War Lord

Chapter 297:  Fall (3)

Jacaris turned over, talked dreaming, hugged his dirty and scared blanket tightly, tried to buckle himself into a ball and fell asleep again. He is too tired, and like most citizens of Remte, he can finally sleep peacefully tonight after experiencing a turbulent life for half a month.

Under the initial attack of the living corpse, Jakaris and the other two thousand citizens stayed in the underground base, so they were lucky to escape. In the subsequent turmoil, Jacaris followed Remut's soldiers in an assault on the ground. In that battle, Jacaris lost a right leg, so he had to put on a prosthesis.

But Jacaris is proud. He has been crawling on the lifeline all his life, betraying all his self-esteem, just to live. But this time, he fought for life and honor. Although he lost a leg, he conferred the title of glorious citizen on Mr. Sean, the chairman of the union's comeback, and enjoyed the unpaid life of Remte for help. It can be said that Jacaris has a worry-free life in the second half of his life, and Remut will raise him, as well as the other hundred or so citizens injured in this battle.

So in his sleep, Jacaris's rough old face always smiled from time to time.

He didn't know when he was asleep, but on the wall beside his bed, the alloy wall was slowly melting open a hole. There were electric fires jumping four times in the entrance of the cave, but it was sparks caused by the melting of the cables hidden between the walls, which caused a short circuit.

The opening of the hole was expanding, from the original only the size of a fist, it quickly unfolded in an irregular shape. When the gap is enough for an adult cat to pass through, a drop of green viscous liquid at the edge of the gap pulls out a thin silk thread, and finally drops on Jacaris's nose.

Jacaris's nose suddenly burst into blue smoke, and as the skin quickly melted, the cartilage tissue of the nose turned black, and then it melted away silently. But for a moment, Jacaris's nose was almost completely ablated by this strong acid!

The severe pain caused Jacaris to let out a scream in his dream. When he opened his eyes, he saw the blue smoke floating in front of him and the silent black gap on the wall of his house.

Jacaris jumped up from the bed, and cold and humid air spread in the dark gap. He confiscated land and looked at the gap, and heard some strange sounds from the darkness in his ears.

Tick ​​tick...

It was like the sound of a drop of water hitting the ground, and then there was another sound of a beast swallowing its mouth. Jacaris finally recovered and wanted to turn around and shout. Unexpectedly, he had only half-turned his body, and several dark shadows popped out of the gap and entangled Jacaris's limbs and mouth respectively. One of the dark shadows drilled straight into Jacaris's mouth, and he could completely feel the nasty mucus attached to the surface of the thing.

In this way, Jacaris couldn't scream at all. He was struggling desperately, and a huge force came from behind, violently dragging him towards the entrance of the cave. Jacaris's head hit the edge of the gap so hard that he almost fainted. But on the edge of life and death, Jacaris burst into an unbelievable will to survive, and he clasped both sides of the gap with his hands tightly to prevent the things behind him from dragging him away.

Unfortunately, sometimes, certain things are not transferred by human resources.

Such as destiny.

Jecaris didn't know that he had been recorded on the list of the gods of death tonight. But soon, a paw that pierced through his back and pierced through the lower abdomen in front of him told him this fact. Jacaris could see clearly that this paw still carried scattered pieces of meat and intestines in his body.

The fire of life quickly faded away, and Jacaris, whose hands and feet became cold, lost any resistance. With the loosening of his hands, he could only watch himself being dragged into the darkness. Outside the gap, the yellowish wall lamp in the bedroom gradually moved away from him. The darkness flooded him and his consciousness.

After a while, there was a creepy chewing sound in the darkness in the gap.

When the sound stopped, the lurker crawled out of the gap and jumped onto Jacaris's bed. The lurker turned his head and sent out a high-frequency whistling sound that humans can't hear outside the empty gap. At the same time, four other lurkers appeared from various angles on the edge of Remte's base, emitting the same sound waves.

The sound waves passed through the tunnel dug out by the lurkers quickly to the wilderness and swept across the entire wilderness. So not long after, in a dilapidated building in the distance, every window kept crawling out of the darkness, looking from a distance, like countless cockroaches.

It was a living corpse, and hundreds or even a thousand living corpses kept pouring out. They climbed out of the window, fell to the ground, followed the guidance of the howling, and drilled into the designated passage in five directions. Looking down from the sky, in the dark night, five undercurrents are continuously pouring into the ground, and eventually they will flow into Remut's underground base.

After the ordinary living corpses were exhausted, hundreds of blasters and varying numbers of butchers and tearers appeared in the darkness. The tall butchers are obviously not suitable for passage in the tunnel, so they guard at the entrance of the tunnel like guards, allowing the ripper and the blaster to enter the underground through different passages. When all the living corpses in the wilderness disappeared, they ran to the wilderness in other directions.

The direction of the butchers is the camp where the Asgart army is temporarily stationed!

When the electronic clock on the wall jumped to 4:35 in the morning, a sharp shot made Theon awaken in his sleep. In a daze, Theon's ears seemed to be a woman's scream, and a man's roar. Following Theon's whole body shaking violently, Pella's low and sweet voice sounded in his ears: "Mr. Theon, you must leave immediately. We were attacked!"

For a moment, Theon thought he was in the wilderness. But after recovering, he remembered that he was in Remut's base.

What will attack the underground base?

"Pella, what's the matter?" Theon asked as he put on his clothes.

Outside the window of his apartment, the underground base of Remute was flashing red warning lights, and sharp buzzing sounded everywhere, which was filled with gunshots and roars.

Remte has become a vortex of chaos.

"It's a living corpse!" Pella looked out the window anxiously: "These things do not know where they came from. They have occupied West Street and the trading area, and are advancing in our direction. The rattlesnakes have been fully engaged in the battle, but Our number is too small, I'm afraid we won't be able to support it for long."

"Where are the ground troops? Notify them immediately!" Theon roared.

Pella said lightly: "The communication was cut off, which seems to be the cause of the circuit failure. Now, we don't have electricians to perform repairs. Many people died before the battle started."

Theon took a deep breath.

At this moment, an anxious voice sounded from Pella's communication device: "Miss Pella, take Mr. Theon away, we can't hold it anymore, ah..."

The communication ended with a short scream, and then there was a chewing sound from the equipment, and Theon's scalp numb.

Pella closed the communication device expressionlessly, and said to Theon, "Let's go, sir, before the situation gets out of control."

Theon nodded, the situation was no longer for him to choose. After getting dressed, Theon thought for a while, then pulled out the drawer and took out an old-fashioned revolver. There is only one bullet in this revolver. When necessary, Theon will use this bullet to kill himself. His nobility does not allow living corpses to invade!

Pella kicked the door open, guarding Theon and leaving the apartment. Walking out of the street, the sound suddenly increased tenfold. Theon glanced toward the street, only a thought flashed through his mind.

Remte is over!

This city, which holds all the hopes of Theon, is like a delicate woman's naked body exposed to the eyes of Kuangjie. The Remte in Theon's eyes was burning, the flames stripped away the coat of the city mercilessly, and the buildings and people fell in the flames. Countless living corpses are undergoing a crazy banquet, and they chew on all the lives within their sight.

The tearers wandered between the walls and the ceiling, using their claws to disintegrate the defense of the Rattlesnake forces.

The last is the blaster. These moving biological bombs detonated in key buildings in Remut as if they were getting accurate information, ruthlessly destroying Theon’s efforts over the past decades.

Remte is over. Theon said in a very desolate heart, he saw the hope of the existence of this city just before going to sleep. But when I wake up, all hope is falling. Is there anything more cruel than this?

Gunshots rang in his ears, and in a trance, Theon saw Pella holding a gun in both hands, shooting frantically on both sides of the street towards the entrance of the base.

The portable automatic machine gun roared in Pella's hand, and the long tongue of fire poured out like rain, as if spewing out the last dignity of Remute, shattering the living corpses that only appeared in Pella's sight.

The line of fire formed by bullets continuously cut the buildings and living corpses, and Pella silently opened a way for Theon to survive.

Perhaps, there is hope.

Theon said this in his heart, and his confused eyes gradually became firmer.

"Pella, do you still have a gun?" Theon yelled.

Pera was silent, but with a shaking hand, he threw a shotgun behind him to Theon. As soon as Theon caught him, the roar of a living corpse rang out behind him. He turned, reloaded, raised his gun, and shot!

The shotgun exploded a ball of flames, and in the flames, a living corpse that rushed towards Theon exploded instantly from the body above the chest.

The blood sprayed on Theon's face, but Theon felt very happy.

The two of them came to the entrance of the base, relying on each other one after another.

The armored door at the entrance was silently closed. This door that had prevented the living corpses from continuously attacking several days and nights, has now become Remte's fatal checkpoint. Pera fluttered on the manual console next to the gate, only to find that Remut's power had been cut off, and even the backup power could not be activated. This makes any button on the console unresponsive, let alone opening the door to escape.

Theon shot another living corpse, and there were at least dozens of living corpses lying at the feet of the chairman. Theon's whole body had been stained with the blood of the living corpses, and he looked like a ghost.

Seeing Pella slapping the console in vain, Theon showed a wry smile and said, "Forget Pella, it would be nice to be able to die with you."

"No!" Pera screamed. This steady female bodyguard now shed tears from her eyes: "You must never die here, Mr. Theon, you are everyone's hope!"

After all, Pera suddenly ran to the armored gate.

To Theon's surprise, Pella contracted her right fist and then exhaled and punched out.

A faint ripple of energy was wrapped around her slender fist, and Pella punched the floor under the door. The alloy floor immediately sank, and the electronic circuits in the mezzanine were all broken, but more importantly, there was a gap between the armored door and the ground.

"Pella, what are you doing?"

Pella ignored Theon's question, she just inserted her hands into the gap in the door, her hands clenched suddenly.

"Ah!" Pella yelled, and her arms lifted up vigorously.

But in an instant, the alloy floor under Pella's feet sank, and the beauty snake sprayed blood mist all over her body. That is because the pressure on the body has exceeded the limit of the blood vessels, and the blood vessels burst one after another. Suddenly, Pella became a blood man!

"God, what are you doing? Stop, don't be silly, you can't hold up the door." Theon shouted nervously.

Pella ignored her, her eyes were angrily open, her mouth still screamed, a pair of arms grabbed the armored door and kept lifting it up.

The door made a sharp rubbing sound, and it rose slightly under Pella's desperate force.

With a click, Pella's right leg suddenly knelt to the ground, but the ankle bone was smashed and shattered by the huge pressure. But even so, Pella still uses her knees as a fulcrum, supporting her body and constantly pushing the armored door.

In the shouting, Pella's thoughts seemed to have returned to a moment in the past.

; psb One day when she was 5 years old, when Pella was still a young girl, she used her body to trade in exchange for food to feed herself and her parents. I remember that after finishing a transaction that day, Pella returned home with the expired bread, only to find that her elderly parents had quietly died.

When they died, they were skinny and could not even find a trace of fat in their bodies. It was caused by the radiation squeezing out all the nutrients in the body, and it was also the appearance of all the old people in the settlement when they died.

Pella still remembered that his parents' bodies had begun to attract blood-sucking flies. Flies circled around the corpse. Even after so many years, Pella seemed to be able to hear the buzzing sound of flies flying in the afternoon of that year in her sleep occasionally.

After that, Pera seemed to lose all the desire to survive. It's just that she didn't have the choice to commit suicide. She continued to stay in the settlement and exchanged her body for the resources to survive.

One night, Pera lay numbly on a plank. In her naked body, there are men who are venting their desires. This man is covered with mutated tissue, and even that thing is covered with bumps. It is this filthy thing that keeps haunting Pella's body. When the man reached the climax, there were chaotic noises on the settlement, and the door was roughly kicked open.

Before Pella couldn't figure out what was happening, a group of soldiers rushed in and they captured the man, but when they saw Pella's ceramic body, the soldier's eyes were full of desire.

For Pella at that time, the man on the body was just a different face, she didn't care at all. Just when one of the soldiers was gasping to take her, rumbling gunshots sounded behind them, and blood line popped out of the soldier's forehead, and he fell on the side of Pella's bed with a three-point consternation expression.

Footsteps rang in Pella's ears, and she saw Theon in the next moment.

Theon's gaze fell on her as well, but he didn't show the desire like other people. He just looked at Pella quietly, and then asked, "Want to leave hell?"

"I can give you hope!"

In Pella's gray eyes, a spark was stirred up by Theon's words.

On that night, Pera left with Theon and all the slaves captured in the settlement came to Remut. Remte was still under construction at that time, but Theon told Pella and many others about his ideal blueprint.

That is a city where everyone in the colony hopes to be, a city of hope!

Pella stayed in Remtree, where she found a reason to survive.

live for yourself!

; psb 5-year-old Pella joined Remte’s boot camp.

; psb became a sheriff at the age of 6.

; psb joined the Rattlesnake team established by Theon at the age of 7. In the same year, she became the leader of the Rattlesnake and the bodyguard of Theon.

"Pella, live..." The words of the year seemed to be still lingering in the ears.

"Live!" Pella closed her eyes and shouted with the last bit of strength, "Mr. Theon, you want to live!"

Ten years ago, Theon said this to her. In ten years, she returned this sentence to Theon.

In Theon's unbelievable eyes, a gap of about 3 centimeters was actually raised under the armored door under Pera's delicate body. Pella pressed her shoulder against the door and looked back at Theon.

She has no extra energy to speak.

But Theon understood everything.


Theon didn't hesitate, he ran to the door, and then rolled out from the gap.

Behind the door is the icy cold air unique to the wilderness~www.wuxiaspot.com~Theon lifted his spirits and turned to Pella and said: "Come out, we..."

Theon's voice stopped abruptly, followed by mist in his eyes.

Under the armored door, Pella was still kneeling. Her eyes were wide open, still keeping the posture of lifting the door. But under her nostrils, there were two thin lines of blood flowing continuously.

And her chest had stopped rising and falling.

Pella was dead, and when she lifted the door, the pressure in her body had already shattered all of her internal organs. To pull up a door weighing tens of tons, only those who have strengthened the ability to reach Tier 5 or above can do it. But Pella managed it with Tier 2 ability, and the price was to die on the spot.

Theon stretched out his hand, trying to touch Pella's face again.

The door fell suddenly, cruelly crushing the once beautiful face. Seeing the blood gradually dripping out of the ground, Theon, who thought he was already as hard as iron, began to cry like a child.

It turns out that my heart will hurt so much when I lose my love!

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