War Lord

Chapter 793:  The Minority's War

[Thanks to the full-time angel, not so, brother Xiang’s monthly ticket support! Yesterday and Sunday, a guest came to my house suddenly, and then I took my child out to play in the afternoon. Therefore, there is no update. I will give you a leave note here~~ In addition, thanks to a reader’s opinion, it is true that the pace has been a little slow recently. I have sorted out the ideas these days, and I will give you a refreshing rhythm. . Sometimes, it turns out that the bystanders are clear. ]

Seen from the air, after the zero trio broke through the defense line of the Pope's hall on the beach, they went all the way into the jungle. But the road is not calm, you can see fires and explosions from time to time, marking a clear route in the jungle, towards the military base inside the island behind the jungle.

It's just that most of the intercepted firepower falls on one person.

Zero speed is extremely fast, and from time to time he uses space jumps to directly pass through the interception point. He has no idea of ​​staying for these trash fish. As for Ye Liu, there is no zero space to jump, but she herself is a top assassin. Girls who are good at hiding will always appear in the blind spots of interception soldiers, which can be said to be another form of invisibility. Therefore, whether it is a machine gun, a grenade or even a rocket launcher, it is pointed at Haiwei in many cases.

This energetic blond girl was so dazzling that she couldn't ignore it, and it was not like Zero and Ye Liu who could quickly pass through the interception point. So Hai Wei can only use another form to break through. What she can use is naturally violent behavior.

"Damn, why are you rushing at me!" The girl complained loudly, sprinting up the tree, and letting a line of fire pass under her feet at the interception point in front.

Before standing still, I saw a soldier standing up and blasting towards her, which was a missile carried on his shoulders!

The missile drew the flames and flew straight towards Hai Wei. The girl didn't panic, she leaped up and somersaults with a cold snort, and jumped over the missile. But the missile turned around in midair and chased her **** again. Hai Wei laughed and said, rushing wildly, instantly raising the speed to the limit, and leaving the missile far behind. She ran straight towards the interception point, the forest environment was complicated, but she couldn't reduce Hai Wei's speed by one point. Sometimes the girl used her hands and feet together, passing through the grass and branches like a little tiger, and rammed straight into the interception point.

She came so suddenly that the soldiers couldn't react. When they were about to raise their guns and shoot, Hai Wei waved at them and said, "Goodbye."

Then he squatted and jumped up quickly. Behind her, the missile chased her down, but it was too late to turn and the warhead hit the ground. The soldiers yelled, and just turned around to rush out, the fire suddenly appeared in the interception point, and the missile exploded, forming a fireball into the air.

He looked at the flames exploding behind him, smiled, and looked at Ye Liu who was not far away in the shadows under the trees. In his energy field of vision, Ye Liu marked an energy value of around 80,000, and this value was constantly changing. Obviously Ye Liu had hidden his strength. As for Haiwei, there are more than 70,000 energy values. With the help of the energy vision, Zero can intuitively see the two girls clearly proceeding. Especially for Ye Liu, Ling always felt that she had already advanced to the ninth rank. His eyes fell on Ye Liu's tightly tied bandage, which seemed to have a lot of articles on it.


Hai Wei's clear voice sounded behind her, and the blonde girl finally caught up. Hai Wei was unscathed, but she was taken care of along the way. Her face and other places were a little dusty, but it was not like Ye Liu's still spotless appearance, and she was somewhat embarrassed. The girl complained: "You and Ye Liu are really unjust and don't help me solve some. Those **** are all shooting at me."

"This is not all solved for you." Ling smiled.

"That's because I had special training before I came, otherwise it would be miserable."

As he spoke, Ling suddenly opened up, but he rushed out of the jungle. Right in front of you is the military base of the Pope’s Hall. The entire base is protected by gray concrete high walls, and barbed wire is drawn on it, typical military style. Outside the wall, there is a watch tower or firepower spot from time to time, but now, these places are empty. Beyond that, there are the buildings of the military base, but under the shelter of the high walls, Zero can only see the temporary execution platform and a command building, and other low buildings are completely blocked by the high walls.

At the entrance of the military base is a steel gate, painted with the emblem of the Knights of the Seal. When Ling's eyes fell on the door, the rumbling of hydraulic machines rang behind the door, and then the door retracted inward, then separated and retracted in the center.

"Look, Sauron is ready to welcome us." Ling said lightly.

Ye Liu didn't answer, Hai Wei licked her lips excitedly, and the three of them moved forward at full speed, rushing into the gate like the wind, and stopped in the square of the military base. This square is used for the training of base soldiers. There are also a few soldiers in maintenance parked at the corners. In the middle of the square is the type platform. On the twenty-meter high platform, Zero could see Cinderella there.


Sauron's voice came from a distance under the high platform, and Zero's gaze left the high platform and fell on Sauron's body. And, the three masked guys behind him. As for that row of soldiers, zero is regarded as transparent, and the furnishings that are worth less than 1,000 are naturally not worth paying attention to.

"Is that just a few people welcome me? Lord Sauron, the battle is much smaller than I imagined." Ling Yang said.

Sauron's laughter came over there: "Enough enough. After all, there are not many people who want me to wait in person on this continent. You are the first one, so I should be proud."

"That's a great honor. But Master Sauron looks very laid back, how about that? Your army is almost finished."

"What does it matter?" Sauron pointed to the command building behind: "I also know that some other rats sneaked into the base and paralyzed my entire command network. But I always stood here and never moved. Do you know why?"

He asked and replied: "Because all this has nothing to do with the overall situation, zero, from the beginning, this is destined to be a war of a few people. It is only us who stand on the pinnacle of power and strength that can determine the fate of the masses."

"Perhaps it is, but to me, every companion is very important. Perhaps we are the only ones standing at the top, but I will not forget that without the foundation stone below, it is impossible for me to stand so high."

"So this is the difference between you and me!" Sauron sneered, "Like me, I don't care about any cornerstone. If the cornerstone is missing, just fill it up. Look at you again. Is it worth it to travel for a cornerstone? ?"

"I will judge whether it's worth it or not. Don't bother you to care about it." Zero said, "Now that I'm here, I'm going to take her back."

"It's not impossible to return her to you." Sauron pointed to the position of his heart: "If you are willing to trade your life for it."

"I have a more suitable bargaining chip."

"Oh, what is it?"

Zero pointed towards Sauron: "How about your fate?"

Sauron laughed and said, "It seems that only war is going on."

"It was so."

"Well, you go to greet those two young ladies, I want to have fun with Zero, but I don't want others to disturb my interest." Sauron said to the three genetic warriors behind.

Zero also whispered, "Those three guys are all ninth ranks, are you sure?"

Although I don't know the sacredness of these three guys whose breath is full of icy mechanical smell, the energy vision accurately marked their emergy value as 90,000. No more, no less, as precise as three machines. But no matter what, this is the basic energy value of Tier Nine, even if they no longer increase one point, it will still be Tier Nine.

If he knew that Sauron had suddenly found three ninth ranks, Lebanon should have called Kaiton and Richard as well. It's just that Ye Liu and Hai Wei seem to be weakened. Ye Liu didn't think about it, but said lightly: "Battle is not a number game. The ninth rank can't represent anything, let alone three pieces of wood."

Ye Liu seemed to have seen something to say so, but Ling knew that she never said big words. If she said so, it meant she was sure. In other words, Ye Liu really advanced to the ninth rank, otherwise he wouldn't be so confident.

"That's good, everything is careful." Zero nodded.

Ye Liu glanced at Haiwei and said, "That piece of wood is more suitable for the battlefield, what do you think."

"Same feeling!"

The two girls rushed towards the gate, and the three genetic warriors did not wait for Sauron's order, bypassing Zero and chased them. In the square, only Zero and Sauron were left.

"Well, the supporting roles are gone. Now is the time for the protagonist to play. But a stage can only have one protagonist. Unfortunately, you will die here today because I already have overwhelming power." Sauron moved. , Walked forward: "You know? Zero, when I got this power, how excited I was. How eager to show the world, but they are not worthy. The entire continent, only you are qualified to see this power, and Die under this force!"

The fragments of black mist-like energy began to rise under Sauron's feet. At first it was just like the mist in the morning, but it soon rose up like a black flame. The energy and power are constantly increasing, and just simply releasing the power, the ground has begun to vibrate slightly. And the finer things, such as gravel, etc., are constantly rolling...

Sauron roared: "There is only one king on this continent, and that is me! It can only be me, as for you, disappear under my absolute power."

"Look, look at the power of this tenth order!"

The power skyrocketed!

A black tornado envelops Sauron, and the square is like a black dragon rolled up. The black dragon soars up. Even those who are capable of fighting on the beach can see the huge oppression coming from the direction of the military base from a distance. feel.

Hei Wing looked towards the base and said solemnly: "Such a huge power, but it is full of darkness and blood. Sauron, did you get this power from the devil?"

Beside the Black Wing, there are many soldiers and mechas from the Pope's Hall. But they turned a blind eye to Black Wing, instead they fought each other and fought their colleagues. Black Wing walked past them, sank into the woods, and headed towards the military base.

Ling stared at the violent black dragon in front of him, but the force field formed by the release of energy strangled the row of soldiers behind Sauron to death. The black dragon's feet screamed for a minute, then gradually calmed down, fell back, and then revealed Sauron's figure.

The military uniform on Sauron's upper body had been shattered in the violent energy, he grinned, and the energy flames surging up and down around him. Purple-black spar appeared on his forehead, chest, back of hands and back.

They are all spatially movable stones, there are as many as six, two more than Zero Plain!

Especially the empty energy stone on the chest, almost the size of a fist, during which energy surged, and a dark shadow could be vaguely seen.

Jin Luo Huos!

"You really surrendered to him..." Ling said lightly.

Sauron smiled stiffly and said, "What are you talking about?"

"Prosius, this is its power, isn't it?"

Sauron exclaimed: "I don't know what you are talking about, anyway, this is my power now. Zero, be scared. This is not the power that your ninth-tier can match."

"Indeed..." Zero took off the military uniform and long coat that Hei Wing gave him, and threw it aside: "But Tier Nine can't handle it, just use Tier Ten."

"Ten...Tier ten, could it be that your kid also..."

Ling smiled faintly, not as intense as Sauron. It's just that the four energy stones quietly turned up from the back of Zero's hands and shoulders. Unlike Sauron, the zero energy stones were pale gold. It is crystal clear and presents a luxurious beauty like a fine gem. What can be brought is true and true power!

The earth shook again, and the previously tumbling rubble slowly floated up, and a thin light golden flame was ejected from each of the four hollow energy stones, which were shot out like four golden lasers, and then slowly dispersed. Forming four strands of light golden flames flicked lightly on Zero's hands and shoulders.

"How can I say that I hate you so much? The most hateful thing about you kid is when I thought my hole cards were all revealed, another one suddenly appeared!" Sauron rushed towards Zero in the shout.

Zero did not show weakness, and greeted him head-on.

The two quickly met in the middle position.

Then all kinds of punches, fists staggered, respectively banging on the opponent's face. I saw two waves of light gold and purple and black spreading, and two tremors sounded in the air, and there were several cracks in the ground behind them that were not long or short.

Following it was a fight like a rascal, no rules and no concessions. The two rank ten powerhouses did not use any abilities, and only used their own fists and pure strength to greet each other's body.

From the face to the chest, to the lower abdomen and legs. The two men's fists don't know how many attacks were made in one second. Without defense, attacking is the only option at this moment. The contact between fists and feet exploded with power no less than heavy artillery bombardment, and the discoloration of the crackling sounded one after another, and cracks appeared on the ground under the feet of the two people. When the cracks spread, the center point was already It began to sink, and the road in the distance squeezed a boulder for Juli!

As soon as the battle started, it had already entered the white-hot stage, without any temptation and warm-up, it directly entered the most violent stage.

On the execution platform, two soldiers have fallen softly to the ground. They were trembling all over, approaching the energy aura emitted by the tenth-order strong at such close range, they were not in a coma, and their psychological quality was already quite good. And Cinderella found more information. She herself was a Tier 9 powerhouse, and of course her vision was not comparable to ordinary people. But the more she watched, the more frightened she became.

In terms of sheer strength, Sauron was obviously going to beat zero. This is necessary. After all, there are six empty energy stone feet on his body, and the energy reserve alone is much more than zero. But in terms of physical strength, zero seems to have an advantage. The fierce battle lasted only dozens of seconds, and the two of them were already covered with blood. Every fist attack was a test of the strength of their own bodies.

Sauron was slightly inferior in this regard, because the blood on his body was much more than zero.

The two can be said to have their own good ground, but for the other people, the extremely sinister battle, for these two tenth-level powerhouses, may only be pediatrics. After all, until now, they have been useless of a kind of ability.

It was just a simple punch and kick attack, Cinderella asked herself to change positions with any of them, and now I am afraid that he has been seriously injured.

Tier 10 is already terrifying, Hindrella can't imagine how terrifying those Tier 11, or even Tier 12 powerhouses should be?


In a dull explosion, two fists collided. With both fists as the center of the circle, a storm of energy suddenly spread, forming a striking sound in the air. Numerous boulders on the ground were shaken into the air, and then shattered and shattered by the turbulent flow of energy. After this process was repeated several times, no matter the size of the stones, they were ground into powder and dispersed with the wind.

Zero and Sauron backed away, and Zero backed five steps, but Sauron only backed out three steps. Looking at Zero again, Sauron couldn't help but cursed: "How come your kid is so hard!"

Ling's clothes were also exploded into powder under Sauron's fists and violent energy, so the upper body was exposed. If it weren't for this, Sauron almost thought that Ling was wearing steel armor under his clothes. He didn't know that Zero's bones had been semi-metalized, and his weight alone was close to one ton. There was no reason why his body was not hard.

"This is the difference between natural evolution and the use of external forces, Lord Sauron, your energy has been transformed to rank ten, but it seems that your body can't keep up with the pace of energy promotion." Ling said lightly.

Sauron was overwhelmed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Zero said his sore spot. Gaia had already pointed out this flaw that day, and there was nothing to be seen below the tenth level. But if you advance to the tenth rank, the body's own strength is a problem. Naturally evolving like Zero, the body has been constantly evolving in order to adapt to greater forces during the promotion process, so there is no problem of energy and body incoordination.

But Sauron was different, even if Gaia had already transformed his body, he only barely reached the capacity of the tenth-order energy. It is naturally no problem to suppress opponents whose rank is below him, but if it is a battle of opponents of the same level, then the lack of physical strength will become a dead point for Sauron. It's just that before he completely used zero as the ninth rank as an imaginary enemy, but he didn't expect that zero would advance to the rank at this critical moment.

In this way, Sauron must kill Zero before his body reaches its carrying limit, otherwise, he will only lose.

"Stop talking nonsense, don't think it's great to be harder. Even if it's steel, I will cut it open for you, just use my vacuum!" Sauron suddenly kicked out at a high speed.

There was a sharp sound in the air, and a half-moon-shaped ripple swept towards zero. Zero evaded sideways, the ripples broke through the air, and chopped to the base wall more than two hundred meters away, leaving a deep trace silently.

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