War Lord

Chapter 703:   losing streak

[I caught a cold at the end of the New Year, I was sour and uncomfortable tt]

When Leo saw Zero, Zero also saw him. There was no difference in sight between the two, and they were synchronized like a miracle.

Without words, through eye contact, the two understood the other's signal for war at the same time.

So Leo fell back to the ground. He hadn't reached the level of free flight, and he had to be at least ten steps later, and he realized that the method of drawing energy from space could offset the huge energy consumed by flight.

In front of Zero, there was a boiling camp and hundreds of soldiers rushing out of the camp.

The soldiers of the Knight Order seized a favorable position at the same time. Hundreds of machine guns fired at the same time, and the flying lines of fire appeared so bright in the dark night. The dense barrage shrouded towards Zero, and Zero smiled calmly. From the front of the forehead, a metal-like luster flowed across the body instantly like flowing water, and the skin that had been exposed to the air had already glowed with silver.

Tempered skin!

The memory group was used to change the constituent molecules of the skin, and the zero defense power of a steel skin clashed with Franklin. Although this layer of skin is not enough to withstand heavy artillery bombardment, it is more than enough to block rifle bullets.

Zero leaned over and rushed forward. The body almost touched the ground, reaching the limit in an instant. Falling in the eyes of the soldiers, they saw two zeros, one was still in place, and the other had rushed into their camp.

Then a cone-shaped shock wave was pushed in successively and burst into the group of soldiers. A dozen soldiers were the first to bear the brunt.

The next one was a one-sided killing, zeroing into a human-shaped whirlwind, constantly moving in the group of soldiers. Wherever he went, there were soldiers flying up and down, turning into corpses when they landed. Zero's whole body has become a murder weapon, his palms are like knives, his long legs are like whips, and he is matched with fighting skills such as elbow blows, shoulder hits, and knee tops. Being rubbed by him, the slightest but also the severely injured end.

Even when he backed up and hit the enemy with his back, he smashed the hapless guy to his breastbone to death.

Hundreds of soldiers fell in less than a minute after holding their zero hands.

However, more soldiers rushed out from the barracks.

Ling glanced faintly in Leo's direction, and then continued to push forward. He no longer uses any technique, but simply uses the cone-shaped shock wave created by breaking the sound barrier to kill the enemy. From a high altitude, you can see a cone-shaped ripple continuously piercing into the barracks, and the soldiers surging on both sides continue to shatter and shatter like a sand bank being swept across by the waves!

How barbarous it is, and how brutal it is. But this is the fate of ordinary people against high-level players. In addition to being seckilled, the role they can play is to consume zero energy.

When Zero rushed across the third wave of soldiers, he found that his eyes were empty. However, the soldiers in the nearby camp almost killed him, sweeping around for a week, and zero locked two tall figures. Those were two paladin mechas. From the beginning of the chaos to the present, the knights finally reacted. Paladins’ mechas are known as mobile turrets, as can be seen from the hideous revolver guns in their hands.

The pilot on the mech locked zero, and then the revolver on the mech made a strong gun sound.

Amid a series of dense cannon sounds, the revolver cannon spewed a meter-long fire dragon, and the powerful bullets rushed toward zero like a storm.

Zero starts to move.

His movements are weird, sometimes forward and sometimes laterally, seemingly chaotic, but his footing is always outside the shooting range of the cannon. After a few flashes, Zero and the two mechas passed by. Zero has been flashing ten meters away. He is holding a part of the mecha with both hands, and even the engine oil slips from his fingers. After a while, the sparks of the two mechas flashed in succession, and instantly turned into two fireballs.

A loud shout came from the front.

Zero looked up, but a non-commissioned officer strode towards him.

This non-commissioned officer was very tall, and under the uniform of the Knights were bent muscles. The breath on his body was full of oppression, and he was holding a tomahawk that was as high as a human. With a roar, he chopped off to the top of the head with all his strength. There was no smile, and the figure flickered, and he cut into the front of the non-commissioned officer in an instant.

At this time, the sergeant's battle axe only swung half the distance.

Zero right pulled out an afterimage, and gently tapped it on the sergeant's Adam's apple. The sergeant's eyes were violently open, and the whites of his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes. He wanted to say something, but in the end a large mass of blood flowed from his mouth. Suddenly losing all his strength, the sergeant fell softly. Ling casually took off the battle axe in his hand, and then gently brought his body, the sergeant turned over and landed on the open space next to him.

His adult type was lying on the ground, and a **** wound appeared at his throat!

So far, Zero had already seen Leo, and there was no one standing between the two.

Zero One pointed towards Leo and pulled the battle axe backwards with the other hand. After two or three runs, he threw the tomahawk out. The battle axe whirled wildly, issued a scream of people, and cut straight to Leo.

Leo's pupils shrank slightly, and the black lines of his eyes became denser, almost completely covering his eyes!

He clenched his fists and let out a scream, and suddenly a black fire emerged from under his feet, wrapping himself in it. As soon as the battle axe entered the black fire range, it immediately twisted and deformed, and then advanced one meter before it was completely transformed into iron and spilled on the ground.

Being able to melt the iron axe in a very short time, this black flame is afraid that it is already thousands of degrees high.

Zero showed a solemn expression, and he didn't keep it anymore, his power and energy rose steadily, and he stepped into the ninth level in an instant. From the shoulders and elbows, there are bright red energy lights flowing indefinitely, and the ends are overflowing in the air, shaped like banners.

After taking out the strength of Tier Nine, Zero does not stay. Dive close to the ground and crash into the black flames in an instant.

After a while, Black Flame rang out with muffled noises and Leo's roar.

No one knows what happened in the black flames, only that the black flames are flying, and the bright red energy ripples are overflowing. The impact caused by the battle between the two caused huge damage to the camp. The surrounding camps were either burnt to ashes by the black fire, or were scraped by red ripples and blown into countless fragments. During this period, several mechas that came for reinforcement accidentally got involved in the two high-level battlefields. The metal on the surface of these mechas melted quickly, and then they were swept by red waves and exploded into pieces.

With the lessons learned from these mechas, the soldiers who arrived did not dare to rush into the war.

Suddenly, the black fire exploded, turning into thousands of fires and spreading in all directions. Being touched by these black fires, no matter people or things are turned into fireballs. For a while, many soldiers let Leo kill with this indiscriminate attack.

The soldiers hurriedly retreated to a hundred meters away. Looking at the battlefield again, Leo and Zero had already separated.

Ling's tactical uniform was burned in many places, and even his skin was covered with a scorched black color. There was even a black fire on his right hand, and Ling Xun thrust his right hand into the ground before finally extinguishing the fire, but when he pulled it out, his fist was already blackened.

Looking at Leo again, the captain's uniform had turned into a striped suit, and fist prints appeared on the surface of the bare body, and each fist print was bright red, and it seemed that Leo was also badly injured.

Ling stood up calmly and said lightly: "Let's stop here today." He stretched out his hand and punched in the air, blasting a red streamer straight to the sky, and then detonated in midair.

Seeing this signal, the capable people scattered in every corner of the barracks knew it was time to retreat. So all of them blasted out strong killing moves and forced them away from the fighting soldiers before they calmly withdrew from the barracks.

After sending the signal, Zero didn't stop, regressing like flying from the place where he came in before, and went away in a flash.

Only then did the soldiers react, shouting to catch up.

"Don't chase!" Leo shouted violently, shocking the soldiers who wanted to pursue.

Then he shook his body, and suddenly stretched out his hand to cover his mouth with a violent cough, and thrilling blood flowed from his fingers, making the soldiers' hearts sinking.

Leo's injury was far more serious than they thought.

At this time, the soldiers separated, and Yafidi came out behind Leo and supported him. The old regiment took a deep look at Yafidi and said, "I have to rest for three days."

Yafidi's face changed slightly, and finally nodded.

In the battle, the Knights killed as many as three thousand soldiers and damaged dozens of mecha chariots. Leo was seriously injured, and Frank slept with his head covered in his military tent from beginning to end! On the zero side, no one was killed in battle, and apart from Zero, the others did not even have minor injuries. This battle once again established the strong image of a high-level capable person who was inhuman. Zero side only dispatched seven high-level players and caused such a major damage to the Knights. This is something that Leo and others did not have before they went to Canon. Things that have been thought of.

Next, the Knight Order stayed in place for three days. Seven high-ranking ranks were considered terrified of fighting the Knights in World War I. At the moment when Leo was recovering from his injuries, Yafidi assumed the responsibility of temporary command. He issued a series of orders, including tightening the camp and deploying a large number of patrols to prevent another sneak attack by the zero class ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ To his surprise, the three days passed smoothly.

Three days later, Leo's injury improved and the Knights set off again.

However, this evening, he was attacked by zero again on the **** road. This time, Zero no longer scattered the high-level powerhouses, but instead used him as the front. The seven directly entered the Knights' convoy from the side of the road like a sharp dagger. Unprepared, the knights killed an individual and turned their backs on their backs. After the seven went in and out of the knights for three rounds, when the knights' mechas entered the fighting state, they had already moved away.

This time, Leo and the other two commanders were finally injured. That's because Zero One didn't regard them as targets at the beginning, and used a high-travel method to kill a large number of soldiers. In the battle, the Knights once again lost two thousand soldiers. However, after this war, Leo suddenly revoked the previous order to march slowly, and the army advanced high. At this level, after four days, they finally saw Mesa City.

However, in these four days, the Knights encountered two more attacks.

Lost in two wars!

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