War Lord

Chapter 786: legend

[Thank you Feng Mu Chunjiang for your monthly pass support! ]

When the missile turned to bury the city of sin and flew away, Klauber had already imagined in his mind the scene of the city being razed and the flames raging in the ruins. At that time, the strange creature in your body will also disappear, right? Klauber thought, this was the real reason for his crazy activation of the Peace Guard. Otherwise, according to normal procedures, he should close the Thebes prison, rely on the supplies and troops in the military base to isolate the Sin City, and then wait for the reinforcements of the Pope's Hall.

Such an impatient bombardment was just because Klauber didn't want his life to be in the hands of others, even for a minute. As for the blasting of Sin City, if Sauron blames him, he can put the blame on Shearer, who has died in battle, or the **** criminals in Sin City.

Just as Klauber rejoiced for his wise approach, all of the consoles suddenly sounded harsh sirens. A red warning signal appeared on the light screen under each staff member, and the console was cut off from the missile by an external program in just a few seconds. Then, in the screen, the flying missile was about to blast into the city of sin, but suddenly turned a corner in mid-air, and then flew in the direction of the military base with fear.

Crowber was dumbfounded and roared: "Why is this?"

"Colonel, the system seems to be implanted with a virus." A staff member operated with his fingers flying on the light screen. He cracked the controlled system at the fastest speed in his life, but found that the other party's virus program left many traps. And the back door. Whenever he thought he had killed the virus, a new virus would pop up and make him exhausted.

If you give him time, maybe he can get rid of the Trojan horse virus that was sneaked into the brain system by Zero. But now, they have no time at all.

There is a timer in the upper left corner of the screen. The timer shows the time when the missile will impact the base. This time is counting down quickly, and soon there will be a few seconds left. Klauber used the intercom to order ground troops to intercept, but the number of missiles was too large and came suddenly. The ground forces that reacted used anti-aircraft guns and the revolver of the Paladin mech to blast out a few lines of fire. After detonating a few missiles in vain, the first missile exploded first, blasting an office building to pieces. . The shock wave overflowed, and the soldiers next to him screamed and lifted the explosive air current.

Klauber looked desperately at the screen. The missiles fell one by one into the military base, exploding one after another. Covered bombing caused the energy of the explosion to rise geometrically, and the shock wave flattened ground troops and buildings to pieces. The flames are spreading along the passage towards the underwater prison. If someone is now underwater, you can see the elevator connecting the military base is exploding.

The fireball kept flashing, and the sea water was boiling frantically under the influence of the explosion. The flames quickly spread to the first floor of the prison, and they whizzed around in the passage, detonating the energy system of the base, causing more serious damage. The entire Thebes prison exploded in layers, and the flames under the water surface burst into flames, almost like an underwater volcano erupting.

In the command center of the sixth-floor prison, Kefaber raised his head and saw a large flaming mark on the dome above his head. Following the flames tore open the dome and poured down, the flames of more than a thousand temperatures rushed like a torrent. Crow's body burned into a fire man in just a few seconds. The stream of fire vented down, constantly looking for other spaces as a place to vent, so the sixth-tier prison was quickly detonated.

The explosion lasted for several minutes, and the thick smoke and flames almost tore the island apart, and even the Sin City was affected. The island kept trembling, and the sound of the explosion hovered in people's ears like a girl's scream. The scene like the end of the world made many people horrified, until the explosion subsided gradually, but a thick plume of smoke rose from the direction of the military base.

The plume of smoke like the Tower of Babylon towered straight up into the sky, and waves of fire surged in the thick black smoke, and even the radiation cloud in the sky was also reddened.

"The fireworks at the end of the century." Hei Wing said, then put away the intellectual brain in his hand.

The sound of the explosion spread hundreds of nautical miles, but Victoria Island, which is only 30 nautical miles away from Kunado Island, gave a panoramic view of the flames rising from the military base. On the roof of a building, Sauron coldly looked at the direction of Kunado Island. He had just arrived on Victoria Island ten minutes ago, and this happened ten minutes later.

Sauron didn't get angry, nor did he growl as usual. He just watched quietly, without even a trace of his eyes. He had already removed the sterile bandage that had tied his whole body like a mummy, and he looked no different at this moment. However, the only thing that didn't change was the human appearance. As for the internal organs to the bones, Sauron almost updated it.

Now he can only be described as reborn.

Behind him was Cinderella. She was not kept in the iron prison system, but was wearing a force-breaking lock on her hand and several high-frequency pulse devices attached to her back. These things send strong currents to Hindrella from time to time. The current itself is not fatal to her high-level, but it is enough to disrupt the normal operation of energy, making Hindrella an ordinary person.

"Look, he's there." Sauron said with his chin propped up: "You found a good man, he really came to save you. And he blew up my base as soon as he came, you said, I have to be with him How much interest can I get back to make up for my loss?"

Cinderella sneered: "You won't succeed, Sauron. Zero will definitely kill you, even if I lose my life because of it."

Sauron suddenly turned around, walked to her and held her face with both hands, and lifted her chin up and said, "Listen, I am not interested in you as a woman. If it weren't for you to be a bait, now Can you still stand here? Hindrella, as far as I know, there are many men who want to play with you."

"So what?" Cinderella looked at Sauron's eyes without showing any weakness.

The latter nodded and said: "You are very spineless, but that's right. If you don't have this kind of strength, how could you be the Siren Syndrilla. But the strength of strength cannot be eaten as a meal, and soon you will find that you and the zero That kind of boring feeling will become your fatal flaw."

"Do you think Zero will win?" Sauron shook his head: "No, he will lose the war on both sides. Because I am not the Sauron two months ago, I will be invincible!"

A gesture was made and people sent Hindrella back. Sauron then came to the command center of this new base. There were people coming and going in the command center. Everyone looked like he was busy. Sauron caught him and said: "How's the communication system?"

The soldier he caught nervously said, "My lord, the channel has just been connected. Now, it is connected to the City of Sin."

"Really? Then you go down."

Letting go of the soldier, Sauron walked to the control platform, and a soldier had already passed him a microphone knowingly. Sauron gave a dry cough and said, "Zero, are you there?"

At the same time, Sauron's voice rang in the Sin City through the city defense station's broadcast system. Although the people of Class Zero were outside the city, they could hear clearly.

Just listen to Sauron continue to say: "I know you are there, to be honest, you did a good job. But your good luck will end here, and now I officially inform you that tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, I will Cinderella will be executed. You can rest assured that I won't move a single hair of her before this hour."

"So, if you want to save her, please come at any time, and I will welcome you with the most solemn ceremony."

Having said that, Sauron cut off the communication. He looked at Wesel, who was sweating profusely next to him, and said, "Why hasn't the empty angel set off yet?"

"My lord, I have just finished debugging, let's dispatch now."

"Very good." Sauron sat on a chair behind him and sneered with his legs folded: "Let's see exactly what kind of gift Zero has prepared for me."

The screen suddenly switched on a large screen in front of the console. The picture is a scene outside the military base, a square with people coming and going, and armored vehicles and mechas passing by from time to time. Soon, the screen kept shaking, and then the line of sight slowly rose. This screen is connected to the camera of the fourth-generation mecha and the drone of the air angel, which can ensure that the captured images are transmitted back to the control platform in real time.

The fourth-generation mecha air angel uses a special production process to lighten the mecha material to achieve the effect of reducing the load. It is also due to the UAV, so its cruising ability is far better than the second-generation Mecha Gryphon Rider. The airborne height of the empty angel can reach kilometer, and its full-speed advancement can reach about 300 kilometers per hour. But because of its small size, it cannot carry heavy firearms, and it is better than nothing if it is only equipped with two pocket guided missiles.

The main role of the air angel is reconnaissance. Of course, if it is mass-produced and the weapon system is improved, it can also play a certain role in the battlefield. But for now, the production cost of drones is expensive, so the number of air angels that can be put into use is very limited, and they cannot form an effective battlefield assistance.

Outside the square of the military base, the sky angel shaped like a harrier flew high into the sky, and under the operation of the base pilot, it flew towards Kunado Island 30 nautical miles away. This distance was reached in a blink of an eye under the flying speed of the sky angel, so soon, Sauron saw the devastated Thebes prison on the screen. The military base on the ground has become a ruin, and there are still thick smoke and flames fluttering in the base from time to time.

And there are countless fragments and corpses floating on the sea near the base, which are the remains of Thebes underwater prison.

The screen changes again, and you can see a group of people heading to the Sin City in the direction of the pier. So the camera zoomed in, and Sauron saw many people's faces on the screen. These people include Zero dressed as Raphael, and the old acquaintance Black Wing. When he saw Black Wing, Sauron smiled coldly: "It seems that you have not given up your heart. Unfortunately, even if you stand in front of my eyes now, you will have no chance, your honorable ex-commander."

When the drone was observing the zero class, the strong on the ground also gave birth to induction. Zero had the fastest reaction, followed by Black Wing, followed by Ye Liu and the others. Zero is the highest-ranked person of all people, the first to perceive nothing. As for Black Wing, it is not that his combat power ranks second, but that he is a capable person in the perception domain, so he is much more sensitive in perception than others.

The slowest response is Richard. There is no way. The worst thing lunatics are good at is observation and induction.

"What is that?" Richard squinted his eyes, and the sky angel above a kilometer in the sky was just a suspicious black spot in his eyes. Even if most capable people have good eyesight, but without the aid of equipment at such a distance, Richard can't be realistic.

Zero had no problem with this aspect at all, but he didn't know the empty angel in the Pope's Hall. He only felt that the harrier-like thing had no signs of life, and some was just a cold mechanical feeling. Black Wing can be said to be the person who knows the Pope’s Chamber best. He said indifferently: “It’s a drone air angel. I heard that this conceptual mecha has been released. It seems that the news is true.”

"Similar to a reconnaissance plane?" Ling asked.

"Almost." Black Wing said: "Unfortunately, it flies too high and I can't affect its operating system. Otherwise, I can give Sauron a slap in the face."

"This is not a problem." Ling smiled, looking at the captain of the Thunder Squad and said: "Is there a sniper rifle?"

"Yes!" Meqi gestured to a soldier behind him, and the man immediately handed over a sniper rifle.

The sniper rifle is not a new era firearm that has been refined and added a new kinetic energy system in the Central Continent. It is an old Barrett heavy sniper. The rough-style metal body has good penetration and is affected by snipers. Favorite. Even in the new era, many sniper experts still use this heavy sniper. Zero took his hand, and a familiar metallic touch came, as if he had returned to the era when he had just awakened back then.

If he could, he really wanted to return to the era when he could solve problems with sniper rifles and bullets. Unfortunately, the times will only move forward, not backward.

Zero raising the gun, aiming, and shooting. The whole process didn't even take a tenth of a millisecond, and the movements flowed smoothly, but there was no warning. When the person next to him reacted, the loud gunshots rang through his ears. Almost at the same time, the high-altitude air angel shot and exploded, so the expensive equipment costing more than 100,000 gold coins immediately turned into a pile of scrap iron, dragging a thick black smoke obliquely toward the sea.

The screen was full of snowflakes, and then switched back to the operation screen of the control center. A soldier hesitated and said: "My lord, we were hit."

"I know."

"The opponent seems to be using a sniper rifle."

"I know." Sauron stood up and said to Wither: "Let the research team of Sky Angel strengthen the development of defensive capabilities. Those idiots, things that can be exploded by a sniper shell, cost I have so much money!"

"Yes, the subordinates will notify them immediately to improve."

Back at the city defense station, Zero occupies a separate small building. It was originally the residence of Secretary of Defense Vicki. Zero requisitioned unceremoniously and said to others: "From now on, don't disturb me. I need a period of time to consolidate and familiarize myself with the capabilities that will be formed. In short, come out on my own. Before, don't let anyone in."

Hei Yi said in shock: "Are you going to be promoted?"

"It's just good luck. I just saved enough evolution points to advance to the ranks." Zero said helplessly: "I didn't want to advance to the ranks so quickly. I hope to continue to sharpen my current abilities and see what rank 10 looks like after a period of time. But now, Sauron doesn't seem to want to leave me time to sharpen it. There is no other way but to advance to the rank immediately."

The rest were silent, they knew that tomorrow would be a big battle. In order to have more confidence in winning this war, Zero decided to advance immediately.

Tenth order!

That is another high level. If you say that the high-level powerhouses above the eighth level are talents that all organizations are fighting for. Then the tenth-order powerhouse, everyone will compose a legend.

Tier 10 and Tier 8 are the difference between legend and talent.

As for the twelfth level, it is almost no different from the myth.

Now, a legend will be born tonight, even the old ones like Hai Wei who have been with him for a long time can hardly conceal the excitement, but Hei Wing and Richard can only be described as shock. They did not expect to witness the birth of a Tier 10 in their lives.

Even if the deeds before Zero are enough to become a legend, only when he truly reaches the tenth rank can he possess legendary power.

That is the mighty force leading to the new world!

After Zero entered the small building, there was no sound at all. Even a strong person in the perception domain like Black Wing, in his eyes, Xiaolou is like a black hole, absorbing any detectable wave energy. No one knows what happened to Zero, only when Zero leaves the small building, everyone will know. So everyone did their own things, Haiwei and Ye Liu were practicing in the square of the city defense station. The style of the two girls with different styles during the battle became a special landscape on the square.

Kayton and Richard went to the bar for a drink, and Richard could not hide his curiosity for a foreign race like Kayton. And the wolf king compared the two cigars left on Richard's body, each of whom took what he needed.

Westwind went back to mobilize his killer force~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The busiest was Black Wing. He found a sketch of the Victoria Island military base in Vichy’s office, and was beginning to calculate where to attack tomorrow. good.

In the evening, Kunado Island welcomed another special guest.

Yafidi came here by himself. When Zero set out to Sin City, he took his wife and children away from the City of Rock and settled them in a secret place. Then he returned to the city. Under Su's arrangement, he got a boat and sailors, and hurried over. Yafidi was brought into the city by the west wind, and he had seen Black Wing in the city defense station.

Yafidi has also heard about Blackwing, knowing that he is the commander of the first generation of knights. And Black Wing is always paying attention to the movement of the Pope's Hall, how could he not know that Yafidi, like Signe, was the head of the Pope's Hall but was chased down by Sauron after his allegiance to the Pope's Hall.

Yafidi can be said to be the leader of the second generation of the Knights, and Black Wing praised him very much after seeing him. The arrival of Yafiddi undoubtedly added a little chance of winning tomorrow's battle. The two regiment leaders will release Hindrella tomorrow, staying in the office and deriving various tactics against the base sketch. When they were busy late at night, Hei Yi suddenly felt that the small building where Zero was located, the force field that isolated the detection wave energy had been quietly put away!

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