War Lord

Chapter 737: cannon fodder

In the office, with a zero expression and calmness, he said lightly: "I would like to hear the details."

Franklin lowered his head, seeming to be sorting his thoughts, and then said after a moment: "I also said just now that the planetary will is the will that overrides all life. We can't measure what it is thinking, because we are not at the same height. Go, but I have been in contact with Agradis for a long time. Especially the arrival of Prosius forced him to cooperate with us, which gave us the opportunity to touch him and speculate on his ideas."

"For example, if the planet is a giant and Agradis is the soul of the giant, then we are the parasites or bacteria on his body. Of course, we are the life he created deliberately, but once this life Without his control, you can imagine how he would deal with us. There are four civilization eras before you, and our Atlantis is an era in which the civilization of this planet has reached unprecedented prosperity. Our city is suspended high in the sky. On the top, King is on the whole land. Our energy conversion platform is erected on the sea, through which we can get pure energy, but our more important technology lies in the use of light energy...

Franklin showed a look of remembrance, opened his arms and said: "All visible light, such as solar energy, starlight, cosmic rays, etc., is within our range of use. Because of this technology, we have already touched the world of God, or the origin of the world. Our fleet has already begun the exploration of outer space, and the Milky Way can't hold our pace at all, if it weren't for Prosius. Perhaps in a thousand years, we can develop colonial galaxies. And all this is a threat to Agladis. "

"If it hadn't been for Prosius to appear, or we were just facing another disaster. The disaster created by Agradis himself..."

Zero showed a pensive expression.

Franklin continued: "Our great planetary will is very proficient in this kind of thing. After awakening in this era, I have used the intellectual brain of the Pope’s Hall to download the Civilization Minutes of your era. In ", it’s not that there has been a flood to destroy the world. And in the myths and legends of other countries, there are also various rumors of gods destroying the world. Although these legends have been distorted or exaggerated, in our time, we have The study of the ruins has indeed proved that a certain civilization will suffer natural destruction when it reaches its peak. We have reason to believe that this is all done consciously by Agradis, and he does not allow threats in his body at all. To my own civilization..."

"At that time, our Atlantis had already conquered the sky, the land, and the ocean, and even the stars could not stop our pace. It is foreseeable that the more we develop to the top, the faster Agladis is about to The storm of destruction to be set off. However, at this time, Prosius came suddenly and disrupted all Agradis’s plans. For this foreign enemy, Prosius’ threat is obviously greater than ours, so he Had to appear in front of us in a manner of coming, and chose to cooperate with us. But..." Franklin emphasized: "Agradis’s cooperation is not entirely out of good intentions. Of course, self-protection still accounts for a huge proportion. . Even bigger, but it wants us and Prosius to lose-lose. Judging from the various abilities he later demonstrated, he can completely help us resist Prosius in the early stage, as long as we are open to us in an era similar to yours. The ability gene, then we will never play so badly in Qians."

When Franklin said this, anger loomed in his eyes: "In the early stages of Prosius’ appearance, we basically used our lives to fill the damage caused by its energy bugs. Until we were seriously injured, Agradis Only then began to manufacture combat weapons called gods and super life Gaia."

"God... Gaia..." Ling repeated these two words in his mouth. He is no stranger to the combat weapon called God. After all, the organ transplanted from God is used in his right eye. . Of course, human speculation is that God was created by Atlantis. But the truth is that it turned out to be a weapon made by Agradis himself.

As for Gaia, he is even more familiar, because the cells in his body come from this super life of the Quaternary Period.

"The weapon of the gods, a weapon created with the concept of perfect attack power, his power can be said to reach the limit that the entire world can accommodate. But even so, he is still a weapon in the planet, unable to fight Prosius at all. This kind of planetary will cause destruction. That’s why Agradis created Gaia. Gaia’s ultimate goal is a perfect life beyond the planet’s will. He has the possibility of infinite evolution. However, when he was created, he He didn't even have a chance to use it once, so he sealed it up for Agradis himself." Franklin sneered: "Because he discovered that Gaia has an independent will, and does not follow his orders like a god. For Agradis, there is no more dangerous thing to have an independent will that can surpass his life."

"However, these things were not made by Agradis out of good intentions. Whether it is a **** or Gaia, they are actually the second body that Agradis has rebuilt for himself!"

Franklin spoke amazingly. Hearing these words, he couldn't help jumping from his chair with zero composure. Zero walked back and forth, and finally stopped coldly: "He intends to abandon this planet and abandon us, the lives he created?"

"Yes, the arrival of Prosius gave him hope. As a planet-level super-will, he doesn't want to be bound to the prison of the earth forever. He wants to break through the prison and get rid of his'destiny'. Prosius used himself as a proof and told him that this was completely possible. However, he also saw that after a body without a body, the unconstrained ** would make the planet's will lose itself and become a monster like Prosius. That's it. This form is not what Agradis wants. What he wants is to retain his will while getting rid of the constraints of the planet, so a body that can perfectly carry himself is the best choice."

"God and Gaia are actually beings created based on this concept, but both have their own shortcomings, so Agladis gave up. After the battle of Prohus, he himself was badly injured. So I stopped all plans, and that's why you have the Fifth Era you are now." Franklin smiled bitterly: "We can't imagine, when Agladis leaves, will the planet still function as usual without the will of the planet? Maybe? Like a machine with a program crash, the hardware will eventually be damaged as well? At that time, it was our worst situation."

"Speaking of this, the best situation is for Prosius to contain Agradis? But this is a dangerous balance. Both parties may break this balance in an instant, leading to ultimate destruction. "Ling shook his head: "This is obviously not a good way, and compared to Agladis, Prosius, who has no room for negotiation, is more dangerous. At least it exists on this planet one day, Agladis will have to choose to be with us. Cooperation, otherwise, he will also be destroyed."

"So what are you going to do next?"

"Continue to cooperate with Agradis, with the ultimate goal of annihilating Prosius. If we have the ability to annihilate Prosius in the end, then Agradis will also be afraid of us, and it will be easy to fight and make peace. Many. And before that, it won't be a benefit for us to oppose him." Zero replied immediately.

Franklin nodded and said: "This is indeed the only way at the moment, and I can assure you. I only hope to save my own people, as for the restoration of Atlantis..."

The giant smiled bitterly: "It's not that I don't have this idea, but that this idea is unrealistic. Now, it's not our time..."

A sentence of emotion is full of endless sentiment.

It was getting late, Zero and Franklin left the office and went back to their own residences to rest. Zero’s house was the original residence of the Lord Mayor. The mayor of Cage City simply left everything in the house, including the servants, intact, except that he and his family moved out and lived in the city. In an ordinary house. Because of this, he was well treated and became Franklin's assistant.

When Zero returned to the mayor's residence, there were servants who served him to take a bath and change clothes. When they came to the bedroom, Leah and Cinderella were waiting for him. The three reunited after a long absence, and because of the rush to meet with Paul before, Zero had no time for the two women. When I come back now, I can't help but get rid of it. Leah couldn't help but fell asleep early.

After covering her with a quilt, Zero and Cinderella continued to fight. Both of them are high-level, although Cinderella is one level lower in rank, but the gap in strength has been perfectly made up for her with technology. Hindrella was amazing in terms of physical strength and toughness. There was an amazing explosive power in that body. Even Zero killed her several times and lost her armor and armor, and almost had to surrender.

Fortunately, Ling controlled her own rhythm at every emergency, and finally seized the opportunity to break through the defense of Hindrella in one fell swoop. While sending her to the clouds of bliss, she also sprayed the hot life essence into her body, which made her excited. Happy again, fell asleep while hugging Zero tightly like an octopus.

Zero brought down the two girls and was in a good mood. But when I think of Agladis, my heart is inevitably heavy. Leah, who had been awakened by the sound of the battle between the two, carefully noticed this, and asked him closely: "What's the matter?"

"You haven't slept yet?" Ling asked in surprise.

Leah blushed and said, "You are so intense, how can I sleep."

Zero stretched out her hand and brushed the red pill across her chest, making Leah feel soft and supple as an electric current passed through. Zero said in her ear: "If you are not enough, we will continue to do well."

Leah lost his voice: "Do you still have physical strength?"

Zero patted Hindrella's buttocks and said: "It's not that easy to squeeze me out now."

Leah hurriedly said: "No way, no way, I don't have the strength of Hindrella, now I am exhausted."

Zero then laughed and let her go. Leah asked again, smiling and said: "It's nothing, but it seems that there are more enemies."

What he didn't say was that it was also a terrible enemy.

Wake up early in the morning, the second daughter is still asleep. It seems that the reunion battle last night exhausted their energy, even Hindrella is still the case, Leah is even more unbearable. Zero didn't intend to wake them up, he came to the boot camp. This was originally a place where the Pope’s Hall was scattered around to train recruits, but now it is naturally requisitioned by the Poseidon Group.

On the training ground, the members of Suzheng Trident were training. It can be seen that Zog's people have fully integrated into this group. They are wearing uniform black and silver tactical uniforms, and each of them has four or five war spears stuck in their feet. Under Su's order, the Zogman raised his spear uniformly, injected energy, and then projected it. The war spear traversed the 300-meter field and hit the bullseye, followed by the roots and exploded, no less powerful than a high-explosive grenade.

Ling nodded secretly as he watched, and Zog's biggest advantage was his neat movements. It is conceivable that when the target faces their focused fire attack, unless it is a high-level defensive specialization ability, other types of abilities can only evade first. Even Zero himself, before the Well of God's Cry, does not activate the steel skin, it will be very painful to concentrate on attacking multiple high-explosive grenade.

Su seems to be adjusting the tactics of the Trident. From allowing them to play freely before, to now using the simplest method to use their power, and at the same time playing a quantitative advantage tactics, you can see that this unit finally has Great progress. In fact, in order to give full play to the advantages of the capable forces, it is necessary to use a unified method to conduct a concentrated fire attack as it is now, so as to maximize the destructive power.

While watching the Trident training with his arms around his chest, Franklin came and reported: "An envoy from Istar has come over. It should be the message from Pope Paul and the rest of the last transaction. The balance of thirty thousand gold coins."

Nodded zero, and returned to the city hall with him.

In the office, the old mayor Alex received a man in his forties. The man is thin, has gray eyes, has a moustache, and the word "treacherous" is written on his face, which is a typical image of a profiteer. He wears an emerald green gemstone ring on his tail finger, and turns the ring from time to time when talking with Alex. Every time I turned, my eyeballs always turned around, showing some thoughts.

When Zero Sum Franklin came in, the man was wise and saluted Franklin: "It's an honor to meet you, respected leader of the Poseidon regiment, Master Zero."

Franklin said with a sullen face: "You made a mistake, this is our leader."

When Zero came out, the expression on the man's face was wonderful. There was shame, but it was more of an accident. Obviously, Zero's youth and beauty were completely far from the rumored image of the invincible leader of the Poseidon regiment. At this time, Alex said roundly: "Your Excellency, this is Mr. Stone, the representative sent by Istar. Mr. Stone brought Miss Oran’s letter. We can cooperate with Istar later. Mr. Stone proceeded."

Nodded, this is not unexpected. After all, Oran is one of the Big Three, and it is impossible to do everything by himself. Unless it is important, she can let the people underneath do it for her. This Stone is probably good at abilities, otherwise she can't take on this important task.

After the host and guest sat down, Ling said directly: "Mr. Stone came from afar. I heard that he brought a message from His Highness the Pope?"

After finishing his clothes, Stone said: "Yes, Lord Pope has given a public speech in New Rome yesterday, pointing out that Naftor Island will be sent by God in the near future. His Highness hopes Master Zero will be able to achieve this. An agreement with him."

"His Royal Highness Paul, please rest assured that the island of Nafto will completely disappear under the papal hall in three days. But forgive me for asking, who are there on the island?"

"The island of Naftor is the garrison of Sauron's private army. It is an army independent of the Knights' system. Because it is a military powerhouse, there are no ordinary people on the island. It is all roles under the Sauron system." Tong said the truth.

"In that case, I'm relieved. After all, if too many civilians are involved, it will be very detrimental to the reputation of the Pope. If it is just Sauron's army, it can weaken his power at will."

"His Royal Highness Paul said the same." Stonedui said with a smile: "Since the word has arrived, I will leave first. Mr. Alex will also introduce me to the industries and products of Cage City, so that you and me Cooperation will be smoother next."

"This is no problem, I will let Mr. Alex treat you well." Ling said.

Stone repeatedly thanked him, and when he was about to get up and leave, Ling suddenly said: "One more thing, Mr. Stone, you still have 30,000 gold coins in the balance that has not been paid to us. I don't know, when will the money be delivered."

Stone chuckled and said: "Master Zero said this. It seems that he still doesn't know some details of the transaction between us. I have worked hard for you and me, and the hard work is really inhumane. I think Master Zero should be sympathetic to himself, so it is probably understandable to allocate part of the transaction to me as an allowance, right?"

Ling smiled and said, "Is Mr. Stone's appetite too big? Let's do this, you will deliver 30,000 gold coins to us. I will set aside 3,000 gold coins from my personal account as your allowance. , I will give you this number, what do you think?"

Stone chuckled and said, "Which time did you and me trade transactions involving millions of dollars? The 30% of the hard cost is not high. I think Master Zero has overwhelmed so much. I think it's a bit too much. ."

"Excessive?" Zero looked at Franklin.

When the latter stood behind Stone ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was shrouded in the shadow of the giant, Stone couldn't help his legs trembling.

Zero sneered: "Stone, I don't care who you are, so don't think about it. The transaction between Olan and I cannot tolerate people like you to make trouble. I originally gave you three thousand gold coins to avoid Some unnecessary troubles. Since you don't accept my feelings, don't blame me for being polite. Just ask you to stay in our cell for a few days. I want to hear how Oran explained this!"

"You can't do this to me, I'm the representative of Istar. You are not polite to me, do you want to cooperate in the future."

"Cooperating with Istar is still not your turn to be a little bitch, not to mention that it is His Highness Paul who is asking me now. Stone, I think you have made a wrong calculation. Take it!"

With a zero wave, Franklin lifted Stone up like a chicken and walked towards the door. Stone still yelled all the way, and when he reached the door, his voice stopped abruptly. Franklin should have given him some pain.

With a faint smile, this era is rolling forward, and a villain like Stone who can't see the situation will only become cannon fodder under the tide of the era!

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