War Lord

Chapter 761: Raid

Sauron stared at his major general coldly, and Simon showed him sweat dripping from his back.レm♠思♥路♣客レ reluctantly smiled, and said, "Master Sauron, how is this possible? I will not betray the Pope's Hall or your lord."

"It's so beautiful, Major General Simon. I almost believed it." Sauron sneered.

Simon stepped forward and said, "My lord, I can swear with my life!"

"Enough. Your despicable lies are enough." Sauron said, "I heard that those mice are hiding on Evely Island. You said, if I sink the island, those The mouse will be immersed in the sea water. Including, those damned family members of the traitor?"

Simon's face turned white, and he smiled bitterly and shook his head: "How could you know...how could you possibly know..."

"Huh, do you all regard me as an idiot? How can I tolerate those guys who are gesticulating on my head!" Sauron grinned and said, "You dark brotherhood, I have long wanted to get rid of it. Now it's just one. Good opportunity, I heard that two important guests have come from you."

"Master Sauron!" Simon threw at his feet and said, "I can dictate myself, but I beg you, I beg you to spare my family."

Sauron kicked it away and walked towards the door without turning his head back: "I am not interested in your life. I would like to see the expressions of your wife and children before they die. I think they will be very jealous."

"No..." Simon shouted, "You are not allowed to hurt them!"

With a surge of energy, Simon's muscles soared, and his shirt burst. He swelled a size bigger, and rushed towards Sauron like a little giant. Sauron sneered, resting on the ground with one foot, and swiping the other quickly, pulling out a half-moon-shaped white ripple on Simon's body.

Immediately, the entire office exploded to pieces, and the vacuum that Major General Simon gave Sauron was chopped up in the air, and when it fell again, his breastbone was shattered to death. Sauron opened the door and walked out, and then the remaining wall fell down suddenly.

Next, more than half of the officers and soldiers of the entire island of Turin were arrested. Most of these people are members of the Dark Brotherhood, and the list is provided by Rex. Turin Island is only a few nautical miles away from Evely Island, where the headquarters of the Dark Brotherhood is located. The military base on which the Pope’s Hall is located has been secretly under the control of the Brotherhood, thus becoming a cover and outpost for the Brotherhood. Fort.

Sauron used thunderous means to clear all the betrayed soldiers on the island before the news reached the city of St. Louis, and escorted them back to New Rome, preparing to behead the public. At the same time, Jiaoling Island was blocked, so that a fly could not fly out. He re-boarded the ship himself, and then led the fleet to Evely Island.

Eveli Island is located on the north side with a shoal, facing the island of Turin. But because there is still a big island in the middle, the vision is far from open. A few soldiers set up a simple post here. The post was under the banner of the Knights of the Seal, but it was actually a member of the Dark Brotherhood. Posts like this are scattered in many places on the island to prevent sudden blows.

The soldiers did not know what happened in Turin, so everyone looked relaxed. In fact, their usual work is also very simple. With the military base on Turin as a cover, plus the base leader, Major General Simon, who is also a senior member of the Brotherhood, the city of St. Louis on Evely Island has been built for two years. For more than ten years, it has never been discovered.

While several soldiers were talking and laughing, suddenly a corpse floated from the sea. The body floated up and down, looking like a soldier on the island of Turin. The soldiers suddenly became nervous. Seeing the corpse floating near, one of the soldiers used a fishing net to salvage the corpse in order to determine the identity.

When the corpse was dragged onto the beach, the soldier quickly untied the fishing net, and then first reached out and pressed the aorta on the side of the corpse's neck. This was an instinctive reaction. But I didn't expect a strong pulsation from the fingertips when the fingers were pressed on the side of the neck.

This is not a corpse at all!

He just wanted to show his jǐng, and his stomach was cold. Looking down, the corpse opened his eyes, flipped his hand and plunged a dagger deeply into his abdomen, and then pulled it horizontally to open his entire abdomen. The soldiers tried their best to cover the wound, but couldn't stop the blood and intestines going out. He spit out blood and fell to the ground, just to see the scene of his colleagues being easily killed by another man.

After handling this post, the man playing the corpse took out a communicator wrapped in tarpaulin from his jacket pocket, and after connecting it, he said indifferently: "All the posts have been cleared and we can carry out annihilation operations! "

"Received, please stand by."

After a while, the fleet appeared on the nearby bay. On the medium-sized warships, assault boats were put down, and they landed on the shallows with groups of soldiers. After the soldiers landed, they quickly established a line of defense. Then Sauron's ship drove to the vicinity of the shoal, and the deck facing the shoal opened and stretched out, building a simple bridge between the shoal and the ship.

Then, missiles and armored vehicles drove out of the ship cabin in an orderly manner, landed on the shallows along the bridge, and drove toward the inland of the island. In the end, the armored vehicles and the army stopped on a high slope. Below the high **** is a dense forest, and not far away is a mountain range high in the north and south. Just in the belly of the mountain, is the city of St. Louis of the Dark Brotherhood.

"My lord, everything is ready."

Sauron was standing on the high slope, with Rex by his side. Wither served as the temporary commander of the operation, and only after all the arrangements were prepared, he reported to Sauron. Sauron nodded and said, "Very well, then fire."

With his life, Wither immediately issued the order of the general attack. As a result, the missiles on the armored vehicles were fired in succession, dragging the flames away. At the same time, the two elongated armored vehicle compartment plates opened, and a deep black missile was raised from inside. These are ground-penetrating missiles. After locking the target, they were also sent out, dragging two extremely dazzling fire lights, and flew towards the mountain range behind the other missiles.

A few seconds later, when the first fireball rose in the direction of the mountains, a series of dense explosions followed. Covered by the firepower of the guided missiles, the flames spread into pieces, and the entire mountain range burned. The shock wave set off a suffocating gust of wind, and brought a taste of destruction. When the two ground-penetrating missiles also exploded, the air around the mountains was rapidly burned and expanded, forming a terrifying fireball.

The core of the fireball is dazzling white light, and it is surrounded by flames flowing slowly like lava. The fireball continues to grow, absorbing everything that can be burned. When it almost covered the entire mountain range, it split from the center, followed by a high-temperature flame of more than two thousand degrees, forming a continuous pillar of fire that rushed straight into the clouds. At this time, the world is silent. It was not until a few seconds later that a group of people screamed from the direction of the explosion.

When the flame burned out and turned into a slowly rolling, red and black mushroom cloud. The soldiers began to rush down the high **** under the command of the commander. They will pass through the dense forest and drive into the city of St. Louis, blocking all those who escaped the bombing just now.

Although theoretically speaking, there can be no survivors under the bombing of the scale just now. But Sauron, who came with the thought of killing all, could not let go of even the smallest possibility.

Just as the first missile exploded, the city of St. Louis in the belly of the mountain shook violently. The ensuing intensive explosion caused the rocks on the top of the mountain belly to fall off, and fire waves penetrated from outside the mountain. At this time, Zero-Sum Paul was in the castle for the second time with Gaoli. Faced with the sudden attack, Gao Li's face was pale.

He leaped to the window and saw a light in front of him. Following a large group of large groups of fire waves penetrated from the outside of the mountain, and fell into the city like a sky fire. As a result, the building burned and collapsed, and people's screams spread far away, forming a prelude to destruction.

When Gao Li turned around and wanted to say something, a violent explosion masked all his voice. The light that was too strong to be looked at blew up in the belly of the mountain, and it was only a few seconds later that the light gradually dimmed. Then the old castle had already begun to collapse. Large blocks of bricks rose from the sky, and scary cracks extended everywhere. The jīngzhi fortress was like a castle on the beach, heading for destruction under the firepower of missiles.

Paul came back to his senses and found that he was thrown to the ground by Zero. There was a gravel several meters square arched on Zero's back, and Paul's face changed when he saw it. Had it not been for Zero to protect him, now he had become a meatloaf. Zero shook the falling rock slightly, then pulled Paul up. The castle was shaking, Paul's footing was unsteady, and if he hadn't supported him, he would have to fall to the ground again.

Gao Li screamed at this moment: "It's you! You and Sauron joined forces to attack us, aren't you? You despicable people!"

The Pearl Corridor is located in the sphere of influence of the Pope's Hall. It is natural that only the Pope's Hall can be attacked at this time. It's not hard to guess at this point, even if Gao Li is stupid, he can guess who is attacking him now.

He was also protected by the West Wind, and Ling ignored him and looked to the side. Semir was crushed under a pile of rocks, only one hand holding the gem ring was exposed, and it seemed that he could not survive. Fortunately, Isabel was lucky. The falling rock basically hit her surroundings just now, and she suffered only minor injuries.

At this time Xifeng shouted: "My lord, the situation should not be what you think. Sauron is going to kill them together, otherwise he will only wait for them to leave before attacking. What's more, let's leave here first!"

Gao Li's expression eased a little, and West Wind said to the others: "Come with me, there is an escape route in the castle, which can go directly to the nearest pier."

At this moment, Mr. X and Cinderella also rushed in. Zero lets Cinderella protect Isabel, while Mr. X protects Paul and heads towards the escape route under the leadership of Westwind and Gaoli. Zero fell at the end, and a group of people hurriedly left the conference hall and came to the escape passage located below the castle. As soon as he entered the passage, he saw fire waves rushing into the sky.

Everywhere he can see is filled with flames. Zero knew that the city of St. Louis was over. Sauron's attack had come too suddenly, and suddenly it was too late for the Brotherhood to take any preventive measures. Being able to do this can only mean that there is a ghost in the Brotherhood, otherwise Sauron will not be able to pinch the time so accurately, grasping this can bring himself and Paul, and then take the opportunity to wipe out the three parties of the Dark Brotherhood. Shot.

When the armor plate at the exit of the passage is closed, it also completely isolates the flames outside, but from time to time there are still dull explosions. At the same time, the passage is trembling, even if armor has been used to reinforce the surroundings of the passage, it still gives people the feeling of danger of collapsing at any time.

Everyone was silent all the way, moving towards the exit of the passage at the fastest speed. After exiting the exit, it is a tunnel. The tunnel vibrated slightly, causing the lighting on both sides to flicker from time to time. A car was prepared for many years outside the escape route. As soon as the zero waiters came out, they all got into the car. Westerly jumped into the driving position, and as soon as he started the engine, there was a loud bang behind him, and then flames billowed.

The west wind snorted and stepped on the accelerator to the end. The engine roared, bursting with huge kinetic energy to push the car forward desperately. Zero looking back, the fire wave stagnated behind, clinging to it. As long as the car is slightly slower, it will catch up immediately. However, the speed of the car has reached its limit, but the fire waves behind it continue to accelerate. Seeing that the exit of the tunnel was in sight, the west wind roared, and finally drove out of the tunnel before the fire wave caught up.

When the car drove away, Ling Qi saw that the mountains where St. Louis was located had been covered by a sea of ​​fire. The raging fire made the radiant clouds in the sky a blood red. The demise of St. Louis was undoubtedly a heavy blow to the Dark Brotherhood. Although the Brotherhood may not concentrate all its wealth in the city of St. Louis, the loss is definitely indispensable. More importantly, Sauron's attack prevented them from hiding in the darkness.

And they, who are exposed to the light, can no longer carry out various activities with ease as before. The Brotherhood that turned from dark to light will inevitably be forced to show its position, because in the following war, neither Zero nor Sauron will tolerate the existence of an organization with a vague position.

But no matter which side you clearly stand on, it is not what the Brotherhood wants, and it also violates their purpose.

However, in today's situation, they can't help but choose.

But Zero knew that it was too early to say this. Unless Gao Li, Isabel and others can escape, everything is just empty talk.

With Sauron's ability and style, his attack will never be just this wave of missile bombing!

After the explosion, the sound of gunshots echoing back and forth from the mountains behind can be faintly heard. Gao Li gritted his teeth, but surprisingly did not show anger, but judging from the pale fists that were clenched too hard, he was in a very bad mood now. Those gunshots, you don't need to think that it was Sauron's soldiers harvesting the lives of the survivors.

But Gori couldn't do anything now, at least until he left Evely Island.

When he was about to arrive at the dock, he finally encountered an interception. But the few people in the car, including Zero, are not good peers, and only some soldiers can't stop them. The real threat is a missile carried by one shoulder, but it is also zero and easily detonated. The flames of the explosion blocked the enemy’s line of sight, causing them to pass the explosion zone after the car went far away.

When arriving at the pier, a hybrid sailing boat was waiting for a long time. The captain and sailors above are in place, ready to set sail. Seeing the car driving to the dock, the captain shouted on the boat: "Get on board!"

Needless to say, no one wants to stay on the perilous island. West Wind protected Gori and ran up first, and then Paul and Class Zero began to board the ship. At this time, a group of soldiers chased him, and Mr. X greeted him without saying a word. Raising his fist, a huge fist was formed by energy ripples in the air, and then he blasted straight into the air.

Fist of the Giant!

The huge fist that came out of his hand blasted into the ground near the pursuers like a missile, and immediately killed them, and Mr. X jumped onto the ship. With the efforts of the sailors, the sailboat retreated, left the pier a little and then turned around, and then drove towards the bay with full power.

After sailing through an incomparable waterway with the neighboring island, the sailboat entered the sea. But as soon as the ship came out, three warships blocked up. The captain cursed and turned the rudder anxiously. The power boat drew a beautiful arc on the sea, turned around and ran. However, the outlines of two warships appeared in the front, and depending on the situation, Sauron had already blocked the sea.

"Up until now, only rushed out!" Gao Li cried.

The captain snorted, and even if he disagreed, there was nothing to do. The turrets on the five warships had been aimed at them. After a short trajectory calibration, the turrets on the warship opened fire. Amid the roaring sound of artillery, shells roared, chasing the power boat and exploding endlessly. The sea near the hull blew up water jets, even though it had not hit the power boat, the surging sea water also caused the boat to waver.

"Put down the runner, UU reading www.uukanshu.com changed to human cāo, come on!" The captain gave a series of orders, so the lower sides of the hull opened and lowered the runner like a waterwheel. The sailors in the cabin stepped on these two big wheels with all their strength to speed up the sailing.

A few capable people came to the back of the ship and exploded the cannonballs falling towards the hull from time to time. Among the four, the lowest is also Tier 8. It is natural to defend a power boat. However, just as the power ship was about to leave the encirclement, a ship suddenly caught up from behind. The speed of this behemoth is much faster than that of ordinary warships, but in the blink of an eye, the warship is left behind, and it keeps getting closer to the power ship.

Zero could see that on the bow deck of the ship, a man stood proudly. Although he had never met, he knew that the man was Sauron. Because the energy aura displayed on his body is exactly the ninth rank. Different from Leo and the others who use external forces to improve the ninth rank, Sauron's breath is refined and condensed. It is a taste that can only be formed after time and battle, and it is absolutely different from Leo and the rough power aura.

And behind Sauron, there were many figures constantly appearing, and these figures all revealed the aura of a strong man. Although rough, the level of strength is real. Even if none of them are Zero's opponents, if as many as a dozen high-ranking players surge up, Zero will be very difficult to deal with. What's more, there is another Sauron who is not below zero. In comparison, the zero side is obviously at a disadvantage!

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