War Lord

Chapter 181:  Crisis

The bullet-like heavy-duty motorcycle drove toward the shadow capital at a constant speed of 300 kilometers per hour. At this speed, it would take Rhine at most an hour to stand in the city surrounded by mountains.

The hot smoke from the heavy-duty locomotive carries a strong smell of gasoline after burning. In fact, in the dark council there are vehicles that are faster than this kind of locomotive. The anti-magnetic levitation vehicle driven by Lanqi is one of them. This type of locomotive is not only fast, but also quiet and energy-saving. It is definitely a more comfortable means of transportation than heavy-duty locomotives.

Klein likes the smell of heavy metals and gasoline, which makes him look different in the dark council that pursues efficiency. But he doesn't care what other people think of it. He has always been Rhein's style in his own way. Just like this mission, the high-ranking fighters of the Scarlet Knight were not interested at all, but Ryan took it down.

This is an order directly issued by the parliament, but the content of the order is very simple.

No matter how you look at it, killing a Tier 5 wilderness mercenary is not a difficult task. After all, the highest level of this mercenary's ability is the fifth-order agility enhancement. In the eyes of high-ranking blood knights, this ability is too tasteless for escape. And the reason why the council fought against such an inconspicuous little character was that the servant name killed a low-level blood cavalry.

Ryan remembered that the guy killed was a member of the Parkland family. Although Parkland was considered a big consortium, it was strictly a peripheral member of the Dark Council. If it was just this relationship, the Dark Council would not dispatch high-level blood knights. But the young man named Sauron was a member of the blood cavalry, and was killed by a wilderness mercenary who didn't know where he came from. The event itself waited for a slap in the dark council.

Every blood rider will implant a pocket chip when he is officially in office. The chip is connected to the brain terminal of the Dark Council, which can feed back the life wave energy of the implanter, so as to facilitate positioning and search and rescue when the blood ride is in trouble. And just a few days ago, the blood ride named Sauron suddenly disappeared, which surprised Sauron's boss. Through investigation, the Blood Rider headquarters quickly determined that Sauron had died while dealing with a family's personal grievances.

After this information was fed back to the upper echelon in accordance with the usual procedures, the high level of the parliament issued an order to send a high-level blood cavalry to kill the mercenary.

If you don't kill that mercenary with absolute advantage, where will the face of the Dark Council be put? And behind the dispatch of high-level blood knights, there is a deeper meaning, that is, to show unquestionable force to consolidate the position of the dark council in the coastline area.

Rhein knew this very well, and knew it was just a boring demonstration. However, a shot at a low-level ability person could not attract the interest of the high-level fighters inside the blood cavalry. However, Ryan, who had just returned to the headquarters after leaving the mission, learned of this order, but did not hesitate to take it and head to the Shadow City as soon as possible.

This makes many people very disdainful and even a little contemptuous of Rhein's behavior behind the scenes. But only a few people knew that the reason why Ryan was willing to take on such a boring task was purely because he didn't want to stay in Evernight City.

The ninth knight, Ryne, was never a stickler. He would rather go to the front line of the war if he wanted him to stay in the classy city of Eternal Night. Therefore, for Rhein, this task is no different than an alternative vacation.

"I really have to thank you for speaking of it..." Ryan showed a row of white teeth after a high-speed locomotive hit an elderly living corpse that did not know where it was crawling out of the broken highway. "Like There are not many vacation opportunities like this. If you can, I hope you have left the Shadow Capital...zero!"

In this way, my vacation can be extended a little bit. This is Rhein's subtext.

The capital of shadows.

In the hotel room, Zero rushed out of the bathroom, and he quickly changed into the ragged clothes like a refugee. Even Ling couldn’t even buy a new tactical uniform. He smashed into Monnie’s room and frowned at Monnie and Atessa, who was looking at the teenager Girutan in the room and stuffed a piece of black bread into his mouth. The man said: "We must leave immediately!"

After a daze, Moni asked subconsciously: "Why?"

Zero shook his head, and said, "I can't tell why, but I have a very bad feeling!"

Without extra nonsense, Moni pulled Girutan up. She followed Zero for a long time, knowing that Zero's perception of danger is as keen as a beast. Now that he feels dangerous, the hotel must not stay any longer. They didn't have any luggage. Atesa picked up the wheel saw lying in the corner, and a group of four rushed down the hotel stairs.

When he came to the lobby, Zero made a gesture. The four of them stood still, and said softly: "It's not right, why is there no one?"

The three of Moni looked around for a week, and as Ling said, the lobby was too quiet. Even the waiter at the counter was missing, as if all the people in the hotel had disappeared mysteriously. Not only that, but the street outside the hotel is also empty. Although it is the afternoon, there are relatively few pedestrians on the street, but there is not even a single figure~www.wuxiaspot.com~Zingmao, clinging to the corner, came under a window. The window was closed tightly, and he pushed open a gap with his fingers, and then raised his head slightly.

The strong acupuncture sensation spread all over the body in an instant, without time to think about it, he immediately fell to the ground. Almost at the same time, the window frame was exploded at the position where Ling had just stuck his head. The metal bracket was twisted and deformed, with a bullet embedded in it, followed by the sound of sniper equipment from outside the hotel.


Zero secretly scolded, not to mention that the hotel has been tightly controlled by a certain force. The enemy snipers who attacked must occupy the nearby commanding heights. Once the personnel on the side were exposed under the eyes of these killers, they would immediately provoke a fatal attack.

But, which force do these people belong to? Could it be Parkland?

This thought quickly passed through Zero's mind. This was a normal revenge. Zero killed Sauron in the ruins, but Sauron's soldiers were not completely destroyed. They will soon find Sauron's body and pass the news back to Parkland. But when Ling used his rich sniper experience to find out the position of the opponent's sniper, he zoomed in on the enemy's image with his free vision, but he saw a soldier in a black uniform.

In the middle of the tactical helmet on the soldier's head, a zero familiar sign appeared. The pattern of the sword and shield, Zero had seen Sauron's body, it was the coat of arms of the Dark Council. In other words, the people surrounding the hotel turned out to be from the Dark Council. Judging from their ability to make such a deployment on the day Zero arrived in the Shadow City, the Dark Council apparently deployed a certain amount of troops in the Shadow City.

Zero regrets it very much. If he knew beforehand that the Dark Council's army is stationed in the Shadows, he would not enter the city rashly if he said anything. Zero knew very well that to kill a blood knight, there were enough reasons for the Dark Council to retaliate against him. It's just that he didn't expect the other party's revenge to come so quickly.

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