War Lord

Chapter 638: Collapse 1

At the other end of the island, the only remaining North Bird Nuclear Power Plant also launched a fierce offensive and defensive battle. In addition to the fierce gun battle between the soldiers of Istar and the pirates of the Iron Scales, the most dazzling thing is the battle between Jesse the Sinner and Deborah of the Flame Shield. The fighting styles of the two are completely different. Jesse holds a gun and axe-shaped weapon with fierce teeth, and launches a dazzling and gorgeous offensive with extreme blows. He was in a static state almost for a moment, and Jesse turned into a ball of red electricity and wrapped Deborah in it.

Fierce Fang danced wildly in his hands, pulling out red electric shocks to the opponent. However, Deborah was an iron tortoise. The heavy shield was lifted lightly in his hands, and every simple movement blocked most of Jesse's attacks. At first glance, Jesse has the upper hand, and Deborah can only be defensive, not counterattack. But in fact, Jessie has much more energy consumption than his opponent.

The sinker can't wait to split the opponent's tortoise shell in the next second, but Deborah, who is wearing flame armor and holding a flame shield, always makes him feel like he can start. Most of the attacks were blocked by the huge shield that could almost block Deborah's body. Although some of the remaining attacks crossed the flame shield, they were absorbed by the flame armor that covered Deborah's body.

For some attacks that fell on the body but were not important parts, Deborah did not even defend. Only his own defensive strength and flame armor were used to counteract Jesse's attacks, but at these times, he would often put heavy blows on Jesse. Compared with the attack frequency of the sinkers, Deborah's counterattack counts almost ten fingers. But each counterattack will pose a huge threat to Jesse, and Jesse has to retreat and evade, and then regroup and fight. And this period of time is enough for Deborah to make a defensive posture again.

The fighting between the two was like a fighting praying mantis battling a big tortoise with its body in its shell. Although the attack of the praying mantis was fierce, Nai did not threaten the tortoise shucked in its shell at all. On the contrary, the tortoise will occasionally come out and bite the praying mantis. If bitten, the praying mantis will be seriously injured. Although this situation has not happened so far, the mantis's physical strength is declining, so the advantage is returning to the tortoise little by little.

Seeing an opportunity, the fierce tooth revolved in Jesse's hands, traversing towards Deborah's waist. The latter chuckled, the heavy shield was still in its original position, but the person withdrew a step forward. It was such a small distance, but Jesse's fierce teeth were cut on the edge of the heavy shield. Deborah laughed, used the thorns on the heavy shield to jam the fierce tooth, and then slammed it towards Jesse.

Jessina had to retreat to gain a buffer space between the two. But behind him is an office building of a power station. Deborah's face was grinning, and his whole body was full of flames. The whole person turned into a meteor and pushed Jesse into the building hard. The first floor of the building exploded immediately, and all the objects were squeezed and smashed in the impact of the two, and then ejected from the building.

In the building, Jesse banged Deborah several times against the walls. He pressed one hand on Fierce Tooth, and his palm had plunged deeply into Fierce Tooth's blade, and the blood kept overflowing but it volatilized the flames of Deborah in front of him. Just like this, when he smashed into the building, and then smashed out of the building, Deborah stopped. Jesse flew out and slid more than ten meters on the ground before stopping.

He pressed one hand on the ground, and the blood from his handsome face was dripping from his mouth, dripping blood from the ground. Jesse held his fierce tooth in one hand, half-kneeled on the ground and looked at Deborah. Deborah put the heavy shield on the ground in time, and the heavy shield knocked out a muffled noise, causing a lot of sand to fall over the huge gap in the building behind the captain.

"Dipola, you are also one of the four big pirate regiments anyway. Do you only dare to hide in the turtle shell and dare not stand up and fight me dignifiedly?" Bloodstained, Jesse stood up and shouted.

Deborah laughed dryly, shook her head and said, "Now I know why your rebels can't do Sauron. Just looking at what kind of big three can a sucker like you do, you know that your rebels have no future at all. I’m so lucky that I’m on the right camp, otherwise I’m afraid it would be a headache to watch you play family-like games, right?"

Jessie snorted coldly: "Don't underestimate us!" As he ran towards Deborah, the fierce tooth whirled like a wheel in his hand, pulling out amazing vigor.

"If you don't believe that you are innocent, then I will prove it to you." Deborah grabbed his left hand into the void, and several flames condensed on his palm. Throwing it forward, all flames flew away and greeted Jesse like one by one.

Just as Jesse was about to cut away these things, he saw Deborah wave his hand, and the many flames rushing towards him suddenly passed over his head. He stayed for a while, and then discovered that Deborah's real target was actually a generator set not far away!

"Despicable!" Jesse shouted, ignoring Deborah. He spins and rushes, chasing them one by one before the flames attack. When several fire clouds bloomed in the sky, Jesse couldn't breathe a sigh of relief, and he heard the evil wind behind him. Looking back in midair, he saw Deborah's flame shield rotating towards him.

The sinker roared, and the fierce tooth flashed out with lightning, hitting the center of the heavy shield. There was a harsh sound from the heavy shield, and a few short and thick thorns slashed the fierce teeth. The fierce friction between the two made Jessie's mouth tremble. But because of this, the heavy shield also changed its trajectory, allowing Jesse to fly it diagonally into the sky. Jesse blocked Deborah's two attacks in a row, and his physical energy dropped. This made him feel a little tired. Just when he felt this way, all the hairs on his body suddenly stood up. Jesse suddenly looked at Deborah, followed by the dazzling fire light in his eyes!

Deborah was taking a deep breath a hundred meters away from him, and the flame armor on his body burst into dazzling fire, and then all focused toward Deborah's mouth. They formed a fiery ball of light in front of the captain, and when Deborah inhaled it all in one breath, they sprayed towards the ball of light. Suddenly, a fiery torrent, like magma when a volcano erupted, blasted straight towards Jesse!

Volcano, one of Deborah's abilities. The technique of transforming all the energy of Yanjia into a high-temperature jet, and then spraying the opponent in one breath. The edge temperature of the high-temperature jet is nearly 1,000 degrees, but the core temperature is connected to two thousand degrees. This is the high temperature that can melt steel, and it is not a deadly jet that carbon-based organisms can resist. High temperature and continuous jetting are its two major killers. In terms of shortcomings, only the attack method is relatively simple and lacks flexibility.

But its power is enough to make up for this inconspicuous shortcoming. What's more, Deborah had already used various means in advance to get Jesse himself into the orbit of the violent volcano. It can be seen that Deborah's actual combat experience is very rich. Jesse took a deep breath and exhaled. The fierce tooth turned into a burst of electric shock and cut it down from the top, and a sharp wave burst into the high-temperature jet of Deborah, and the shape ripples divided the current jet into the middle. A bright light burst in Jesse's eyes, and the whole person rolled out, but it was still affected by the subsequent jet.

At the moment of contact, the skin exposed in the air first appeared like sparks of burnt paper ash. The spark suddenly spread out again, and flesh and blood bones were exposed under the burning skin! While the skin burns and melts, the fibers of the clothes are directly carbonized, scattered, and annihilated. When Jesse rolled out of the jet's trajectory, his left side of the body was exuding the smell of burnt flesh, and a puff of blue smoke rose from his body. Jesse gritted his teeth and didn't scream, all the clothes on the body part that were affected by the jet disappeared, and the surface of the body was severely carbonized. One of Jesse's most subtle movements can also crack the carbonized surface and leak blood from it!

The eruption of the volcano lasted for three seconds, leaving a trace of crystallization on the ground, marking the trajectory of the high-temperature jet. When Jesse held his fierce teeth to prop up his body, she watched Deborah look behind her with a grin. He suddenly thought of something, and suddenly turned his head, but saw that the shell of Unit 3 in the generator set in the distance behind him had been melted through, and the circuit inside exploded after a burst of sparks flickered!

Jesse turned her head angrily and roared, "Deborah!"

The captain sneered: "So you are naive, my goal is not you from the beginning!" After speaking, he turned and started running.

The generator sets exploded into the sky one by one, the flames of the explosion shot into the air, the shock wave continued to spread, and the scene was covered with flying sand and rocks. However, this is just a prelude. With the explosion of the generator set, the fire will spread to the nuclear reactors under the island, followed by a devastating explosion like the South Island Nuclear Power Plant. It can be imagined that the location of the nuclear power plant will directly become the center of the explosion. So Deborah turned and ran. As long as he was not directly in the burst, he would not receive a fatal shock.

How can Jesse know that he is furious in his heart, but he has no time to scold Deborah. I had to gritted my teeth and rushed out of the nuclear power plant at the fastest speed in my life, and even ordered the soldiers to evacuate. Bringing up the afterimages, Jesse was already out of the power station in a blink of an eye. And at this moment, a violent momentum surged behind him, which was a harbinger of the coming of the big bang!

Sure enough, a bright light flashed behind Jesse in the next second. Then he couldn't hear anything, only the violent wind suddenly ran into him from behind, causing him to fly out involuntarily. Jesse rolled when he landed, and then desperately used all his energy on defense. The fierce tooth pierced into the ground, Jesse clenched with one hand, and then another violent shock hit her face.

After the glare, flames, and storms lasted for more than ten seconds, the world gradually took on its own color. The deafening explosion returned to Jesse's eyes, and the entire power station had been wiped out, swallowed by a terrifying fireball. The fireball slowly lifted into the air, and it exploded after it burned all the materials that could be burned. The raging flames that have lost their **** form the last strong impact, like the shock wave of a ring of fire passing by, and the pieces of the earth's surface are cracked, flying, flying, and bursting!

Jesse closed his eyes and desperately tightened his fierce teeth. He even smelled the stink of burns from his hair and clothing. When this wave of flames is finished, retracts, and then gradually turns into thick red and black smoke as the hot steam rises, and then forms a mushroom cloud that rises into the sky. Jesse opened her eyes, and flames flickered in many places on her body. He didn't care about himself, just staring blankly at the power station turned into ruins.


Jesse's roar sounded on the already-red ground outside the power station.

After the explosion of the Beidao Power Station, from a high altitude, we saw fires from the power station as the source, all the way to the direction of the city of steel. These fire cursors showed a trace of distortion, like a lit fuse. That was because the buried energy transmission pipeline exploded, and the fire column sprayed from the ground spread all the way into the main base of Istar, and eventually engulfed the remaining half of the city into the flames.

However, the damage did not stop there. The nuclear power plant at the north and south ends of the island exploded. The island suffered two heavy blows. Finally, the rock layer of the island gradually cracked. With the explosion of the transmission pipelines on both sides as the axis, the island moved towards the east and west in the strong vibration. The direction is split. The sea water suddenly poured in, and the explosion and the splitting movement of the island had a profound impact on the seabed. This change no less than a magnitude eight earthquake directly triggered a tsunami.

The entire sea of ​​radiation roared like a giant. Amidst the terrifying roar, waves of more than ten meters rushed towards the sea wall, slammed into the island fiercely, and caused great trauma to Istar!

At the same time that the North Island nuclear power plant exploded, the three powerful men also fought fiercely in a shop building in the city of steel.

Sauron controlled King Arthur in a one-to-two, facing the two of Urson and Franklin without losing the wind. Franklin rammed King Arthur into the store before, hoping to contain King Arthur's actions by relying on the complex topography in the store. But what he didn't expect was that this mecha was so agile under the control of a high-level capable person like Sauron.

But this is not the credit of Sauron alone. In fact, King Arthur is a cutting-edge conceptual mecha. It is a special model developed to match the high-level abilities, and it pays attention to the flexibility and the fit between the abilities. In the operating system, the manual operation common to other models of the Knights of the Round Table is broken, and the operating system of King Arthur is separate. The weapon system is completed by manual operation, and the motion system uses sensor control technology, which makes King Arthur far more flexible than other types of Knights of the Round Table.

Just like now, when Ulson took advantage of Franklin to push King Arthur to a corner, he immediately cut out a dark light. Seeing that he was about to hit, King Arthur rolled on the ground like a man and dodges away. And when he had time to counter-attack Urson with a beam of particles, Urson had to choose to evade. The environment of the shopping mall is not conducive to turning on the black pupil, especially when the three parties are in such a state of close combat, the random transmission of the black pupil's attack on the enemy can sometimes cause accidental injuries. Urson didn't want to accidentally hurt Franklin, but he didn't want to accidentally hurt himself.

So he slid his body sideways, letting the particle beam plow across the ground, leaving a burnt black trail.

On the other side, Franklin yelled and rushed forward. The giant's skin is armored all over, and he is like a piece of black steel with sharp edges and corners. Just now, King Arthur's high-frequency knife slashed him twice, but only two white marks were left. It can be seen that Franklin's defense was abnormally high at this time. Skin armor not only improves his defenses, but also obscures the touch of his skin. This has some impact on Franklin, but in general the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, so the giant doesn't care much.

He roared at the moment, like a rugby guard arched his shoulders and slammed into King Arthur. Franklin slammed into King Arthur's leg, and the outer shell of the mecha made a thrilling groan, slamming into the giant, and the circuit board inside fluttered, but it didn't explode in the end. Franklin didn't care, he clasped King Arthur's leg tightly with both hands, followed by a full rotation, and the mecha hit the counter without knowing how many, and even smashed a load-bearing column and threw it out of the store.

Watching King Arthur hit various roadblocks all the way, he finally flew out from the shopkeepers, wiping sparks on the ground and plunged into the alley on the other side of the street. Franklin took a breath and ran out of the store. Urson was not slow, and jumped out of the store with him. The two of them wanted to continue chasing, when the ground shook suddenly, and saw the highway arched from the north end like a huge wave, sweeping to the south. Then the flames burst out like a knife, and the highway was split into two abruptly!

The bright light from the north flickered, and the two turned to look around, where a cloud of hideous mushrooms was rising. Seeing this scene, Ursen's hands and feet were cold, knowing that even the remaining nuclear power plants had been destroyed. Sauron is here, and the one who can destroy the nuclear power plant at this time is naturally the captain of the Ironscale Deborah who is covering him. After reading Deborah's name back and forth several times in UU reading www.uukanshu.com, the fallen man calmed down instead, and his eyes radiated a few minutes colder than ice. It penetrated the curtain of fire spouting from the ground and fell on King Arthur who was rising from the ground.

The fire curtain rises and falls, and then shakes violently, and the road separates from both sides. The sound of rumbling water came from both sides, the sea water poured in, and huge waves squeezed in from both ends of the island. The waves rushed like ten thousand horses, the sound of rumbling was endless, and finally they met in the middle and collided together to form a monstrous water column. The water column rises up into the sky like a waterfall, and then spreads with a bang, turning into thousands of water droplets and falling to the ground, as if a light rain was falling.

It's just that these rainwaters have strong radiation, which is absolutely fatal to ordinary people. It is the powers of Franklin and Urson that are not willing to be infected. It's just that the skin of the former has been forearmized, and there is no gap in which seawater can penetrate into the body. On the contrary, Franklin's body temperature is very high now, that is a phenomenon where all the energy is used. So as soon as the sea water fell on him, even the radiation was evaporated. As for Urson, he didn’t see what he was doing, but the surrounding scenery was slightly distorted. The sea water seemed to open the shape of the force field, but no drop fell on him, so Urson appeared next to him. A piece of dry ground formed a weird contrast with the wet road around it.

On the other side of the road, in the driving cabin of King Arthur, Sauron sneered: "What should I do. Urson, your Istar seems to be dead!"

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