War Lord

Chapter 654: Arena


There was a leather drum on the left side of the observation stand. Mr. X himself held two things that looked like some kind of giant fish bones and banged the drum. The three drums of war signaled the beginning of the challenge. Hearing the sound of drums, Ling, who had been sitting with his eyes closed in the arena, also opened his eyes and slowly stood up from the arena.

On the other side of the arena, the captain with the "1" plate pinned on his face grinned and said: "It's finally started, let me go and screw off that kid's head!" He strode out of the exit and said After the pirates saw him, some of the pirates recognized him and shouted, "It's a violent bear!"

Weed enjoyed the feeling of being shouted by everyone. He walked through the steel corridor to the arena, looked at Zero and said, "Boy, you make me very unhappy."

"Damn, I was about to do a big deal, and I suddenly received a Poseidon order and had to rush back. I will also count the loss on you!" Wade yelled, his voice resounding throughout the whole. Arena.

As if he hadn't heard it, Zero even passed Wade and landed in one of the passages. There, he felt Hook's depressed breath. The captain of the Tiger Shark can't wait to appear. But even if he is one of the four great pirates, he must abide by the rules. In fact, for Zero, his real opponents were only Hooke and Wild Mountain, which he had confirmed before coming here.

Among the pirates who came back in the past two days, the strength of the captains varied. But in general, except for the strength of the four major pirate captains that have reached the eighth rank, the highest of the rest is also the seventh rank. Take the Weede in front of him, and he scanned his data casually.

Weed, a sixth-order mutant capable person. Tier 3 defense, Tier 4 power, the main ability is the incarnation of the tyrant bear, belonging to the animal mutant, nothing special.

Of course, he is still a huge threat to ordinary people. It's a pity that Zero is not an ordinary person.

Seeing how Ling Yifu didn't put himself in his eyes, Wade was furious. Immediately the whole body muscles squirmed, and the gene switched to a tyrant bear. Immediately his body swelled, and hair grew all over his body, turning into a tyrant bear with sharp teeth and claws, four or five meters high, covered in gray hair. As soon as Tyrant Bear appeared, he ran towards Zero. Just as it was about to approach, it bounced from the ground and threw its teeth and claws toward Zero from the air.

To hug it, Zero's body will suffer a double attack from the steel claws and sharp teeth of the tyrant bear. However, the tyrant bear rushed into the air, and the figure that was still there before disappeared completely at the moment he was about to pounce. After a shock in the back of his head, he didn't know anything.

The pirates in the audience opened their mouths. They couldn't see what was going on.

At the moment when Lingyan was about to pounce on the tyrant bear, he suddenly fell on top of his head. Then he downplayed the location on the back of Tyrant Bear's head. So the tyrant bear fell to the ground and quickly reverted to mighty. Looking at Wade foaming at the mouth, he has already fainted.


Mr. X hit the drums and said he won the game.

"This guy... broke the record, right?"

"How long did it take, it doesn't seem to be 10 seconds yet, right?"

"What 10 seconds! Damn, less than 7 seconds!!"

There was a lot of discussion in the observation booth, and Mr. X was silent. Suddenly, he moved in his heart and looked up. A tall figure slammed into his eyes, but it was Hindrella who came. Cinderella changed into her iconic attire and looked much simpler in a shirt and denim pants today. But still unable to conceal her beauty, as soon as she appeared on the stage, she immediately caused a commotion. Then the commotion spread like a wave, and the audience boiled. Everyone raised their necks just to get a glimpse of Hindrella's beauty.

Captain Mei Yan looked better than yesterday, his face seemed to glow. The brows are full of spring, gorgeous and indispensable, making all the pirates drool, and at the same time envy and jealous of the lucky zero.

Seeing Cinderella, Mr. X remembered that this enchanting person initiated the Poseidon Order a few years ago. In the first challenge, she only cast a wink at the opponent, and then the opponent was fascinated, so the victory naturally fell on her. But even so, Cinderella also took 10 seconds to create the fastest record of Poseidon's order at that time. But today, this record is obviously refreshed.

Suddenly, various voices rang out from the auditorium, but another captain walked out of the passage on the other side.

"It's the Bomb Madman Bath!"

"Who? The guy who sank the ship alone?"

"Damn it, wouldn't he want to blow up the arena?"

Amidst the speculation of the pirates, the bomb madman has already entered the arena. The man was short, fat and greasy. He combed all his hair to the back of his head, leaving a circle of green scum on his chin. Biting a cigar in his mouth, he sneered at zero. Barn was wearing a black double-breasted long trench coat, which was so long that it almost fell to the ground, covering his bloated body. He said: "I won't make the same mistake as Weed, kid, just stand there and let me blow up!"

After talking, he laughed wildly and pulled off the windbreaker. Both sides of the windbreaker and his body were covered with bombs. Barn said: "Listen, you can't get close to me, know? If you dare to come over, I will launch a suicide attack. Let's just wait to go to heaven together!"

"Heaven?" Ling shook his head: "That place is not suitable for me, let alone the things on your body that can't hurt me."

Barn pulled his face down, and staggered his hands into the windbreaker: "Don't be too self-righteous, bastard!" Suddenly waved his hands, several fragmentation grenades shot towards zero one after another.

Zero kicked away the unconscious Weede, and then flashed with his figure, letting Barn's grenade fall one by one. The grenade exploded continuously, but the aftermath of the explosion did not even wipe the corners of the clothes.

On the other side, Barn held two detonators in his hand. He lit the fuse with a cigar in front of him and threw it out. The explosive power of a detonator is much greater than that of a grenade. Flames and thick smoke rise from the arena in the loud noise, making it difficult to see the situation.

"What kind of kid, kill me." Barn smiled, suddenly his pupils narrowed. But seeing Ling shot out of the thick smoke, her figure flickered one after another, and she appeared in front of him in an instant.

The two looked at each other.

"Don't come...I..."

Barn said tremblingly, without the arrogant arrogance just now. Ling Ju looked at him condescendingly, and under that calm expression, only the golden flame burning in his right eye hurt him.

The next moment, the world in his eyes turned around. Barn only felt his body fly into the air, and then fell cold all over his body. When I didn't know what happened, there were some cold palms on his face. Then this hand pressed him directly to the ground, and the strong collision with the ground caused a bang in his head, and he lost consciousness.

The pirates in the auditorium looked at the arena dumbfounded.

In their eyes, Zero first threw Barn into the air like a trick, and then dexterously took off his trench coat full of bombs. The last hand was pressed on Barn's head, just like this, pressing his head from top to bottom toward the ground, directly knocking Barn out.

Throwing the windbreaker on Barn's body, Ling Cai stood up straight and looked towards the audience.


There was another drum beat, and Zero won the second round.

"Let's come together." Zero suddenly raised his voice to the two passages: "It's too much trouble to fight one by one. This arena probably can accommodate 50 people to play together. Then the captains before the 50th, let's go together!"

The entire Poseidon Arena was silent, and only a chuckle was heard untimely, but it was Cinderella.

In the passages on both sides, all the captains creaked their fists.

"Underestimate us?"

"Asshole, but won't you be so triumphant after winning two people?"

"Go, since he wants to die, let us fulfill him. No matter how good he is, there is no way to face our attacks all at the same time!"

The footsteps field rang in the passage, and all the captains before 50 rushed up, ran out of the passages on both sides and rushed towards the arena.

Hook looked at his breastplate, and suddenly sighed, "We have to wait, really..."

Listening to his complaint, the captains in front of him showed incredulous eyes. Listening to Hook's tone, it seemed as if he believed that Zero could deal with so many people alone, which was simply unthinkable.

In the arena, Ling calmly watched the figures rushing towards him. These captains have different expressions on their faces, and even the level of energy aura is uneven. It's just that, without exception, they all want to tear themselves up.

Of course, in the end they can only stay at the level of imagination.

It's calm.

Little thought, he thought of Tyr, who challenged Doomhammer with his own power in the green city that day. At that time, he estimated that he was as calm as he is now, no matter how many people there are, the difference in rank between the two sides is really too great. When the disparity is so large that the number can't make up the gap between the two, it will be like zero, watching dozens of capable people surge up to him without being moved.

After all, no matter how many ants there are, the lion can't be shaken.

In the zero world, it is quiet.

In the world of pirates, the arena is trembling because of the rush of the captains!

Various abilities are ready to go, and the huge murderous intent formed by dozens of captains is enough to scare people. But suddenly, another power suddenly appeared, and the sum of the aura formed by dozens of people was pressed out in an instant.

Lingping stretched out his right hand and slowly clenched it into a fist. The awe-inspiring power comes from the fist, the scarlet energy and flames are gathering, and when walking towards the captains with zero steps, a fluttering silk ribbon is dragged in the air.

When the two parties with a large number of disparity came into contact in the middle of the arena, the ribbon on Zero Fist suddenly collapsed, and the flame of energy propelled Zero's fist in a jet state.

Zero fist, sweep.

The captains fluttered or rushed, looking from the auditorium, they saw a crowd of people rushing towards zero in a half-moon shape. The dense figures even blocked Zero, but the next moment, all the captains flew up. Between them and zero, red light spots suddenly appeared one after another.

After these light spots stopped for about a second, several of them flashed, followed by all the red spots bursting with dazzling blood. The blood burst into pieces, and suddenly turned into a continuous blood flame, the pieces of blood flame rolled away, and suddenly formed a storm of energy in the arena!

Shot crit!

The captains are located on the outer side of the energy storm. Although they have not been involved in the fatal explosion, otherwise with their physical strength, they may not be able to withstand the death crit of the petty miniature version. After intensively attacking a certain area The various impact undercurrents produced. In the area of ​​undercurrents that oscillate vertically and horizontally, if the strength of the body is not strong enough, it will be torn apart!

As for the periphery of the storm, even though there was no undercurrent of terror, the explosive shock wave also shook them out. Some had lost consciousness when they were shocked in the air, while others fell into a coma after falling from a high altitude into the arena. Only a few who have strengthened a relatively high-level defense can survive, but only a handful of them.

After the energy storm, the space even produced a slight distortion. Ling slowly lowered his fist, the broken hair in front of him was flying, only the golden light in his right eye was extremely dazzling!

All the things-

Mr. X is constantly beating the drums, and every time he beats it, it means zero wins. After 48 consecutive beatings, he stopped. But the audience was quiet at first, and when the x drum stopped, all the pirates screamed violently. They shouted Zero's name, and beat them with their hands or other objects to boost their voice.

This era respects the strong, and this era also calls for the strong. The weak live by the strong, especially among pirates. The heroic posture of the 48 captains flying with zero punch has been deeply reflected in their eyes and engraved into their hearts. At this moment, Zero is the undisputed strong man!

Hearing the thunderous voice in his ear, Hindrella couldn't calm down either. She knew that Petty used her own method to make a perfect performance, and after today, her name will spread all over the sea.

At this time, the voice gradually subsided. Because two more figures appeared in the passage below, but they were not ordinary pirate captains, but Hook and Wild Mountain! Two of the four pirates finally appeared, but according to the ranking, it shouldn't be their turn.

Man Shan took a deep breath and said loudly, "I'm sorry, I'm so excited. It has been a long time since I saw such a wonderful performance, so I couldn't help but want to end. The captains in front of me expressed generously Willing to abstain, how about you Hook?"

Turning his head to look at the weapon master on the other side, the captain of the Tiger Shark said concisely: "Same."

He looked at Manshan again, and said: "Your qualifying is behind me, so just stay here. I'm sorry, you have no chance to end." After saying that, he walked towards the steel corridor, and he didn't even look at it. Look at the wild mountain with a dry smile.

"It's a big tone, Hook, don't blow up the eggs in less than a minute." Manshan laughed.

In the arena, Ling stretched out his hands and clicked on both Hook and Manshan at the same time.

Whether it is Hook who has already walked on the steel corridor, or the wild mountain sitting down at the exit of the passage, they all sign slightly.

"Come together," Ling said calmly: "You two, come together, so hurry up."

Manshan suddenly laughed and clapped his hands: "It's funny, it looks like you are not joking." He stood up on the ground with one hand, his smile gradually became colder: "But the attitude really makes me unhappy, I ..."

The sound of breaking through the air, a cold light nailed to the foot of Manshan, but it was a sleeve arrow. Man Shan squinted his eyes and fell on Hook's body. Hook turned his back to him, but turned his face lightly and said, "He is mine, and I am also...serious!"

As soon as the voice fell, Hook was afraid that Manshan would change his attention. Leaning forward, he rushed towards the arena with a whistling sound. Hook's speed is extremely fast, and he has swept across the steel corridor with almost his body moving. He stepped on the edge of the arena with one foot, bowed his back, and shot out three long spears behind him.

As soon as the spear was released, it was suddenly blurred. When they reappear, they will come to Zero's face, and pierce Zero's face, chest and abdomen respectively!

Zero exhaled, and a metallic luster swept across the skin.

With his hands interlaced, he suddenly soared and swept three spears.

In the three ding-ding-ding, the spear spun and flew out.

But at this moment, Hook had already cut to Zero. The captain leaned forward, holding his hands on the hilts of the two war knives that crossed behind his waist.

The sword slid out of half of the blade, and the awe-inspiring sword aura came out spontaneously!

The cold light flashed, and it was cut across Zero's body in an instant. Zero still maintained the posture of swinging his arms and flying the spear, showing how fast Hook was.

Then the light lit up and exploded again.

A cloud of smoke erupted in the arena, and a figure in the smoke retreated rapidly.

Zero fell and fell out. He arched his body like a cat, his hands and feet nailed to the ground, but he kept sliding away.

At the end of the castration, Hook has already rushed to it. When a person is in the air, the two knives turn the blades straight down, and then "bite" the head toward the zero like the fangs of a beast!

The sword skill "Tiger Bite", one of Hook's signature skills, is known for its penetrating damage, and it is said that even a chariot can penetrate through it.

Hook pounced from mid-air, and the double knives brought up the milky white ripples visible to the naked eye. Seeing that it was about to reach zero, zero finally stopped. Suddenly jumped up, and Hook's double knives were lost.

There was a sudden press in front of him, but zero hand was pressed on Hook's face.

Flip in the middle of the air, grabbed Hook and swiped it in the air and then severely pinched it to the ground!

Hook's head landed first, hitting the arena with debris flying around. Although he didn't know it, he twisted his swords towards zero. Zero had to let him go, and Hook took the opportunity to bounce up.

There was blood flowing down his forehead, and Hook didn't wipe it, so he wanted to pounce on it a second time.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he leaned forward, he noticed that his body was castrated. Hook looked down in surprise, but didn't know when. The shadow thread like seaweed protruding from his own shadow under his feet firmly bound his sword and people!

The shadow entangles.

Suddenly, the delay of effort ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Zero came into my eyes.

Ling shrank slightly, and then his right fist flew out. With a bright red flame and awe-inspiring aura, a **** flame tail was pulled out in the air and blasted in front of Hook's eyes instantly!

The moment the fist touched, Hooke felt like he was hit by a heavy artillery shell, and an indescribable pain spread all over his body. At the same time, his whole person was overwhelmed by the dazzling blood brilliance.

There was a loud explosion in the arena, and a red cloud of fire suddenly rose up. The fire cloud threw and whizzed, and then gathered into a stream of fire and sprayed straight out. The direction pointed by Huo Liu is exactly in front of Zero Fist. Hook's figure fell out while the fire was spitting out. He rotated his body in the air, and the two swords flew around and cut out, slashing out the fire clouds entwined around him one by one.

But when he fell to the ground, Hook couldn't help but stagger. However, it was a close-range blow from the heavy artillery bombardment of eating zero, and Hook was also overwhelmed by it.

The fight between the two only took a few breaths, and the offensive was reversed twice, and the pirates in the audience were hooked. And Cinderella looked nervously at the two people on the field, and then cast his gaze to another tall figure.

Manshan, when Zero and Hook were fighting, I don't know when they have already embarked on the steel corridor leading to the arena!

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