War Lord

Chapter 594: Abandoned Country 2

("How could this be?" Osm pushed away a stone furiously, gritted his teeth, and didn't know if he was asking zero or himself.

Hao Hao looked at him in his spare time and didn't answer. He has basically figured out the character of this worm, and he doesn't know where he got Midra's gene and evolved into what it is now. If compared with the previous insect king, this Osm did not have a significant increase in strength, but it did surpass Midra in terms of speed. The sub-light speed rush is not blowing. The previous blow pushed himself into the castle and caused serious damage to the bones. That is indeed the force that bursts under the sub-light rush.

Comparing speed with him? Zero can't do it by himself, but he also has his own advantages. The symbol of the prophet in the right eye has undergone a subtle change long ago, and a small silver inscription is added around the main golden symbol, which is a sign of the advancement of the prophet's ability. Stepping into the ninth level, even the power of the golden right eye of zero has further deepened. The prophet advanced to the second-order limit calculation, and the structure detection also deepened the ability of gene detection. At the same time, Zero already faintly felt that a new ability was about to appear, which was a precursor to the opening of the fourth-order genetic lock of the golden right eye as his ability improved.

And just now, zero started the limit calculation. That is, after Golden Right Eye collects all the data of the current environment and opponents, the accuracy of the prophet's derivation ability is increased to 100%. With the help of this ability, although Zero could not keep up with Osm's speed, he could calculate his dashing trajectory to evade, but he could do it. Of course, the greater the capacity, the more expensive it is.

In addition to consuming a lot of energy, the second-order ability of the prophet is only maintained for about one-third of that of the prophet. With zero current strength, the prophet can be used continuously for about a minute, while the limit calculation is only 20 seconds up and down. Although the time was short, it was enough for him. He didn't expect to defeat Osm in such a short time, but it was enough for him to plant the seeds of defeat for this bug.

Osm didn't believe in evil, so he yelled and launched a sub-light speed advancing again. It can be seen that this ability consumes energy very much, which can be seen from the fact that the insect's whole body is lit up like a light bulb before it activates the ability. That requires the use of all the biological energy in the body to achieve such an astonishing speed, and the time from Osm’s whole body light to turning into a torrent attack is very short, probably less than 1 second, but it is zero enough to calculate the limit of the opponent. The location of the rush into the track. So a simple side shift once again failed Osm's attack.

"It's useless..." Ling shook his head and turned to look at the figure who crashed into the warehouse of the castle and was embarrassed: "This kind of ability is really good. Soon, it will be so difficult for the top powers to react. . But have you ever thought about it, those who stand at the tenth, eleventh, or even the highest rank. They are fully capable of raising the speed to your level, but I have never heard of anyone who actually raises the speed to the level. This level. Why? Because there is no tactical value!"

"Fart!" Osm roared: "No matter what, when something is pure to the extreme, it is the supreme power. When the speed is so fast that the opponent can't react, I am the winner!"

"I can't keep up with your speed, but did you win? I think it's the opposite. This kind of sub-light speed is not as troublesome as your phantom offensive just now. Do you know why? Because of that. Although the offensive slows down the speed, it enhances the flexibility. Unlike now, you can only run rampant. What kind of attack is the best to predict, just like you, as long as you evade your dashing trajectory, you can only fight as fast as you can. Mid-air." Zero sneered: "Don't talk about the strong people above the tenth rank, even if I am, I can improve the agility to the extreme if I want, and the speed should not be much slower than you. Does that make sense? The extreme Probably only used to escape to show its value, right?"

What Zero wants to say is balance, and this world is not a person who does not have a certain ability purely to the extreme. Like Tyre, now there is this Osm again. But Tir was pure strength, but sacrificed speed. Similarly, Osm specializes in speed, but at the expense of flexibility. These are all costs, and there is never a free lunch in the world.

Ten will be reduced in one effort? This statement is true, but the force in it does not refer to strength alone, but a comprehensive force. Of course, this is not talking about strength, agility and defense, and various abilities go hand in hand. In theory, this is naturally the best, but no one can do both. Therefore, most of the strong will focus on the cultivation of one of the abilities, but it also needs to be supplemented by the other one or two abilities.

Take Zero as an example, the main combat method is "gun fighting technique", the auxiliary ability is Tier 6 agility and shadow jumping, and the secret weapon is to derive the power of nothingness. This way, there is a master and a trump card, which is a complete tactical system. Like Tyr or Osm, focusing on a certain ability while ignoring other auxiliary abilities is simply undesirable. When they meet the real strong and touch their weaknesses, they will lose faster and more miserably.

Osm has a fierce temper and did not inherit the insidiousness of the Insect King at the same time because of the absorption of Midra's genes. But he was not stupid, and soon figured out the key. Instead, he calmed down, and then spit out a word from his mouth: "You are right, but there is no absoluteness in the world. It is not that there is no way to balance speed and flexibility..."

The whole body began to emit a flame of energy again, and it rushed forward again at the speed of sub-light. Zero frowned and wondered how this bug still intends to use this ability with obvious shortcomings and advantages. But he was not idle either, the limit calculation instantly got Osm's dashing orbit. Zero moved away like a prophet, and the insect had already passed by with the powerful silver light.

But this time, zero suddenly had hair on her whole body. Then, in his eyes, Osmben's figure that had gone far away actually split another line and circled to the right of Zero. At this time, Zero has no time for strain.

"Caught you." Osm grinned, his fist already falling on Zero's face.

The castle shook suddenly, and then suddenly a smoke dragon flew out in the direction of the southwest corner, bringing with it countless rubble. In it, Zero fell out, fell heavily to the ground and bounced again, rolling again. After rolling out for more than ten meters, he bounced again, then adjusted his posture in the air and squatted to the ground, but still had to press his hands on the ground, grab a deep gully and slide back three meters before finally stopping.

Zero's right face was already red and swollen, and the white part of his right eye was severely congested. Blood was constantly pouring from his mouth and then dripping to the ground, which made Osm's punch in the sub-light speed really uncomfortable.

In the castle, Osm jumped out, the middle-aged man with a grinning smile on his face, looking at Zero as if he was looking at a corpse: "I see it, even in the sub-light speed, I can do it. Adjust the attack. So your theory, let me go to hell. No, it should be said to go to **** with you!"

Indeed, Osm did it, but it was not without a price. Forcibly changing the position while advancing at the sub-light speed, formed a very huge pressure on his body. With Osm's physique, he can use up to two more attacks like this. After this number of times, his body will not be able to bear it, and will collapse!

But in his opinion, two such opportunities are enough.

"Next time, I'm going to dig out your heart, if you have that kind of thing." Osm raised his hand, and his body lit up with energy again.

Lean forward and push forward with all strength.

The zero limit calculation has exceeded the use time limit, he can only roll aside intuitively, and let the silver light torrent pass by. But this is not an evasion made under extreme calculations after all, and errors are unavoidable. Therefore, his shoulders were gently rubbed against Yin Guang, but this was no different from being touched by a high-speed train, even worse. Without any suspense, Zero flew out. At this time, Osm, who had clearly arrived on the other side, changed his direction, and headed towards Zero with the glorious light of death!

If it is hit, the consequences will be disastrous. At this moment, Zero's black hair rose slightly, and at the same time an invisible wave expanded rapidly, covering an area of ​​500 square meters in an instant. Osm also felt the volatility, but the world still didn't change anything because of it. So he did not change his castration, but seeing that he was about to hit zero, Osm just hit a gravel at his feet.

This kind of probability can be said to be infallible, and it is only necessary to put it in normal times. But at such a fast speed, even the smallest mistake could lead to completely different consequences, so Osm deviated from the original trajectory, completely rushed out from the left side of zero, and crashed into Gitav. In the army of insect soldiers. In a intensive crash, all the bugs including Gitaf flew out like a bottle hit by a bowling ball~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But Osm is the most dangerous bowling ball, so except for Gita Outside the husband, the rest of the insect soldiers basically killed him with one blow. As for the general, although he was not dead, he was hit by the beetle and cracked, and he couldn't get up for a while.

Osm turned around furiously, and said coldly: "Don't be happy, your little life will only be kept for a while!"

"Really? But I dare to bet you, today, I won't die here anyway." Zero said provocatively.

Osm snorted and came again suddenly. There was no gravel to block the way this time, but for some reason, when the feet crossed one time, the toe of the right toe gently rubbed the heel of the left foot. So a funny scene appeared on the battlefield, Osm really turned into a bowling ball, dragging a silver flame tail and sliding out from zero.

If one mistake is acceptable, then this one is simply absurd. There is no ninth-order powerhouse who would trip over his own foot while moving, which is simply unlucky. If the relationship is not zero, Osm would not believe that he was killed. Suddenly, he remembered the invisible wave that Ling had just released.

"Did you find it?" Ling smiled: "Then, as the opponent who came to my field for the first time, please allow me to say to you, welcome to this country abandoned by the world..."

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