War Lord

Chapter 707:  First battle 2

[Recently, it's really painful. I have a cold and coughing to death. The child is also sick, vomiting and diarrhea. Recently, the cold snap has come again, so everyone should take care of yourself. ]

Dozens of revolving guns blasted together, and the roar of guns instantly overwhelmed the sound of tearing and killing on the battlefield. Rows of powerful chain ploughs came, and the hard ground also pulled out scars. Some of the Knights soldiers who could not evade were even killed by mistake, and their bodies were helplessly blasted to pieces by the line of gunfire like dolls!

Even Franklin, who is good at defensive ability, is unwilling to expose his body to the fire of so many machine guns. However, in this short moment, Franklin did not retreat and faced the cannon barrage with a double shield and iron wall, to gain time for the companion behind him to evade.

The giant roared and pressed his shield, and the double shields were like banana leaves in a torrential rain. Franklin was full of muscles, and his already tall body rose by a size. He inserted the double shields into the ground, and pressed his entire body on the shields, but he still slid back continuously under the bombardment of the aircraft. But once he blocked it, everyone else took the opportunity to shrink behind him.

But Franklin couldn't stop it for long. Upon seeing this, he shouted, "Kayton, let them skate!"

The wolf king's eyes lit up, and the icy blue flames in his hands flourished. He roared and pressed it to the ground, and immediately the ice flame spread out, creating a thin ice on the ground. The thin ice quickly spread to the mecha positions, and the mechas still opened fire while advancing forward. At this time, one of the mechas walking in front slipped and fell, and the fuselage smashed on the ice and hit the two mechas behind.

So like bowling, he kept tripping over his armor, or skating on the ice by himself, and immediately couldn't focus on the fire as before.

"Kill it!" Taking this opportunity, Zero yelled and rushed forward, and other abilities also passed Franklin's mecha rushing to the ground.

Franklin looked at the double shield, which was full of warheads. The inner side of the shield has already been blasted with bumps, and if these mechas are allowed to shoot for a few seconds, maybe the double-sided shield will be blasted.

Looking up, Zero and they had already entered the mecha position. The mecha that fell on the ground was a relatively large piece of iron at best, and the zero iron fist slammed directly into the driving cabin, killing the mecha driver in the cabin alive. Others used their own killer moves, turning these big pieces of iron into pieces of real scrap iron. In less than a minute, these dozens of mechas had been blown up, and they were broken, and no longer threatened. .

The situation reversed in an instant, and after losing the mech, the remaining Knights continued to shrink back. They are still fighting stubbornly. As soon as he moved, he suddenly caught it with one hand. Kaiton was puzzled, and the next moment he heard the sound of rumbling cannons from the bottom of the mountain, and the mountain not far in front was blasted with gravel shots.

If he rushed forward just now, it is estimated that he would be exactly on the landing point of this shell, and it would not be difficult to kill him by then.

Looking at the foot of the mountain, a row of artillery tanks had already arrived in front of the barracks. These chariots couldn't drive halfway up the mountain, but it was more than enough to bomb the mountain near the foot of the mountain. It turned out that they had rushed to the foot of the mountain without knowing it. Just within the fire coverage of the chariots down the mountain, as the platoon of tank artillery fired in unison, Zero had to give a wry smile and signal to evacuate.

After Zero and the others retreated to their position halfway up the mountain, Leo ordered the soldiers to blow up the mountain and open the way. Soon, Zero and the others responded, this time Su led the trident to kill directly. With zero their experience, Suge guarded the tank fire belt. Once the soldiers of the Knights retreated to the fire belt, Su stopped moving forward. When they crossed the fire belt, Su led the trident to kill them all on their backs.

The two sides competed for territory between the mountains 100 meters below the foot of the mountain. Leo wanted to explode a broad road to the mountainside, but the zero side fought hard to obstruct it. The Knights slammed several times, but only drove the road dozens of meters. It didn't take a few days to drive halfway up the mountain. It can be expected that the more you move up, the more intense the blow from the zero side.

The battle on this day finally came to an end before night fell. The two sides fought for the first time, the Knights left more than 4,000 soldiers, and the zero side lost a dozen trident members. At first glance, the contrast between the deaths and injuries of the two sides is very different, but the deaths on the side of the Knights are only ordinary people, even recruits in the reserve. On the zero side, there are those who are capable. Strictly speaking, in the first battle, zero is just a small victory.

"Aren't these **** claiming to be knights? I haven't seen knights who can only blow up mountains and make roads." Feng complained in the bunker at position A.

Franklin was using a large pair of pliers to clamp out the bullet embedded in the shield. He held some large and small metals from one side, and when these metals were rubbed in his big hands, they immediately deformed and looked like soft cheese. Franklin pressed them into the bullet holes one by one, while patching the shield, the giant said, "Then you still expect them to rush up stupidly. Would you do this instead of you?"

Feng slapped haha ​​and said, "I'm not stupid."

"People are not stupid." Zero said: "Today's battle did not enter the subject at all. You have also seen that the Knights only used ordinary soldiers on the road, and only one mech array was dispatched in the entire afternoon battle. In addition, only the firepower of the tank is used to deter us. But their main force has not been dispatched, such as the three high-ranking commanders of the other party, and the capable non-commissioned officers. There is also the Griffin Rider, In this environment, the second-generation mecha poses a greater threat to us than the Paladin mecha."

"The problem with the Griffin Rider is not that big. The sniper and the anti-aircraft gun are enough to knock down those things that are not flying high." Mr. X patted his chest and said, "Those snipers are all good guys."

Zero knew that the ten or so snipers were all trained by Mr. X himself. It was natural that he had confidence in his own people.

"I always think their commander is not that simple. Blasting the mountain and opening the road shouldn't be his only means. So, let's say you will still be stationed at position C with the trident tomorrow, and Feng and Haiwei will stay at No. B. Lest. We concentrated our main force too much on position A. If the Knights split their troops from both sides to penetrate through, it would be bad. As for the commander, let me try him tomorrow." Zero said.

On the second day, the Knights still sent troops to clear the way. After Zero led Franklin and the others down to rush to kill, he shouted at the foot of the mountain: "I am the leader of the Poseidon Order, Zero, the commander of the Knights can dare Come out to fight me?"

Zero's voice spread far away, as long as it is not deaf. The attack on the Knights' side came to a halt, and the soldiers wanted to know the decision of the commander. In this turbulent era, the world returns to the jungle era where the weak and the strong dominate, and no one will easily refuse the challenge. The Knights even regarded glory as life, and they threatened to challenge Zero, and generally would not refuse.

To the disappointment of the soldiers, Leo’s voice sounded at the foot of the mountain: "This is a war, not a game of two. The leader of the Poseidon regiment, you can surrender, but I reject your challenge because it is meaningless. of."

Leo refused to challenge, let the soldiers down, and let Ling show a thoughtful expression. Then there was a series of battles, but the morale of the Knights was obviously greatly reduced, and the zero leader rushed several times. By noon, it had already returned to the line of fire of the chariot and couldn't shrink back.

Returning to the position, Zero frowned and said: "Their commander refuses to accept the challenge, and I am sure that he has other arrangements, otherwise he will not fight for the glory and damage, and he will swallow his anger and refuse to fight me."

"What about then?" Franklin asked.

"Watch the changes."

In the afternoon, the chess pieces arranged by Leo finally surfaced. Yafidi and Frank each led three thousand elites to appear from the left and right sides of zero and outflank them. Both teams carried a large number of Griffin Riders. In the first time of the attack, dozens of Griffin Riders on both sides lifted into the air, and the intensive missile offensive almost failed to break the position.

At the same time, Leo finally no longer just blasted the mountain and opened the way, he launched a general offensive with the capable non-commissioned officers and thousands of soldiers.

At this point, the knights finally showed their hideous fangs.

Facing the general attack of the Knights, Zero calmly commanded his subordinates' defense and counterattack. He ignored the positions b and c for the time being, and instead concentrated on fighting Leo with all his strength. There is a fierce offensive and defensive battle on position A. The total number of soldiers on Leo’s side is three to four times that of position A, which is interspersed with mobile turrets such as Paladin mechas, plus nearly a hundred. The capable non-commissioned officer assisted in the battle. Position A is like a small boat in the storm, and it is in danger of overturning at any time.

However, relying on zero and other high-level shocks from time to time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has always let the position survive the crises. During this period, Zero and Leo fought briefly twice. Leo's injury did not heal, and the power of Tier 9 was still unable to control freely. Under such circumstances, he could only withstand zero attacks, but could not counterattack like last time.

Suppress Leo, the ninth-tier of the enemy army, while the other high-ranks will focus on opposing non-commissioned officers and knights' mechas. In the battle between the capable, Ye Liu shined brightly. The girl pierced the battlefield like an elf. She let go of all the ordinary soldiers. She would always suddenly appear behind a certain non-commissioned officer with a small step, and then use the energy thread to cut off their heads one by one.

Killing more than a dozen non-commissioned officers in a row, the girl's technique was repetitive and mechanical, but her concentration was terrifying.

The army of the Knights attacked from the front is like a torrent of raging waves, and the zero position is an unbreakable reef. Under the continuous impact of the Knights, only waves of human corpses were raised, but they were unable to exaggerate the line of defense of the position.

Except for position A, the other two positions are also full of war. On this day, the sound of cannons on the southern end of the Eternal Mountain Range continued, and the thick smoke that was billowing even formed a dark cloud, which enveloped the sky over the mountain for a long time.

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