War Lord

Chapter 755: tyrannical

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In the morning, as soon as Ling came to the office, Zhi Brain sounded the request tone for video communication. He sat in front of Zhinao, and after inputting the received command, a window opened on Zhinao's screen. Paul's figure was reflected in the window, and the young pope, dressed in a robe and a high crown, looked handsome and dignified. In the video, he looks much more energetic than before, with a high-spirited look. It seems that the situation in Rome is very good.

Behind Paul, Feng winked in the direction of the camera, and Zero Quandang didn't see it.

"Good morning, Your Highness Paul."

"Good morning, Mr. Zero."

After a few simple greetings, the two entered the topic. Paul directly said: "Olan forwarded it to me immediately after receiving your email, but because I am participating in several important meetings here, I have not responded to you until now. Please forgive me. Then, let us talk about it. Dark Brotherhood, are they in the City of Rock right now?"

"They came as a caravan. The representative of the caravan is a woman named Isabel." Zero nodded.

"Isabel?" Paul first made a move, and then nodded: "That's right, since I want to contact you, naturally I can't send a role casually."

"Oh, listen to your tone, is this Isabel still a big one?"

"Of course not small. She is a member of the Committee of Seven, and the Committee of Seven is a senior member of the Dark Brotherhood."

"Then what is the origin of this Dark Brotherhood?" Ling asked.

Paul gave a helpless smile and said: "This organization is very old. According to some information I know, they were first established in the late Middle Ages of the old age and regarded themselves as great concealers. The truth is that there is a shadow if there is light. In the same way, these people are active in every important period of history like a shadow. They are not directly involved in any power struggle, nor do they have an established position. They are only responsible for guiding and guiding the country toward a future they think is feasible."

"Sounds noble."

"Noble?" Paul sneered, shook his head and said, "Then you are wrong, Mr. Zero. These people's morals and nobility have nothing to do with them. They are made up of several wealthy families that can influence the world, and they absorb a lot of Peripherals have become an organization that can influence national policies. These people prefer to apply their ideals to others, and never consider whether others will accept them. In order to achieve their goals, they can do anything. Killing people Setting fire to them is just a small matter, even if it provokes war between nations, it is just a few words. For ordinary people, they are just a group of demons in human skin."

"It seems that you have a big prejudice against them." Ling said lightly.

Paul restrained his emotions slightly, and returned to his previous calmness: "Because just recently, I just learned. The Brotherhood of Sauron rebelled fifteen years ago. Sauron was just their face. The chess pieces on the board, the real murderers of my father, may be these people. Now, the great concealers have surfaced again, wanting to play a role in this turbulent era."

"Mr. Zero, can you tell me your position." Paul asked again.

Zero nodded: "I don't know any great concealer, nor the so-called Dark Brotherhood. It is true that their terms are very favorable. As long as I become their senior member, they can unconditionally support me to win this war. Unfortunately, I don’t like people gesticulating on my head. For me, one such guy is enough..."

Paul was slightly surprised: "Is anyone else able to order you, Mr. Zero?"

"I can't talk about orders, it's just that the guy likes to push some so-called responsibilities on me. But then again, that guy is not just an ordinary person." Zero smile, the wind changed: "This Leaving aside, now that I know my position, what does His Highness Paul think?"

"Even though I hate them, I have to say that the power of the Dark Brotherhood should not be underestimated. If we anger them too much, we might make them stand on Sauron's side completely, which will be bad then. I received News, the reason they will come in contact with you this time is because they feel that they have begun to control Sauron, let alone any guidance." Paul asked, "What is Mr. Zero's thoughts or suggestions on this?"

After thinking about it for a while, he said: "Then let us have a good talk with their seven-member committee. We might as well reveal the trump card of our cooperation, although they already know it. But we have not yet stood together in public. Now that you have found us a suitable identity in the parable of God, it is time for the Son and the messenger of God to meet, right?"

"With that said, Mr. Zero still intends to threaten them to stand on our side?" Paul is also a wise man, who knows the purpose of Zero at the slightest thought.

"They don't have to do this, then we will temporarily put down the war with Sauron. I think Sauron doesn't like having a so-called master riding on his head, maybe he wants to kill these guys more than we do." Zero faintly said.

Paul nodded and said: "Mr. Zero is very thoughtful. Then I will send out a meeting **** from my side. When I get to the City of Rock, I will go and talk with the Dark Brotherhood guys. By the way, in the bargaining chip. , Mr. Zero may reveal that Joseph and Mendriza have decided to stand on my side."

"I see. Isabel was in the city, so I asked the prophet to speak to her and arrange the next meeting. However, it is best to keep the matter of contact with the Dark Brotherhood confidential, so as not to cause Sauron to overreact. .Now, it's not the time to fight." Zero said.

"I know that, then Isabel will trouble you."

At the end of the communication, Zero reached out and rang the silver clock on the table. A trident warrior strode in, and Ling glanced at him and said: "Go and inform Isabel, the representative of the Chamber of Commerce, that I will invite her to lunch at noon. I will take care of something first, and I will visit my door in person later. ."

"Yes, my lord."

In the courtyard where the Dark Brotherhood caravan was staying, the captain of the guard, Rex, was personally patrolling for a week. Encountered two guards on the way, they both nodded to Rex, but in the guards' eyes, Rex saw something else.

This made him feel very uncomfortable.

Just three days ago, the caravan representative Isabel ridiculed him severely in front of everyone, which made Rex feel shameless. He is a peripheral member of the Dark Brotherhood, relying on Tier 7 ability to approach Isabel and become her escort. Even if Isabel is the least powerful member of the seven-member committee, her status is still much more noble than the outside members.

Besides, she is still a pretty good-looking woman.

Rex naturally admired her, according to Rex's original plan. First approach Isabel to become her guard, then impress her and pursue her to become her man. Finally, through Isabel to enter the high-level power of the Brotherhood, it would be ideal to become one of the seven committee members. At that time, he will have inexhaustible wealth and power.

However, all of this ended in Isabel's taunt that day. That woman made him understand the cruel truth, Isabel looked down on him at all, and the position of the seven-member committee would only be open to the man called Zero.

That hillbilly! Rex cursed fiercely in his heart, not because he won a few victories with the city of Rome, or he was a high-level player!

It won’t be long before I will break through to become a high-level one, so why would that woman look at him differently? A hillbilly who didn't know where he came out, huh?

Rex is not far from the high-level, in fact, given him a period of time, he can make a breakthrough. He even imagined that when he became a senior, Isabel would come back crying and begging for forgiveness. After all, as the least powerful person among the seven committee members, Isabel has very few high-levels. Looking at the entire continent, high-level talents are sought after everywhere they go.

At that time, he will not be the captain of the guard.

Thinking like this, Rex came to the front door. Just when a caravan guard came in with a stranger, Rex stopped him and asked, "What's the matter?"

The caravan guard replied: "Captain Rex, this is from Master Zero. It seems that there is a message to be conveyed to Miss Isabel, and now I am about to take him in."

"Master Zero?" Rex frowned, looked at the trident warrior up and down, and then sneered: "Just Tier 5..."

The average level of the trident ability is between ranks six and seven, but there are also a few rank five fighters. These people stayed at the city hall for Ling to serve as escorts, while the higher-ranking areas were responsible for more dangerous tasks such as city defense. This soldier also knew where he was, but Rex's tone was full of contempt, but his expression changed.

Rex looked in his eyes and snorted coldly: "Why, don't you agree?"

The soldier took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart. He knew that the people in this courtyard were important guests to Ling. He didn't want to cause Ling to cause any trouble, so he calmly said, "Don't dare."

"That's the best."

The caravan guard wiped off his cold sweat and hurriedly said: "Captain, then we will go in."

When he said that he was about to lead people into the house, and Rex said again: "Hold on."

He walked up to the soldier and smiled and said: "Ms. Isabel's identity is so honorable, it's not that you hillbillies can see you at your fingertips. You can see the lady, but I must search. Who knows if you want to disadvantage the lady? "

The trident warrior finally changed his color and said angrily: "Don't be too impotent, Master Zero has a message to convey to Miss Isabel. If you delay business, can you afford it?"

"Presumptuous!" Rex shouted violently, "Do you know who you are talking to? In the eyes of our Dark Brotherhood, you, and the so-called Master Zero are just a group of hillbillies. To convey the message? Then call Zero yourself. !"

"You!" The trident warrior pointed at Rex angrily.

Rex grinned and said, "Do you still want to use martial arts?"

Then he couldn't help but squeezed the fingers of the trident warrior in one hand and broke it. He raised his foot and kicked the person out. The caravan guard next to him hurriedly said: "Captain, isn't this wrong?"

"What a shit!" Rex stepped forward and said with a grinning face: "Don't you just hit a dog? Just hit it. What can that guy called Zero do to me?"

Speaking of kicking the trident warrior again and again, and finally stepping on his face, Rex spit on his face and said: "How about? Are you not convinced, I will tell you, even if your zero adult is here? , What can he do with me?"

The soldier finally replied, and a voice came in coldly: "I can kill you, do you want to try?"

Rex shuddered as if being thrown into cold water. Looking up, a man was walking towards him. It's not someone else, it's the zero person. Zero's eyes narrowed slightly, and then suddenly opened, pushing forward with a violent power out of thin air. Rex's face suddenly turned pale, he staggered, spurted blood and backed away, and fell to the ground with his butt, but he was hurt by the power of Zero.

He was still in shock, and felt that Ling's original slender body suddenly grew taller in his eyes. In Rex's eyes, the world seemed to be distorted. He could not see anything, only a zero was left.

Lei occupies all of his vision, Rex knew that it was Lei's burst of great power and anger, which flooded his own perception. In his eyes, there is no room for anything other than zero.

So tyrannical!

At the same time that the zero power burst, the cup in Isabel's hand fell to the ground with a flick in the study located deep in the back of the courtyard, and the old man just knocked open the door of the room. Isabel pale and said, "What's going on? Mr. Gundo, I suddenly felt terrified..."

"It's the power... the power of the strong!" Gang Duo color changed: "It's Master Zero, what's the matter? He's out there, and he's murdered!"


Ling lifted up the trident warrior and asked, "How is it? Are you okay?"

Although the soldier had broken his finger, he humiliated Rex again. It can be seen that Ling was murderous for himself, and even went to war with the caravan. He was very moved and bowed his head and said, "I'm fine, but my lord..."

"It's okay, I'll take care of it."

Zero stepped forward, his eyes were like polar ice, and even his soul screamed at it. Only then did Rex realize that the gap between himself and Zero is not as simple as one or two orders. It's a whole world!

He was finally afraid, and regretted that he shouldn't transfer his resentment towards Zero to a soldier. But now it’s no use regretting, he can only shout, "Wait, you can’t kill me."

"Oh why?"

"I am the captain of Miss Isabelle's guard and a member of the Brotherhood. If you kill me, you will start a war!" Rex emphasized: "Yes, war!"

"War?" Zero sneered: "I originally planned to cooperate with your brotherhood to have a look, but now, I have changed my mind. Maybe you don't understand, in fact I am a person who cherishes wings very much. My fighters, they You can be injured, you can die, but you can only be on the battlefield! Not at home! Your brotherhood has already stepped on my bottom line. If you want a war, I will give you a war!"

"So..." Zero already stood in front of Rex, raised his hand and said indifferently: "You can go to death."

"and many more!"

The front door of the courtyard slammed open and Isabel and Gangdo ran out. Seeing Rex, seeing the soldiers with scars on their faces, and seeing the murderous zero. The two instantly understood what was going on, Isabel glanced at Gangdo, who nodded. When the next flash came to Rex, Gangdo didn't talk nonsense and reached out and took one of Rex's arm.

Before Rex hadn't reacted, he just pulled harder, and immediately broke Rex's arm!

When Rex screamed, Ling's murderous aura gradually disappeared.

"Rex! Who gave you the right to treat our friends like this?" Isabel said angrily: "From today, I will only make the following decisions on behalf of the Brotherhood. Rex is no longer a member of my Brotherhood, his Life and death have nothing to do with us."

Looking at Zero again, Isabel put on a smile and said, "If Master Zero wants to kill him, just do it."

Ling shook his head and said, "It's no longer necessary."

Of course it is not necessary, Isabel has already removed Rex from the Brotherhood. It doesn't make much sense to kill him again. But I have to admit that Isabel is really not a simple woman. Her decisiveness prevented a war between the Brotherhood and Zero, and at the same time saw the Brotherhood's determination to fight for him.

Without looking at Rex again, Zero walked forward and said, "Miss Isabel, are you interested in having lunch with me? Anyway, I would like to discuss something with you."

"my pleasure."

Rex clutched the broken face of his shoulder, glanced resentfully, and then looked at Zero and Isabel with a sullen face. But he was not able to afford any of them, let alone Isabel expelled him from the Brotherhood. As one of the seven committee members, Isabel does have this qualification. It's just that Rex didn't expect Isabel to be so ruthless.

At any rate, he also protected her for three years, but he didn't even give the slightest affection. He almost smashed his steel teeth in a bite, and then he heard how coldly he said, "Go away."

Without a word, Rex left silently.

In the evening, Isabel and Gondo met in the study.

"There is important news." Isabel walked into the study and said: "Zero is willing to contact us~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but there is a condition. He wants to see other committee members and be with Paul."

"Paul?" Gangdo smiled: "That young pope doesn't seem to have this capital yet?"

"No, he has it now." Isabel said in a deep voice: "Linggang revealed that Mendriza and the old Joseph decided to stand by him. In other words, he will get the support of two committee members. Plus Zero this alternate means that there are three committee members supporting him. Then, Paul is qualified to sit at the same negotiating table with the rest of us."

"There is such a thing..." Gangduo took a deep breath: "Solomon is now retreating, and the two old men Mendriza are on Paul's side again. Miss Isabel, which side are you going to be on? "

Isabel said with an excited expression: "Now is an opportunity, Mr. Gundo. The seven-member committee has never been so loose. I think it seems that Gaoli has been sitting in that position for too long."

"what do you mean……"

"I will support them, so even if they vote. They are the most conservative with three votes. Gaoli probably regretted it. He shouldn't just leave Solomon alone."

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