War Lord

Chapter 600: Return to Asgart

Three cars were driving on the wilderness.

An armored command vehicle, two off-road vehicles, these three vehicles drove from the west, and just passed the silver frost dense forest. You can reach Asgart in two days. On the command car, Zero was driving, with Leah sitting next to him, and Bereen, Haiwei, Ye Liu, and two engineers from Ludu. In the off-road vehicles on the left and right, they are Feng, Su, Brown and Wolf King Kayton. Behind Brown's car, there was something like a boiler tied to it. That's actually the force field processor of Nethreath's Shield, and it's also the core of the purification device. With it, assembling and connecting with some other materials, you can make the purifying force field work.

This force field processor was recently produced together with the device used in the Mobistone market, with green production capacity, and such a processor can only be produced one per month. But the most important core converter needs to use a rare substance, which Ludu calls it the "sky stone". It was a kind of spar with a crystal clear body and a blue color like the sky. This kind of spar is not a natural mineral. They are one of the resources found in the sacred ruins of Ludu. They are non-renewable items with one less. So far, there is no specific method to produce this sky stone, which limits the production of force field processors.

The nascent civilization circle in the western tundra has begun to get on track. Even if there is no Zero, Ademili and Merlin can handle everything. So Ling went to Asgart with a force field processor and two Greentown engineers. He planned to talk to Douglas about cooperation and handle some personal affairs at the same time. For example, some important people from Horizon Company, such as Dr. Cord, Eva, and Dr. Victor, are transferred out of Asgart. Another is Beyonce, after experiencing Tyre, Zero is no longer worried about letting Beyonce stay alone in Asgartri.

Now he is no longer the zero before the expedition, he already has the strength to protect his important people. What's more, there is still a lack of a family like Black Rose in Ludu. Zero Hope Beyonce moved to the Green Capital with her family, and then used the Black Rose family's business experience to promote the economy of the Green Capital and the entire Federation. Moreover, whether it is cooperation with Asgart or the further expansion of the entire Federal Civilization Circle, a financial institution is needed to operate. Let Beyonce manage her finances, and Zero feels relieved.

In this westward march, zero gains are still more than losses. Compared to Tyr's death in battle, the golden battle axe lost at least one-third of its strength, and the destruction of the hammer of low-level abilities is completely annihilated. With only seven or eight servants left with Zero, there is no loss. On the contrary, he has also gained a kingdom, and now he is the invisible leader of the Western Federation, and that loss is almost negligible.

It is precisely because of the damage to the two Asgart legions that Zero would choose to discuss cooperation with Douglas at this time. After all, giving charcoal in snow is always more impressive than icing on the cake. Besides, it is good for Asgart to form an ally of the Western Federation.

In addition to zero, everyone else has their own gains. If the zero mix is ​​good, they will naturally not be bad. But for Feng and others, their gains are more reflected in the advancement. In this tundra war, each of them has gained a lot of evolution points. Feng and Su had already been promoted to the ninth rank, both were the ninth rank, and the two were different. Feng strengthened the skill of cutting off opponent's energy, and newly generated the exclusive ability "energy fault", so that opponents facing Maple can only use explosive skills, and all continuous output methods will be eliminated before his energy fault. Useful place. As for the element, although it did not form a new ability, but fortunately experienced the second shock, and generated the domain "flame of war."

War Flame belongs to a relatively ordinary domain, and it acts on the domain of one's body like the power of Tyr's gods. When opening the battle flame domain, Su’s body including weapons will be enveloped with a golden flame, which makes Su appear more majestic, and at the same time, it will produce about 30% of the basic qualities of Shengsu’s power, defense, and speed. Increase. The amount of increase is far less exaggerated than the power of the gods, but it is better than balance, and the long lasting will not cause additional burden on the body. If Su activated the destruction stance in the state of war flames, the overall combat power would increase by 50%. After a fight with Su in the state of full combat power, Maple was even more sure that this woman possessed the essence of a female Tyrannosaurus.

As for the others, Hai Wei has already advanced to the seventh rank, only one step away from the martial arts master of the eighth rank. Ye Liu successfully advanced to the rank of Night Dancer, which is a high-level career for Dark Night Messenger. The newly generated abilities dark step and gallop, the former strengthens Ye Liu's invisibility ability, and the latter allows her to increase her movement speed within a certain period of time. As for the offensive ability, "Elise's Trap" is a net of heaven and earth that is hard to be detected with dark energy lines in a 100-meter square space around him. The trap has two states, one is the hidden state, which uses the ubiquitous dark energy to make it dim, slow, toxins and other negative effects on the opponent who enters the trap. And through the energy thread, the night dancer can sense the opponent's movements and make countermeasures. The other is a runaway state similar to the sound of death, where all energy lines are revealed and violently trembles all targets in the area are cut in disorder.

It can be said that after being promoted to the night dancer, Ye Liu seemed to have reached the master level in assassination.

Berion and Brown have also been promoted to the two high-level professions of Thunder Dominator and Heavy Artillery Master.

The Thunder Master further strengthens the ability of the Thunder Hand, especially the ability to match the two positional destructive abilities of the fire system's natural disasters, the rain of the ice system, and the ice system's frost nova-the generation of Thunder Fury, making Belion become on the battlefield. A human-shaped fort that scares the enemy.

As for Brown's heavy artillery control, he has strengthened his control over heavy weapons. If Brown wants to, he can now use the anti-aircraft gun as a sniper rifle. It's just that, compared with others, the master of heavy artillery belongs to the more common profession in the high-level. And Brown's potential ends here. He can't go further on the road of ability, but Zero needs his ability in army management and tactical command. These abilities are more valuable than his power itself.

In this way, Ling rushed to Asgart with two ninth ranks, several high ranks and others. Speaking of which, these three vehicles were specially reserved for Zero to return to Asgart when Sol was about to leave, or else there was really no means of transportation that could travel long distances in Ludu. Therefore, when he arrived at the Asgart boundary two days later, Ling Xian returned to his base in the wilderness, first notified Thor of his arrival, and then asked Thor to make an appointment with Douglas on the afternoon of the same day. Go alone.

Returning to the city of Asgart, Zero was quite moved. This city can be said to be an important turning point in his life. When he first came to this city, he, like most people in the city, could only look up to its glory. And now, when he returned to this underground city, Zero was already able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the few people who overlooked the city. From looking up to overlooking is a journey from low to high. But the world in Ling's heart is far more than just overlooking the city.

After a regular entry check, Zero met Sol. Doomhammer's legionnaire still looked lazy, and the blond man stood so loosely across the ground, he didn't even have the aura of legionnaire. People who don't know might think of him as a drunk in those bars, but who knows that it is such a seemingly unemployed man who leads a brave army to conquer north and south. Of course, Doomhammer exists in name only, and it will probably take a long time to return to its former fluorescence.

After passing the checkpoint, Sol bluntly jumped onto Zero's off-road vehicle, and then patted Zero on the shoulder and said: "I am very happy to see you back, really. Let's go, do you remember how to get to the main hall? I have notified my father, he is waiting for you in his office."

"Your injury?"

Zero asked casually while driving the car.

Sol waved his hand and said, "It's okay, but you. I heard that the tundra has been very lively in the past two months."

Although the army withdrew, it was impossible for Sol not to leave his eyes behind. So it's not surprising that he knew what happened in the tundra, and Zero just said indifferently, "It's nothing, just a little trouble."

"It's not a trivial matter to be able to unify the alien races of the tundra, right?" Saul said with a smile, but didn't continue to talk to Zero in this regard.

The car was driving on the highway in Asgart, and Zero Perceived that the atmosphere in the city seemed a little tense. Ordinary citizens are rarely seen on the road, but the army and tanks come and go frequently. He wondered: "Are you preparing for a battle?"

"Yeah." Saul said with a smile: "While you were busy driving those alien races together~www.wuxiaspot.com~ we were not idle either. I got the news after I returned to Asgart. ..."

"The Dark Council has declared war on us." Saul casually uttered the news that surprised Zero.

"Declare war?" Ling said in surprise: "Didn't the parliament and Asgart have signed a peace treaty? Why, they broke the agreement?"

"What's so strange about it. I didn't fight before because both sides were badly injured. Now I have basically recovered. Grandpa Oglock probably can't sit still anymore. He just found an excuse to start a war against us. This is not true. , The city on the coastline is said to have been eaten up by the council.” Sol’s tone sank and said: “I know you made a small investment on the coastline before. Now, regardless of people or material, it is paid to the dark council. Go. But now, you shouldn’t mind the loss."

Hearing these words, Zero thought of Master. At this time when the Dark Council declared war on Asgart, the wilderness agent might have encountered an accident. He sighed secretly in his heart, but said nothing. Because he had known for a long time that life would be as cheap as grass when the war came together. Master died today, and tomorrow may be someone else, even himself.

Who knows?

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