War Lord

Chapter 172: Angel

Sauron roared, struggling to raise the flame shield in his left hand. On the occasion of Qian Junyi, he successfully opened the saber. Although the saber was sharp, it could not break through the energy layer of the flame shield. As soon as Sauron used his force, he bounced the thing that almost killed him to the corner of the passage. Looking at it again, Zero, which had no effect in one blow, ran towards the direction of the mall.

"Zero, you coward!" Sauron scolded, but the soles of his feet were not idle. Reconstructing the elemental position, Sauron ran away in the direction of zero disappearance.

Sauron didn't notice that with zero guerrilla tactics, his elemental position could no longer be invisible as it was at the beginning, but a crimson stream of light appeared occasionally. Moreover, the elemental weapons on the body, no matter the flame spear or the armor, their rising light is too exuberant. The exuberance of the light is not a good thing, it can only show that Sauron's energy has declined, and it is no longer possible to guarantee that the energy aggregation of the elemental armed forces can be maintained at a stable level.

Unstable energy aggregation will loosen the structure of elemental arms, thereby reducing defenses.

But this time, Sauron could not manage so much.

Although his speed did not reach the speed of sound, he ran at full speed as fast as lightning. A long flame tail was brought out in the passage, and Sauron had already chased to the exit. He yelled and ran towards the wall. The huge impetus made him temporarily get rid of the effect of gravity, and he ran on the wall almost at a vertical angle. In the direction of the gate, Sauron stopped abruptly, squatted down with his feet, and then suddenly exerted his strength.

The wall passed a circle of flames, and then crashed down. With this force, Sauron used the flame shield to protect the front and blasted open two 5 cm thick metal doors in the passage like a cannonball. The metal door groaned and twisted, and the door bearing couldn't stand the huge impact and broke, so the door opened to both sides and crashed into the nearby store, crushing countless objects.

Sauron flashed out in a straight line with a ball of flame, and under his nose, Zero's figure appeared hurried and hurried.

Drink it again, and throw a flank gun in his hand.

Zero turned around, and the muzzle of the M500 raised in the direction of Sauron. But it was too late to pull the trigger, and the torch had arrived.

The scorching energy gun directly hit the zero left gun, and the gun body of the M500 immediately cracked and decomposed. As the flame gun advances, this large-caliber left gun is scattered into fragments and parts in the sky, and Zero's right arm is directly exposed to the violent energy of the flame gun.

After passing zero, the flame gun nailed to the ground. Flashed and exploded.

Ling's whole person was blown off by the explosion, and he directly hit the wall of a nearby shop before bounced off the ground again.

Sauron crossed the explosion area, adjusted his posture and fell to the ground. Facing the direction of zero, Sauron crouched on the ground, and continued to slide due to the potential energy of the full sprint just now.

When the potential energy faded, Sauron put his foot on the ground and rushed towards zero.

At this time, Ling had bounced off the ground, his entire right hand was scorched, and the bandage wrapped around his arm was still burning with flames. But he didn't have time to pay attention, and Colt jumped up with a bow and flick of his back. Zero grabbed the sniper rifle with his left hand.

Colt raised it flat, keeping it in line with Zero's arm.

Jin's right eye suddenly expanded, and Sauron's figure appeared in the zero eye.

In the dark shopping mall, Colt's tongue of flame roughly tore the surrounding darkness, and the bullet burst out of the muzzle at a muzzle velocity of kilometers per second.

Sauron's pupils narrowed and he shouted. He stood still suddenly, then jumped up vertically, enough to let the bullet pass under him. In an instant, a clothing store behind Sauron exploded, but it was caused by zero-blessed armor-piercing projectiles with fire elements.

But after firing this one, only one zero armor-piercing projectile remained.

Sauron fell to the ground and continued to sprint.

Zero sniper rifles are clamped under the armpit and loaded with one hand. He raised Colt again, aimed at Sauron and made a shooting idea.

Sauron immediately felt a needle-like signal coming from his brow, and he immediately rolled sideways. To his surprise, no bullets came.

Been tricked?

When this thought came up, Colt roared again, and the last armor-piercing projectile shot straight at Sauron.

Sauron was unable to adjust his posture, so he had to fully prop up the elemental force field and erect the flame shield high on his chest. The strong vibration spread throughout the body in the next second, the elemental position blocked the bullet, but the flame of the explosion exploded in the air in front of Sauron like a tide, and Zero's figure was immediately submerged behind the flame.

The flames were fleeting, and they disappeared quickly. But Sauron, who had restored his vision, saw a strange thing spinning and throwing at him.

It looked like the hilt of a dagger, but it had no blade. Although in the flames, the object reflected the luster of metal, Sauron didn't think a metal object could pose any threat to him.

These thoughts quickly passed through Sauron's mind, and he habitually raised the flame shield. When the energy shield was raised to his chest, Sauron saw a cold light suddenly popped from the front of the thing. The cold light vibrated slightly, forming the appearance of the blade.

Energy weapons?

Sauron yelled in his heart. He just wanted to avoid it, but it was too late. The previous contempt has made him lose the last chance to evade.

The flow of time became extremely slow, and Sauron clearly saw the energy dagger tracing light in the air, and it plunged into his flame shield. The shield, which is also an energy structure, can't stop the advancement of this light dagger. This can only show that the opponent's particle arrangement is several orders of magnitude or more than his own flame shield.

Then, the dagger plunged into his chest. Sauron's elemental armor stomach was in front of this energy weapon, and it was easily broken by it like cooked butter. Sauron only felt a heat in his chest, it had plunged deeply into his chest. The elemental armament burst into pieces, and Sauron's body flashed, and the elemental armament was automatically disarmed.

Sauron opened his eyes wide and looked at the murder weapon pierced in his chest incredulously. It pierced into Sauron's heart and quickly took away Sauron's life.

Sauron fell slowly, but he was not dead yet, and the vitality of the supernatural being was much stronger than that of ordinary people. But no matter how vigorous, he can't survive the puncture of the heart. He started to breathe quickly, his body trembling constantly, and in his eyes that gradually lost their light, there was a figure of Zero walking towards him.

Zero had replaced Colt with a normal sniper round, he walked to Sauron's side, and pointed the muzzle at Sauron's forehead.

"Kill me!" Sauron said weakly.

Zero looked at him and couldn't tell how it felt. Sauron can be said to be the indirect murderer who killed Leah, and zero had imagined **** him more than once. But now when he could end his life by pulling the trigger, Zero did not move.

He bent down and pulled out the bare tooth. Once he left Sauron's body, the bare tooth retracted the energy blade, waiting for the next opportunity to show his fangs.

As soon as the dagger was removed, Sauron's chest was bloody. He pressed his wound hard, but the blood still ran out of his fingers.

Zero turned around to leave.

"Coward! Why, don't you even dare to kill me? By the way, you are afraid of revenge, haha, don't worry, my father will avenge me soon!"

Sauron's voice sounded behind him, and Ling silently responded, "Isn't it too cheap to kill you with a single shot? Just lie there and feel the taste of your own death gradually. This is the interest I asked Leah for. "

Sauron froze.

He is not afraid of death, but as Ling said, it is more painful than killing him to lie down in the cold and dark ruins and slowly experience the vitality of his body.

"No! I'm going to kill you, zero! You can't insult my dignity so much!"

Screaming, Sauron gritted his teeth and sat up a little bit. He stretched out his trembling right hand in the direction of zero, and only a few fire elements were taking shape.

Zero lightly sighed, turned around and took a kick. The tip of the toes was on a piece of broken glass on the ground, and in an instant, the glass shards stuck directly on the aorta of Sauron's neck.

The fluctuation of the fire element gradually dissipated.

A smile appeared in Sauron's eyes, and his hands hung weakly. In the end, the corpse that had lost his life finally fell heavily on the floor, shaking up a cloud of dust.

Seeing the smile on Sauron's face, Zero shook his head, he couldn't tell who was the real winner. But one thing is certain, UU reading www. uukanshu.com he is still alive!

Sauron's body was discovered by soldiers who had recovered their senses shortly afterwards.

Seeing the corpse of the noble youth, the soldiers looked at each other. This is a very serious problem. If the senior management of the Parkland chaebol knows that Sauron is single-handedly facing a powerful enemy due to their infighting, even if they return to Parkland headquarters, they will be labeled as malfeasance, and then collectively executed. Sauron was buried.

A soldier tore the coat of arms of the Parkland family from his chest, and then said blankly to the others: "I won't go back. From today onwards, I'm just a mercenary!"

His words caused a chain reaction. At the moment after the captain-level officer was assassinated by Zero, the unconstrained soldiers would naturally not bury Sauron faithfully. So everyone removed the family crest and threw them to Sauron's side. As for Sauron's corpse, they won't care. The mutant beast will soon turn him into a nutrient for the body, and the soldiers don't worry about this.

Just when they were about to leave, I don't know who discovered the strange scene outside the mall first.

"Look, it's so bright outside..."

Yes, look out from the mall. At this moment in the middle of the night, the streets outside the mall suddenly became extremely bright. A group of dazzling silver light quietly landed, it illuminates every corner of the street, and countless mutant beasts hiding in the shadows scrambled to stay away from this group of silver light. As if there were their natural enemies in the silver brilliance.

The soldier who was the first to tear off his coat of arms just now walked toward the window of the mall with his gun, and the strong light made him squint his eyes. The soldier blocked his eyes with his hand, and through his fingers, he saw a figure floating in the silver light.

In addition to this figure, the soldier also saw a pair of huge wings spread out to a length of ten meters, flapping lightly behind the man.

Angel? He thought to himself.

This became his last thought in life!

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