War Lord

Chapter 729: Windfall

"Hey, do you see anything?"

Standing at the edge of the huge passage leading to the bottom of the living quarters, Froman looked down. He accidentally kicked the gravel next to him, and the stone rolled down into the darkness, only a moment later there was a soft noise.

Jonah had good eyesight, but she couldn't see anything in such a place without a light source. When the leader asked, she shook her head.

After killing all those counter-attack bugs in Experimental A, Zog's one was left with less than fifty. Froman led them back to the living area, walking along the road, and saw the corpses of the insects. This phenomenon shows that the queen of Andura has been killed by zero, which will cause the chain death of the swarm. Fromman led Jona and several strong fighters to rush over. The people behind are responsible for collecting the brain crystals of the Andura worm.

The brain crystals of ordinary adults can provide Zog's with the opportunity to gain stronger power, and the brain crystals of insect guards are even rarer. These characters are more powerful than ordinary insects, their brain crystals are triangular-shaped, and the whole body is scarlet, as if they are filled with blood. In fact, they are only signs of strong energy. It's just that the Andura worm will oxidize very quickly after death, and protein and fiber will quickly melt into water.

Collecting brain crystals can only be completed within 5 minutes after their death, so although there are many dead bugs, the brain crystals collected by Zog are limited. Ordinary adult spar, plus the ten or so collected before zero, is no more than twenty. As for the brain crystals of the insect guard, there are only three trivial ones. These three natural rounds cannot be enjoyed by those Zogners with ordinary combat power. Only strong fighters like Fromman and Jonah can obtain the spar of Insect Guard, and only they can use them to obtain the greatest effect.

It's just a waste to give it to others.

After a while, all Zog's people had gathered in the passage for feeding the worms. Fromman asked someone to bring a few cold fireworks, and toss them down the tunnel. It didn't take long before they fell to the bottom of the base tunnel. In the blue flames that suddenly lit up, the hill-like head of Andura's queen appeared, frightening many of Zog's people.

Fromman rubbed his head and shouted, "Quiet. That's just a corpse. You are so timid enough to scare a corpse like this!"

With that said, Fromman didn't mean much to blame. After all, the Queen of Andura has accumulated prestige for a long time, and it is not surprising that even if it is just a corpse, it will scare people when it is suddenly seen.

"Look over there."

When the fire was faint, Jonah pointed to a place not far from the dead body of the Andura worm, and there was a white flowered body lying on the inside, which was actually a woman from the outline.

"Woman?" Fromman was even more puzzled: "Why is there an extra woman coming out? Don't you think that guy is actually a woman, right?"

Jona gave him a blank look. She was the one who was the closest to zero when she attacked Zero. At that time, he didn't wear a robe and covered his face. The male characteristics of his body, including the Adam's apple and other things, were clear at a glance, how could it be a woman pretending to be.

"I'll go down and take a look." With that, Jonah jumped down the passage. She dexterously built uneven footholds on the edge of the passage, and her figure flickered and disappeared into the darkness.

Froman said to the people behind: "Go find some safety ropes and get down by yourself. The emergency channel is still down, we have to leave from there. Jonah and I go down first, you hurry up!"

After he confessed, he turned and jumped into the dark space of the passage. At the bottom of the passage, Jonah just fell to the ground and heard the sound of breaking through the air, and then Froman hugged her head and smashed down. A wave of air swept away, causing Jona to sway, but she saw Froman. Drunk, stood up and circled, shaking his head for a long time and finally survived the dizziness of hitting the ground.

"It's such a mess," Jonah said angrily.

Froman said with a smile, "Jona, you are in a good mood."

"Of course, I can leave this ghost place soon and see what the outside world is like. Why should I be in a bad mood?" Jonah asked back, and without waiting for Fromman to answer, she bypassed the Andura worm. The huge corpse walked towards the woman lying on the ground with her back to them.

"It's been so many years, maybe the relatives outside have forgotten us. What's more, they can't accept us like this. But even so, they have to leave here. The Pope's Hall has finally arrived and can settle everything with you. Time." Froman clenched his fists, hummed from his nostrils, and walked to Jona's side.

Jonah squatted on the ground, pressing her **** on the side of the woman's neck. She shook her head and said, "This man is dead."

Froman looked at the graceful curve and couldn't help but whistled: "It's a pity, I have forgotten how many years I have not seen it like this superb." Then, he turned the woman's body over and looked at the corpse's face. When the blond slid to the ground, Froman was shocked and said in horror: "What kind of monster is this!"

It turns out that after Ye Lijie's death, human dominant genes are receding, and Andura's genes are beginning to become prominent. Now the face of the queen of worms has changed to the worm-like shape seen before, and even the body has begun to change. To put it simply, Ye Lijie is like a worm person now.

Jonah couldn't tell what it was, but at this moment, an invisible wave passed by her. Jona suddenly collapsed and her pupils contracted and expanded. For a while, the blood flow in the body accelerated, and Jona subconsciously entered a state of battle.

Fromman also felt the turbulence, but his reaction was much calmer than Jonah's. But he looked at the source of the wave with the same dignity. There was a metal wall with a gap in something. There was something in the wall emitting a dim light. The wave of wave just now originated from that place. Fromman clearly felt that there was a very powerful force in that wave, which was deep and condensed. The level of power it appears on the surface is not high, but if you feel it carefully, you will find that it is impossible to know the limit of this power.

It seemed that what they felt just now was only the surface of the sea. As for the depth of the underwater world, there is no way to measure it.

At this time, another wave passed by.

Jonah had relaxed a little, and the two looked at each other, and then walked towards the metal wall together.

When I got closer, I could see that the shiny thing was a scary egg. The top of the egg has cracked, as if something came out of it. This made Froman and the two of them couldn't help but look at the bug man in the distance, but now, there was obviously something else in there.

At this moment, a palm suddenly caught the eggshell with a strange pattern.

Jona almost jumped on it, but Froman caught it. Then, a figure came out of the egg and fell to the ground. Fromman and the two could see it clearly. This person is the zero who challenged the Queen of Andura alone!

Ling was still covered with a glowing energy liquid, and he seemed to have just woke up from his sleep. When I opened my eyes, my eyes were blank. What you can see is that the golden color of Zero's right eye is still there, and the left pupil is shining with a misty blue light. This burst of light was deep and vast, and Wang's heart palpitated. Until a moment, the blue light gradually condensed, and the black pupils that were normally zero were restored.

At this time, Zero was truly waking up.

"You are here." Seeing that the people in front of them were Froman and Jonah said, Zero said.

And above the passageway in the distance, there are many Zogners who are using the safety rope to slide down to the bottom. When he saw them, Ling was suddenly aware that he was not using low-light vision, but everything at the bottom of the base was presented in his sight. And when the line of sight is focused on a person, he will see several pictures of this person at the same time. When these pictures are integrated, a three-dimensional model will naturally appear in Zero's mind.

Zero was a bit uncomfortable with this sudden vision, he knew it was probably related to the energy liquid left in the giant egg after absorbing the Andura bug. They seem to add a part of the gene fragments of the queen to zero, because the vision just now is very similar to the compound eye vision of an insect. Under this kind of stereo vision, Zero can almost grasp every subtlest movement of the opponent, and can even analyze the possible reaction of the opponent in the next step through some subtle movements.

This is a new ability created by the combination of the queen's stereo vision and the zero right eye ability "prophet". It is as wonderful as being able to see into the future. Of course, the limit that zero can see is just how the opponent will react within one or two seconds, but this is already quite remarkable. However, Zero is always a human being, and his gene chain is still dominated by human fragments, so he cannot use stereo vision for a long time.

In addition, Ling found that all the injuries on his body had healed. Originally, in the information feedback from the memory group, the entire repair work had to be completed at least until tomorrow. Now it was completed a few hours ahead of schedule. It can be said that it is the credit of those energy liquids that they have improved Zero's recovery ability by a large amount.

The Zogners went down to the bottom one after another, because they had just experienced a big battle, and they were tired physically and mentally. Especially the leader Fromman, the pressure he was under was far from being imagined by others. After confirming that the queen was dead and Zero was safe, Froman fell asleep and suffered a lot of injuries.

Jona and the others were closing their eyes and resting, digesting what Zero had just said to them. The evolution and ambition of the zero general Andura queen have been briefly said, but everyone who listened to it was chilled. If it weren't for zero success in intercepting Andura's queen, if she was allowed to leave, not only the human world outside would suffer, but even the Zog in the base would not survive.

Thinking that the queen was planning to blow up the tunnel and let them be buried with other Andura worms, Jona and others couldn't help but be grateful, fortunately they chose to take a bet with Zero. Otherwise, if they stay in peace with the status quo, then what awaits them is icy death.

Jonah opened her eyes when she heard a slight crack in her ears. With the lights of a few emergency lights brought down by Zog, you can see that not far away, Zero Zheng is punching at an extremely fast speed. Jonah opened her eyes wide, and barely caught the faint afterimage of Zero's fist. As Zero punches, she also keeps moving. The range of his movement is very small, but the speed is extremely fast, and he basically did not stay in the same place for more than 1 second.

And some of the movements Jonah didn't know how he did it, because these movements have exceeded the limit of the human body's ability to move. Jona couldn't help but imagine that if she was in front of Zero, she was already sweating profusely before a moment. There was a stormy sea in her heart, because she found that if she became a zero opponent, she could not capture his movements.

In such an environment, Jonah would only fight backlessly.

She smiled bitterly and shook her head, and Zero seemed to be a lot stronger again. Suddenly Jonah thought of another thing. The zero speed of fists had obviously exceeded the speed of sound, so it was difficult to capture. But in the supersonic state, there is no reason for such a pitiful sound of punches. This can be achieved only by condensing all the power to the front of the fist and reducing the friction with the air to a minimum.

In this state, Zero seemed to make an ordinary punch, but it was already too strong to imagine.

But Jonah didn't know that Zero hadn't even used the spiral piercing or burst barrage's attack stacking effect.

Now, Zero is just adapting to the body as soon as possible after absorbing the energy fluid and the newly formed abilities. After absorbing the energy liquid, zero basic abilities. Including strength, defense, speed, response, flexibility, etc. have been significantly improved. Under the distribution of the mastermind, the energy solution is not all allocated to the speed item like Ye Lijie. The mastermind always believes that all-round development is more suitable for zero needs. Just out of consideration of zero habit, the main brain devotes more resources to speed within the range that can be allocated.

Therefore, when he woke up, the speed of Zero had not reached the point where Ye Lijie was able to support multiple Phantom assaults, but it was also two to three times higher than usual. More importantly, he developed a new ability "tenacity." Toughness does not directly affect combat. It is similar to steel skin and is an auxiliary type of ability. When using it, the flexibility of Zero's body has been greatly improved, enabling him to break through the upper limit of human functions and perform the incredible actions that Jonah sees now.

At first glance, tenacity does not directly improve zero combat power. But the effect it brings is even more terrifying than directly boosting zero energy. After possessing the ability of tenacity, Lei Yi has become the most terrifying fighting master. If the opponent weighs his actions as a human, then the lessons learned will be unforgettable for a lifetime.

However, there is one advantage and one disadvantage. Tenacity will soften the muscles of Zero's body to the greatest extent and even change the structure of certain parts of the muscles, so that Zero can make inhuman movements. But at the same time, when using this ability, the steel skin cannot be used. The two abilities inherently conflict, so it is difficult to coexist.

But now even if the steel skin is not used, under the transformation of the memory group and the energy liquid, the zero basic defense has almost caught up with Franklin's defense expert. In this way, the value of tenacity is far above the steel skin.

In addition to the substantial improvement in body and strength, zero gain is more than that. Ye Lijie contributed nearly a hundred evolution points to Zero. It seems that her potential has not been fully realized, otherwise there will not be so many evolution points. Moreover, a crystal of the queen was found on Ye Lijie's body. This crystal was a perfect hexahedron, which looked like a diamond at first glance.

It's just that this diamond is golden yellow, and the energy flowing inside is so strong that even ordinary people can feel its extraordinary. This worm queen crystal naturally fell into Zero's sac. As for Zero's original a dozen ordinary brain crystals, they were given to Zog.

In this regard, Froman and others naturally have no objection. In an era when the strong was respected, it was only natural for Ye Lijie to get the big head after killing the insects alone. And the value of this crystal alone is more than the sum of all brain crystals. If it was sold into gold coins, it would be worth at least four or five million. This is a huge wealth, but the value of the worm queen's crystallization cannot be measured by money. For a strong person of this level, its effect is much more than money.

After getting acquainted with his own body, Ling Jiang threw the queen worm crystal into his mouth and swallowed it directly. As soon as it entered Zero's body, the surface of the queen's crystal was immediately covered with fine cracks, and then it broke apart. The golden flames of energy overflowed out, causing Ling's whole body to exude a faint golden light.

Zero can feel that most of the energy emitted by the crystal is directly transformed into an evolution point in a mysterious way. Nearly a hundred evolution points emerged from the beginning, which is equivalent to the gains from killing Ye Lijie. The emergence of evolutionary points has not stopped, they are rolling more and more like a snowball, and the zero depth is deeply shocked. Evolution point is the number that can directly present the value of crystallization. The more evolution points, the greater the value of crystallization.

These evolution points soared to 237 before it stopped. In addition to what Zero had originally possessed, now he has accumulated 345 evolution points~www.wuxiaspot.com~, which is only a hundred short of what is needed to advance to Tier 10. Come around. And now, Zero has stood at the pinnacle of Tier 9, and it can be said that it is invincible below Tier 10.

Most of the crystallized energy was transformed into evolutionary points, while a small part was combined with Zero's own energy, and the rest was distributed throughout his bones, starting a certain transformation. A large piece of data rushed into Zero’s mind frantically, letting Zero know that when the transformation was completed, certain metal elements would be added to his bones to make the bones stronger. The bones will appear hollow, making the bones lightweight. But at the same time, there will be hexagonal gaps on the surface of the bones. The gaps will be filled with a material similar to bone glue, which greatly improves the zero impact resistance, and when needed, the bones can be constricted by constricting the gaps. The structure occludes tightly, which bursts out stronger power!

This process takes 12 to 20 hours, and it takes one to two days to stabilize this lightweight bone and adapt to it. After completing this evolution of the body, zero weight will be reduced by about one-fifth. He will become lighter, and at the same time, faster!

For such changes, Zero is very satisfied. The number of evolution points that Ye Lijie contributed was originally an accident. Now the crystallization of the queen is an unexpected gain. The surging energy aura in the body constantly proves to zero that she has taken a big step forward. Zero is now full of confidence and can't wait to find someone to practice immediately to feel how much he has become stronger.

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