War Lord

Chapter 652: Poseidon

[I caught a cold today, and the egg hurts. I'm dizzy, and the weather has been cold recently, so take care of yourself and cough. Yesterday something was not updated, please forgive me, 55. In addition, thanks for a few bottles of Yunyan, all the way to the monthly ticket support! ]

In the waters of the Xizhou continent, the fame of pirates generally comes from two sources. One is seniority, which takes time to prove. When you become a pirate, your own flag will float on the ship. Then all you have to do is to let as many people as possible know about your own banner, and many newcomer pirates will choose to directly attack the warships of the Knights of the Seal. If you succeed, you are basically famous in the first world war. But more, it is the sea where the dead are hidden.

After all, the strength of the Knights of the Seal was so strong that ordinary pirates could not provoke them. Therefore, newcomers who have just become pirates will start small businesses. Loot some supplies from the residents of the outer islands and force adult men to board the ship. Those with a more conscience robbed the merchant ships of the colonial islands, and then divided a portion of the proceeds to subsidize the residents of certain outer islands, in order to win the name of their own righteousness and develop secret strongholds.

The Captain of Silver Hook, who was killed by Franklin, took this route, but Harry’s heart was blackened by the smell of copper, and he did not have enough power to attack the merchant ship protected by the Knights of the Seal, so he started robbery. The activities of the residents of the outer islands. Hook, the captain of the Tiger Shark, belongs to another kind, and is also the route most often taken by pirates. It is to rob merchant ships, fund the islanders, establish their own strongholds, and slowly accumulate their own fame on the sea.

The pirates of this route are more intuitively reflected in the amount of reward. In order to increase the bounty, some pirates only attacked the warships of the Pope's Hall. Among these pirates, the craziest one is Manshan, the captain of the Walrus!

In the history of the Walrus, there has never been a record of merchant ships or residents of the outer islands. Manshan loves the warships of the Pope's Hall, and when they see one ship destroyed, they will go off when they encounter a large-scale encirclement and suppression. After the wind has passed, he will continue to work in his old line. Such an approach like him is actually quite rewarding. The warships of the Pope’s Hall generally have the same inventory on board ships, and they can quickly accumulate bounty. Therefore, in just ten years, the Walrus has become the first of the four pirate groups.

The amount of reward offered by Barbarian Mountain has remained high and has become a headache for the Pope's Hall.

It's just that the method of accumulating qualifications to improve one's reputation is stable and safe, but it takes a long time. It took a full ten years for a tyrannical person to gain today's prestige. However, there are also people who use the second method to quickly rise among the pirates. There are very few pirates using this method, and the representative of them is Deborah and Cinderella.

The two captains rely on this method to improve their reputation in a short period of time.

Poseidon Order!

The Poseidon Order actually originated from the Poseidon Sacrifice, in the dark years when the pirates first appeared. Because the equipment and force were very simple and weak, the pirates at that time did not die in the hands of the Knights, but were buried in the ruthless sea. Compared with the number of pirates who died under the papal hall, more pirates died in the sea. So there was the Sea God Sacrifice, and hope to pray for peace by offering sacrifices to the Sea God.

The Poseidon Sacrifice was initially carried out a brutal and fierce killing by the selected crew and even the captain, in order to win the favor of the Poseidon. The blood and corpses of the war dead will be sacrifices to the sea god, and the victor will receive funding from other pirates as a reward.

Later, there were gradually rules for captains to use the Sea God Sacrifice, using themselves and all their assets as a bet to compete between captains. The winner will have everything of the defeated, including all tangible and intangible properties such as the other party’s glory, dignity, affair, and ships and sailors. In addition, the defeated will be automatically removed from the pirates, the flag will be destroyed, and the original pattern will be reduced and drawn on the flag of the victor to demonstrate the strength of the victor.

Gradually, the Pope's Hall also noticed this special mode of competition among pirates. At the same time, when a certain captain is removed, the Pope’s Hall will also transfer his bounty to the victor. Therefore, the challenge between the captains is also a way to quickly accumulate fame, but Poseidon's Ling is much faster and crazy than this method.

When the challenge between the captains gradually formed a trend among the pirates, the Sea God Sacrifice was no longer just a contest between two pirates. The scale of this contest has been relaxed, the number of challengers has increased, and bets and rewards have begun to be revised. With the development of pirates' power and equipment, fewer and fewer people died in the sea, and the Poseidon Sacrifice gradually declined, but the cruel competition to challenge the captains in the name of Poseidon spontaneously arises.

This is the origin of Poseidon's order.

The Poseidon Token is divided into two modes. One is evolved from the Poseidon Sacrifice, which focuses on multi-player mixed gladiatorial battles, and emphasizes more on viewing; while the second is a single-player challenge mode, which uses one person's power. Challenge all pirate captains to improve your ranking. It is the cruelest, but the fastest way to increase reputation.

The first mode is automatically held during the annual Poseidon Festival, and pirates from the captain to the crew can sign up for it freely. In the second mode, one or more senior captains need to issue an invitation to all captains by themselves or the challenger.

The captain who receives the invitation must not refuse, otherwise no matter how famous you are before, you will automatically be removed from the pirates. Pirates will not reject this form of Poseidon's order. After all, those who reject it are regarded as giving up all their dignity, and will only be spurned by their peers at sea in the future.

There are only two people using the second form of Poseidon so far, one is Deborah, the captain of the Ironscale, and the other is Cindriella of the Netherworld. Both of them quickly rise above the sea with supernova attitudes, the difference is the difference in the number of wins between the two.

In the two Poseidon orders before and after, Deborah won 78 games, while Hindrella won 96 games!

The appearance of these two people once caused a temporary vacuum between the pirates. A large number of pirates were defeated and became appendages to the two, which even left the Pope's Chamber idle for a long time. But in a short period of time, Deborah and Cinderella proved to the Pope's Hall that their destructiveness exceeded the combined combat power of all the pirates who had been delisted!

But that was all five or six years ago.

Now, there is the third person to use the Poseidon Token, and the stakes are so huge!

Looking at the message on the lower bar, Manshan happily threw most of the remaining turkey legs into his stomach. The name of the man named Zero is unknown, but the bet he put out included Water Demon and Cinderella in addition to himself. This is a blockbuster. People in the entire sea area, and even some people in the Pope’s Hall, all want to get Hindrella, the woman who has the title of Queen of the Sea.

Just pressing this woman on her body and ruining Chenghuan will not know how many men's dreams are. It is also said that Hindrella's powerful combat power and the members of the Water Demon are a treasure that is too precious to be measured by numbers! But now, this man was able to take Cinderella as a bet. For Barbarian Mountain, it's been a long time since such an interesting thing happened.

But Manshan was not a fool, although he was born with a stupid body, but he knew very well. Cinderella is not a simple woman. Since the man named Zero can make her surrender, it means that he is also a strong man. And others don't know, Manshan can be sure that Hook will fight this man named Zero.

Only a few people know that Hook has been pursuing Hindrella, and Barbarian Mountain is one of those who knows.

Da Roushan stood up from the deck, patted his belly and said: "Boys, get back on the boat, let's go back to the sea house and go to Luo!"

While the pirates were cheering for joy, an unbroken officer on the warship raised his pistol to aim at the Roshan with difficulty, gritted his teeth and said: "Damn wild mountain! Go to hell!"

The gunfire suddenly overwhelmed the cheers, and the bullet hit Manshan's head, knocking the walrus hat on his head away.

All the pirates were stunned, looking at their captain nervously. The officer knew that even if he killed Barbarian Mountain, he could not escape the fate of killing. But he still laughed, and it was worth it to drag Manshan to the bottom.

I saw that the Manshan fell slowly, but when he was about to fall, his foot suddenly supported, Roshan supported it again. Then a bullet was squeezed out from his temple little by little, and finally the bullet fell to the ground, and there was no blood on it!

Man Shan picked up the walrus hat under his feet and looked at a bullet hole on it, showing a very heartbroken expression and said, "This is my favorite hat..."

Da Roushan turned around slowly, kicking his fat leg. The five hundred jin of body jumped high like a meat bullet, crossed the sea between the two ships with a cry, and then fell heavily on the warship. The officer opened his mouth wide and watched the shadow on his head getting bigger and bigger, and finally the heavy body of Manshan sat on him. At that moment, the officer only felt that a large mountain was crushed. He clearly heard the dense sound of bones coming from his spine, and then he didn't know anything.

The mountain shook so that the entire warship sank down, and then suddenly rose, causing waves of waves. Roshan, who was sitting on the officer's corpse, showed a grinning smile and said, "The crime of breaking my hat is very serious!"

After a while, the Walrus set sail and left. And on the sea behind it, a warship was burning and exploding from time to time. After this day, the bounty of Barbarian Mountain added a lot of money.

The entire sea boiled.

Regardless of the colonial islands or outer islands, whether ordinary residents or soldiers. In the past few days, pirate ships have passed by every day, but these pirate ships are very strange. They neither robbed merchant ships nor attacked the lone warships, but rallied in a certain direction.

That direction is where Roaring Bay is!

Roaring Bay is a den of pirates, and many pirates gather there on weekdays. But the large-scale gathering of pirate ships like this is absolutely unprecedented, and even because there are too many pirate ships assembled, the Knights of the Seal turned a blind eye to it. Nor did any knights jump out to intercept them, and just let hundreds of pirate ships crisscross the vast sea.

On the island of yellow sand, Qiaora and his father Kedar are returning from homework. When the two father and son dumped a warehouse full of electric fish on the beach, they saw pirate ships with different flags passing by on the sea not far away. The magnificent scene dazzled the two fathers and sons and other residents on the beach.

Qiao La said excitedly: "Dad, are the pirates holding the Sea God Festival? No, it seems that the time for the Sea God Festival is not now."

"It's not the Sea God Sacrifice, I'm afraid it's the Sea God Order." Kedal used to be a pirate, and that was a few years ago. That time, he had also been to the House of the Sea, and ran into Hindrella at the same time and issued a Poseidon Order to challenge a large number of pirate captains. After that, none of the people at sea didn't know the name of Cinderella. At that time, there were thousands or more pirate ships gathered near Roaring Bay, and Kedal still vividly remembered the scene of the sailing boats weaving.

But the situation now is so similar to that of the past.

"It's just, is this a coincidence?" Kedal smoked and frowned, "That man went to Roaring Bay not long ago, and now he has issued the Poseidon Order. It really is not an ordinary adventure businessman, that man, after all Where is it sacred?"

Kedal's mind flashed across the face of the black-haired man with left black and right golden pupils.

In the golden pupils, the scene of the ship coming like clouds on the sea was reflected. Countless pirate boats were laid out on the sea, like a huge wave rolling in, patted in the direction of the sea house wharf. On the island’s wharf, hundreds of sailing ships have already docked, and the vacant berths will be filled up in the near future. There may even be some ships that have no place to anchor and have to temporarily stop on the sea near the pier, and then take a small boat to land.

"I really miss it."

Cinderella's voice sounded nearby, and Ling looked at the stunning captain sitting on the rock. The latter squinted his eyes, enjoying the sea breeze blowing on his face: "I also issued the Sea God Order when I first debuted, and the scene at that time was the same as now. Look, these people are here because of you. Thinking about it is exciting. . There is a sense of commanding the world, supremacy."

In these two days of idleness, Cinderella told Zero something about the Seagod Order, including that she had used this form to summon all the pirates and became famous in the first battle. When talking about the past, Cinderella's face is always full of pride. Poseidon Ling's single-player challenge mode, as long as he has won 50 games, he has the qualifications to become a rising star. Then continue to challenge, just to accumulate more wealth and fame.

In single challenge mode, the challenger cannot rest. Only after the death of the battle, or after winning 50 consecutive games, will the suspension be eligible. Hindrella played for two days and one night at the time, until 96 games before he stopped because of exhaustion of energy. Because of the amazing number of wins, not only did Hindrella be crowned the supernova, but also ranked among the four largest pirate groups, becoming a legendary figure at that time and even now.

At that time, Cinderella was only an eighth level, and had not yet developed a field. If he shoots now, it is estimated that he will be able to play more than one hundred games. Zero and Hindrella have played each other, so a rough comparison can be made. With his strength, as long as he doesn't run into the characters of the Big Four Pirates, it is estimated that playing more than a hundred games is not a problem. But there are nearly a thousand pirate ships alone, and the strength of ordinary pirate captains is no more than Tier 4 to Tier 6. But even so, letting each of them fight one by one would be exhausting. How many days would it take to knock down all the captains? There is no such thing as idle time, he already had other plans.

In the evening, hundreds of pirate ships had been moored near the home of the sea. In two days or so, the pirates should all gather. The sea house is brightly lit, and the island that has not been so lively for a long time, now the bright light shines on it like a gem on the sea.

Mr. X’s Sea King’s bar was destroyed by a punch himself, and it is being rebuilt these days. At present, the general framework of the bar has been out, but it will take some time before the reconstruction is completed. But the drunks couldn't wait. They simply sat on the floor outside the Ocean Emperor's Bar, and Mr. X just sold the liquor. Seeing more and more people, the waiter had to set up tables and chairs on the open space, and the Haihuang Bar temporarily became an open-air pavilion.

The pirates were drinking beer and talking loudly about this grand gathering of Poseidon's Order. After many people asked what kind of person Mr. X zero was, he simply replied: "I punched him with all my strength and he retreated. That's it."

To put it simply, it can be seen from the fact that the Sea Emperor’s Bar has become a ruin, anyone with a little brain can understand how powerful Mr. X’s punch is. After some took their own hypotheses and put them in the zero position, all of them looked a little green.

"I'm afraid it's a supernova again." Someone commented.

"Are you going to become the era of the five great pirate groups?"

"What five pirate groups, now Ironscale has been delisted. Don't you know? The Pope's Hall has already let out the wind, Istar is over. And the ones who helped the Pope's Hall succeed are the Ironscale and Deborah bastard!"

"Is there such a thing? He was willing to be a dog in the Pope's hall, and I still respected him so much before."

In the midst of a lively discussion, all the voices suddenly disappeared. Mr. X was building a wall, and there was no sound behind him, but when he looked back, it was Hindrella and Zero coming. The former greeted him from a distance, and X nodded, called the waiter to prepare another table for the two of him, and then continued to build his wall tiles.

Cinderella and Ling swaggered past the pirates, and then sat on the table and chair x prepared for them.

"What do you need, sister?"

"The old rules are fine." After saying that, Hindrella took a glance at the person next to him, patted the table and said: "What are you looking at! I haven't seen a woman, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, you guys, you guys, you should do it. Why are you going? I'm offended to annoy my old lady, you don't have to participate in the Poseidon Order, my old lady throws you all into the sea to feed the fish!"

Let her roar like this, all the pirates were frightened and looked away. Then he pushed on a reluctant smile and spoke in a low voice. Many people took a peek at Zero, and then the topic gradually shifted to the new captain.

With all these whispers in his ears, the pirates discussed the angles really comprehensively. From his appearance to height, some people even speculate that he is the face of Cinderella. Zero can only smile at these remarks.

Hindrella's ears were not bad, so he naturally heard these crazy words. When the attack was about to happen, he held his hand to Zero. In the presence of so many people, Zero held the delicate hand, Cinderella suddenly blushed, lowered her head and said, "Let go, let them see that it's time to make irresponsible remarks."

Zero smiled and said: "You are my woman, what's the point of shaking hands."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a cold snort. The sound was very penetrating, like a sharp sword out of its sheath. With just this sound, many pirates fainted in the scene. Mr. X, who was building the wall, also shook his hand slightly, and then the cement under the spatula was obviously to one side.

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