War Lord

Chapter 646: Misidentification

"Doctor Ji Ya, I feel a little uncomfortable today."

In the medical room of the Destiny, there are so-called "patients" in line every day. It's just that when these patients are outside, they are all violent and vigorous. When they arrive in the medical room, they either have stomach pains or seasickness. But in fact, these patients are just for a kiss Fangze. There are not many women on the boat, only Leah,

Su, Haiwei, Ye Liu, Ji Ya and a dozen female soldiers in charge of logistics.

In this, Leah is a zero woman, naturally no one dared to move. Su's hot body is naturally the first choice in every man's mind, but it is a pity that even a desperate guy like Feng dare not provoke the female Tyrannosaurus, and other soldiers can only think about it in private. Next is Hai Wei, a quirky elf, a girl with short hair and long legs is also a scenic line on the boat, but at the same time a violent man with thick lines.

Ye Liu was quite quiet, and a naturally dull girl always looked cute, but no one dared to provoke her who could cut people with energy threads at any time. As for the other female soldiers, they are mediocre in appearance, and there are one or two of them who are beautiful, but they are already the flowers of the master. So the remaining Doctor Ji Ya became the goddess in the hearts of the soldiers. In terms of appearance and figure, he was not below Su and Ye Liu's humanoid weapons.

As a result, almost every day, soldiers changed their way to the medical room and walked around once or twice, even if it was just a visit to Doctor Ji Ya. It is difficult for Ji Ya to be patient too, knowing that these guys' so-called flaws were pretended, but he also chatted with them for a few words before dismissing these guys.

According to Ji Ya's words, she is adjusting the soldiers' psychology to prevent them from forming certain mental illnesses.

It's just that Ji Ya is very tolerant to soldiers, but very strict with someone.

Quinn was very frustrated today, and he has been transferred to assist in the restoration of the Water Monster in the past few days. I finally finished my work and planned to use the minor injuries I accidentally got when repairing the Water Monster today as an excuse, and I would look at Dr. Ji Ya. But I didn't expect to overslept today, and came to the medical room to be at the end of the line. Doctor Ji Ya only accepts ten routine sick numbers every day. Looking at this team, Quinn feels that he is out of his turn.

After all, the one who just entered is already number nine, and now there is only one person left. At this moment, Quinn suddenly felt a chill in his back, and he turned his head to see that there was a man standing behind him. The man looked at him with cold eyes, and flicked the handle of a long knife with his thumb from time to time, so that the long knife occasionally exposed a sharp blade from the scabbard.

That seemingly murderous intent made Quinn Rumang on his back, and it was not easy to put a smile on his face and said, "Master Feng, are you here too?"

The man behind Quinn was Feng. He showed a smile that was uglier than crying and said, "This soldier, I am not feeling well today. I don't know if you can let me see a doctor first?"

Looking at Feng's approaching face, and the murderous intent flashing in his eyes. Quinn was in a cold sweat, and quickly nodded and walked away. So Feng asked the soldiers one by one, until the last soldier was about to enter, he caught Feng. Feng did not speak, and the horrible smile alone made the soldier stay away. Finally, Feng walked into the medical room with the smile of a winner.

Outside, Hai Wei and Ye Liu passed by. The former made a grimace at Feng's back and said, "This guy is getting more and more shameless. In order to get close to Doctor Ji Ya, he even released his murderous aura to ordinary soldiers!"

Ye Liu was looking attentively with a tablet brain in his hand, which was full of downloaded old-age novels. While reading the novel, the natural dull girl thoughtfully said: "The book says that your situation is called jealous."

"Jealous?" Hai Wei scratched her head and said, "Idiot Ye Liu, how can I like an old man like Feng!"

When she shouted, the soldiers nearby all looked up. Hai Wei stared back fiercely, and then scared them all away. Then the girl shook her head and said: "Ignore you, I'll go and see what Billy needs my help."

Ye Liu raised her head, until Hai Wei walked away, she said, "Billy just finished repairing the boat."

Hai Wei suddenly turned around and shouted, "Do I look like a destructive thing?"

Ye Liu didn't answer, but the soldiers twisted their heads and laughed secretly. They had already answered Hai Wei's question with expressions.

In the medical room, Feng lay on the hospital bed, staring at Ji Ya, who was wearing a white robe, with a peach heart. Ji Ya said blankly: "Why are you uncomfortable?"

Feng drooled and said, "I have a strange mushroom growing on my body. I don't know if I have eaten something bad. Doctor Ji Ya, you must help me."

"Oh?" Ji Ya asked: "Where did that strange mushroom grow?"

Feng put away his fascinating look, and said solemnly: "It's just below my abdomen, the part between my legs. Doctor Ji Ya also asks you to take a closer look."

"No need." Ji Ya smiled suddenly, turned around and took out a scalpel from the toolbox: "Since there is a foreign body, it is better to remove it as soon as possible. Are you right? Master Feng!"

Feng gave a shock, immediately jumped up from the hospital bed, touched his head and said haha: "Look at my memory, I have something to be busy today, so I'd better say goodbye. Goodbye, Doctor Ji Ya." He ran to the door in a hurry, and then there was a roar of soldiers outside the door.

"Your crew is really energetic."

Cinderella, who was passing by, smiled, and Ling who walked beside her shrugged and said, "I made you laugh. These days, are you getting used to it?"

During the two days that the Water Demon was repaired, Cinderella basically stayed on the Destiny. She was full of curiosity whether it was this ship or Zero, especially in the purification room that day, Cinderella couldn't tell what happened between Zero. Zero seems to possess her, but she finds that she is still complete. Afterwards, whenever he thinks of the wonderful feeling that Zero brings to her, Cinderella's heart beats faster.

She was really curious about how Zero did it, and at the same time she knew that she wouldn't be interested in other men in the future.

"Counting the time, Roaring Bay is coming soon, do you want to go to the deck to see the island that belongs to our pirates." Speaking of the Sea House in Roaring Bay, Hindrella also felt a sense of pride. Having had a spiritual relationship with Zero, and staying on the Destiny for these days, Hindrella has known that Zero is not what he said before as a risky businessman.

Zero also revealed some information in this regard to let her know, although the two did not have a sexual relationship. But after the spiritual lingering last time, Zero can be sure that Hindrella is also his own woman. It's just that they are more attracted to each other from the strong and the opposite sex, at least at this stage. It is not like Leah and Beyoncé, who have developed deep emotions because of their shared experiences.

Only feelings can be cultivated, and Hindrella is the best choice in terms of body appearance, ability and strength. Being able to conquer such a woman is something to be proud of, and Zero is no exception. And he knew very well that Cinderella would be his important helper during this trip to the Western Continent.

After all, she was the one who grew up here, not to mention the leader of one of the four major pirate groups. The role that Cinderella can play will be much greater than those outsiders like Zero and the others.

At least, that was the case in the early stage.

The two walked out of the Destiny to the deck on the starboard side, facing a fishy sea breeze. Not far away, a group of seabirds whizzed by. They plunged into the water diagonally in the air, and when they rushed out of the sea, there was a big fish in their mouth. The seabirds screamed, hovering around the sea and then flew towards the distant island.

Pointing to the island, Cinderella said: "After the island in front, it's Roaring Bay."

Zero nodded.

The Destiny drove in the direction pointed by Hindrella at a constant speed, and next to it, the Water Monster followed closely behind. With the assistance of Billy, the Water Monster has been repaired. The original bow was reinstalled, and the damaged deck was temporarily wrapped in iron sheet, and only suitable materials could be replaced in Roaring Bay. The mast that had been broken for Eureka was also erected again, allowing the Water Sprite to sail for a long voyage.

According to Zero's plan, he and Hindrella will go to the island by the Water Sprite after arriving at Roaring Bay. As for the Destiny, it is temporarily docked on the nearby island. The Water Monster will be further repaired at the Sea House, and he and Cindriella will go to the island to inquire about Istar. Cinderella had already told him about the Qizhi of the Three Rebels not long ago, which made Zero vaguely uneasy. It's just that he lacks intelligence and can't make further scrutiny, so he can only make plans after he arrives on the island to collect more intelligence.

"Huh?" Cinderella suddenly looked towards the sea in a certain direction and said, "It seems like a person is there?"

She saw a black spot floating on the sea in the distance, which looked like a person. But because she was too far away, she couldn't be sure. When Ling Dang looked in the direction she said, after the visual distance of his right eye was narrowed, a square face appeared in Ling's eyes.

It was indeed a person, who seemed to be fainted, floating on the sea. Ling immediately used the communicator to drive the boat over from the control room. After getting closer, Cindrila saw the face clearly and suddenly said in surprise: "It's that big guy!"

Looking at her with no doubt, Hindrella said anxiously: "I remember he went to Istar with Ironscale, but now, why is he here?"

As soon as the words came out, Zero immediately realized that something was wrong. While organizing the manpower to prepare for rescue, on the other hand, let Doctor Ji Ya prepare and do first aid work. Under his arrangement, the four rubber rafts were put down, they approached Franklin and roped the giant back to Destiny. As soon as he boarded the ship, a dozen soldiers immediately carried him to Ji Ya's medical room.

Looking at Franklin's situation, Ji Ya immediately asked the soldiers to lift the giant onto the operating table, and then several assistants blasted everyone out. Including Zero, everyone had to wait outside the medical room, which lasted for several hours. When the door of the medical room opened, Ji Ya walked out with a tired expression.

"How is the situation?" Ling asked.

Ji Ya nodded and said: "His life characteristics have basically stabilized. It seems that he has experienced a very tragic battle with a lot of injuries on his body. Moreover, his body has been injured by strong currents and some necrotic tissues have appeared. However, his recovery ability is very good. Strong, after I removed those necrotic tissues, they quickly regenerated. It's just that he has been soaking in the sea for a long time, and now his body is very weak. However, one thing is strange."


Ji Ya said solemnly: "He has no signs of being polluted by strong seawater radiation. I don't even need to perform deep purification for him. As long as he rests for a period of time, he will soon recover. What I want to say is his recovery. The ability is amazing. And his body seems to be able to adjust according to the environment. When you send him up, he is like a murloc. He has fins on his back, and there are fleshy membranes between his fingers and toes, and even his abdomen. There are vents on the side that are similar to steam-jetting organs. But after the operation, these things disappeared. The previous organs simply existed for him to survive in the sea!"

Looking at the fanatical light in Ji Ya's eyes, Zero had no doubt that if it was possible, this **** doctor would like to slice the big man for research. Of course, he couldn't let Ji Ya do this. According to Hindrella, this big guy went to Istar before, but now he has been spotted near Roaring Bay. There must be a lot of information hidden in him.

Zero decided to wait for him to wake up, and there was no need to go to the Sea House. Cinderella asked Eureka and the others to drive the Water Monster to the Sea House for maintenance, but they stayed on the Destiny. They were all waiting for Franklin to wake up, and this time, they waited from day to night.

Franklin opened his eyes with a groan, and intermittent images drifted through his mind. These pictures were basically floating on the sea, and he swam to the sea near Roaring Bay in order to escape Sauron's search. Originally, he planned to hide in the Sea House temporarily, but Franklin had no physical strength here, and even lost his strength and passed out into a coma.

He thought he would never have a chance to wake up again, but when he woke up, he smelled the smell of disinfectant and what looked like a room in the hospital. Then a woman in a white robe, like a doctor, came into his eyes.

Ji Ya looked at the giant and asked, "How do you feel?"

Franklin asked without answering, "Did you save me?"

"Strictly speaking, everyone saved you. Oh, no, you lie down first." Seeing Franklin trying to prop up his body, Ji Ya held him down and said: "You just woke up, I have to do it for you. Check. Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.”

Franklin looked at Ji Ya alertly. He tossed the laboratory of the Pope Hall for a period of time, and had no liking for things like needles. But Ji Ya didn't use any equipment. She just touched Franklin here and there with her hands, and then raised his eyelids to look at. Franklin knew that she was only doing a routine checkup, so she was relieved. She acted.

"It looks like you are recovering well, big man." Ji Ya smiled and wrote the report, patted Franklin on the shoulder and said, "By the way, what is your name?"

Franklin reported her name, Ji Ya nodded and said: "Well, Mr. Franklin. Now that you are awake, our captain wants to see you. He found you and rescued you, otherwise, say Maybe you have become food for a certain big fish now."

Standing up, Ji Ya said in a communicator on the wall: "Captain, our guest is awake. Well, I understand."

She said to Franklin again: "He will be here soon, you can rest first."

After a while, the automatic door of the medical room opened. Zero strode in. Franklin didn't have much at first, but when he looked at Zero. The giant suddenly burst into power, and Ji Ya's face changed drastically, and her legs became weak and she fell on the ground involuntarily.

Feeling this sudden power, Su and the others rushed towards the medical room.

There was something boiling in Franklin's eyes, his muscles tightened, and he violently stretched out his hands to unplug various equipment ports and infusion tubes from his body. The giant jumped to the ground, his shadow shrouded in zero. Although it was strange, Zero stared at Franklin without fear. The latter squeaked his hands, and then uttered a series of thunder-like voices from his mouth: "It's you? How could it be you? Gaia, you really are not dead!"

After that, Franklin raised his fist. When it was about to fall, Cinderella suddenly flashed in and shouted: "Stop! Big guy, remember me?"

Franklin’s eyes flashed astonishment, and he naturally remembered the woman in front of him who had seen him in the sea house bar: “Get out of the way, it’s none of your business!”

"Of course it's my business, I found you, and then Zero will save you." Hindrella said.

"Zero?" Franklin set his gaze on Zero again, and then slowly returned his aura: "Really? Your name is Zero? You are not Gaia. Yes, although they look very similar, they feel different. It's not the same. It seems that I am confused, a machine that can only kill people, and knows what saving people is."

Su and Feng had already rushed into the medical room at this time, and they questioned Zero with their eyes. Ling shook his head and said, "It's okay, you guys go out first. Me and this..."

"His name is Franklin." Ji Ya said, who had recovered.

"Okay, Franklin. I want to talk to you." Zero said peacefully ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So everyone, including Hindrella, retreated, leaving only two men in the room. Franklin sat directly on the floor. He sighed and said to Zero: "I'm so sorry, I was a little impulsive just now."

"It's okay." Ling asked, "Mr. Franklin seemed to mistake me for the person named Gaia just now. Does that person look similar to me?"

Franklin took a serious look at Zero, and then said: "The facial features are very similar. But the hair color, height, breath, and eyes are not the same. It's just that I was not very clear just now, so I admitted the two of you wrong. At least, As far as I know, Gaia will not make such a move to save people."

Listening to Franklin's words, Zero had other thoughts. In the white blood cell base, he watched the video record of Admiral Iger and knew that he was a clone of a super life in the last epoch. Except for him, all clones are dead, and he is the only finished product. So this Gaia will not be a successful clone.

The greatest possibility is the name of the super life of the Quaternary.

It's just that the giant in front of you knows the name of that super life. In other words, his origin is not simple!

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