War Lord

Chapter 592: Worm

"Lavigia, and have all the **** Ludu intelligence agents caught?" The strange figure facing the window made a deep voice.

Gitaf's body trembled slightly, he didn't forget how terrifying power he easily defeated when the life claiming to be Osm appeared in front of him. The recollection was like a long nightmare, so long that it would make him tremble when he thinks about it now. So the general buried his head on his chest and replied in a buzzing voice: "My lord, just as you expected. Lavícia and Ludu had a private exchange. I have controlled them. They are now locked in a dungeon. I don’t know. What does your lord want to do with these guys?"

"Kill all the intelligence agents who are connected with Lavichia. As for the big fat bug, don't touch it for the time being. Since Ludu wants to use him to control our Kaiserlas, I will naturally use him and Gurney. Demi-human talk about some conditions." Osm sneered. In the Silent Continent that day, he buried himself in the ground and quietly absorbed Midra's genetic evolution. But he was monitoring everything on the ground at the same time. Later, when Adimili and Lavícia arrived, Osm probably guessed the cooperative relationship between the two.

This time I returned to Kaizeroth to inquire, and as expected, Lavícia suddenly became popular and became a well-known celebrity in the insect kingdom. Behind this, if there is no green, Osm will not believe it if he is killed. So after he used his evolved power to shook the top of the insect kingdom in one fell swoop, he immediately launched an action against Lavy and other intelligence agents.

"My lord, the Green Capital and Blackstone have now put forward the idea of ​​a federal civilization circle. We Katheras have not yet expressed our position. According to the adults, what should we do next?" a mantis-like insect asked in a low voice.

Osm’s middle-aged man’s face showed a grim smile: “Of course we participate, why not, this is a rare event. Of course, all green must meet our conditions. Regarding this, I’ll be nice and green. Let’s talk about it all."

His voice just fell, and suddenly, several flashes appeared from the connection outside the window. Following fireballs escalated in several corners of the swamp ring, the sound of the explosion came with the wind after a while. Osm immediately changed his face and shouted, "What's the matter?"

Naturally, none of these worms in the hall knew about it. Osm was furious and said, "Hurry up and get out of here to check!"

"Yes, sir." Gitaf said quickly. He is also a general, but he is not the flexible alien worm like Leiden. Gitaf looked like a giant unicorn with a grass-green carapace as bright as steel. He is carrying a battle axe that is the same height as his height. The battle axe itself can be disassembled with long spear and hatchet, and can also be combined with long axe. This allows Gitaf's tactics to be adjusted according to different opponents. He is good at strength and defense, but in terms of speed, he can't compare with Layden at all, and his mind is not as flexible as Layden, so he is a general, but his evaluation is much worse than that of Layden.

Now that Raiden died in the Silent Continent, he was the only general left in the insect kingdom. Gitaf naturally wanted to behave well in front of the new owner Osm. After the general left the hall, he yelled and summoned the guards to leave the castle with him. As soon as I walked out of the castle, I saw another explosion. But this ball of fire no longer appeared in the slums of the swamp ring, but from the edge of the city. As the fire column soared into the sky, Gitaf even saw a barricade flying up, and the enemy had started street fighting with the soldiers!

"Damn it, who on earth came so fast!"

From the swamp ring to the central city, the time of several explosions did not exceed 5 minutes, which shows that the enemy's advancing speed is fast. Gitaf yelled at the soldiers behind him again and again, so orders followed.

On the edge of the central city, several figures came out of the flames leisurely like a walk. At this time, in a house on the left side of the street, a soldier from the Zong Country looked out at the window. He was holding a rifle-like weapon in his hand, which was a conventional high-frequency pulse crossbow gun in the country of insects, which could fire powerful crossbow arrows. When a crossbow arrow hits an enemy, the arrow will split and inject insect poison into the enemy. In addition, when the crossbow gun is fired silently, it can be said to be a very vicious weapon.

The soldier looked at the figures outside the window and was already approaching, and he just raised his crossbow spear. Suddenly a woman inside turned to his position, and the soldier knew it was going to be bad, so he wanted to attack. In a pair of complex eyes, only a continuous bleak red light bloomed from the woman's hand, and then his head hurt and he lost any consciousness. The soldier naturally didn't know that his head and the house were chopped into pieces by a few rays of light drawn by the epee in his hand.

Then from behind the rumbling and collapsed house, a few tripworms jumped out and fell towards the people on the street with an alarming vigor. Su had a flat expression, turned the epee in his hand, swept a few landline insects with the surface of the sword like a mosquito, and then swept the insects away and crashed into some strange-shaped houses on the street. Those bugs were not cut into pieces, but the tissue in the body turned into a mass of paste by Supai, and they couldn't die anymore.

Seeing this picture, Feng stuck out his tongue and said, "Guilty girl is about to evolve into a mother beast, it's incredible."

Su turned his head and stared at Feng Leng Leng. Feng immediately turned his head and looked away, then Gu Zuo said it was up. Su also didn't have time to pay attention to him. Everywhere he looked, there were black shadows everywhere, and it was obvious that the soldiers of the insect kingdom had surrounded them.

Behind, a soldier of the Ghost Army handed a weapon that looked like a one-handed sword and said to Zero: "My lord, I know you don't need a weapon. But you should take it with you, it will be more or less useful."

He nodded, took the long sword and said, "I see."

This is a high-frequency knife used by members of the ghost force. It is very sharp and can easily tear 3 cm thick armor plates. It is a special weapon and equipment. With a high-frequency knife in his hand, he said to others: "Spread, fight freely, gather in the Worm's Nest!"

After receiving his orders, Lian Su and Feng also slew in different directions. As for the ghost players behind Ling, they kept retreating, following their figure into the air, but they turned on the invisibility function of the tactical suit. Become a real ghost.

As for Zero himself, he went straight without making any cover. At this time, the battle was already unfolding in all directions of the city, and the members of the ghosts used the tactics of wandering, fought for a while, and played around with the soldiers of the insect kingdom. The two high-ranking Su and Feng rushed across the city. After all, this was not a battlefield but an inner city. Therefore, Kaizeroth could not mobilize a large number of troops unless they wanted to demolish the city. As a result, the soldiers faced by the two were limited, and they couldn't slow them down at all.

Under Su He Feng's dazzling performance, Zero appears much lower-key. In particular, he controlled his own power at around Tier 7, which made the commander of the worm country unavoidably not paying attention to him. But Ling chose a road that leads directly to the insect fort, so there are not a few bugs that stop him.

The street can barely be called spacious, but it also seems crowded when three or two worms are squeezed in. However, the tank-like land worms still rushed towards Zero one by one, and Zero still kept the original speed and greeted the three land worms. When a big worm's leg was pierced hard, it was about to reach zero, but the next moment it pierced through the air and plunged into the road.

It froze, but zero appeared above the head. Lu Xing Worm's eyes only reflected the zero-toe tapping of his head, and he couldn't see anything after it. That's natural. When Zero one foot stepped on its head, and then jumped to another insect, the head of this land worm suddenly exploded, but the rest of the body was safe and sound. But without his head, the bug would naturally not survive, so the corpse fell staggeringly. At the same time as it fell, Zero had already passed between the other two tripworms. Between him and the insects, a cold light flickered for a few times, and then the bodies of the two insects became several segments, the cuts were as smooth as a mirror.

At this time, the high-frequency knife in the zero hand did not know when it was out of the sheath.

I didn't even look at the corpse behind him, still maintaining the seventh-order energy level, and Zero greeted more and more insects on the street. Almost every minute, insects rushed towards him from the roof, alleys, and houses. Compared to the "passion" of the insects, Zero is obviously much quieter. Every step and every turn of him is always just right. The bugs' attacks are always so bad that they can hurt zero, but it is this subtle gap that leaves zero unharmed by their attacks.

Zero's counterattack is also very simple, sometimes it is a step on the head of a bug, sometimes it is a high-frequency knife to cut off their head. There is neither the fierce style of opening and closing, which can easily break the opponent's bones; nor the continuous and gorgeous slashing of Feng. Zero's attack was simple and efficient, without wasting a trace of strength, but the corpses left behind him were no less than those of the two.

At the beginning, the insects didn't care about Zero, who only showed the power of the seventh order. However, no matter what kind of things, when accumulated to a sufficient amount can cause qualitative changes. So after Zero left hundreds of corpses, the worms began to experience fear. Zero always maintained a constant speed to advance in the direction of the insect fort, facing a soldier's attack, he also made a fatal counterattack after evading the attack. It's okay to repeat this action two or three times, but it will make people feel scared after repeating it hundreds of times. He is like a personal meat grinder, no matter how many insects are sent, he will be strangled by zero, leaving only a corpse behind him in vain.

In this way, Ling dignified all the way to kill, leaving behind him a **** path in the true sense. It's just that it's all the blood of bugs.

After knocking out the last interception point of the insect army, Zero had already seen the insect fort. His hand shook, and the flesh and blood on the high-frequency knife flew out, then raised his head, and said, "Midra, come out! Don't let the soldiers die. It is meaningless to do so."

His voice was not high, but he kept reverberating in the sky above the insect fort, and in the end it was as if there were hundreds of zeros talking at the same time.

Osm snorted and slammed into the window. He broke the window and fell to the ground with a silver trail. Waving his hand to make Gitaf retreat, Osm stepped forward and said: "I'm so sorry, Midra is dead. Now I Osm is the new owner of Kaiserlas!"

"Oh, this surprised me a bit." Zero calmly looked at the bug that was somewhat similar to Midra, and a strange golden symbol appeared in his right eye, and then Osm's body structure was inside. One by one in Zero’s brain. The whole process took only a few seconds, and Zero said: "It turns out that you have absorbed Midra. No wonder you have the characteristics that are very similar to it in structure."

Osm grinned and said: "Similar? You are wrong, I have surpassed Midra, and have power that it never knew."

"That's none of my business." Ling shook his head, and said, "Please hand over our friend Mr. Lavichia."

"Do you want that fat guy Lavichia? No, no, no, I think you made a mistake. He is my important weight now, so how can I just give it to you." The Blackrock Temple jointly launched the idea of ​​the Confederate Civilization Circle. You see, as long as you meet some of our conditions, we in Kaizeroth will agree to become a member of this alliance."

"Oh, what do you want?"

"I know that you will provide technical support for the Nethresian Shield to the alliance city, but the city will need to pay a fee, isn't it?"

"indeed so."

"Then, we hope to waive this fee. At the same time, we want the complete information of Nethrace's Shield! If we agree to this condition~www.wuxiaspot.com~Kaiserlas will immediately join the alliance!" Osm laughed road.

Ling looked at him coldly and said, "I think you made a few mistakes. First, although Lavígia is our friend, he is not worthy of me to exchange information with Nethrace’s Shield. , Unless my brain is broken; second, the so-called alliance is based on mutual respect, and your wild asking price obviously does not meet this criterion; third, in fact, I have a simpler way. That is to kill You, we will help Mr. Lavichia to be the leader of the worm country, and Kaiserlas will join the federation as well, won’t it?"

Osm laughed: "Is this what you call an alliance? The new king of the green capital, did you use this method to obtain the alliance city?"

Zero also smiled: "I'm not a philanthropist, so I can't tolerate an ill-intentioned ally asking me wildly. At the same time, I have already said that the foundation of the alliance is mutual respect. And all you want is benefits, as for means. Sorry. In these turbulent times, I’m not naive enough to think that everything can be solved in an honest way. Besides, facing a despicable opponent like you, I don’t mind using a bit of darker art."

"So in other words, the negotiation broke down?" Osm sneered: "Actually, I also have a simple method, that is to kill you and myself and become the leader of this federation!"

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