War Lord

Chapter 543:  Evidence 1

How far is a hundred meters. It takes only a few seconds for ordinary people to sprint with all their strength, which is almost instantaneous for those with the ability. Especially for those with mobility advantages like Zero, he can appear on the other side of a distance of 100 meters in a very short time that can't even be expressed in an instant.

But now, there are hundreds or even more bugs attacking the Tuku tribe’s battlefield violently and intensively every moment. Almost every one meter walked, dozens of corpses of insects must lie down on the ground, and as long as one negligence, Tukzu warriors may also be picked up by the insects from the battlefield, and then fall into the pile of insects and be ruthlessly torn apart. In just a hundred meters, at this moment it has become extremely distant.

Zero is on the left wing of the battlefield. Like all Tuzu fighters, he doesn't stop for a moment. The battleship artillery in his hand has become hot due to continuous firing, and even after being used as a stick by Zero several times, the gun body has been slightly deformed. But even so, Zero still held the alloy heavy sniper in one hand and used it alternately with the bone spur ballista in the other arm, forcing the insect's attack back.

This is probably the most dangerous battle since Zero's awakening in the hibernation barn, and it is also the most stressful battle. In the past, even if the enemy was stronger, he could always rely on the surrounding terrain to contain the enemy and kill it with the enemy's weaknesses. But this time it was completely different. The Zero-Sum Tutors were all forced into desperation, and the number of enemies became an insurmountable barrier.

Although the active volcano under the Silent Continent was used to create a lava lake that limits the number of enemies, as the lava lake cooled, the environment once again became unfavorable for the zero side. When all the insect army went into battle, the huge numbers were enough to make people desperate.

Although Zero already has the will to surpass despair, he still cannot change the facts. Fortunately, the reinforcements have already arrived, and now as long as you persevere, there is finally hope of survival.

The muzzle of the battleship's artillery flew up, picking up a land trip insect and fell behind the insect swarm. Soon a new worm was added. Zero waved his left hand. When three bone spurs were shot out in succession, they were instantly nailed into the worm's head. The land worm immediately lay down, and two more spontaneous worms fluttered their wings and swooped in low altitude behind. With a grunt, the right hand was raised with a shot, and the alloy bullets plowed over the self-blaster and cut them into two pieces. The venom from the self-explosive worm immediately sprinkled on the land traveller below, and the few hapless land travellers did not have time to kill the enemy, but killed their companions with the venom.

There was a loud scream in his ears, and before Zero had time to make a move, a soldier next to him was pierced into the chest by the forelegs of a land worm. The insect immediately picked him out of the battlefield. The soldier was very brave and immediately took out a powerful grenade from behind. He yelled in Tukzu language, and then pulled the insurance, and at this moment the bug just threw him into the swarm behind. So a ball of fire suddenly rose up, and I don't know how many bugs were killed.

Zero's swept emphatically, sweeping away the sharp limbs of several insects that had fallen towards him, but he was still hit by several blows. The forelegs of the land worm could not tear off Naga's exoskeleton armor, but the impact was real and real and fell on Zero's body. This made him almost lose his balance. After he recovered, he glanced aside, and the Tukzu clan's battlefield had shrunk again, and it was obvious that many soldiers had already sacrificed.

This makes the defense of the battle formation gradually unable to keep up, especially the lack of manpower and strong people behind the battle formation, and only a dozen ordinary fighters have gradually been defeated. Zero gritted his teeth and blasted a metal bullet toward the rear. After tearing up the two Lu Xingzao, there was a flash of red light on the alloy bullets, and then a group of bright red blood energy storms rose on the ground, strangling a large number of bugs, and temporarily reducing the pressure on the rear.

However, Zero's death crit, the energy flame is no longer as bright and thick as before. After taking this blow, he only felt a sense of emptiness in his body, knowing that his energy had fallen to the bottom, only enough to barely use a death crit.

"Hold on!" Ling roared: "Don't stop, keep running forward. Don't lose to these bugs!"

Even so, Zero knows that everyone is close to the limit regardless of physical strength or will. Even if he suddenly falls down in the next second, he won't feel anything strange.

No matter how far away, there will be time to arrive.

After Tuxian and the five high-level fighters were completely desperate, they finally broke through the gate of the camp with the battle formation behind them. There is only a **** outside the gate. Looking down from here, you can see the high underground battlefield. The murloc army of Gregnia is like a dagger, piercing deeply into the insect army of Kaizeroth and heading towards the high ground. Kill in the direction.

Seeing this scene, all Tukzu people were refreshed. At this time, as long as they rush down the **** and join the army of Ludu, everyone has hope of survival. It's just that a lot of bugs also surged under the slope, and they formed a forward and backward attack with the compatriots in the camp. It's just that in terms of the number, there are far fewer insects rushing up from the slope, after all, the fighting focus of the insect army on the ground has been shifted to the reinforcements of the Ludu side.

"Go ahead at full speed! Nothing can stop our pace, warriors of the Tuku tribe, this is the final charge. For our women and offspring, charge! Today, we must not die here!" Tu Xianda Roar, immediately rushed down the slope. And there were only two high-level fighters by his side. In the 100-meter fierce battle just now, three high-level fighters were sacrificed, which shows how fierce the battle was just now.

Following Tu's first shout, the remaining soldiers roared, raising all their strength for the final charge. The **** environment is special, so that the insect army can only flick back and forth instead of attacking in all directions. In this way, the left and right wings of the battlefield have no meaning.

So a part of the soldiers and zero came to the rear, they had to withstand the bugs driven out from the camp, and they couldn't let them slow down the pace of the array. Merlin moved forward to help Tu clear the enemy first.

Merlin took a sigh of relief from the moment he moved his position, and now he came to the front line and rushed out with a roar. The flame ruling in his hand spit out red ripples, and the insects swept by the energy ripples all threw them down, turning into several corpses before they landed. The tomahawk was as light as nothing in the hands of the Grand Duke, continuously pulling out red ripples to kill the enemy, and its force was as fierce as ever.

The Red Grand Duke rushed into the worm circle with his battle axe in his hand, and the worm circle immediately became a mess. The insects were either killed or squeezed down the **** by the same kind in a panic. After slaying hundreds of land zebras, Merlin roared, with the tomahawk crossbar on his chest, he pushed forward hard, like a tank, smashing the land zebras in front of him. Immediately clear a large area of ​​space.

Seeing this, Leiden finally couldn't help it anymore. The insect country general uttered a scream, and as soon as his hand grabbed the tearer, he threw it at Merlin. The ripper flew past the land worm with a whistling sound that broke through the air, tearing only the worms that had no time to escape. However, this great sword continued to cast off its momentum, spinning and falling towards Meilin.

Merlin roared, and the Flame Judgment raised and provoked, hitting the blade of the Ripper.

With a loud bang, Mei Lin backed back again and again, and the bones all over his body made dense and small noises, and the muscles on his shoulders and behind sprayed out a blood mist.

The Ripper flew out, and instantly fell into the hands of Raiden who rushed back. Leiden held the sword in one hand, leaned forward, and pulled out a straight shadow to pursue Meilin. Merlin suffered a lot from recovering from his old injury. Just now, he made a big kill and now he was able to block Leiden's blow. Not only was he injured his bones, but he also suffered extensive contusions in his muscles. Seeing Layden rushing desperately, Merlin gritted his teeth, preparing to go desperately.

Behind him, Tuxian's voice rang: "Old thing, you are a guest from afar. General Leiden should leave it to my master."

But seeing that Merlin was struck back by Leiden with a sword, Tuxian knew that his old friend was not able to continue. He immediately rushed forward and grabbed Merlin's shoulder before Leiden arrived. After throwing it back, but throwing Merlin back in the battlefield, he himself grabbed Leiden with the other hand, and said to Leiden in his spare time: "Let me play with the general first."

Leiden snorted, with only one arm left, he waved the Ripper without seeing any difficulty. Tu knows first that he can't let Raiden stop him who has finally rushed here, otherwise, if he catches up with a large number of bugs behind him, it will be completely useless. He didn't make reservations, and rose up with the remaining power to pounce Leiden with all his strength.

For a time, Tuxian and Leiden battled together on the slope. Leiden's ripper kept making simple slashing moves, but every sword attack was heavy. As long as the picture is an oversight, it is the end of blood splatter and death. Tuxian is better at being flexible. He takes full advantage of the special physiological structure of the Taku clan, and it is difficult for Leiden to capture his position. However, the claw that Tu first caught randomly, brought invisible air currents and cuts, forcing Layden to wake up. Under Tuxian's painstaking efforts, using his flexible posture and invisible cutting waves, Leiden was forced to continue to retreat down the slope.

At this time, the Tuku clan's battle formation had passed the middle section of the slope, and it was getting closer and closer to the ground.

Ten consecutive Naga bone spurs flashed away, crucifying all the five or six land worms that came on the face. The bone spurs burst into the worm body and exploded into thousands of sharp fragments, shrouded all the worms desperately squeezing up from behind, within the scope of the debris splashing, killing three or four worms and killing them at the same time. A large piece.

Taking advantage of the buffer space that was finally vacated, Zero did not rush back. He laughed, backhanded the battleship's artillery on the ground, the muzzle was down, and Zero shouted, "Stop it for me!"

Pulling the trigger, the battleship artillery epicenter, a metal bullet spun out of its mouth. The terrifying kinetic energy hit the ground, immediately tore the rock formations on the **** and blasted straight down. But the rock formation on the **** is very hard, the battleship's artillery is astonishing, and the alloy bullet can't get in unless it rushes out of Mich. But the bullet stuck in the rock formation suddenly flashed red, followed by the flames that blew up the canopy.


Special bullets composed of zero-use energy materialization rules exploded in the rock formation, which is undoubtedly a lunatic behavior in the eyes of others. We must know that although the big canopy flame is produced, what effect does it have under the rock formation? But the special bullet of Zero is not used to kill the enemy, but to activate the explosives package under the ground where the map was previously buried!

That's right, before the second wave of Kezeroth's attack, Leiden asked the bugs to pick out the explosives that were buried in the **** and interrupted. But those few explosive bags were only used to conceal people's eyes and ears. Ling Rang Tuxian buried the second round of explosive bags, the main location was under the **** rock formation. It takes Tuxian's high-frequency blade to quickly dig out tunnels for explosive packs in the solid rock formations, and then a dozen high-level soldiers struggled to fill in the excavated mud and rocks, and then put a few nearby. The dynamite bag serves as a cover.

The purpose of this is to detonate explosives to blast off the **** once the number of attacking bugs is too large, so as to delay the attack of Kaiserlas. But the premature cold movement of the lava lake allowed the Zerg army to climb up from the outer wall of the high ground, making this arrangement useless. Until now, when he rushed out of the camp, this arrangement had become a means of breaking off.

Under the action of the incendiary bomb, all the explosives buried under the **** ignited and exploded. In the sound of several consecutive explosions, black and red flames soared into the sky, blasting a few worms that were closer together to pieces. Immediately after the entire **** was swaying, the energy of the explosion tore the rock, and a terrible crack continued to extend downward. When countless tiny cracks were formed, the rock on the **** began to disintegrate. Large chunks of rocks rolled down the ramp in the flames, and some unlucky bugs that remained nearby were either killed by the rocks or cooked by the flames of the explosion.

For a time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the flames from the explosion rushed up to a height of 100 meters like a volcano. When the flames fall, thick black smoke gradually rises, forming a huge plume of smoke surging!

After being blown up by Zero, a hundred-meter-long fault appeared on the slope. The jumping ability of the land worms is only a mere ten meters, although they are still trying to jump over the fault, but there is no suspense, every worm that has the courage to try eventually fell to the ground. Only the self-explosive insects can dive at low altitude by relying on their wings on the back. At this time, some fighters who used the machete would throw the weapons in their hands one after another, and a dozen machete flew out in a whirl. Their target was not the self-destructive insect but the double wings on the insect's back. So when the scimitar whistled and returned to the fighters, the self-explosive insects that flew to the middle section fell helplessly. Sometimes lucky guys flew over the fault, but they were greeted by the intensive attacks of Tukzu fighters.

Suddenly, being blocked by the fault, a lot of bugs emerged from the camp, but they couldn't swarm up like before.

Before Zero could breathe a sigh of relief, a high-temperature ray struck across the air and blasted into the camp of the Tukzu warriors, immediately causing a violent explosion. The flames of the explosion almost engulfed Zero, he turned around, looked through the flames, and landed on Betsy. The Ash Spreader was holding a ball of yellow flame in his palm, and he also looked towards Zero.

Zero understood Betsy's meaning in his eyes: Let's fight, just solve everything here!

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