War Lord

Chapter 618: Lion and sheep

[Thanks to Lin Fu, very tiger, rattles, little pig, watching the moon and the sea and several big monthly tickets for their support! 】

In the palm of his hand was a necklace made of shells and the bones of an unknown water beast. Franklin looked at it quietly. The sea breeze shook his hair, and on a mast behind him, the flag of the Silver Hook pirate ship was still flying. Franklin's figure was cast on this pirate ship like an iron tower, becoming an inescapable shadow in the hearts of more than a dozen pirates surviving on the ship.

Oh no. Since Franklin became the captain, they have changed from pirates to sailors.

Leaving that small island, the Silver Hook sailed out to sea, but did not engage in a murder and robbery business for more than a month. Franklin obviously didn't have the slightest idea about this. The new captain rushed to Roaring Bay with all his heart, and the sailors on the ship knew exactly what kind of place it was.

There are countless sea whirlpools in Roaring Bay, although they are not comparable to the great whirlpool called the Gate of the Abyss, but they are more numerous. They create complex and changeable undercurrents in the sea, and it would be difficult to drive the ship without a helmsman who is familiar with that area. In addition, a large number of pirates gathered near the Roaring Vortex, and they repeatedly failed the Knights of the Seal by virtue of their natural dangers.

Among those pirates, there are the four biggest forces. They are the tiger shark, the walrus, the water monster and the iron scale pirate group. These four pirate regiments control the entire Roaring Bay. They not only have fierce pirates, but also capable people, and even have power armor. There are rumors among the pirates that they are secretly cultivated by the rebels, but this rumor has not been confirmed. The only thing that is certain is that these four pirate groups are strong, and even the Holy Seal Knights can't help them.

If you want to annihilate these pirates, you can only bring them to land, and then use the power armor to forcefully annihilate them. Otherwise, on the sea, even the most terrifying Knights of the Round Table transferred from the Knights of the Seal would not be able to fight in such an environment in the sea.

Of course, Franklin would not care about the grievances between the pirates and the Pope’s Hall. He is more concerned about how to reach Istar through Roaring Bay.

He put the strange necklace on his hand to his neck, which was given by Anilu. After killing Silver Hook and capturing the pirate ship, Franklin prepared to leave the island the next day. On the edge of the dock, Ainilu gave him this necklace as a souvenir.

Franklin would never forget the first girl who was so kind to him after waking up, even if there might be no chance to see him again in the future. But as long as he wears the necklace by his side, he will not forget every day and night on the island.

When my thoughts were still in the memory, I suddenly heard a sailor yelling: "Alert! A warship of the Knights of the Seal was found ahead!"

Franklin returned to his senses, the soft light in his eyes disappeared, and the expression in his eyes became extremely awe-inspiring. He raised his eyes and saw that there were indeed two warships parked on the sea ahead. Both of them are medium-sized ships, hybrid-powered ships using wind and manpower. The black muzzles on the ship were lined up facing Franklin, and the flags of the Knights on the two warships were blowing in the wind while the sea breeze was stirring.

A sailor shouted: "Captain, it's too late for us to get around!"

"No, rush forward, we have no retreat!" Franklin roared out desperate words for all sailors.

Using the Silver Hook to attack two well-equipped warships, no matter how you look at it, you are going to die. What is even more desperate is that flashes of light appeared on the two warships far away. It was metal reflecting the sky. A sailor saw in the telescope that four Griffon riders appeared on the Knights' warship, and suddenly shouted: "No, they also have power armor on board!"

At this time, on the left side of the warship, a man with the appearance of an officer also put down his telescope sneered: "Is that Harry the Silver Hook's ship? It came just right, Griffin Rider, sink this ship for me!"

The Griffin Rider is an improved second-generation power armor capable of low-altitude short-range flight. It is possible to carry out air strikes in a small area at sea, and the cruising distance is short, but it is more than enough for the two sides to fight within the visible range.

Under the command of the commander, the Griffin riders on the decks of the two warships soared into the sky, and the thrusters behind the power armor spewed long flame tails, causing them to pierce through the air like a large missile to the Silver Hook.

The silver hook frightened, the sailors were shocked: "Here, it's the Griffin Rider. Oh my God, there are four, four power armors!"

Seeing that the Griffin Rider was about to come to the sky above the pirate ship, two blood-red energy beams suddenly exploded from the Silver Hook. The two energy beams drew a semicircle on the sea surface and declared their disappearance. Then, four fireballs exploded over the sea surface. Then, amidst the roaring explosion, the shock wave blew up large waves and flew away with the wind!

"What's that?" The officer shouted, "They have beam weapons? It's impossible!"

The sailors on the Silver Hook were also shocked. One of the sailors looked at Franklin, just in time to see the red light in his eyes gradually fading. Franklin ignored him, just shouted: "What are you doing in a daze, raise the sails, and go forward with all your strength!"

"Yes!" The sailors just woke up like a dream, and then they became busy.

They raised the two sails on the ship, and the Silver Hook was in a downwind position, and immediately the two sails were full of wind and propelled the pirate ship through the waves. The Silver Hook passed the rain of fire from the explosion of the Griffin Rider, and launched a suicidal impact straight on the two warships.

On the warship, the commander of the Knights roared: "Blast! Sink this ship for me!"

The roaring artillery sounded one after another, one after another, one after another, shot through the air, and fell on the sea with a sharp whistling, causing water columns near and in front of the Silver Hook to explode! On the Silver Hook, the hull shook violently, and the sailors turned green. Some even crossed their chests, regaining the faith that had been forgotten for a long time.

Franklin stared like a torch, only calculating the distance between the ships of both sides. When the distance was shortened to a value he expected, the giant ran on the deck. The short assisted artillery made the Silver Hook sway more severely. When it came to the bow of the ship, Franklin leaped up, and the huge force stepped on the bow of the ship to the surface of the water. The Silver Hook, which was originally going downwind, even slipped back a little on the surface of the sea, causing a few shells that should have fallen on the ship to blast into the water reluctantly, bringing up a few new water jets in vain!

Not only the sailors on the ship opened their mouths, but even the officers and soldiers on the Knights of the Seal were also stunned. In their eyes, a black object carried a gale across the sea between the two ships, and then fell like a cannonball onto the ship's deck! Franklin bent down, his big feet, not knowing how many decks the plow had flew, and finally stopped near the edge of the hull.

Then he straightened up slowly and said lightly: "Landing safely."

The officer reacted, pointing at Franklin and shouting, "Kill this monster, hurry!"

So the soldiers on the deck of the ship raised their guns and shot, but Franklin was already running. Regardless of his size, he does not move slowly at all, and most of the soldiers' shots missed. Even if he was lucky enough to shoot him, the bullets of these light machine guns were nothing but tickles to the giant. Franklin circled the boat and suddenly rushed to a mast in the middle of the boat.

He plunged his fingers into the mast, roared again, and lifted his whole body forcefully. The entire hull shook sharply, and waves continued to sway from the water. At last Franklin roared like a sonic boom, shaking all the soldiers staggering like drunk, and everyone's ears were bleeding. But the giant took the opportunity to pull up the mast, and then flung it sideways. Like a baseball player in the old days, Franklin swung the large bat to sweep out the dozens of names on the boat.

I saw the mast passing by, sweeping the ship's fence, and all the soldiers rubbed by it vomited blood, and all fell into the sea under the ship. Franklin chuckled and swept back and forth several times. There were almost no people standing on the deck.

At this moment, the gun body came from behind, and the thick back was shot immediately. Franklin looked back, but the soldiers on the right side of the warship opened fire on him. Among them, a heavy Paladin armor came out of the cabin, and was lifting the loaded machine gun to prepare to fire. Franklin immediately turned around, sprinted, and jumped high when he reached the stern. He jumped over the warship on the right hand side, the mast was straight down, and he let out a loud roar and slammed the mast down!

The soldiers on the ship only felt that the shadow in their eyes was expanding, and finally the mast pierced straight against the body of the Paladin's armor, and Franklin directly pressed the mast and the Paladin's armor down the hull. When he touched the ground with his feet, the mast showed only a small section on the deck. The warship suddenly made a thrilling crackling sound. With the mast in the center, there were two distorted cracks each spreading and extending. In the end, it rumbling, and the huge ship was broken from the middle. Both sides of the ship were tilted up high, causing the soldiers on the ship to slide into the water screaming.

Franklin smiled coldly, climbed to the tip of the ship with his hands and feet in an instant, and then jumped back to the original warship.

At this time, the cabin of the warship burst suddenly, and a Paladin armor came out from it. In the armored cockpit, the previous officer had a distorted expression, manipulating the cannon to shoot at Franklin, and shouting: "I'm going to kill you, you monster!"

Machine guns are no more powerful than light machine guns, and Franklin's perverted defensive power is unwilling to hit with this terrible weapon. So he ran, using irregular movements to miss the opponent's shot. He ran to the edge of the boat on the left and jumped out of the water. The Paladin armor chased after him and shot at the water. Shuttle bullets hit the surface of the sea continuously bouncing water columns, but I don't know if Franklin was shot.

After a round of shooting, the officer panted and looked at the water, looking for signs of Franklin. Suddenly there was a crackling sound from behind the mecha, and the commander immediately controlled the mecha to turn around, and saw numerous debris from the deck flying up, and Franklin rushed under the deck like a demon. The giant raised his arms and threw his fists down in a loud roar. An iron fist hit the driver's cabin, and the tempered hollow glass of the driver's cabin burst immediately!

Franklin's pair of iron fists hit the officers of the Knight Order, and a sound of broken bones sounded, and the officers suddenly became fleshy. The out-of-control mecha stopped on the deck. Franklin's eyes lit up red, and two energy beams shot out. As he flicked his head, the energy beam slid across the deck, immediately marking the warship into Two cuts.

When he jumped back on the Silver Hook, the warship exploded, forming a huge fireball over the sea. Flames lifted up into the sky with debris, and sparks fluttered in the wind, reflecting Franklin's eyes. The giant pointed his finger in front of the two sunken warships and said loudly: "Go!"

"Yes!" On the silver hook, the sailor cried like waves. Everyone was infuriated, they had never thought that the mighty Knights of the Seal would be defeated by their captain in this way.

Xizhou mainland, New Roman City.

In the strategic command room of the Pope's Hall, Sauron looked like an angry lion. He is at the golden age of his life, and both power and power are at their peak. When he was angry, no one dared to look at him directly, so twenty or thirty officers in the room bowed their heads and scolded.

Sauron roared: "How long have I wanted you gangsters to do? You can't even find a beast!"

At this time, the door of the command room opened, and a young and graceful man walked in. He was wearing a black and gold papal robe, behind him was a **** red blood, a circle of white feathers embedded in the neck guard, a golden crown with jewels on his head, and a handful of carvings on his hands. The golden battle of angels. With the arrival of the young, all the officers except Sauron took off their hats and knelt to the ground.

This is the standard etiquette for meeting the pope, and in the entire New Roman city, only Sauron does not kneel.

"Uncle Sauron, what are you talking about?" the young man said vigorously.

The young man who is only twenty years old and has a childish face is today's Pope Paul VI. Following him is a team of knights with bright stomachs and gun shields. Seeing Paul coming, Sauron snorted coldly: "My lord Pope, I remember this time, you should be learning horse riding and fencing? Why come to the command room when you have time?"

The young pope laughed and said, "Uncle Sauron, I have heard that pirates have been rampant recently. I'm here to see if there is anything I can do to help?"

"Help?" Sauron laughed, until Paul's face began to feel a little uncontrollable. He gradually reduced his laughter, and anyone who knew him knew that Sauron would laugh so happily when he was murdering or angry. The louder he laughs, the greater the anger in his heart. Sure enough, Sauron's voice turned cold and said: "The Pope wants to help me is false, is it true to blame my ability?"

Paul suddenly changed his face and said hurriedly, "No...nothing, Uncle Sauron, you are too sensitive."

"Sensitive?" Sauron snorted coldly, and suddenly the saber was unsheathed from his waist, and a cold light flashed through it, dazzling Paul. When the light dissipated, the sword lay on the pope's neck.

The young pope's face turned green with fright, his legs fell on the ground and his body trembled. Seeing this, Sauron said lightly: "My lord Pope, the pirates are murderous murderers. Let us handle their rough work. You just need to stay in the Pope's hall, nowhere. You don’t have to go either. Do you understand that to say that?"

"I know, I know." Paul hurriedly said.

Sauron waved his hand and said, "If you know, go out. It's time to learn how to ride."

"Ok...Okay." Paul stood up with the help of a knight, and then left the command room in embarrassment with the team of knights he had brought with him.

After the pope left, one of Sauron's close associates whispered, "My lord, is there something wrong with the pope's face openly in this way?"

"Is it wrong?" Sauron sneered: "A sword scared him out of waste. It is not thanks to me to be able to live a pampered life in the papal hall. I am a lion, and he is a sheep in my captivity. If the lion doesn’t eat the sheep, the sheep should be grateful. Could it be that the lion will give him face? What a big joke!"

"Yes, my lord said it very true." The cronie immediately shut up and stopped discussing this topic in depth.

Outside the command room, the knight who was holding the Pope trembling with anger just now said in a deep voice: "My Pope, the rebel Sauron has blatantly insulted you. With this breath, his subordinates can't swallow it anyway. As long as the lord orders, I I am willing to kill this rebel for your lord!"

Other knights also responded.

Shang's childish face slowly pulled out a calm smile, straightened his body, and straightened the crown, the young pope's eyes were electric, how could he look half-wimpy just now. He said lightly: "Sauron naturally has this kind of capital. Now that the entire city of Rome is covered with one hand, how can he put me as the pope in his eyes. Didn't you listen to him? He said he is a lion and I am a sheep, he He doesn't care about me at all. But that's what I want. You must not act rashly and bear with it. After a while, Sauron will know how stupid it is to despise this lamb of me!"

"Yes, my lord."

In the command room, the light screen on the wall received a request for a call. Sauron winked, and since someone passed the request, a man appeared in the light screen ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but it was Sine, the head of the third division of the Holy Seal Knights. He habitually turned the broken ring at his tail finger, and seemed to be thinking about something before the communication was established, his vision was far-reaching.

"Captain Signe, I hope you have good news to tell me. To be honest, these few days are really terrible, the news I got is really worse than the other." Sauron opened his hands.

On the screen, Signe sighed and said: "Then I can only tell you one more bad news. In the morning, we had two warships sunk by the pirates."

Sauron's face sank as expected, but the head of the division said: "But it was someone we all knew each other who sank the warship."

"Oh, who is it?"

Signe said indifferently: "Our crazy Mr. Beast, this is the record found on the armor of one of the destroyed Paladins. Now I will send it to you."

Then a file transfer sign appeared below. After Sauron received it, a video appeared on the light screen. What catches everyone's eyes is the scene of the Paladin's mech shooting frantically, a flaming chain of bullets blasted from the organ shells chasing a tall figure. When the picture freezes, Franklin, who is shouting loudly, appears on the light screen like this!

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