War Lord

Chapter 635: King Arthur

The car finally stopped in front of a building with a metal outer wall. The building was nearly ten stories high and had a six-sided shape. On the top of the building is a statue of an unknown flower, and below it is a line of English "wer", which means the tower of fertility.

"This is our command building, Mr. Franklin. Please come in!" Jumping out of the car, Urson made a please gesture like a gentleman.

Frank got out of the car and followed Urson, Oran, and Jesse into the Tower of Plenty. As soon as I walked into the lobby on the first floor of the building, I saw Fu was busy. There were staff members running back and forth in the lobby. They even had no time to say hello when they saw Urson. Just don't catch a glimpse of anyone who is curious about Franklin, just go on your own.

Urson smiled and said: "Please don't mind, we are always busy. No way, after all, our opponent is a huge empire. No matter what, our time is always very tight. So we have a word called death Only then do you have time to rest."

"Very philosophical." Franklin nodded.

"Thank you for your approval." Urson said again: "Sorry, our elevator does not take into account people of your height. Therefore, we can only take the freight elevator up."

"It's okay." Franklin didn't mind. Ursson then led him out of the direction of the freight elevator, but the width of the freight elevator was enough, but the height was still not enough for Franklin to stand, so the giant could only sit cross-legged on the ground. When he arrived on the tenth floor, he accidentally hit the top of the freight elevator when he stood up, and the freight elevator swayed, causing the elevator operator's face to turn pale.

Franklin embarrassedly climbed onto the delivery elevator. When he turned to apologize to the elevator crew, a woman screamed behind him: "Be careful, big!" Woman was knocked down. Seeing Franklin's dry smile, even Urson's deep eyes smiled.

"Welcome to my combat hall." Walking through a long corridor, you can see the whole of Istar, the rugged city of steel, from the floor-to-ceiling glass windows. After passing through the busy dispatching room, I listened to the staff inside sending commands to every terminal in the city with extremely fast speech and dazzling movements. The Tower of Plenty is like Istar's brain. As the command center, it is extremely busy every day, so that the entire Istar can operate unimpeded. This kind of efficiency allows Istar to confront the Pope’s Hall, whether it is industrial or military, it is moving towards the strength of a country.

Urson took Franklin to the battle hall on the Tower of Plenty. The battle hall was called "Horizon", which shows that Urson's ambition is not small. In the Horizon Hall, it seemed much quieter and deserted than other places. When the two automatic doors behind him were closed, they cut off all external sounds and light. The light in the Horizon Hall is relatively dim, and a holographic projection model of the continent floats in the center of the spacious hall. With this model as the center, there are three floors inside and outside, the highest and the lowest working platform. On the workbench, people in white uniforms were quietly acting as the brains in front of them. They didn’t turn their heads because of the appearance of Urson. Everyone focused on acting as the brains, so every second There are countless data generations.

The continental model in the hall was constantly making subtle adjustments, and Franklin couldn't see any way out after watching it for a long time. Finally, Ursson smiled lightly: "We are simulating some data. When the results come out, it will be when we declare war on the Pope's Hall."

Franklin was stunned, knowing that the continental model and the staff were conducting a simulation of a general attack plan in order to derive the best data. When this work is completed, that is when Istar sounded the horn of total attack.

Urson took Franklin to a private office, and there were only two of him left in the room. Neither Oran nor Jesse came in, but went to deal with their own affairs. Ulson stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the office and looked at Istar outside the window and said: "Mr. Franklin, you must be very puzzled why we pay so much attention to you. As I said before, your value is limitless. Sauron should know this too. In order to compete for you, we even planned an operation before the general offensive started. Unfortunately, although that operation destroyed a research base in Sauron, it missed you. Until a few months later. Now we meet again."

Franklin remembered that when he awoke at Motta base, he did know that the base was attacked. It's just that he didn't know that it was the rebels who attacked the base, and they came for themselves. Ursson continued: "In fact, our battle with the Pope’s Hall has been going on for nearly ten years. Istar can have the current scale and strength. I don’t know how many lives of ancestors have been sacrificed, and I’m just on this basis. It’s just to further expand its scale and strength. I don’t think even Sauron would know. In fact, since three years ago, we already have the ability to monitor the movement of the Pope’s Hall!"

"Of course, our intelligence system is not yet perfect enough to monitor the details of the Pope’s Hall. However, through the deployment of their personnel, materials and military parameters, we cannot deduce what actions they are carrying out. Years ago, we suddenly discovered that the Pope’s Hall secretly used a lot of materials and troops, among which a group of biochemical experts were secretly taken out of the New Roman City. This intelligence attracted our attention and was followed by nearly half a year of tracking and reconnaissance , We found that the Pope’s Hall had found a spacecraft in the ground on the Western Continent."

Hearing this, Franklin blurted out: "The Ark, they found the Ark."

"Is the ship called the Ark? It seems to be an aerospace ship with an interstellar theme."

Franklin did not speak, but clenched his fists. At the end of the Atlantis era, the war with Prosius has entered an advanced stage. The full intervention of the cosmic star beasts has had a huge impact on the environment in the earth's atmosphere, and the direct intervention of the planetary will Agradis has caused the catastrophe of destruction. The Sky City no longer exists, and the battle has spread from the sky to the surface. The only spacecraft left is loaded with the last hope of all Atlanteans, so Franklin named it the Ark.

However, when the Ark was carrying the only hope of this era to leave the earth, leaving this planet that was about to die at any time, an accident happened.

"Sorry, it seems to remind you of something unpleasant." Ursen made Franklin back to reality with an apologetic voice.

The Fallen looked at him and said: "It is better to return to the Ark. The Pope's Hall discovered it at the time and drew a conclusion from the clues above. This spacecraft did not come from outer space, but was a product of the earth. Also. In other words, in the last epoch there was a civilization that was far more advanced than it is now. A total of 27 people, including Mr. Franklin, lived across two epochs. But what surprised us more was the Papal Hall. One of the biochemical experts found something amazing in you."

"Adaptive cells!"

"Adaptive cells?" Franklin gave a wry smile: "It turns out it's called this name now."

Urson was slightly surprised and asked, "I don't know how you call it Mr. Franklin?"

"Blood of disaster." Franklin said lightly: "But I don't want to mention its origin. It was a very painful experience."

Ursson nodded and said: "Okay, we still call it adaptive cells. This name is a vocabulary given by the laboratory of the Pope’s Chamber, why is it called this name, because Dr. Jian, the chief biochemical expert of the Papal Chamber, is in your It is found in the blood that Mr. Franklin's cells can survive in any biological environment and transform it to allow the biological development to undergo mutations, or to call it evolution!"

"However, this is only the research data published by Dr. Jane on the interior of the Pope's Hall. Our intelligence experts were lucky to intercept a secret conversation between him and Sauron, but learned that adaptive cells are not that simple. In addition to being able to arouse In addition to the evolution and mutation of organisms, it can also allow organisms to survive in any environment! According to the current environment to adapt to the evolution, I am afraid there is a way to survive even in outer space, and the current set of brain in the Pope’s hall can calculate It is impossible to calculate the evolution limit of this cell. In other words, as long as there is time, the carrier of the cell can evolve indefinitely until the end of life. And this is the greatest value of adaptive cells!"

Franklin nodded, but said in his heart, it is also the root of all disasters!

Ursson’s expression was a bit agitated. After taking a long breath, he calmly said: "After learning the news, we knew we must **** Mr. Franklin over. Because as long as you are in their hands, the Pope’s Hall will always One day there will be a biochemical army that can fight in any environment, and we can’t let that day come.”

"Then invite me to Istar now, is it to treat me as a test subject?". Franklin asked, if so, he would have no chance of cooperating with the rebels.

Urson shook his head and said, "We really hope to get a blood sample from Mr. Franklin, but we will not send you to the test bench like the Pope’s Hall. Here, as the leader of Istar, I would like to invite Mr. Franklin joins our camp to overthrow Sauron’s tyranny together!"

Looking at the leader of the rebel army in front of him, Franklin shook his head: "Sorry, I have no interest in joining any team. However, we can say that we are the same in some goals. So, maybe you can listen to my cooperation. condition."

Urson was a little surprised, but he nodded and said, "Please speak."

Just as Franklin and Ursson were discussing the terms of cooperation, near Pier 3, the Ironscale was shaking slightly with the ups and downs of the waves. On the deck of the bow, Deborah looked at Istar at night, and the city of steel lit up countless lights. Whether it is the flashing red lights on the internal buildings of the base or the strong light that shines like day on the construction site, these lights illuminate Istar, as if night will never come in the city of steel.

"It's so beautiful" Deborah exclaimed.

Behind him, there was a soft footstep. Deborah didn't reply, "Biga, are you ready?"

"Ready, Captain."

"Then, get to work!"

Behind Deborah stood a number of pirates with no fewer than a hundred people, headed by Deputy Captain Biga, everyone wearing tight-fitting protective clothing that was airtight. The protective clothing is black, with an energy node the size of a lamp on the back of the hand, shoulder socket, knee, and chest. There is a dark yellow energy outer tank connected between them, which can provide a variety of basic abilities for the wearer. Wearing this protective suit, in addition to working in the sea under such a strong radiation environment, it can also allow an ordinary person to experience the taste of a second to third-tier ability.

However, this kind of protective clothing is not something that the outside world can buy casually, even if it is a large pirate group like Tielin. They currently only exist in the laboratory of the Pope's Hall, and are a type of cutting-edge equipment that is not mass-produced. But now, nearly a hundred pirates wear it.

Even the head is wrapped in a liquid-shaped helmet. Compared with the cumbersome shape of previous protective clothing helmets, this new torture helmet is as simple as a vapor enveloping the wearer's head. In addition to providing oxygen, the helmet window also has new functions such as various visual modes and motion capture. And now, it is providing night vision for these pirates, so the dark pier is no different from the daytime in their eyes.

Under Deborah's orders, the pirates sneaked into the sea silently like ghosts, and then swam toward the pier. When they grabbed onto the smooth outer wall of the dock, their palms and knees automatically generated strong suction, allowing them to swim up like a gecko.

There were soldiers from Istar on duty on the pier, but unfortunately these soldiers cut their throats to death on the pirate who touched them behind him without even responding. Hundreds of Tielin's pirates spread out quickly like a black cháo water, and soon took control of Pier 3. After Deborah saw the signal that Biga had sent back from the dock, the captain of the Ironscale walked to the front of the rudder on the deck. Under the rudder wheel, Deborah opened a hidden compartment, revealing a cāo inside. Longitudinal.

"It's time to act, my lord!" Deborah smiled, and slammed her hand down the bar. Suddenly, Tielin was shocked. The sound of hydraulic machines working under the deck of the ship followed a crack in the center and separated, separating the deck at the front of the hull, and slowly opening it to the left and right. And under the cabin on the deck, a platform began to rise, and a tall metal body squatted halfway on that platform.

So in the darkness, the sound of the turbine engine sounded, and at the same time a light on the chest of the steel body gradually brightened. The main engine started to work, sending an endless source of energy to all parts of the body. Some energy devices outside the mecha lit up fluorescence, which also made it fully displayed in the dark. It stood up, and the special model of the Knights of the Round Table, King Arthur, was hidden in the cabin of the Ironscale. If anyone saw this scene now, it would be shocked.

King Arthur, the fourth-generation new mecha of the Pope’s Hall. With a height of ten meters and a weight of 32 tons, King Arthur has a smooth body curve compared with the bulkier appearance of other Knights of the Round Table. The whole mecha is mainly tuned with silver and red sè, and the back of the humanoid body is equipped with a fin-like air balancer. In addition to making up for the balance problem caused by the light weight of King Arthur, it also has the functions of a storage battery and a flame thruster. The former can make King Arthur's endurance more outstanding, and the latter can allow mechas to move in at the speed of sound when necessary.

As Sauron's car, King Arthur is also unquestioned in terms of firepower. When the front panel of the mech is opened, it is a guided missile strike system named "Kaleidoscope". The right arm armour can be used to flick a high-frequency cutting knife, and the left hand is a plasma cannon, which can find charged particles, which can cause huge damage to the target. The impact can also cause the effect of secondary burning.

It can be said that King Arthur is a mecha born for war. With the amazing reaction nerves of Sauron, such a high-level ability person, it is a life harvester.

In the driving cabin, Sauron gestured to Deborah, then looked at Istar in the dark and said, "Ulson, as precise as you, is it because of Franklin’s adaptive cells that I am greedy, otherwise I How can there be such a chance to enter your Istar. You who committed one of the seven deadly sins, today I will replace the high gods and drop a pure holy flame for your evil capital!"

Sauron suddenly pushed the cao vertical, King Arthur stood up, and then ran on the platform. Two steps have come to the bow of the ship, and then he jumped hard, and the Ironscale kept sinking to the sea level. When the waterline was almost below the bow, the huge ship suddenly rose. And King Arthur had jumped nearly ten meters of the sea and landed heavily on the pier.

Then a row of sprockets rose from the soles of the mecha's feet. As the sprockets turned, King Arthur swiftly swept toward the road like gliding on ice~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The mecha's body tended to lean forward, maintaining a balanced posture. Its left and right legs alternated continuously, allowing the mecha to fly quickly on the road. King Arthur galloped towards the nuclear power plant at the southern end of the island, when a truck happened to drive out of the nuclear power plant on the highway.

The driver in the car saw a huge darkness suddenly appeared on the other side of the road, and suddenly exclaimed, "What is this?"

Before he could react, King Arthur had already lowered his body, and a high-frequency knife popped out of his right arm. The moment the encounter with the truck, the mecha suddenly bounced up and turned around, and the high-frequency knife swept across the truck like it was cutting oil. When the mecha landed and continued to move forward, the truck exploded into a fireball and slowly rose on the highway.

The sound of the explosion alarmed the guards at the nuclear power plant, but before they had time to report to the Tower of Plenty, King Arthur had already appeared under the spotlight at the outpost. The icy mech raised his left hand, his left hand deformed immediately, and the parts recombined into a barrel.

In the cockpit, Sauron locked the generator set of the nuclear power plant and smiled cruelly: "Blooming, the most gorgeous firework!" After pressing the shè button, the plasma cannon of the mecha kept lighting up, flashing in the dark. . A beam of charged particles blasted from the muzzle instantly fell on the generator set of the nuclear power plant, followed by continuous explosions and flames, which opened the prelude to the night of Istar collapse!

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