War Lord

Chapter 545:  Interlude 1

The flame ruling turned into a blood-red storm in Merlin's hands, slashing from top to bottom with terrifying power.レm♠思♥路♣客レ does not have any tricks, but it comes with a cushion like a mountain. In Leiden's eyes, it seemed that the whole world was left with the sad red light that would shatter the world!

General Chongguo showed a crazy smile and moved up with a sword in one hand. The serrations on the outer edge of the tearer suddenly hovered, making a rattling rubbing sound. Leiden stuck his sword on Merlin’s axe, and his entire body sank down under the flame ruling. The general’s anti-knuckle legs were slightly bent, followed by hundreds of scales on his body, exploding and splashing. There were countless thin bloodshots!

But this axe finally caught him.

Leiden grinned and pushed Merlin hard. The general held the Ripper with one hand and slashed at Merlin one by one. The ripper's blade saw teeth circling quickly, making a harsh sound. More faint ripples swayed from the big sword, making the space slightly distorted. Merlin was also unwilling to counterattack him, and the flame ruling pulled out the Daohong chao. Every time he collided with the tearer, a violent wind would be generated, and even the ground was blown off by it. . ..

The blast wind and shock wave raged like a mad dragon, shaking the ground of the **** into cracks and scraping away layers of stone dust. For a time, the battlefield where the two fiercely fought became an absolute domain, and ordinary Tukzu fighters could not intervene at all, and even the remaining two senior fighters could not join the battle map.

Except for one person.

Picture first!

The patriarch's figure suddenly appeared behind Layden like a demon, his hand was raised slightly, and when he cut it off, there was a thrilling sound! It was the sound of an object cutting through the air, and the high-frequency blade was fully deployed, and the front end of the invisible blade extended half of the distance. At this time, the energy blade attached to Tuxian's hands was already equivalent to a saber!

Staggered down, if he was hit, Leiden was afraid that he would be cut open on the spot!

At this critical juncture, the general smiled instead of anger. With his wings spread out behind him, he pulled out Dao Fengyi with high-speed flapping to meet the picture above.

The violent **** of energy produced a sharp rubbing sound, and even several dense black cracks appeared in the space. That is the phenomenon of violent energy tearing apart the space, every black crack is enough to easily cut the top diamond. When Leiden's flapping wings touched these gaps, they were immediately cut open neatly. Despite the severe pain, Layden didn't care. There was a space rift as a barrier, and Tu could only be forced to stop first.

But to the general's surprise, instead of stopping first, Tu gave a long whistle, speeding up his hands to the space rift.

Leiden finally changed.

At the moment when he was slightly different, Merlin's battle-axe shook the Ripper open. Pulling out a scarlet light cháo in the roundabout, slashed towards Leiden again!

The spar on Leiden's chest lit up with a bright flame, and the intensity of the light even shrouded most of Leiden's body. Energy rushed to his limbs like a flood, and Leiden pulled back the Ripper out of impossibility and knocked **** Merlin's axe. At the same time, the worm arched its back and slammed into the picture behind it first.

In the weird scene without any sound, the ground cracked silently, and countless stone chips floated in the air, completely violating the rules of physics. When one of the stones rose to the top of the three heads, a terrifying howl rose in the battlefield. As soon as it appeared, the highest note was already played! For an instant, there was only this scream between heaven and earth, and no other voices could be tolerated.

In the scream, Merlin flew upside down, spurting blood; Tuxian also backed back again and again. Several huge wounds appeared on his arms, and his bones were also severed by spatial fissures. The arms connected only by skin and flesh swayed left and right. .

Leiden remained motionless in his original position, and when the howling gradually disappeared, the spar on Leiden's chest also condensed all the light. The originally dazzling energy flame rolled back, and finally flashed and disappeared. A crack suddenly appeared in the center of the spar, which burst into thousands of crystal powder with a "click".

"Damn, I wouldn't lose if you were singled out!" He gritted his teeth and squeezed out these words. A dense sound of bones broke out from all over Leiden, and then several huge pillars of blood came from Leiden's The burst of blood came out from the chest and back, and after the eruption continued for a few seconds, the blood column slowly converged. Leiden's eyes gradually lost focus, and the general of the insect kingdom finally died on the battlefield under the attack of Merlin and Tuxian!

At this time, the battle between Zero and Betsy also came to an end.

When Raiden died, the morale of Kaizeroth's army was lost. On the contrary, the morale of the fighters on the green capital side is high. They quickly gathered near the high ground and protected the zero class. At this moment, there are more than 10,000 soldiers left in the insect army, but the insects have no fighting spirit, especially the adjutant of Raiden, almost wishing to fly back to the insect country immediately.

Knowing that there was no chance of winning, the adjutant immediately gathered all the remnants and gradually retreated to the north of the battlefield. Although the soldiers on the Ludu side had unprecedented fighting spirit, Baltimore did not order a chase. After all, killing all these bugs would not benefit much. On the contrary, some soldiers would be damaged. After this battle, Kazeroth killed nearly 20,000 soldiers in the Silent State and lost a general. Among them, the Tuku tribe alone killed as many as five or six thousand insect army. Although there are elements of strategy and luck in it, it is not easy to achieve this.

After the battle, the soldiers of Ludu began to clear the battlefield. All the corpses were thrown onto the cooling Lake Ren, and then gathered together for mass cremation. This work alone kept the Ludu soldiers busy until the evening, which shows that the workload is huge.

But Baltimore, Su and others followed the Tuku clan back to the high ground. The Tuku clan’s base camp was almost in ruins, and the ground was scorched after the battle. But as long as the people are still there, it is not impossible to rebuild a new home. However, the Tuku tribe has suffered heavy losses. There are only less than forty male soldiers, and there are only fifty women and children. The Gallery Clan has almost lost two-thirds of its staff, and I don’t know how long it will take to regain this vitality.

In the makeshift camp, Betsy sat wilted in the corner. Beside him, two girls with different styles, Hai Wei and Ye Liu, were watching over him. At the moment when the ability fell to Tier 4, let alone two people, either Hai Wei or Ye Liu could easily deal with him.

Su is bandaging Zero, and Zero's heaviest injury is concentrated on his right hand. Nearly half of the flesh and blood on the surface of his arm had been carbonized, and Su had to cut off these necrotic tissues before it could be disinfected. But the most serious thing is the zero palm, especially the five fingers. More than half of them are only bones, which looks so terrifying.

Even Feng, who has always been arrogant, saw that Ling's arm was almost useless, and couldn't help saying, "Are you sure you want to let him go like this?"

Zero naturally knew that he was referring to Betsy, and then smiled faintly: "I have promised him that if I exchange his life for something, I will naturally not kill him. Don't worry, the injury will always be healed."

Su shook his head and said, "That also depends on the injury. It might be difficult for someone like you to recover."

Zero doesn't care, in fact his memory team has already started working. These memory groups from the super life of the last epoch are generating various biological substrates, starting from repairing the nerves that have not been injured. They will regenerate Zero's arm and leave it intact. All it takes is time.

"Where's Leah?" Lingfei asked immediately, realizing that there was no girl in the team.

"Don't worry, she's okay." Su finished her work and stood up and said: "We found that you surrounded those bugs and quickly joined the battlefield. Captain Staley judged that Leah could not participate in a war of this scale. , And he also knows your relationship with her, so simply let the remaining few servants stay with her on Mount Turache. Only after the battle is over, let them return. Now, they should be coming soon, right?"

At the end of the speech, the camp was opened. A figure flashed in, and those panicked eyes swept back and forth in the tent, and after finding Zero's figure, they rushed in desperately. Ling was hugged immediately, his chest was hot, but it was wet with tears. Leah didn't cry, but after seeing Ling's finger-bone arms, big tears fell out.

"How could this happen? You hurt so badly?" Leah held the zero-injured arm, her voice trembling badly.

Zero touched her head with the other hand, and smiled gently: "It's okay, it will be all right after a while."

"If it doesn't work out, ask Victor to transplant my hand to you after I go back!" Leah said flatly.

A warm current surged in his heart, and said: "Fool, what do I want your hands to do. Besides, do you want to be a one-armed Venus?"

Warmth is surging on them, but the atmosphere on Merlin and Baltimore is very solemn.

Baltimore looked at Merlin coldly and said, "Honorable Grand Duke, I think you owe everyone an explanation. Lord Hamomis also wants to know why you acted alone and kidnapped Ademili. Now, she What about people?"

Merlin sighed: "The chief guard, the internal information is very complicated~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I can't explain it clearly for a while. The only thing I can tell you is that Ademili caught the insect king Midra again in the middle. . And this is the reason why I acted with him."

While speaking, Merlin looked towards Zero. As if sensing the gaze of the Grand Duke, he turned his head and nodded to him. Merlin sighed. After experiencing these things, he could no longer try his best to kill Zero as before. Petty's actions proved that he is not only an excellent fighter, but also a reliable comrade-in-arms who can entrust his back to him.

Perhaps things will turn for the better. Merlin thought.

At this time Baltimore jumped up: "What, Midra captured Ademili. Duke Merlin, how can you allow this to happen!"

"Don't worry, I will save Ademili back and swear by my glory." Merlin said solemnly.

The camp suddenly opened again, and a murloc swordsman stumbled in and said to Baltimore and Merlin: "Miss Adimili, Miss Adimili is back."


Merlin and Baltimore stood up together.

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