War Lord

Chapter 627:  Dilei's Counterattack 1

[Thanks to Asuka Underground and user 72372853 for their big monthly pass support! At the end of the year, foreigners basically have a holiday at Christmas. Our export company is so busy now. I thought it would be two to six thousand words a day this month, but now it is always one to five thousand words. I'm a bit sorry for everyone. Strive for an outbreak after finishing this period of time, and repay everyone for your support! 】

Horn is nearly middle-aged and has two wives, three sons and one daughter. He is tall and strong. He has pale hair that is different from ordinary people, the hair is draped to the shoulders, and his forehead is tied with some kind of vines. He was rugged, with a necklace pierced with animal teeth around his neck. The upper body is not covered by a piece of clothing, revealing distinct muscle lines. The chest and abdomen are covered with scars, these are the proof of the warriors of the clan. The lower body is a loose sarong, barefoot, and a curved bone knife around the waist.

He was standing in front of Priest Barry. If Horn was a lion, then Priest Barry must be a monkey. But facing the fierce lion, the monkey did not show any fear or panic. Instead, he looked at Horn with calm eyes.

Horn's chest rose and fell sharply, and finally he let out a sigh of relief: "Priest Barry, if you want to see the child's body. Then I will fulfill you, and I can tell you very responsibly that you are not helping. She is harming her!"

"Horn, as a priest, I must maintain the balance in my heart. If De Lei dies because of this, I think you should understand whose sins are heavier." The priest waved his skinny hand: "You go, I want to rest."

After grunting, Horn angrily opened the tent and walked out. Outside the priest's tent, several men of different shapes were already waiting. They are tall or short, and three of them are no less stature than Horn, with the skulls of certain beasts on their heads, and their bodies are painted with some ancient patterns in bright colors. Carrying a rough weapon that tightly tied the beast's leg bones and sharp stone knives with a rope, everyone looked like a hideous man. The other two were a short woman and a big fat man. For the sake of mobility, the woman did not wear too complicated clothes. She only wrapped her chest and crotch with animal skins, while the other places were exposed to the air. She carried a large bow almost as high as herself, and on her waist was a quiver made of animal skins, which was filled with simple long arrows. In the end, the fat man always wore a big belly, his ears wore bone nails, and his hands pressed a stone hammer. The stone hammer pressed against the soft ground, directly squeezing the ground down a few minutes, showing that the weight is not light.

"Gitaro and they haven't come back yet?" Horn asked loudly after leaving the tent.

The woman shook her head and Horn coldly snorted: "These rubbish, even a little girl can't catch. Let a few people go out and look for it. The old thing inside wants to see De Lei's body. We fulfill him!"

"Leave it to me, eldest brother." The fat man smiled and patted his chest with his hands. The fat on his body trembled for a while, and he said again: "If you catch Di Lei, can you let me play first? She is usually alive and kicking. Yes, it must be very good to play."

"Whatever you want!" Horn dropped these words and left with a stride. Several other people followed him, and the fat man smiled, put the stone hammer on his shoulders but did not follow behind them, but left the village by himself.

Coming out of the village, one has to go through a small intestine path to leave this valley. This path was twisted and twisted. At first, it was just a natural crack, which was later cleared by the people of the Garan tribe. There is a section of the road through the mountainside, where it is pitch black, and you can only see things when you light a torch.

At the entrance and exit of the mountain, torches are kept all year round. The fat man came to the exit and picked up one casually, lit it with a flint and then held it and walked inside. This road has been walked many times on weekdays, and it is already a familiar road for the fat man. He even hummed happily. Imagine that after catching the girl of De Lei, she must play with enough skin to kill her. Thinking about it, he couldn't help but laugh. Unexpectedly, the laughter started, and suddenly there was a figure in the light of the torch, and it was Di Lei.

"Hahaha, Di Lei, did you come here by yourself? That saves me a lot of time. Roll over by yourself, or I will use this big guy to smash your feet, and then use my own things to teach you a good lesson. "The fat man patted his waist and walked towards De Lei with a smirk.

To his surprise, Dilei didn't startle and laughed instead, and said, "You are wrong. It is you fat pig who is unlucky today!"

"What?" The fat man's face was angry, and he was about to teach the girl a profound lesson when he suddenly felt cold behind his back. He trembled, and only felt a line of ice pierce through his back and plunge into his warm and fat heart. With another squeeze, the unimaginable pain hits, but it disappears in an instant.

After all, people who are dead will no longer feel any pain. Two thin lines of blood flowed out of the fat man's nose. As soon as he loosened his hand, the stone hammer was about to fall to the ground, but it was held by a stable and strong hand. Zero appeared behind the fat man, with a saber in his hand, which was covered with fat man's blood.

Barry did not rest after Horn left. There is always anxiety in his heart that lingers, pressing on his heart like a big rock. Horn is an ambitious person. He is unwilling to stay on the island like his father did. Waha and Barry know this well. Therefore, Waha was more willing to hand over the position of the patriarch to Di Lei. The late patriarch believed that if Horn came to lead the tribe, then it was very likely that the Garan tribe would be buried in the ruthless sea.

Now that Waha is dead, he died too suddenly and too fast, so soon Barry had not had time to announce Waha's last wish, so Horn sent someone to kill De Lei. All this happened so quickly that the old priest couldn't react. But what can be done now is to suppress Horn's succession ceremony as a priest. But he also knew that it wouldn't last long, once Horn brought De Lei's body back. So as the only son of Waha, even if the priest objected, he would automatically become the patriarch.

The tent was suddenly lifted, and a figure came in from outside. Barry displeased: "I didn't say anymore, don't bother me...ah..." The old priest turned around, but saw a petite figure, not who De Lei was. He almost called out, but luckily he finally held back. Following Barry, he saw another man. He was definitely not dressed by anyone in the clan, not to mention that he had rare black hair and left black and right golden eyes.

"Dilei, who is he?" Barry asked.

"His name is Zero, my samurai! He came back to protect me, Priest Barry."

Barry was dubious, and frowned: "Dilei, you should come back, but you shouldn't come back." The old priest was confused. He said, "Now Horn is looking for you everywhere, and you don't need me to say you know what he wants to do. What if. It’s fine if Waha is still alive, but your grandfather is dead now, and now the clan Lihorn sits big. I’m afraid I personally announce that Waha will let you succeed as the patriarch, and Horn will obstruct it. Or else, let’s go. , Think of a way to leave this island and stop worrying about the Garan tribe."

"No!" De Lei said stubbornly: "I'm coming back this time to become the patriarch. I must not put the clansmen in the hands of my uncle, that will kill you."

"But what are you going to do?" Barry shook his head.

Di Lei looked at Zero, clenched her fists and said: "Uncle must die, as well as his wife and children, and his men. These people must clean out our Garan tribe one by one, otherwise we will never have peace."

Barry looked at her from top to bottom like she had met Dilei for the first time. Then he looked towards Zero thoughtfully. He watched Dilei grow up since he was a child, and he didn't know that Dilei's mind could not say such decisive words at all. Then the only possibility left is that this so-called samurai taught her. But Barry had to admit that if Dilei were to come back, this was her only way.

Of course Horn must die, and his wife and children can't be kept, even if the two sons and daughters are still young, but the hatred will spread. The only way is to cut the grass and remove the roots, which is cruel, but it must be done. Next, it was naturally the people on Horn's line, and Barry believed that De Lei would not know what it meant to do. But she said it firmly now that this alone was enough to make Barry look at her with admiration.

But the priest was very suspicious, just relying on a foreign warrior, how Deree would completely eradicate Horn and the people under his faction.

Seeing the doubts in Barry's heart, Ling said lightly: "Don't worry, respectable priest, I will clear all obstacles in front of her for Dilei."

"Really? Our ancestors said. Without bait, fish will not be caught. I want to know what conditions De Lei promised you, and who are you, with such a great ability to shovel all obstacles by one person? "Barry's little eyes shone with wisdom.

Zero did not avoid his question: "As you can see, I am not from this island. In fact, I am from the southern continent. Yes, I made a deal with the future patriarch of the Garan clan, and I helped her become Patriarch, she wants to sell me your green crystals. Listen, yes, I will trade them with equivalent materials or what you need. Of course, if you are willing to live in the mainland, I can change to the mainland Pass money to you. But it’s better not to go now, because there is now a war on it."

Barry nodded and said, "Then tell me, what are you going to do?"

"I need a set of your clothes, and then ask the priest to take me around in the village. You must tell me who are Horn’s people, and then tell Horn to hold a patriarch succession ceremony. Of course, as for the ceremony. The real object, you don't need to tell him." Ling said lightly.

"Well, listening to you say that, I just feel that you really want to help De Lei. Otherwise, even if De Lei will die because of me, I will call the people who come to Horn, after all, let the treasure of the clan fall on In Horn's hands, it's better than bargaining with an outsider." Barry said solemnly.

Zero spread his hand and said: "Dilei said you are a wise person. Finally, you did not make a confused decision."

De Lei was confused when she heard them, but she didn't understand the meaning of the two people's words. In fact, Barry asked himself to take him from zero to identify those who belonged to Horne. This detail saw that he was only helping De Lei to wipe out Horne faction, the purpose of course was to clean up and build up his prestige. If Zero didn't do this but killed people casually, then it would not be clearing obstacles for De Lei, but creating contradictions and hatred.

So in the end, the Garan clan may be torn apart because of this, which is much more serious than making Horn the patriarch. After a while, Barry found a set of Garan clothes for Chang. Said it is clothes, but it is actually just a pair of pants. Tops are only worn by the elderly and women. Barry shook his head when Ling changed his pants and revealed his over-white body.

The old priest brought some bottles and cans from nowhere, and then took out some black things from the inside and painted them on Zero's body. These things smelled so bad that they frowned. But he said nothing, letting the priest smear him all over. After they were evenly wiped, Zero's complexion became bronzed, covering his original complexion. Barry took some other colors of paint to paint here and there on Ling. After a while, Ling looked like a native of the Garan tribe.

In the end, Barry held a mask that could block the lower part of his eyes and let him wear it, so as long as he didn't speak, no one would know that he was an outsider. After doing all this, Barry asked De Lei to hide in the tent, and he left with Zero himself.

The two stopped and walked in the village. Barry told Zero that the population of the Garan tribe was around one thousand. Basically every man was a hunter, and only a few of the bravest tribesmen could become warriors. There are about a hundred warriors in the village, and they will only be dispatched when dealing with extremely ferocious beasts. Horn himself is an excellent fighter, and he has about twenty fighters under his team, and five of them are very powerful. When he said that there was a fat man who made a stone hammer inside, Ling smiled. Barry asked him what he was laughing at, and Ling said flatly: "That person will never come back."

Barry lowered his head to hide the shock in his eyes. The fat man was named Sanger, and he was so powerful that he definitely ranked in the top three among the soldiers in the village. But such a person seemed to be easily killed by the outsider in front of him. With the sharp reading of the priest, it is obvious that it is still impossible to understand the existence of the capable person, let alone the ninth-order strong person like zero.

At this time, the villagers came back from hunting. Looking from a distance, a team of hunters came back carrying a few calf-sized giant eagles and a few giant pythons, including a giant that was 28 meters long. crocodile. But there were still a lot of wounded people behind the team, and it seemed that the villagers paid a considerable price for hunting these things. When the hunters came to the entrance of the village, a few tall men greeted them. Barry pointed to one of the pale-haired people and said, "That's Horn."

Then he introduced some of Horn’s warriors to Ling. After remembering them in his mind, Ling rushed back to the tent with the priest before the hunter entered the village.

In the evening, Horn received a news from Barry that surprised him, and the priest decided to hold the patriarch succession ceremony tomorrow. Hearing the news, Horn sneered: "This old man has finally gotten to know him, but after he announced that I succeeded as the patriarch, our Garan people don’t need any priests anymore. I will decide everything in the future. After the ceremony is over, tomorrow Kill this old man!"

Early the next morning, in the square in the middle of the village, the priest of Bari arrived early with his animal bone power. Today he is wearing a very gorgeous costume, wearing a crown full of feathers, with a sort of Indian style. The villagers had heard last night that today the priest of Bari will hold a succession ceremony for the patriarch. Although he didn't say for whom, De Lei was missing, and of course Horn was the only qualified member of the clan.

After the tribe gathered together, Horn and his three soldiers were late to arrive. He had five fighters, the fat black Sander left the village yesterday to hunt and kill De Lei. As for the female archer also did not participate, no one knew where she was, except Horn.

On a small mountain to the west of the village, the woman showed her face from behind a large rock. She gently put the bow and arrow on the stone. From this direction, you can see the square. Although it is several hundred meters apart, the wind conditions today and the big bow in her hand are enough to drive the arrow into the square. In anyone's chest. She is a chess piece that Horn has arranged here to prevent accidents from happening.

But not long after she appeared, Zero came behind her. Zero even looked at her carefully, but the woman just didn't realize that there were more people behind her. She usually feels very sensitive, but today she met Zero who is good at concealed sports. Zero converged her breath and appeared in the blind spot of the woman's sight. Even if the two were very close, the woman would not notice anything.

It wasn't until Ling Wei's fingers touched the back of her neck that she suddenly felt shocked. But everything was too late, as the zero hands turned vigorously, the woman only heard a click from her neck, and she lost any consciousness. After killing her, Ling still had time to pose and sit on the back of the stone, using a few stones to support her already lifeless body, and then quietly retreat.

At this time, the succession ceremony on the square began. Priest Bari held the beast bone power aloft, but his thin body burst out with a huge voice: "Dear fellows of the Garan tribe, our respected patriarch Waha has been dead for many days~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but he is dying. I have already told me the name of the next patriarch. Now, under the witness of the souls of our ancestors, I will announce her name. She is..."

Horn smiled slightly, ready to play. Unexpectedly, Barry suddenly popped another person's name from his mouth: "Dilei! That's right, she is the heir appointed by Waha!"

Horn suddenly froze with a smile and shouted: "Barry, you old thing, your head is confused! De Lei is not in the village at all, maybe it has been eaten by a beast. So the position of the patriarch can only be It's me! You know!"

He fell silent, but another voice sounded from the crowd: "It's you who are confused! Uncle Horn, who said I'm not here, I've always been here!"

The nearby Garan tribe quickly stepped aside. Di Lei walked into the square with his head upright, and pointed to Horn and said, "Today, I will not only follow my grandfather’s will to succeed him as the new patriarch. Moreover, I want to expose yours to everyone. Crime. My uncle, grandfather's own son, did not hesitate to kill his father for the sake of power, and after knowing that grandfather was going to pass the patriarch to me, you sent someone to chase me down!"

Di Lei's voice was not loud, but everyone in the square was listening, and there was an uproar in the square.

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