War Lord

Chapter 784: Base point of balance

The surface temperature of the death beam was only three hundred, and the core temperature did not exceed one thousand. Obviously it is not good at high temperature, but its properties are corrosive, and this property is marked as "dangerous" by Zero's mastermind. Even if it is only the most standard degree of danger, the death beam is enough to corrode steel, and if it goes further, it is something like composite armor or super alloy.

In terms of Hiller's eighth level, it is already quite good to be able to blast out a torrent of energy with two comprehensive properties of ordinary high temperature and strong corrosion. In Hiller's calculations, Zero would first evade this beam, then round and round, and then wait for the opportunity to approach, then Hiller would prepare a big gift for him.

But Zero didn't move at all, until the beam was about to arrive, the two energy light curtains behind him suddenly became brilliant, and the end energy particles appeared to be ejected. In this state, Zero's speed suddenly rose to its limit. As soon as he stepped, he slammed into the beam, and in the blink of an eye, he had already passed through the beam. Zero skipped the acceleration process. At the beginning of the start, the speed was raised to the limit, and within a few milliseconds, he traversed the beam to minimize the beam's damage to itself.

Even so, there was a large area of ​​ulceration on the surface of Zero's skin, which seemed to have been washed with strong acid, and the whole body of Zero was smoked. More than 80% of the upper body of the ** has skin necrosis and moderate burns to the muscles, but the bones and internal organs have not been injured. Therefore, this injury, strictly speaking, is only a skin injury. However, in exchange for Shiller's calculation errors, and to obtain the best shot time.

Shearer probably hadn't thought that one day someone would face his death beam like Zero and act like a suicide. Therefore, I took a beat in my thoughts, high-level competition, one second is too much, let alone a whole beat. It was such a distracted moment, Zero was already near, and he thrust one hand into Shearer's chest without any fancy.

His movements are so clear that Shearer can even see the trajectory of Zero's palm moving in the air. The knife cut through the airflow, leaving a dense afterimage in the space. Shearer thought of several strategies to evade and counterattack in just a few moments, but he found that none of the strategies could be used in time. Zero's hand seemed to slowly tear his chest, cut his muscles, and passed through the protection. The special bones of the internal organs finally plunged deeply into his fiery, beating huge heart!

When Zero's hand entered the body, Shearer still felt a trace of coldness, followed by the intense pain transmitted from the nerves to the brain, and then back to the whole body, which made Shearer tremble constantly. He opened his mouth, unable to pour out blood from his mouth by himself. The giant's eyes widened, and he didn't know how Zero had done the final and fatal blow until he died.

The speed he showed was beyond the scope of Shearer's comprehension, and the two completely different phenomena of fast and slow were simultaneously displayed in one hit. That was a mystery that Shearer could not grasp.

Zero's arms were almost completely submerged into the giant's chest. When he pulled it out, the wound on Hiller's chest suddenly enlarged, followed by a stream of blood spurting out, spraying Zero into a **** man from head to tail. Zero silent, after killing Hiller, the eighth level, plus the evolution points accumulated before, the road to the tenth level has been completely paved. Zero has accumulated enough advanced resources, as long as he wants, all evolution points can immediately be transformed into tenth-order genes, forming new sequences in his gene chain, and may even produce brand-new abilities.

However, it must be after leaving prison.

Hiller was dead, the giant's genes were fading, and the warden returned to his normal state when he fell. His eyes widened, and there was no focus in his eyes, but the expression on his face was frozen at the moment before death, and it seemed that he couldn't believe that death had fallen on him like this. He didn't know that in a seemingly unpretentious strike, Zero had already used the speed of Phantom Assault, coupled with the two skills of Destruction Barrage and Spiral Piercing, in order to achieve both high speed and high speed in one hit. Attributes such as explosive power and high armor penetration.

Not to mention that Shearer's body strength has been greatly increased after becoming a giant. Even if he puts on himself a set of titanium alloy armor, he will have to make a hole for the zero. The blow that zero just now, even the knife that killed Raymond when he didn't even pretend to be Rafi, was amazing, but it was the precipitation after washing out the lead, which means that he finally found the most suitable him between speed and power. The basis point.

Lingzhijue is so happy, not only can he advance to the tenth rank at any time, but after experiencing countless battles, he has finally reached a new level in the field of skills. All that remains now is to find Hindrella, and then to overthrow Sauron at the Pope's Hall.

Looking at the warden who fell in a pool of blood, Klauber felt that the whole sky had fallen. In his eyes, except for Sauron, Shearer was the most terrifying man on this island. He was even more terrifying than the three giants of Sin City combined, but this terrifying man died at the hands of another terrifying guy. Klauber would not believe that Raphael could kill Shearer?

Is there anything more ridiculous than this?

"Go... Colonel..." a guard couldn't help asking, "What should I do?"

"What to do? Kill him of course! Fire! Fire!" Klauber's eyes were flushed and he had lost his mind. He doesn't care if the man in front of him is as strong as Shearer and not an opponent. What can he do with this guard?

But the commander's words are orders. At this time, the soldiers have lost their opinions. Upon hearing Klauber's order, the guard subconsciously raised the gun, then aimed and shot! For a moment, the machine gun roared, the line of fire turned across, and the bullets rained towards zero.

With zero body shaking, his movements are beyond ordinary people's grasp. One is in the east and the other is in the west. The soldier's dynamic vision can't keep up with the speed of zero, so even though the firepower is fierce, it can only fall in the empty space. It wasn't until the paladin mechas raised their cannons that Zero took a little more serious. He suddenly settled, and there was no buffer from flashing to standing. In terms of speed, Zero was already a master.

After standing still, the light curtain behind him suddenly rolled up and turned forward. Zero's right eye lit up, and the energy particles escaping from the end of the light curtain suddenly accelerated, turning into beams of thick fingers, and thrusting towards Clauber and his party with an astonishing whistling sound.

When Klauber saw this, he ignored other people, and the skill of a seventh-order ability could only fall to the ground before the beam arrived. Then, above his head was an energy storm intertwined by countless fragments of light beams. When the beams flew, they hit the walls of the prison, or collided with each other and exploded, and only a few hit the guards and the Paladins.

But the penetrating power of these beams was not enough, and it was shot without death or injury. Even the shell of the mecha couldn't stop the attack of the beam. The zero light curtain lasted for five seconds and finally stopped. The light curtain shrank by one-third. Obviously, this blast also lost a lot of energy. , Zero simply converged the power of the ninth order, because there was no enemy in front of him.

The guards shot into a hornet's nest, and a few mechas were directly bombarded, but in fact, most of the energy was wasted on the surrounding buildings, and a small part of it was hedged and annihilated by itself. He shook his head and smiled bitterly, but it was a whim just now, and he suddenly remembered that when he was in Ludu that day, Andre made a chilling attack with the light wings behind him.

Zero asked himself to have a certain experience in energy manipulation, but until he did the same, he didn't know how difficult it is to control the castration and drop point of each beam.

Each energy beam is like a nerve ending of Zero. If you want to control each beam precisely, you need Zero to know all of your nerve endings. To achieve this, it is impossible to do it with a single main brain and a separate brain. The amount of calculation at that moment can only be described as a massive amount, unless zero can form a central thinking array. The main brain gives a hint that at least 20 brains are needed to form a central array.

And he now, unfortunately, has only one.

It can be seen that only in terms of energy control and calculation ability, he and Andre have a long distance. The more so, the more grateful he was that he had given the demon's base a shot before going out to sea. Otherwise, now, Andre might still decide what to do.

Putting away the distracting thoughts, Ling walked towards Clauber. This lucky guy only wiped one of the light beams from his back, leaving an injury that never hurt his life. Zero walked behind him and patted his face: "Don't pretend, you can't die. If this can also fool my eyes, I don't have to mess with it. But if you want to continue to pretend to die, I Don't mind turning you into a real corpse."

Klauber was taken aback, he did intend to pass the test just now. Hearing this, he immediately sat up and shook his head and said, "Don't kill me, Mr. Raphael. Please don't kill me."

Shearer's death, Zero's power to kill the army just now, has already made Klauber lose any resistance.

Zero was very satisfied with this result and said: "I don't need to kill you, but you have to tell me where Hindrella went."

Crow rolled his eyes and was about to speak. However, Ling shook his head, and then randomly squeezed a drop of blood from one of the wounds on his arm. The blood was full of energy. Even if he is out of Zero's body, there is still a certain connection with him. As a result of Zero Will, the memory group in the blood began to work. They have zero demands, forming a strange creature.

It was only the size of a finger, and its body was flat, with a circle of whiskers scattered around the edges. As soon as this thing formed, it bounced up, and the soft body shrank a little. Bounced into Klauber's mouth widened in surprise, and instantly slid across the esophagus, clinging to his stomach wall. All the fleshy whiskers on the edge were pierced into the arm of the stomach, and a nerve line was quickly generated from the end, just sticking to Klauber.

"What is this?" Crowe screamed.

"A kind of practical little thing." There was a zero smile, but on Raphael’s face, it was a devil’s smile: "It is connected to my heart, so if Mr. Colonel points to a place, let me find it. . Then no matter where I am, as long as I give it an order, it will drain the blood from your whole body in a few seconds, turning you into a corpse."

Crawber's face was dusty all the time.

"Okay, then tell me, where did you hide Cinderella?"

"Just last night, after learning that you killed Kenio. The warden suddenly called me and asked me to transfer Cinderella to Victoria, which is an island thirty nautical miles north of here. , Lord Sauron built a new secret base on it as early as two years ago. Now the base has its initial scale, with an army stationed for many years, mainly for the development of some biochemical technology projects. As for the others, I know that Not much.” At this moment, Klauber had to tell the truth: “At the same time as the transfer of Hindrella, the warden has notified Lord Sauron and learned that Lord Sauron will set sail today. If nothing happens, If that happens, he should be in Victoria by now."


"Yes, your lord has already arrived. Even if you don't have time to save people now, I advise you to leave as soon as possible. I can prepare a boat for you." Klauber pleased.

Ling shook his head and said, "My heart is accepted, but I have to go to the so-called Victoria."

"You are going to die." Klauber said with his eyes widened.

"Not necessarily." Zero said: "Now, I have to ask the colonel to send me out. I promise, as long as I make sure that Hindrella is on that island, the little thing will automatically leave your body. Of course, if I fight If you die, that thing will die with it, so you don’t have to worry about it."

Klauber's eyes lit up, and he tried his best to conceal the joy in his eyes, and tried to make an indifferent look: "Then I can only wish you good luck, come here, and I will send you away."

When they returned to the ground base, Klauber and Zero One came out, and the square was already occupied by the army. Both the soldier and the mecha aimed their guns at zero, and Klauber swallowed. To be honest, he couldn't wait to order an attack, but he had no choice but to hold his life in the hands of others, so he had to shout: "What are you doing? Put down the gun soon!"

Although the soldiers were at a loss, the colonel's orders could not be violated, so they all put down their guns one by one. Klauber called the soldiers to drive an off-road vehicle, and then personally drove Zero to the gate of Sin City. You can still hear gunshots from the city. From the direction, it is the private forbidden area of ​​the Ruby Club.

But the city defense station was very quiet, and Klauber's face was very bad. Doesn't it mean that the city defense army and a force sent to reinforcements have been eaten by Black Wing.

"It's fine here." Zero jumped out of the car and said, "I don't think you want to enter the city, Colonel?"

"Of course not, of course not." Klauber smiled.

After watching Zero enter the Sin City, Klauber had a sullen smile on his face: "You just said that you missed your mouth. It turns out that killing you can still stop that thing from functioning. In this way, things can be done. It's much simpler."

In the restricted area of ​​the Ruby Club, the battle is almost over.

Wallace has long lost the image of the elegant nobleman before the war, his coat is no longer visible, and his body is stained with blood. Even when moving, the pace became frivolous, and it seemed a little lacking in confidence. Ten meters away, Richard rushed towards him with a murderous warhammer in his hand. At this moment, the mighty space on Richard's body is powerful, and the air is even more vague and distorted because of the might that he exudes.

At this moment, Richard's strength and might have been catching up to Tier Nine. Wallace knew that this lunatic had also reached the end of the strong bow, and the frenzied killing was almost over. But in the last few seconds, Richard will reach the pinnacle of power.

There are ups and downs, this is the law of nature. Even those with the ability are no exception. Wallace knew that as long as these seconds passed, then it would be Richard's death date!

It wasn't that he had no chance. Feline was looming towards him when Richard rushed over.

In a blink of an eye, Richard has rushed over. Every step of the leader of the blood-split blade, the ground must shake for a while, giving birth to circular shock waves. And the heavy warhammer, which can be called a murder weapon, ploughed a shocking trace on the ground. Richard roared out of emotion, and the warhammer was wrapped in a hot wind and knocked on Wallace's chest.

Behind Richard, Feilin appeared in time, and the cross sickle in his hand flicked a faint trajectory and wiped it to Richard's neck.

Wallace's eyes flashed fiercely, and he gathered all his strength to meet Richard's warhammer. As long as he slowed the fall of the warhammer a little bit, he would be able to give Feline a chance to kill Richard.

At this point in the situation, there is no room for buffer in the triple room. But at this indescribably short moment, Richard ignored Feline's sickle and burst out to knock down the warhammer with all his strength. Wallace let out a dull low growl, and hugged the warhammer with both hands as if to embrace the world. He even formulated a strategy for how to divide the strength of the warhammer when he touched it.

But when he hugged the warhammer in both hands, Wallace was frightened.

There was no strength on the warhammer, and it was as light as nothing. Wallace suddenly used the wrong force and moved forward involuntarily. A mocking look flashed in Richard's eyes, and the erratic warhammer was suddenly injected with violent force, and knocked on Wallace's chest as soon as Wallace revealed his flaws. But Wallace didn't respond to the hammer to fly out. Instead, he stuck to the warhammer, but there was a dense sound of broken bones in his chest, and the dim light in his eyes gradually dimmed.

Richard spit on his face and said, "You call Lao Tzu a lunatic, but Lao Tzu is not crazy, not at all."

Wallace didn't expect to die, from the moment the war started, he only knew Richard who smashed his warhammer. In the last blow, something called "technique" was used, so that he completely used the wrong force, and instead gave Richard a chance.

Richard's power disappeared completely, and the time for crazy killing had come. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com He lowered his head, looked at the cross sickle around his neck and asked, "Why don't you draw it down?"

Putting the sickle away, Fei Lin looked at Wallace who fell on the ground and said, "He is dead."

"Nonsense, anyone who can put my all-out effort into death will die." Richard threw away the warhammer and sat down directly next to Wallace's corpse and said, "I'm tired. "

Looking at Wallace again, Richard smiled: "Look, this old boy is afraid of incontinence in the end, it's really awful."

On Wallace's body, the trouser legs were wet. Taking a silent glance at the corpse, Fei Lin put away the scythe and prepared to leave.

"Hey, why don't you kill me?"

"Because he is dead, it doesn't make sense to kill you again. Today, enough people have died." Fei Lin sighed, "If you can, please accept our surrender."

"If you are willing to be Lao Tzu's girl, I can think about it." Richard laughed, and then seeing Feline's deathly gaze became boring. He dug out his ears with his fingers, and then shouted, "Stop it to Lao Tzu. Wallace is dead, and the war is over!"

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