War Lord

Chapter 526:   Patriarch

A saber appeared in Zero's hand, and he backhanded it into the carapace of the lower jaw of the Ice Lurker. The lurker was hit by a knife, but he died immediately. It stroked its feet desperately, trying to scratch the body of the man in front of it. However, Zero grabbed one of the lurker's legs with his other hand and pushed it to the ground. The collision made the lurker a little dizzy.

Taking this opportunity, the handle of the saber that had been tickled on the lurker's body by the zero one kick immediately pushed the saber away along the gap in the carapace. As a large amount of worm blood bubbled out of the wound, the lurker's feet continued to stroke until it slowly stopped, thus announcing the chapter of the death novel.

Looking at the corpses on the ground, Mei Lin said lightly: "I didn't see it, your fighting skills are not much worse."

"Thanks for the praise, be careful!"

They were passing a muddy field, and suddenly a column of mud sprayed up from the marsh pond behind Mei Lin. In the mud stream, a three-meter tall monster rushed towards Mei Lin. Merlin didn't look back, just cut off his backhand. But I saw a red light as thin as chiffon passing over the monster. The monster's movements stopped immediately, and then cracked diagonally from the shoulders from the lower abdomen, turning into two huge corpses and fell back into the marsh pond.

Killing a muddy guard casually, Merlin continued to drag forward as if nothing had happened.

Zero picked up the saber on the lurker, raised his head and looked at the oasis covered by mist, sighing in his heart. Since they entered the Silent Continent, many monsters like lurkers and mud guards have been killed. This oasis is probably the most dangerous natural area that zero has ever seen. The crisis comes from all directions, it can be under the coconut trees, it can also come from the mud, and it is more likely to emerge from the ground under your feet.

These dangerous alien beasts are almost everywhere, and the two of them have left as many as hundreds of such corpses along the way. Like this saber transformed from energy material in the zero hand, it has been chopped down several times, and each time it is repaired through the supplement of energy.

The Continent of Silence is worthy of the name of silence, and this oasis is as quiet as a dead zone. Whether it is a lurker or a mud guard, the monsters here seem to be good at hiding and hiding. Until they attack, there will be reactions similar to energy and breath. In this way, the zero pistol is basically useless. When danger erupts around, cold weapons such as sabers and daggers play a greater role.

Silent Island is a font-shaped terrain, which is composed of mud marshes, wetlands and coconut groves. The air is very humid and stuffy, and it also contains a small amount of toxins. Once you exercise too much and inhale a lot of toxic air, it will cause the whole body to be paralyzed and unable to move. After entering the Silent Continent, Mei Lin from time to time tore off a few leaves from some ferns and held them in his mouth.

When these leaves and saliva meet, they can secrete some peculiar substances. These substances can increase the intake of oxygen in the lungs, and can also neutralize toxins in the air, so that he and zero will not be poisoned during strenuous exercise. The Grand Duke told Zero that the Tuku Clan relied on these leaves to be able to fly in and out of the Silent Continent without worrying about being poisoned and becoming a ration for certain monsters.

These seemingly humble leaves are one of the few secrets of Silent Continent.

Zero was curious as to why Merlin knew these secrets, but the Red Duke didn't tell him, he didn't ask specifically. He only knew that he and the two of them had been killed all the way, as if they were too arrogant, it was as if they were telling the oasis of the arrival of the two.

Regarding this question, Merlin replied: "If you don't do this, you won't be able to find that person."

Since the Red Duke thought so, Zero stopped asking. Now that you decide to cooperate, sometimes you have to trust your partner. Just like Zero at this moment, after picking up the saber, an energy beam is input into the saber. Through material conversion, the broken hole in the saber was repaired. Ling couldn't help sighing that he had already picked the most vulnerable part of the lurker's body, but still let the saber break a few holes.

You should know that when he first entered the Silent Continent, when Zero killed the first lurker, he broke a saber directly. The carapace of these monsters is very hard, only the gap between the jaws is soft. After hunting down a few lurkers, Zero almost became an expert in the research of this monster. In fact, under the structural detection of Golden's right eye, basically no creature can hide the detection of crossing zero.

The two of them bypassed the marsh pond and walked into a coconut grove. When you step on the wet ground, you can feel the constant heat rising from the ground. This is because there is a large area of ​​hot springs under the ground of Silent Continent. Originally, the hot spring area would only exist in the area near the volcano, but there is no such thing as a volcano in Silent Continent here.

However, the collision and joining of the plates in the new era have caused great changes in the landform. Or it is not surprising that there are volcanic areas under the Silent Continent. Geologists may be interested in the peculiar environment of the oasis, but Zero is not an expert in this field and lacks research interest. He only knew that this place was not suitable for humans to live in, and the Silent Continent was just a paradise for mutant beasts and Tukzu people.

A slight vibration suddenly sounded in the air, and Zero quickly locked his direction. When I looked at it, I saw a dark shadow flying across the coconut trees, and in a blink of an eye it came to the bottom of Zero's head. The sound of breaking through the air made a great noise on the head, and a cold light pressed down straight, taking the center of the zero eyebrows.

Zero Leng hum, the saber stepped on the grid, and then collided with Han Guang. The huge force from the saber was transferred to Zero's body through his arms, and then led into the ground by his feet. The originally unstable wetland ground immediately sank, and the entire sole of the foot sank into the ground. Only then did he clearly see the strange life that had been struck from a high altitude.

Although it is a humanoid creature, it is hard to see what kind of life evolved from it. The strange life that can only be attributed to the alien body, has an oval head, from the forehead covered with a biological carapace extending to the back. It has a thin body, long hands and long feet. Its chest and shoulders are covered with a layer of biological armor-like tissues, which seems to play a protective role.

There are short sharp thorns on its long arms, and the oversized palms have frog-like flesh between the toes between the fingers. This alien is holding a short blade in both hands, which should be self-made in terms of style. But it is sharp enough, which is not difficult to see from the cold luster flowing on the blade surface. If it weren't for the petty saber to hold the short blade, I'm afraid it would have been chopped in half by the alien body from head to toe.

It missed a hit, and the alien body, whose body was still in the air, suddenly spewed hot air currents from both sides of the abdomen. This makes it slip back in the air, and when it falls on the ground, it moves quickly, and uses jet air to change its trajectory from time to time, making it difficult to lock its position.

A strange symbol rose in Zero's right eye, followed by the alien body being decomposed into countless pictures in his eyes. These screens mark the trajectory of the alien body's movement. After a series of calculations, the activated ability "Prophet" deduces the most likely cutting direction of the alien body.

With the continuous use of this ability of "prophet", Zero already knows that it is still in its infancy. With the advancement of zero ability, the prophet also has the advancement of two stages of extreme calculation and perspective of the future. Limit calculations will maximize the prophet’s derivation ability and make the calculation probability reach 100% accuracy; for the future perspective, through a series of unexplainable analysis calculations, the opponent's next step can be obtained through the existing data. Action data. That includes various specific data such as the ability that the opponent will use, the angle of attack, and the power output. And only at this time, the prophet's ability is truly worthy of its name.

The same is true for structure detection. In addition to the detection of the body structure of the organism at this stage, there are two stages of gene deconstruction and energy analysis. The former can collect biological genetic information, while the latter has a good understanding of energy composition, both of which belong to the advanced ability of structure detection.

Now, under the use of the prophet, the possible cut-in directions of the alien body can be obtained. Although only 80% of the generality, Zero still obeyed the prophet's guidance, retreated with one leg, and pointed towards the empty space. In the next moment, the figure of the alien filled the blank space, allowing Zero One to kick it.

Unbelievable gazes shot from the flat pupils on the alien body's head, but the body was kicked flying involuntarily. Zero used the concussion technique on this leg, and after the force penetrated into the body, it constantly concussed the bones, internal organs and even nerves of the alien body. After it hit a coconut tree, the whole body became soft and couldn't climb for a while.

Taking this opportunity, Zero's structure detection fell on it, so the body structure of this alien body was no longer a secret in Zero's eyes.

This alien life form is nearly three meters tall. Its brain is very developed, especially the cerebellum, which is almost twice that of humans, which shows that it possesses quite high intelligence. The muscle tissue of the alien body is very peculiar, its muscles are not very developed, and it can even be described as a loose span. Originally, this kind of tissue was unable to burst out with great power, but unlike the primary muscle bundles composed of hundreds of muscle fibers in ordinary organisms, the muscle bundles of the alien body were actually composed of as many as hundreds of muscle fibers. And between the primary muscle bundles, there is a connection point that is very rare in ordinary creatures. The connection point is also the power node, which enables the alien body to use huge explosive power when necessary.

The blood temperature of the alien body is extremely high, reaching the range of about one hundred degrees Celsius. The high-temperature blood causes the alien body to continuously produce hot gases in the body, and these gases are stored in the sac-like organs on both sides of the abdominal cavity. On the surface skin of the sac-like organs, there are air jet holes. When the alien body needs it, the contraction of the sac-like organs can instantly eject airflow to change its trajectory.

In addition, the skeleton of the alien body is also very strange. They are hollow tubular structures, which are very strong despite their slenderness. The surface of the bones is covered with fine lines, and these tiny bone gaps are connected by a fleshy membrane as thin as a cicada's wings. This skeletal structure greatly reduces the weight of the alien body, allowing its speed to be maximized. The crevices of the bones greatly enhance the anti-seismic ability of the alien body, so that its bones will not be shattered so easily.

In general, the body of this alien has evolved to a very advanced form. And when the entire structure was explored, Zero came to another conclusion. That is, every time such an alien body is killed, it can bring him ten to fifteen evolution points, which is quite worth the value that a man with a seventh-order ability should have.

"Is this the Tukzu people?" Ling asked.

Merlin nodded, before he could speak. There was a burst of sound in the coconut grove, and there were silhouettes surrounding the coconut grove from all sides. Hundreds of Tukzu people appeared on the tree and behind the tree, staring at the two outsiders, Zero and the Red Duke, with their flat and gleaming eyes. The gallery clansmen all have self-made weapons in their hands, but whether it is a short-edged long knife or a battle axe long spear, their common characteristic is that they are extremely sharp.

Some weapons have flowed through one or two energy brilliance from time to time, which obviously has some peculiar effects.

"The Tuku Clan has always acted in groups, like a pack of wolves. No matter if the opponent is one or a group, they have always been like this." Merlin held the tomahawk horizontally and leaned against Zero to confirm that there was no possibility of a sneak attack.

Ling frowned and looked at the saber in his hand. The short-handed encounter just now caused the saber to burst. With such a weapon, he really doesn't know how many rounds of attacks can be blocked by the Tuku tribesmen?

When hundreds of alien bodies kept shrinking the encirclement, huge pressure was born. Obviously, every Tuku tribe possesses power that exceeds the ordinary seventh-order ability. Even in terms of pure energy level, they are already very close to the eighth level, the difference is only a breakthrough opportunity. In the face of hundreds of aliens who are extremely close to the eighth rank, even Zero feels very difficult.

But at this time, Merlin whispered to Zero: "Don't do it."

Zero was a bit stunned, he didn't have the habit of catching it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this moment, Merlin made a very strange voice, it seemed to be a foreign language, anyway, Zero couldn't understand it anyway.

What Merlin uses is the language of the Tuku tribe, and the translation is: "I want to see your patriarch first, and I want to ask him, do Tuku tribes entertain their friends in this way?"

The pace of the encirclement slowed down noticeably, and the Tukzu people looked at each other, apparently stopped by Merlin's words. At this time, a hoarse voice sounded from behind the alien: "Merlin, you old thing, I have never been your friend. But I owe him a favor, so everyone should withdraw."

The first sentence was addressed to Merlin, while the latter sentence was addressed to other tribesmen. When the alien body spread out, Ling saw a very tall Tuku tribe walking slowly. It is nearly four meters tall, and its appearance is only slightly different from other aliens. It is difficult to distinguish it from other people if you don't look carefully. Similarly, he didn't wear any clothes, only a gray cloak. The neck guard of the cloak is surrounded by a row of gorgeous feathers, and I don't know what kind of bird it came from. From the perspective of human judgment, this kind of decoration looks weird and alternative, but in the Tuku tribe, it is a symbol of the patriarch.

Merlin plunged the tomahawk into the wet ground, then strode forward, and slammed the opponent's chest with a fist and said loudly, "How long has it been since you, old bastard!"

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