for an advanced ability, which means that Sauron's strength has greatly increased. And after analyzing the data of the failure of the last encounter, Sauron already knew exactly how to fight this time.

He will no longer take risks and play guerrilla games with zero. As long as he follows the normal layout strategy, Sauron's absolute advantage in strength will be able to win against zero. Even if he was willing to sacrifice Windmill Town, Sauron could completely ruin Zero and the town with fierce artillery fire.

Naturally, Sauron didn't want to do it if it wasn't absolutely necessary. This will cause a lot of negative public opinion on the family, and even make a fuss about several rival companies. Sauron is not stupid enough to drag his family back.

When Windmill Town was in sight, Lan Qi appeared in the front of the armored fighting vehicle responsible for escorting.

The convoy stopped.

"Your Excellency Sauron, Lan Qi is here."

After being notified by the armored car in front of the car, the police officer in the car passed the news to Sauron in the back seat.

Sauron didn't open his eyes either, but said faintly, "Let him come over."

After a while, Lan Qi got into the carriage where Sauron was.

Sauron opened his eyes, and there was a strange circle of fire wheels in his pupils, which was a phenomenon that the elemental domain ability reached the fourth level.

"Mr. Lan Qi, I heard that your action was not going so smoothly." Sauron drew two cigars from the crypt of the seat, lit one by himself, and threw the other to Lan Qi.

Lan Qi was not welcome, and after receiving it, lighted it and took a sip, he said, "There was an accident, but everything is still under control."

Sauron was silent, and said after a moment: "It was an accident outside Phoenix. You should have fought him quite a lot in Death Ridge. But the latest news I got is that even a single part entered the windmill. Town. If these are accidents, Mr. Lan Qi, you have too many accidents, right?"

Lan Qi did not refute, but said in a deep voice: "Your Excellency Sauron, please believe that there is no next time!"

"Do you want another time?" Sauron shook his head and said, "Tell you honestly, Mr. Lan Qi. Now I will take over the task of killing Zero. As for your actions, from now on, whether you like it or not, you must end it. You may not know, because of your countless accidents, our family has lost face. Now the whole coastline is talking, look, the big guy in Parkland can't help but a wild sniper. hand!"

The black man lowered his head and said ashamed: "This is indeed my fault, but..."

The bald eagle raised his head and said firmly: "I still hope that Your Excellency Sauron can give me another chance, zero life, no matter what I want to be a novice to accept. After all, Kabu is my son!"

"Then what do you mean?" Sauron narrowed his eyes.

"Duel!" Lan Qi said solemnly: "Just in the town of Windmill, Your Excellency Sauron can delineate an area for us as a duel site. As long as you guard the town with heavy troops, it is difficult to fly with zero wings. Then even if I fail. Now, Lord Sauron can easily kill Zero!"

Sauron was smoking a cigarette silently, and the flames on his cigar flickered, causing Sauron's face to become gloomy.

Lan Qi waited, he believed that Sauron would agree, because it would not hurt the Parkland family. Lan Qi can kill Zero the best, but even if he can't kill Zero, he consumes a lot of physical strength and energy, he will definitely not escape Sauron's heavy guard. As long as Sauron is not as careless as last time, he can completely kill Zero with his advantage in strength.

Before the superpowers reach the height of the eighth rank, the superpowers below the seventh rank can be used to deal with the human sea tactics, not to mention that the zero is only a fifth-order superpower, and that is not an offensive skill.

"Okay." After a short but long thought for Lan Qi, Sauron said: "I accept your request. But Mr. Lan Qi, in order to ensure zero death in Windmill Town, I must be with you. Make a little arrangement in the duel, I hope you won’t object."

"This is naturally no problem." Lan Qi lowered his head respectfully, but in his heart he wondered what kind of arrangement Sauron would make?

Windmill Town, Road of No Return Hotel.

Zero suddenly woke up in a deep sleep. He suddenly opened his eyes. When his consciousness was dominating the body, two M500 revolvers had appeared in his hands and assumed a posture that could shoot from any direction.

But he was the only person in the room, and the faint dark red light of the sky outside the window cast into the hotel, immersing the room in a pale red halo~www.wuxiaspot.com~Zero felt dangerous.

In his sleep just now, the danger signal was like a sharp needle, which pierced him all of a sudden.

Countless data flashed through my mind like flowing water, and I knew that the source of the danger must come from Parkland. But the lingering assassin didn't seem to have reached Windmill Town yet, so that Zero could not tell when the danger would come, or in what way.

Unless the perception domain reaches the thirteenth level called the gods domain and generates the ability to predict the future, no one can achieve omniscience and omnipotence. Zero just has a beast-like instinct for danger, he is not a prophet.

So all he can do is silently prepare for the danger.

He took out the light tooth, the light energy dagger from the six-winged spacecraft. The spar at the end of the polished tooth handle is flowing with a shining brilliance, which is a sign that the stored energy has reached a standard unit. The unknown civilization has reached a point where existing civilizations can look up in the light energy technology. After Zero brought out this energy weapon from the spacecraft, he found that the spar embedded on it began to automatically absorb, transform, and store it from Various light energies in the external world.

This is Zero's most powerful weapon at present, the sharpness of the light teeth, even the elemental force field can be easily broken. To be able to block the cutting of the light tooth, at least a particle shield of Tier 8 Elemental Domain or some special defensive materials are required. And the killer is neither a Tier 8 person without prime domain ability nor advanced defensive materials.

It's just that the light tooth also has a weakness, that is, the energy blade is too short, which requires zero close hand-to-hand combat. And close hand-to-hand combat, except for some special circumstances, more means that Zero is at a disadvantage.

If it is not necessary, Zero doesn't want to do that.

To kill a person, Zero still likes to use Colt or M500 to give the opponent a deadly bullet hole!

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