War Lord

Chapter 658: 1st Cavalier

"Captain Caromon, are you questioning the justice of the Pope's Hall?"

A low voice rang behind Carlomon, and Carlomon turned his head, and a man walked up from behind him. Less than 30 years old, under a short linen hair is Zhang Pu's ordinary face. But the man's eyes are very clear, as if there is no doubt in his heart. Wearing a black "color" double-breasted gown, the sides of the robe are decorated with gold "color" cross heraldry. Behind him, the same scarlet cloak was flying, and behind the cloak was carrying a cross almost as high as the others.

The cross is silvery white, with beautiful curves flying around it, dotted with various precious colors of blue and red, which is extremely gorgeous.

"Habes, you kid, when I was in the army, you were still wearing open pants. Don't come to preach to me." Caromon said in a bad mood.

Habes, the seventh division leader of the Holy Seal Knights, is known as a swordsman, but he is a sincere Catholic. The nobles who were born in the city of Rome were baptized by the cardinal on the day of their birth. When he was five years old, he was sent to the enlightenment class by his father. He graduated as the number one in the Youth League at the age of 13, became a knight at the age of 15, and became the commander of the seventh division at the age of 23. So far, he is the youngest knight commander in the Pope’s Chamber. A legend among the younger generation.

Hearing what Caromon said, Habes didn't get angry, and gently closed the doctrine between his palms and said: "I am not preaching, I just see the doubts in your heart."

Carlomon snorted, looking disapproving.

"I haven't doubted anything in the Pope's Hall in my heart, but seeing a big pirate walking with us, I am very upset like Caromon!" The rough voice sounded behind them, and a tall shadow was at the same time. Cover both Carlomon in it.

Caromon turned around, raised his head and said to this figure: "It's so noisy, Mamiro! I can't shut your broken voice. Every time I hear your loud voice, I get a headache."[] War Lord 658

He is nearly two meters tall and wears heavy armor. The armor that almost envelops the whole person makes the head of the eighth division look like a medieval knight in heavy armor. The dark armor is painted with **** curves and patterns, from the shoulder armor and knees. The horrible thorns that emerged were reminiscent of the **** and screaming knight leader exuding a terrible aura. The only thing that reminded people of the papal hall was probably the symbolic cloak behind him.

Mami Luohahahahahahahahahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Mamiro smiled and said, "Don't mind, old man. Do we have a chance to act together, don't you think we should have a good glass of wine?"

"Usually the definition of your glass is exactly the same thing as what I think is a wine barrel, so do you think I will store something like sprinkles on my own ship? Drinking is forbidden when we act. If you endure If you can't help it, the pirates in front may be able to satisfy you. Then again, you don't see you being so active in sweeping pirates on weekdays. Why did you take the initiative to fight this time." Carlomon said.

Habern opened his eyes and said, "Because the place to go this time is the House of the Sea, I heard that one of the four great pirates is called a master of weapons. As a swordsman, I am very interested in him. what."

"Hook?" Carlomon raised his brows.

Habes was silent.

Mamiro patted her chest and said, "I am going to meet an old friend. I want to ask him when he will be a pirate."

Speaking of it, he sat down on the deck, but Mamiro's own weight plus the heavy armor on her body, to say nothing, weighed nearly a ton, it was like a big iron block. After sitting on the deck, Caromon could almost hear the groaning of his warship. Looking at Mamiro who was in silence, Caromon shook his head and said: "You still have to die. If he is willing to change his mind, he won't stay on that broken island and sell alcohol forever."

"You don't need to care about my business." Mamiro raised her head and said in a deep voice.

Habes looked at the two of them, completely unaware of who they were discussing. People like him of the younger generation have not experienced the darkest period of the Pope's Hall. And Caromon and Mamiro are already one of the few veterans, and they naturally know the story that happened during that turbulent year.

At that time, Mamiro was not the commander of the 8th regiment, but the deputy commander of the 10th regiment. Although he knew the experience of his captain at that time, he still had a grudge about the captain's degeneration into a pirate. He sneaked into Shanghai Home three times. No one knows the result, but from the situation where Mamiro returned empty-handed three times, the persuasion to the head of the group ended in fruitless.

This time Sauron issued an order to attack the Sea House. For Mamiro, it was probably the last opportunity to persuade the leader of the top 10 regiments. It's just the ending, Caromon seems to have foreseen it, and can only sigh in his heart.

The silhouettes of the three heads were reflected by a pair of eyes, and Caromon standing on the bow of the ship noticed it first, and turned back with contempt. So Deborah laughed dryly and walked to the bow of the ship after leaving the railing, and sat down on the deck. Tielin is still Tielin, but the busy people on the ship are no longer those who were familiar with before, but the rigorous knights.

Even behind him, several Paladin-type power armors were being overhauled, all of which seemed to be so different from the pirate ship.

Deborah raised his head somewhat lonely, and looked at the flag of the Iron Scale that was still invented on the mast. []Warlord 658

Once upon a time, when this banner appeared, whether it was the Knights of the Seal or other pirates, they had to wait for it, and even escaped. What a prestige and prestige the sea area was at that time, but now it has been branded as a running dog in the Pope's Hall. Although Deborah had foreseen this day when he agreed to become Sauron, he regretted it when it really came.

Sauron has clearly told him that as long as the army of the three divisions of the Knights destroys the pirates and destroys the Sea House, he will arrange an errand in the Knights. The lowest is also the adjutant of the regimental commander, and after that, Deborah can lose his pirate status and live a noble life ever since. This was what Deborah had longed for, but now, he has asked himself more than once.

Is this really the life I want?

However, no matter how much he regrets it, he cannot change the upcoming facts. He once thought that he had mastered the "tide" current of the times, but now, he suddenly realized that he was just one of the people driven by the "tide" current.

A soft sigh from the captain sounded on the Iron Scale.

Four big ships are carrying people with different minds on the Devil's Channel, and they will arrive at Roaring Bay shortly after. It has quietly become a turning point in the "tide" of the times, but now everyone on the Western Continent doesn't know it.

The storm of the Great Era on the Western Continent is coming, and on the other side of the endless sea, there is already continuous war on the Central Continent. The war between the two largest groups on this continent, the Dark Council and the Hall of Valor, gradually dragged all the creatures on the entire continent into the flames of war.

After the initial battle started, the flames of war lay in the middle of this continent.

In the early days of the war, one of the wealthiest members of the Dark Council, the Augustus family's army, led by the family elder Hart, drove straight in, marching westward and hitting the Julian Mountains where the Hall of Valor is located. Soon, the Hall of Valor sent two mixed army groups, Doomhammer and Golden Battle Axe, to greet them, and Thor was the leader of this team.

So the Central Wilderness became the stage and battlefield for these two camps, but equally talented young people.

In this war, the names of Hart and Sol quickly spread throughout the continent. Just as after the war that swept across the continent decades ago, there were many legendary names that are still known to this day. Today's war has quickly become the focus of life on the mainland. Inevitably, some names will often appear in rumors.

Among these people, Hart and Sol are of course the most exposed.

They are all charming young generals, but they have different focuses. Hart is more adept at arranging troops and planning to win. His strategy is not amazing, but it is magnificent and interlocking, and it is the style of an upright general. Saul obviously lacks in this respect, but he is better than his personal martial arts. Thor often takes the lead. His Quake is the beacon on the battlefield, the nightmare of enemy forces, and the banner of friendly forces.

Although Saul is not like Hart who can arrange a series of strategies and layouts before a battle begins, he can quickly formulate flexible and changeable plans in response to the situation on the front line. All the times, the situation that Hart saw as a sure-fire situation was reversed.

In this way, the two young generals showed their strengths in the central wasteland, pushing the war to a climax step by step.

At the beginning, because of the shortage of supplies and troops. Hart basically adopted a steady and steady approach, and he was fighting every step of the way. After capturing the stronghold, he tried his best to consolidate and make it a strong backing for himself. Afterwards, the war materials of the Augustus family were sent to the front line through Phoenix endlessly, and Hart began to change his style, using his own advantages in the number of personnel, materials, and war machines to attack the enemy from the front.

If Saul was able to use flexible targeting strategies to break Hart's offensive before, now facing the opponent's overwhelming advantage, he can only adopt a strategy of austerity defense. But even so, Thor's army was "forced" to retreat continuously. After more than a month, Sol completely withdrew for nearly a hundred kilometers!

But just in Yeluge, a ruined city more than a hundred kilometers away from the front line, the Hall of Valor fought a beautiful counterattack.

After Sol's army retreated into Yelv City, Hart stepped forward. This is his command style, oppressing opponents with copper walls and iron walls, and even "forces" them to despair or even collapse. But this time it was a little different. After the Augustus family entered Yelugo, they cut off the retreat with the victory spear led by the war goddess Valsri to the army of the Hall of Valor who had outflanked it from the outside. Then the tip of the dark blade also appeared on the scene. This assassin force killed countless commanders above the captain level in just one hour, making Hart's command system paralyzed for a while.

Afterwards, Augustus' army counterattacked with all strength, but the Shield of Dawn blocked it.

So far, all five legions of the Hall of Valor have assembled and ate at least two-thirds of Augustus's personnel in Yelugo. This was Hart's most tragic defeat since the beginning of the war.

After hearing the arrival of the five legions of the Hall of Valor, the Dark Council quickly reacted. First, ordinary servants were delivered by trucks one after another, and then the corps of capable people composed of scarlet knights above the rank of captain also drove to the front. With the input of these new forces, it is like throwing a large amount of fuel into the fire of this war, which immediately makes this war show a white-hot trend.

It's just that on the dark council, because the Augustus family and the blood knight belong to two completely independent systems, Hart has no right to direct the blood knight's movements. This made many of his tactics unavailable, but on the side of the Hall of Valor, the five major legions were linked together, under their close and incomparable cooperation. With Thor as the leader, the Hall of Valor has pushed the front for hundreds of kilometers within half a month, making the war stalemate.

All in all——

The continuous dull sound of artillery sounded, it was the sound of the artillery tanks "shooting". Then a sharp whistling sounded in the air, dozens of flame tails entangled and rushed in the air, and each flame tail represented an infantry missile. Dozens of missiles flew toward the enemy's camp, but when they fell, a large light curtain of milky white rose up and blocked the missiles. Explosions and flames followed, round and round fireballs rising above the enemy's formation, but it did not damage the white light curtain of milk.

The shock wave of the explosion brought dust and smoke back, and the frantic wind whizzed past the rooftop of a building, causing Hart to blink his eyes slightly.

The eldest son of the Augustus family was sitting on the roof next to a delicate round wine table with a bottle of red wine and a tall arm.

The shock wave passed by these things, but the wine red "color" and "liquid" body in the goblet did not produce a wave of waves.

Hart smiled and raised his wine glass, and greeted the "creamy white" light wall in the distance: "Respect you, the shield of dawn."

Ryan frowned next to him, and he could not find the slightest respect for the shield of dawn, even if it only had one point. The five legions of the Hall of Valor have their own special "colors", among which the shield of dawn is made up of people with light system abilities. They are good at defending, healing and blessing all kinds of spirits for allies. It is no exaggeration to say that even a cowardly Dawn Shield can turn him into a brave warrior.

Therefore, although this army is not known for its combat effectiveness, it is a headache.

"Brother, don't be frowning, come over and have a drink with me?" Putting down the glass, Hart seemed to notice the expression on Rein's face and smiled faintly.

Lein walked over and said, "I'm not as leisurely as you. Brother, how can I go on like this. Although the council has sent troops over, the servants and the blood cavalry don't listen to our command at all. This way, there is no return. Isn't it the same?"

"It's normal. After all, this is a parliamentary war, not our Augustus family. In the past few months, we have been a little bit of the limelight. So you didn't see that I didn't let my own soldiers go on the battlefield. The army of the parliament will go out."

"Although I am also from the Scarlet Knights, I am not destroying my prestige, but the current blood cavalry army alone is not enough to win the Hall of Valor. They didn't even send the top ten knights over. What's the use of those captain-level knights alone?" Ryan said.

Hart smiled and said, "Isn't the Ninth Knight here? Maybe, they are waiting for you to command."

"Don't be kidding me, brother. Everyone knows that I am not good at commanding such a large army. If I are allowed to command, I will just assign it to the name of Brother." Rin said irresponsibly.

Hart shook his head and said, "Don't worry, the parliament will not hope to lose this war. New orders will come down soon."

"What kind of order will it be?"

"There are nothing more than two. One is to send a high-level blood cavalry mount to command, and the other is to hand over the command to me. If it is the former, then we will have a good rest for a while. The continuous combat over the past few months has made the soldiers very tired. .If the latter is better, with the new force of the blood cavalry, I must be able to surprise Thor. So my dear brother, no matter which order it is, it will not make much difference to us. "Hart stood up and patted his brother on the shoulder.

At this time, a soldier ran out of the roof stairs: "Report!"

Hart asked unexpectedly: "You won't order to come down so soon? What's the matter?"

The soldier replied: "Two young masters, we have just received the notice. The first knight of the blood ride, Major General Xiuya Lan Lost and her Guard Glacier will arrive in Phoenix this evening!"

Rein and Hart couldn’t help but look at each other, especially Rein. He clutched their heads and said, “Isn’t the troublesome woman Xiuya going to sweep the black land on the west side? How come to Phoenix at this time, I also brought the glacier."

This time even Hart "showed" his thoughts. He smiled and said, "Could it be that the speaker can't wait any longer? I didn't expect to transfer his daughter directly." Then he said, "Rin, you Go back to Phoenix. See what our Miss Xiuya has ordered."

"I see, brother." Ryan sighed and left the rooftop.

Xiuya Lanlost ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is a name almost unknown to everyone in the Dark Council. Possess outstanding talents, with Tier 3 abilities from birth. When he was 15 years old, he joined the Scarlet Knight with the strength of the seventh rank. Ten years later, she won the name of the first knight with the strength of the ninth rank.

Because of her outstanding talent, Oglock was adopted as a righteous daughter by Speaker Oglock. With this level of status, Xiuya is even more rampant in the council. Even Hart's father Leo wanted to give her a three-pointer. Two years ago, Xiuya took the initiative to ask Ying and led her own guard to the black land to the west to sweep the alien race. After she joined, in just two years, the inadequate black "color" forcibly opened a gap for her.

As a result, the army of the Dark Council ate hundreds of kilometers of territory, making Xiuya's evaluation in the Council even more optimistic.

Two years ago, she was already a ninth-order strongman. For two years, she fought in the black earth like hell. Even Hart couldn't guess the strength of this woman!

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