War Lord

Chapter 625:  Indigenous?

In the otherwise calm sea, the waves gradually intensified and surged, and the waves that hit the Destiny sometimes even splashed onto the ship's side deck. All the aquatic creatures seemed to sense that the storm was about to come, and they all sank into the sea, even the king whale the size of an island. There was a long-lasting loud cry on the sea, and the giant beasts in the sea swam into the seabed to escape the storm.

The Destiny also began to sail to the left of the sea, and an island was floating not far in front of it. The area of ​​the island is not small, it is long and narrow. Roughly estimated, the length of the head and tail is nearly 100 kilometers long. From a distance, the island has large forests and towering mountains, which is a natural haven.

At this time, the sky near the sea horizon was as dark as ink. In the thunderbolt of lightning, a pillar of wind was peeked from the clouds above, slowly causing the waves on the sea to start to rotate. In the end, the wind column connects the sky and the earth, and then expands, forming a twisted and strong tornado. Tornadoes continue to grow stronger, and with the appearance of squally showers, the entire sea is almost like the end of the world. Even if the Destiny is still a long distance from the sea horizon, but the hull has already begun to shake violently, it is not difficult for the people on the ship to feel the violent aura of destruction in the storm.

Finally, before the storm arrived, Destiny drove to the shallows near the island. The sailor anchored, but it was not enough. The men of Zero and Feng personally pulled the cable connecting the ship to the island, and used steel piles to plunge deep into the ground to secure the ship, so as not to be taken away from the island by strong winds and violent waves. After doing this, Ling looked up to the sky.

The entire sky became completely dark, and then the storm came, and the sky even rained hail. Ling quickly roared: "Go back to the boat, hurry!"

Even they are not willing to be completely exposed to such storms with strong radiation. Everyone nodded. At this time, the sound of the wind was already loud, and the whole world was filled with the roar of the violent wind, and the mouth alone could not convey any information. So everyone said nothing, and returned to the Destiny in silence. As soon as he entered the Destiny, a sailor immediately took a hand-held purifier and took a picture of several people. After the machine showed that the radiation levels of several people reached the safety standard, the instrument was put away and returned to the control room. The lights flickered, and the faces of the people on the ship were gloomy.

This is the first time they have encountered such a large-scale storm since they went to sea. The Destiny has shut down most of its engines, and the steel wings on both sides have also been folded close to the hull. The whole ship is constantly up and down on the sea, and the violent turbulence makes everyone very uncomfortable. Through the external light screen of Destiny, everyone on board saw the huge tornado slowly passing by the sea near the island. This whirlwind is so huge that it can be quite small compared to Destiny. can be ignored.

Everyone couldn't help but rejoice, but fortunately, they took shelter in this harbor first. Otherwise, if they meet on the orbit of the whirlwind, the Destiny will be twisted in an instant, and the people on the ship will not be spared. In the face of this terrifying power of heaven and earth, even a ninth-order powerhouse like Zero could not get any benefits.

In the end, after nearly an hour of wind and rain, the terrifying tornado finally went away. But the sky did not clear up as a result, but the rain became even worse. Various detection instruments on the Destiny have shown that the energy and magnetic field of this sea area is extremely unstable. It is possible that this situation will continue for several days before it stabilizes. Before that, it was obviously impossible to continue sailing at sea, so Destiny had to stay on this island for a few days.

On the second day, the rain stopped, but the wind was strong and chaotic, causing the sea waves to hit each other, splashing fluffy gray-white waves. Although the rain has stopped, the sky is still full of moisture. It seems that even if there are more torrential rains at any time, it is not surprising. The people on the ship also stayed on the Destiny for a while, and now they can’t sail, so their interest in the island has grown.

At noon, Hai Wei who couldn't sit still yelled: "I can't stand it anymore. I'm going to the island for a turn. Staying on the boat again, I'm going to die!"

She called out the hearts of most people, even Billy was a little moved. Zero also felt that it would be good to rest on the island for a day or two. After all, people are creatures on land, and staying at sea for too long will cause illness. So in Hai Wei's cheers, he nodded in agreement.

Bringing nutrients and clean water for two days, the group left the Destiny, crossed the shallows with a rubber raft, and landed on a rocky beach. After getting off the boat, Hai Wei was jumping around like a deer released into the mountains and forests. She took Ye Liu and ran together, but the latter was expressionless. When Hai Wei stopped, Ye Liu spread her hand and opened her small mouth for a long time before spitting out three words: "Boy."

"Let's go, Captain! Let's go exploring!" Hai Wei didn't care about Ye Liu's evaluation, she raised her hand and shook her arm and shouted to Zero.

So Captain Zero was temporarily dismissed as the captain of the expedition, led by him, except for the two girls Hai Wei. It also includes Leah, Maple, Wolf King Kayton, Berion, and Billy. She didn't follow. First, she was not interested in this kind of activity, and secondly, she needed a general to sit on the boat, so as not to suddenly pop out some dangerous sea creatures and sink the fortunemen.

Said it is an adventure, but zero means that it is not going to go deep into the island. Think of it as a break in the middle of a voyage, spend a day or two near the shore of the island, and leave when the weather stabilizes. After all, no one knows what will be on the island. Although there shouldn't be anything that threatens these people, but Zero doesn't want to make minor changes. Regarding his decision, everyone has no opinion.

After passing the rocky beach on the shore, there is a tropical jungle. There are many fruits growing on the tall coconut tree. Haiwei climbed up like a monkey and knocked down a few. Ye Liu cut it with a dark thread, and inside was sweet coconut juice and thick fruits. After taking a bite and confirming that there were no toxins, the others ate and drank a coconut. The jungle is so wide that there is almost no edge in sight. In addition to coconut trees, there are also other ferns and trees growing. They are widely distributed and form a natural windbreak.

The jungle is very humid because of the rain. The ecology here is also very rich. Some three-eyed monkeys that have evolved thin fleshy membranes between their limbs flies through the bushes. Their goal is to edible fruits like coconuts. However, some tall arbor will be inhabited by an abnormal python with almost the same skin as a tree. When the monkey picks the fruit, it will bite from behind silently.

The three eyes of those abnormal monkeys can look in different directions and have a wide range of observations. They are also very sensitive, and nine out of ten attacks of the giant python are empty. But there are so many monkeys that the giant python can always find something to eat.

However, the giant python is not without natural enemies, just like this. Just as a giant python swallowed a monkey, there was a loud noise in the sky, and a giant eagle as big as a liger pounced down and caught the python and flew into the sky. While flying, he pecked it with the steel-like eagle's beak, and every bite could always tear off a piece of flesh from the python's body, and the giant snake immediately sprinkled a large amount of blood from the sky. It was not reconciled to become a delicious meal for others, but it hovered its body toward the giant eagle, so an eagle and a python wrestled in the air, and finally swayed and disappeared into the sky.

"It's really a dangerous place." Feng sighed. He was holding the Tang knife horizontally, and the tip of the knife nailed a python that had silently swam down from the tree to the trunk.

Hai Wei shook her head and said, "It looks like you are more dangerous."

Feng immediately glared and crossed his eyes, and Ling patted his palms and said, "The situation in the forest is unknown, so don't go deep, just rest around here."

"In this case, let's roast this big snake and eat it." Hai Wei said with her saliva: "It will kill you if you want to eat more nutrients!"

He shook his head and laughed, but he didn't object. So Feng asked Feng to peel off the skin and bones of the python, and then asked Haiwei to pick up some wood and put them together to set it alight, and finally put the whole giant snake through the fire and roasted it horizontally. Before long, the fragrance of meat wafted on the rocky beach. The scent of meat drifted into the jungle, and some bold monkeys came to the fire, not afraid of people, and screamed at the snake meat.

"These guys know the goods." Feng said, using a Tang knife to cut off a few pieces of cooked meat from the snake and threw it on the ground. Suddenly, a few monkeys grabbed it with joy.

It turns out that these things are also meat eaters, but this is not surprising. Creatures in the new era basically tend to be carnivorous, which is more conducive to survival. Seeing the lions eating fragrantly, Hai Wei couldn't help it. She shook Ye Liu violently, and the latter dizzyly cut off a large piece of snake meat with a dark thread. Hai Wei first took a sip, and then said with tears in her eyes, "It smells so good!"

"Then eat it!" Ling smiled. These guys didn't eat less nutrients on the boat, they almost forgot the smell of meat. He tasted it himself, and felt that the taste was really good, so he planned to go back and hit a few more. It’s not bad to grill it and share it with other people on the boat to change the taste and improve the meal. Moreover, the island seems to be quite rich in materials, or you can consider picking the fruits and making some eagles and snakes to make dry food, and you don't need to eat nutrients every day.

Even those who are not picky eaters like Zero can't stand eating nutrients every day, let alone girls like Haivelia. They had tried hunting and killing aquatic creatures in the sea before, but the radiation on those octopuses was too high and they couldn't be eaten at all and had to give up. Now that we have this opportunity, it is naturally a good time to hoard food.

Planning while eating, Ling suddenly saw Leah twisting her head and looking towards the jungle.

"What's wrong?"

Leah said: "Someone is coming."


"That's right." Leah affirmed. After she was promoted to the insight, although she was not good at combat, she was much more sensitive. The same creatures, the breath that humans and animals exude is absolutely different. It may be that for people with abilities like Zero and the others, they can roughly sense the life reaction, but it is difficult to distinguish between humans and animals.

Zero immediately warned: "Attention, it may be the residents of the island. If there is no need, try to minimize conflicts. After all, we have to stay on other people's territory for two or three days."

As soon as his voice fell, a figure rolled out of a bunch of grass. That's right, it's not running or jumping, but rolling. The place where this figure rolled past, swish, swish and chase out a few simple feather arrows from the dense forest. Although the feather arrows are simple, they seem to be sharpened with wooden sticks as arrows, and feathers are used in the back to balance the effect of the airflow. But the body of the arrow looks wooden, but it has a metallic luster. The tip of the arrow is a bleak green, obviously poisonous. Bright color, it seems that this poison is not simple.

The figure bounced from the rocky beach after avoiding a few arrows, but it was a dark-skinned girl. This girl reminded Ling of Atessa, the girl who lived on Death Hill. But the girl in front of her was younger than Atessa, only fifteen or sixteen years old, and she was similar to Haiwei. The tube tops and wrap skirts on her body are all made of some kind of animal skin. The workmanship is simple, loose and not close to the body. During the action, the scenery in the clothes was looming, and he looked at Feng straight.

There is some kind of tattoo symbol behind the girl, and I don't know what it means. Her long hair is tied tightly with animal bones, and the whole person is full of a primitive tribal taste. When she rolled onto the rocky beach, she was obviously taken aback when she saw the zero class person. Following the sudden sound of the wind behind her, the girl jumped up like a frightened cat. She landed on her hands and feet, arched her head, and glared in the direction of the jungle.

Four figures flashed out of the woods, all of them dark-skinned men with bows or knives in their hands. Both weapons and clothing were very primitive, and they looked exactly the same as girls. When these men saw Zero, they also showed a puzzled expression. Obviously they were not sure who they were, and they didn't want to act rashly.

The scene seemed so weird, and the three convened in such a confrontation. The black girl turned her eyes, and suddenly shouted at the person who was chasing her: "Up, you are miserable! My helper has arrived, so let's go back knowingly!"

When she said this, Ling and several of the pursuers were moved at the same time. Those primitive people naturally wanted to find so many helpers for the targets they were chasing after. Zero thought that the girl was quick and wise, and dragged them into the water with a simple sentence, thus creating a favorable environment for them.

Sure enough, the four chasers immediately yelled, some people bent their bows and set arrows, while the rest rushed over with machetes. A feather arrow pierced the air, but it aimed at Leah and shot it. Zero reached out and grabbed the arrow in his hand, and at the same time he coldly shouted: "Hands, a quick fight!"

Feng, Ye Liu, and Hai Wei rushed out at the same time, Hai Wei still bit a piece of snake meat in her mouth, but she started without ambiguity. Haiwei, the three most senior, also had the strength of the seventh rank. It was easy to deal with a few natives, and silently culled them in three or two. The last one that made Arrow saw that the situation was wrong, screamed and turned around and ran, but was hit by an electric snake.

The black girl opened her mouth wide. She wanted to use the strangers behind her to create a chaotic scene, so as to take the opportunity to get out. Unexpectedly, those fierce and wicked guys on weekdays gave these people a lot of effort to take care of it. This shocking scene made her forget to drive away for a while. When she remembered, her hand had been caught. Looking back, it was a black-haired and yellow-skinned young man who caught him.

Ling looked at the girl and said lightly: "Well, lady, do you owe us an explanation?"

When dusk came, it rained again. In a natural cave eroded by seawater on the side of a rocky beach, there was a bonfire. The black girl was sitting by the fire eating snake meat gorgingly. Feng returned to the cave before it rained and made an "ok" gesture towards Zero, indicating that the corpses of the indigenous people had sunk into the sea for him.

After eating up the last piece of snake meat on her hand, the girl still reluctantly sucked the fat from her fingers. Seeing this, I don't know how many days I haven't eaten. Looking at her, Hai Wei remembered herself who had lived alone in the z7 base before she met Zero. Suddenly Dasheng felt sympathetic and handed her a bottle of clean water. The black girl was not polite, and poured it into her mouth when she brought it. It's just that she drank too quickly and choked, and couldn't help coughing again and again.

After relieving her breath, she returned the kettle to Hai Wei, and then said to everyone: "Thank you, strangers."

"What's your name? Why did those people chase you down just now?" Hai Wei asked curiously.

The black girl lowered her head and said, "My name is Dilei, and the one who killed me just now was a soldier of my uncle Horn. My only relative, now wants my life..."

It turns out that there is an indigenous tribe living on this island, and they call themselves the Garan tribe. Di Lei is the granddaughter of the patriarch of the Garan clan. Her parents died when she was very young. She was raised by her grandfather. Originally, the patriarch intended to pass on his position to his granddaughter, but before the wizard in the clan held the throne ceremony for Di Lei, the patriarch suddenly died suddenly.

Soon after, De Lei was hunted down. The person who hunted down her was the youngest son of the patriarch, who was under her uncle Horn. In short, this was an event of a power struggle that couldn't be more obvious. Things like this happen all the time.

After listening to Zero, he quietly took out some dry food and water purification channel: "These things should be enough for you to eat for a while, and you can leave when the rain stops. Before that, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was here. Rest assured."

When the black girl Dilei heard this, she said: "Strong strangers, I want to beg you. I beg you to help me, I can't let my uncle become the patriarch, he will take the Garan tribe to destruction. If you can help me If you do, it should be easy for you. After the matter is over, I will pay you enough!"

But after listening, he chose silence. Hai Wei couldn't help saying, "Head, and everyone. Anyway, we are going to stay on this island for a few days, so we can help her by the way? How about?"

Zero said nothing, walked back to his seat and sat down. Haiwei looked at the others, and they didn't say anything. The girl looked at Ye Liu and said, "Ye Liu, what do you say?"

"Enough, Haiwei!" Feng said suddenly, "I know you sympathize with this girl, but we have something to do. Although we have to stay on this island because of the weather, how do you know this? Can the matter be resolved within three or two days? What's more, there are so many poor guys in this world, how many do you think we can help?"

Feng sighed, "We have done enough."

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