War Lord

Chapter 772: Blackwing

The box was very quiet, only the voice of Ling drinking beer sounded, and Richard's rare expression was silent, a pair of dead fish eyes staring at Ling closely, as if he wanted to see something from him. He saw nothing, as if he didn't pay attention to his eyes.

After a while, Richard tapped his fingers on the table and said, "It's really hard to see your depth, but it's not enough."

"Do you want to fight again?" Zero said with a headache.

Richard showed a rough smile and said: "I think, I'm afraid that the military will interfere. So I can only think about it."

He licked his lips and said, "Fighting is fine, but at least, you have to show us your strength? Show that strength that is enough to prove your identity!"

Zero shook his head flatly and said: "I don't believe it, if I release all my energy, it will attract unnecessary attention. Now, it's not the time to be exposed."

"I didn't say here again." Richard looked at Gordon and said, "Old man, let your son do a favor. I know he can do it."

Gordon snorted, but stood up and walked towards the door: "Wait for my news."

"What's his son?"

After Gordon left, Ling asked.

Richard opened the cork of a bottle of beer with his teeth, took it directly, and poured a sip into his mouth. After drinking too much, he exhaled a breath of alcohol: "His son is Black Wing. His Silent Discipline and me, and Wallace’s military dog ​​are dividing the night in this city. At the same time, The black wing kid is the sensory person I hate most, so I know he will have a way to cover your energy breath."

Leaving the Prancing Horse Bar, Gordon walked on the streets of the Free Zone in his light car. Soon, he has come to the edge of area a.

The free zone seems to be complex, but in fact it has its own boundaries. There are three areas a, b, and c on the three edge zones of this area. These three areas are all restricted areas in the free zone. The night in the Sin City was divided by the forces occupying the three forbidden areas.

They are Richard's Bleeding Blade, Wallace's Ruby Club, and Blackwing's Silent Discipline.

Area A is where the base camp of Black Wing is located. Stepping into this area, it has been lost from the bustle and noise. The terrain is open here, and a street paved with graystone crooks to the depths of area a. On both sides of the street, there are some strange trees with twisted branches and leaves. Their magical shadows make this area look very gloomy at night. Behind these strange trees, there will occasionally be a flash of light.

The place of the fire is an ordinary house, and the members of the discipline group live like ascetics every day. They believe that being purely self will make themselves redeemed, and Black Wing is their ultimate belief. When black wings envelop the entire city of sin, all sins will be forgiven. Therefore, the Silent Discipline Group is always committed to publicizing their ideas, but the residents of Sin City just don't buy them.

The location of Black Wing is located at the end of this gray-white long road, that is called the Black Silent Temple.

The Black Silence Church is a very distorted building, and its appearance is like an abstracted church. The overall image is inclined and curved, giving people a sense of depression and silent pain. The temple was designed and supervised by Black Wing himself. After the Black Silence Church was built, he lived in seclusion and rarely appeared in public. Even his father, Gordon, rarely sees his son.

When Gordon saw from a distance the dark, crushing and painful building at the end of the long road, the old man sighed slightly. Only he understood that Black Silence Temple was actually a psychological portrayal of Black Wing himself, which represented the pain and shame of Black Wing's life.

Not many people know who Black Wing is, they only know that when there is a City of Sin, Black Wing already exists. At that time, there was not even Richard the lunatic, nor Wallace the loyal dog.

As the father of Black Wing, Gordon certainly understands.

Black Wing is actually...

"The first commander of the Holy Seal Knights?"

In the bar, when he heard about the identity of Black Wing from Richard's mouth, he was inexplicably shocked. For a long time, he thought that Sauron, the general commander of the Knights of the Seal, was the first commander, but he didn't expect that Sauron was still the second one?

"Well, although it's a little hard to believe. But this is the city of sin, no matter how strange it is. It's just that, why did the chief of the knight order himself become a criminal?" Zero frowned.

"Because Sauron is on the righteous side." Richard said with a sneer, "That's a story I heard from Old Man Gordon, anyway, there is nothing wrong now, just tell you. "

Fifteen years ago, the commander of the Knights of the Seal was Blackwing instead of Sauron, who was just an adjutant. But when he was young, Sauron was already ambitious, and when he discovered that his power had surpassed Black Wing one day, he resolutely launched a rebellion. Sauron was the first to deal with Black Wing. Black Wing was a perceptual domain capable person. This type of capable person was originally not good at combat power. He was attacked by Sauron again, and Black Wing almost lost his life.

At that time, he was stabbed in the throat by Sauron, but miraculously did not die. Sauron therefore left his life, and after seizing power, he marked Black Wing as a criminal and threw it into the unfinished Thebes prison at the time. In this way, Black Wing became the first prisoner in Thebes Prison.

Sauron didn't kill him, it was to torture him. Let him watch how everything he was guarding fell into Sauron's hands, and more importantly, that a knife that didn’t kill Black Wing, but deprived him of his voice, made Black Wing live silently. Of pain in hell.

For Black Wing, his trampled dignity and justice, as well as the deprived voice, everything is the greatest shame in life. Black Wing was still alive, living so painfully, just waiting for a chance to avenge Sauron. Even this class is more than ten years.


"Opportunity is here." Standing in front of the Black Silence Church, looking at the twisted door, it was like seeing his son's painful heart. Gao Deng said solemnly: "Hei Wing, it's time to break free from this prison. Now, the opportunity has finally come." With that, he strode to the front door and pushed open the cold and heavy door with his hand.

Behind the door is a dim passage, decorated with some abstract human sculptures on both sides, these sculptures are by the hands of Black Wing. No matter what kind of sculpture they are, they don't have a head. Just at the neck of the sculpture, there are torches inserted. The Black Silence Church refuses to use any form of energy. Its lighting only uses the oldest method, and torches are one of them.

These two rows of torches illuminate the path that Gordon is going to take, and after connecting through two gates, the central hall of pain leading to the Black Silence Church is already near. There is only a copper door between the Hall of Pain and the passage, and the door is full of human faces with pain and distortion. They are male and female, old and young, and make all kinds of terrible moaning expressions. It seems that in the countless nights in this temple, these faces are uttering silent screams!

Gordon pushed open the door with a heavy heart, and immediately there was cold and damp air slipping out of the door. As if being licked head-on by a cold snake, Gordon couldn't help shrinking his body before squeezing into the hall of pain.

The Pain Hall is full of murals and decorations of various religious meanings, but the colors inside are mostly dark tones, so these decorations look uncomfortable. The difference from ordinary teaching is that the four corners of the dome of the hall are not decorated with angels, but with gargoyles representing the night and evil as decorations.

They are combined with the four columns supporting the hall, and at first glance they look like the faithful guards of the hall.

In the center of the dome of the Hall of Pain is a bronze brazier, which hangs from the dome and hangs in the air. The flames blazed inside, illuminating the entire hall. The brazier is decorated with a circle of skulls, and the fire light is transmitted from the eye sockets of these skulls, just like the sight of these dead objects.

The whole hall was filled with a depressive atmosphere, and at the end of the door, a thin figure faced Gordon. It was a man, dressed in a long white coat that was swaying the floor, with golden tassels full of military style on his shoulders. The back of the long dress is painted with black patterns of demons and inverted crosses. The pattern and the color of the long dress form a sharp contrast, making it impossible to deliberately ignore it.

He is Black Wing, the master of the Black Silent Temple. In front of Black Wing is a huge mural, which is a painting with the entire wall as the background, and the content is the war between angels and demons. In ordinary religious murals, when it comes to the subject of the battle between light and darkness, usually angels are located above and demons are located below. After all, heaven is above and **** is below.

However, in the huge painting before Hei Yi's eyes, light and darkness are clearly reversed. The devil flew toward the ground from the dense dark clouds. The angels vacated from the earth, welcoming the countless ferocious demons. The lives of these two completely different camps converged in midair, colliding countless bloodbaths. Looking from a distance, a slanting line of blood cut across the wall, and the tragic murderous intent came upon his face.

Gordon's face turned pale, and every time he walked into this hall and saw Heiyi personally fill up every corner of this huge painting with one stroke, he felt uncomfortable. This painting seems to be Heiyi's state of mind, so judging from the picture, isn't it that his heart is full of **** murderous intent.

Once it breaks out, will it be like the blood line that cuts the world in the picture, and the blood will flow into a river?

"How did you come?"

Hei Wing's voice rang directly in Gordon's mind. After Sauron took away the voice fifteen years ago, Hei Wing could only communicate with people using the spiritual rainbow bridge. Gordon is no longer unfamiliar with this way of communication. He did not respond in his mind, but said as if talking to a normal person: "I bring you a message."

Black Wing appeared silent for a moment.

This is Gordon's habit all the time. Hei Wing knows that Gordon is doing this to remind himself that he has the opportunity to live like a normal person. However, Gui knows that the flame in his heart has not disappeared due to the passage of time, but it burns more and more intense. Hei Wing faintly felt that this flame would one day burn himself and his life to ashes.

He only hoped that before this ending came, he would have the opportunity to find that man to make a break.


Gordon has forgotten how long he has not called his son's real name, but when the former army commander became a criminal, he has already abandoned the past. Only Black Wing is still alive today.

His father's time brought him back to his senses, and Black Wing continued to say in Gordon's mind: "I'm listening!"

"Today is a special day, because a special man has arrived in the city."

"I know." Hei Yi continued to paint: "His name is Raphael. He just killed Raymond under Richard's not long ago, and barely tied with the lunatic. In recent years, he is indeed a special man. But that’s all."

"Of course it's more than that, do you know who he is?" Gordon said excitedly: "He is not Rafi, he is Zero, and he took those pirates from Roaring Bay to the one that hit Rock City!"

Hei Wing shook his whole body and turned around suddenly, with a voice like a thunder in Gordon's mind shouting: "Why is he here?"

Gordon's face was pale and his body shook.

Hei Wing felt lost, and quickly reduced his power and said: "Sorry, I am a little excited. Are you... okay?"

Gordon smiled and said, "You haven't cared about me so much for a long time."

Heiyi was silent, under the firelight, he could see half of his face wearing a mask. The mask is the image of a falcon, covering most of Hei Wing's face. This mask has existed since he appeared in Sin City. It was not simply hung on his face, but Black Wing branded it on in an almost self-harming manner. Looking at this mask, Gordon sighed in his heart, he has almost forgotten his son's true appearance.

After a while, Gordon returned to business. Give out Zero's intentions and his intention to cooperate. It was also mentioned that Richard had one last doubt about his identity, hoping to use the help of Black Wing to determine his zero strength. After speaking, Gordon said again: "This is a rare opportunity, Black Wing. No matter if Zero can successfully rescue his friend, he will surely alarm Sauron. As long as he appears..."

"Then I will unscrew his head!" Hei Wing's voice continued to sound in Gordon's mind, but this time he had already controlled it, but the irritation in the voice still made the old man dizzy.

Hei Yi said again: "Richard, this lunatic, would have some time to be cautious. Okay, you go and tell them. Let them come to the Black Silence Church tomorrow night, and I will provide the boy named Zero with a stage to show. I promise that no one will feel his power aura, not even Wallace!"

"They will be happy to hear the news." Gordon nodded and turned to leave.

When closing the copper door of the Hall of Pain, Gordon saw Black Wing continue painting. He has been painting this painting for many years, and it seems that the time has come to be completed.

Even in the daytime, there is not one person in the free zone. Of course, those who can stay in the free zone during the day will naturally not be ordinary residents. The three areas located on the fringe of the free zone became the private land of Richard, Black Wing and Wallace. They can stay in their own area during the day, while keeping a limited number of people around for calling purposes.

It's just that these three have completely different styles.

The Black Wing's Silent Discipline Group basically stayed in their homes or in the Black Silent Church during the day, and they had no sense of existence like ghosts. As for Richard's Blade of Blood, he usually sleeps at this time, or sleeps with a woman in his arms. As for Richard himself, he put his arms around the bottle more.

The slightly more normal one should belong to Wallace, a strongman born in a sin city, but put down his dignity and willingly set himself up as a loyal dog of the military in exchange for privileges that the other two do not have, and a certain degree of protection from the military. .

Wallace’s Ruby Club has collected many notorious criminals. Compared with the madman-like Richard, or the living Blackwing like a painful poet, Wallace is more like an out-and-out villain. Even if he looks gentle and elegant, he has the demeanor of a scholar. But in fact, he is a man who does no evil.

Before coming to Sin City, he was a famous slave trader on the outer islands. After that, he was engaged in drugs, arms, assassinations and other businesses. In the end, he was compiled by the Pope’s Chamber and fled to the City of Sin, where he was able to save his life. He is the giant who appeared in Sin City after Black Wing. Before the madman Richard appeared, the whole city was almost evenly divided between him and Black Wing.

However, Black Wing is more responsible. As long as Wallace's people don't enter the boundaries of the Black Silence Temple, the general Black Wing won't bother about it. That period can be said to be the most beautiful time for Wallace, until a lunatic Richard came. The man who didn't follow the rules at all and stepped on Wallace's bottom line over and over again was indeed a troublesome figure.

Although at the beginning, Wallace did make a ruthless attempt to deal with Richard. Hateful, he is not careful enough. Richard can kill him, but he can't. So after repeated compromises, Sin City became the current situation.

It was early in the morning, Wallace was sitting in his study. On the table was a cup of coffee that was emitting a faint smoke. This tycoon, well-known to the people of Sin City ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, wore a vest and glasses like a forty-year-old scholar. Looking at a light screen on the table with interest. In the light screen, there are scenes of Richard and Zero fighting. Wallace maintains the habit of going to bed early and getting up early, so he did not see the hot live broadcast of the Fighting Gym last night.

Beside Wallace is a tall woman, m's height and figure is the perfect golden ratio. Wearing a white shirt and black trousers, and stepping on a pair of blood-red high heels, she looks like a **** office lady. However, the woman looked indifferent, and she could see from those gray eyes, as if the whole world was lifeless.

In this woman's eyes, all she saw was the bones of the corpse mountain, and her body exuded the breath of death.

Her name is Fei Lin, but more people are willing to call her Fei Lin the Grey Stain. She is Wallace's number one killer, and an extremely dangerous woman. It is said that Richard once said that the only person in Sin City who didn't want to fight with him was the woman in front of him. But I don't know whether it was because Richard was afraid of her strength, or because he simply didn't want to fight with women, then it was unknown.

Wallace pointed to the zero in the light screen: "Felin, what do you think of this guy?"

"I don't know." Feilin said with cherishing words like gold: "Only when you have played, you will know!"

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