War Lord

Chapter 201:  Outside the earth

The elevator keeps going down.

Whenever the dark red light passed over the faces of Oglock and Dr. Shawner, it represented that the elevator went deeper and deeper into the ground. It was not until the 49th floor number appeared on the electronic board of the elevator that there was a slight vibration before the elevator stopped.

The alloy door opened, and there was a silver world outside the elevator. The walls and passages constructed purely of metal plates make this underground research institute bright but cold. The research institute is built in a rock formation nearly 1,000 meters underground in the Institute of Science and Technology. There are 49 layers of alloy armor plates on it, which can withstand the simultaneous bombardment of hundreds of nuclear bombs or the meteor shower on the day of the cataclysm.

This is the idea that was formed at the beginning of the establishment of the parliament, to establish an underground research institute that can withstand catastrophic destruction, to research and preserve important data and information, and to play a cornerstone role for the continuation of human civilization. In order to realize it, Oglock took another thirty years, and then another ten years to perfect it.

Today, this underground research institute has the most advanced research equipment in the mainland, smart brains with high-powered stars, a complete database, and a large number of outstanding researchers. It is no exaggeration to say that even if the dark council is destroyed in an instant, as long as this research institute is there, the council will be able to regain its former glory in time.

And this important place was dubbed the "Dark Core" by Oglock.

The dark core is not only not dark, but also very bright. The lighting source that works almost all day makes the underground world bright as daylight, and many researchers come and go in the metal channel. These people's exploration of science has reached a feverish level. In their eyes, Oglock's identity is not as important as a set of functions. Therefore, in the passage, almost everyone is not to pass by, but no one stopped to pay tribute to Oglock.

In this regard, Oglock has become accustomed to.

After all, in the past few decades of knowing Dr. Shawner, he has fully understood that in the eyes of scientific madmen like Dr. Shawner, data is everything. As for the identity and status, it is just a dispensable embellishment.

After comparing a series of data such as pupils and palm prints. The office door dedicated to Dr. Shawner was retracted on both sides, presenting a dark space in front of the doctor and Oglock.

Dr. Shawner strode into the office, followed by Oglock. When the alloy door was closed, some soft light spots gradually appeared in the dark space. They appeared around the space, from simple to complex, from few to more, and gradually formed a picture like a universe galaxy. They are so beautiful and pleasing to the viewer, but in fact, these are energy circuits. It provides the computing power required for the comet-star brain "Omisga", and Dr. Shawner’s office is actually a private terminal connected to Omisga.

There are no extra objects in the nearly three-hundred-square-meter office, except for one weird device like an astronomical telescope. This thing is the terminal connected to Omisgar, and Dr. Shawner sat on the chair in front of the console. When his fingers flew over countless light keys, the long tube-shaped object port, which resembled a telescope, continuously emitted tiny lasers of various colors.

These are energy fibers. By activating these fibers, Omisga enters the computing state from the standby state. A holographic image appeared in the vast galaxy background. It was a beautiful woman wearing a plain white robe and surrounded by a layer of soft silver light. She is the anthropomorphic form of Omisga, able to help Dr. Shawna perform various basic data calculations.

"Good evening, Dr. Shawner. What can I do for you?" Omisga said in a woman's electronically synthesized voice. In order to distinguish her from a real person, the doctor did not express any language when he developed it. Add the element of "emotion" in the aspect. Therefore, Omisga's voice sounded cold and inorganic.

Dr. Shawner puts a helmet-like thing on his head, and through it, the doctor has the authority to use Omisgar. Oglock also has a helmet like this. But Oglock naturally didn't use it to research anything, but occasionally it was convenient for him to call up some encrypted files in the Omisga database.

"Omisga, call up the current research report of project number WX1875." Dr. Shawner said excitedly.

"As you wish, Doctor." Omisga finished, and the hologram disappeared.

But at the same time she disappeared, a light screen unfolded in front of Oglock's eyes. On the light screen, a group of Arabic numerals appeared. They fill up the light screen, and judging from the distribution behind, there are many such numbers. Under these numbers, there is a progress bar. Currently, an optional number is displayed in the middle of the progress bar.


"This is..." Oglock looked at Dr. Shawner.

The doctor left the console, and the thick lenses reflected the numbers on the light screen. He opened his hands and said in a dreamlike voice: "Ogg, my old friend. Look at these numbers, it represents a life that we can't understand!"

"Disordered? We have already concluded this long ago~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They are lives other than alien creatures and new humans." Oglock frowned.

No one knows how disordered people appeared, or how they evolved. These are usually no different from human beings, but once they lose their minds, they will turn into crazy demons. In terms of appearance characteristics, the disordered person is very close to the capable person of the mutant line. But the essence is different. They have a strong fighting instinct, a peculiar gene for unlimited regeneration, and almost unlimited kinetic energy.

All kinds of things give the disordered person the potential to become a perfect life. But that's only the case. They are not truly perfect beings, and lack of reason is the biggest flaw of the disordered. Sora has a strong body, but is not controlled by reason, making the disorderly creatures at best a dangerous alien beast in the eyes of high-level abilities.

However, for this kind of rare life research, the Dark Council has never stopped in the past two decades. It's just that the Disorders are very rare. The complete cells that the Dark Council has been able to obtain over the years were provided by the low-level Bloodrider Sauron not long ago, and were extracted from a Disorders blood carrier.

After hearing Oglock’s words, Dr. Shawner retorted: "It’s not that simple, Ogg. From the samples you provided, we have done tedious research before we get the gene source code in the cells of Disorder. Listening to Ogg, you have to figure out the primary and secondary relationship here. It is not that the disordered person generates this genetic code by himself, but the genetic code influences and promotes the emergence of the disordered creature."

"I also said before that this is a set of life codes that we don't know. The so-called ignorance is the conclusion drawn after comparing all the life codes we have in the old and new years. This set of source codes , Does not represent life on earth. It comes from outside the earth!"

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