War Lord

Chapter 891:  Lip dead and tooth cold

As the sun approaches noon, the sky is getting darker.

The sound of the sea tide changes from low to high, and the humidity in the air begins to increase. A burst of icy sea breeze blows from a distance, and a torrential rain is approaching.

Soldiers in charge of seaside patrols put on radiation protection suits to avoid direct exposure to rainwater containing strong radioactive substances, and more often got into military tents or vehicles. In less than 10 minutes, the big raindrops fell from the sky, and the rainwater brought the substance in the radiation cloud, and the gray-black rain line instantly made the world dark. The rain intensified, echoing the sound of the tide in the sea.

The sea gradually blew up a big tide, and a huge wave several meters high hit the reef, exploded into thousands of drops, and mixed with the rain falling from the sky.

Even if they put on radiation protection suits, the patrols are still unable to perform tasks in such extreme celestial phenomena. They retracted into the makeshift sentry, and from time to time they used the telescope to observe the sea.

"The rain is really heavy." A young soldier took off his helmet and frowned.

There are also two veterans in the guard, one is sitting on the ground smoking a cigarette, the other is wiping his machine gun. The smoker among them smiled and said, "Boy, this rain is nothing. The blizzard is a terrible one."

"Forget it, Xiao, it sounds like you have seen a blizzard." The soldier wiping the gun sneered. He stood up, pushed and loaded the bullet and made a aiming gesture. Then he said to the recruit: "Boy, don't listen to his nonsense, but see what's going on outside, remember to take notes."

The recruit immediately ran to the observation port and looked towards the sea with a telescope. The surface of the sea was dark, and the fine rain lines rendered the world into an abstract painting, and there was nothing to be seen at all. The soldier was about to put down his equipment when suddenly something came out of the sea.

"Huh?" He yelled softly.

"What's the matter?" the soldier named Xiao asked.

The recruit turned around and said: "I'm not sure, it seems there is something in the sea..."

At the end of the speech, a sharp worm limb suddenly pierced in from the observation port of the sentry barrier and penetrated the soldier's neck. The recruits have complex expressions on their faces, with surprises and fears, and then the expressions are permanently frozen at this moment.

"Damn it!" Xiao yelled, and as soon as he grabbed the submachine gun next to him, he could hear a series of tearing noises on his head.

The simple guards supported by steel plates and iron bars were ruthlessly torn apart, and suddenly, big raindrops broke into this narrow space. The two soldiers didn't care about wearing their helmets. In the wind and rain, a few strange insects appeared at the guard, their heads were thin. The compound eyes above are showing a fishy light, dancing with long arthropods to lift the recruit's body and tear it to pieces!

"Go to hell, bastard!" Xiao shouted, clasping the trigger firmly. The submachine gun ejected a tongue of flame that was half a meter long, pouring all the hot bullets from the gun's chamber on the body of this monster.

What makes people desperate is that when the bullet hit the insect shell, it wiped out the sparkle, making a sound like hitting a steel plate!

Gun grounds like this one after another sounded on the coastline, and in an instant it spread to the entire camp of the garrison.


An unprecedented invasion.

Tens of thousands of assault worms landed from the sea, and they flocked to the camp of the East Asian Alliance's garrison like a tide. The garrison corps could not wait for the sea wolf, but instead waited for the insect army. When a gunshot sounded, the theater general issued an order to counterattack as quickly as possible, and all the soldiers were mobilized. Regardless of whether they were wearing radiation protection suits or not, they all got out of the car or bunker and aimed their guns at these sudden intruders.

There was no time for them to think about it or back down. Almost in just a dozen seconds, the battle had spread to the entire coastline. The bright line of fire and the blasting fireball illuminate the world in the rain, and the electric light that flashes from time to time is the beam weapon equipped by the mecha. And the capable persons in the army are not idle, the capable persons of the element domain have issued various powerful abilities. After these bright electric light and fire currents rush through, a blank will appear in the assault worm.

However, this blank space will quickly be filled with more bugs.

The troops of the East Asian Alliance are retreating steadily.

This is an unequal war. Millions of assault vehicles attacked the Alliance garrison less than 20,000. The outcome is already doomed from the beginning.

"That's the situation, Lord Alpha, please be prepared."

After the communication was over, the general in the theater looked at the surrounding staff. He took off his hat and said, "It's an honor to be able to fight with you all."

The general pushed open the door of the command car and jumped out of the car with a mouthful of the revolver cannon. In the rain line, the general roared: "Everyone will kill me, let these **** know. We can fight to death, but we will never retreat!"

"Never retreat!"

The echoes one after another.

This is the pride of a soldier!

The general held up the revolver cannon, and the bright flame from the gun illuminates his angular face.

On this day, all members of the coastline garrison were killed. After the assault insects dropped more than 40,000 insects, the insect army split into two, and the two black and heavy front lines separated from the coastline. The front end of the striker points directly to the urban bases of Iran and South Korea.

About 50,000 assault worms remained. They did not rush to attack, but ate the corpses of the same kind. By absorbing genes of the same kind, they are self-replenishing at a time. After absorbing enough genes and energy, the assault worm will retract its limbs, and then its body temperature will gradually drop. They seem to have died, and just like that, there are tens of thousands of insects that have entered the state of suspended animation on the battlefield of the coastline.

When these worms evolved themselves, the worm army diverged, and two armies of hundreds of thousands slew to the two allied cities of the East Asia Alliance. Their positioning is so precise, they are not like natural creatures, but precise war weapons. After 24 hours, the Iranian base Savahar and South Korea's Bucheon city were attacked.

The resistance lasted only three hours, and these two cities were permanently erased from the alliance's territory.

The insect army continued to advance, and they merged into one, and the arrow pointed directly to the alliance's free city Baiconi!

Three days later, the insect army suffered a violent attack in the Sui Rift Valley, the must pass to Baiconi. The Indian Maharaja Alpha personally led one hundred thousand advance troops in the Great Rift Valley to fight against the invaders from the sea. Under Alpha's full use of the natural terrain of the Rift Valley, as well as remarkable strategies and tactics, the 100,000 advance army simply intercepted several times the number of insect army outside the canyon.

After a few days of fierce fighting, the insect army left the corpse like a mountain, and the remaining troops quietly retreated. The advance army also lost more than half, and the ammunition almost hit the bottom. The entire rift valley was full of corpses and bullet casings, which shows the fierce fighting.

As the insect army retreated, the coastline ushered in a new group of visitors. Dense reapers landed from the sea, and these scorpion-shaped creatures waved their sickle-like forelimbs. After they went online, as if they had received an invisible instruction, they converged to the place where the assault vehicle had evacuated. Behind the reaper, some huge creatures emerged from the sea.

Following the harvesters are the producers and queens, which belong to the logistics unit. After they landed, the assault worms that had been self-replenishing before shook one after another. Then the worm shell cracked, and from the inside crawled out a smaller individual, but the worm shell was black, and it was covered with bugs with dark red lines. These bugs acted as guards. They were divided into two strands, escorting the producers and the queen to the two captured base cities.

Savajal and Bucheon will become the two production bases of Prosius, as long as there is sufficient energy. Before long, more powerful biological weapons will be mass-produced and put on the battlefield.

Deep darkness is brewing on the northeast side of the Eastern Continent.

Within a few days, wars continued for thousands of miles in the territory of the East Asian Alliance. And across the endless mountains, across the vast Yinma Plain, across the vast virgin forests and complex rivers. The capital of Qin, an unfallen city built near the White Mountains, has never been affected by the war.

In this magnificent and huge city, the buildings stretch almost to the entire horizon. The never-falling city is long and narrow, with regular houses and high walls erected during the period. In the center of the city, a palace was built on the hills, facing all directions, with a magnificent aura, revealing a majestic power over the world. That was the palace where the Emperor of Qin was located, and it was also the center point of Bu Luocheng.

All buildings and streets are laid out with hills and palaces.

At this moment, inside the palace. Qin's emperor, Long Hai, is sitting in front of his chest. Long Hai is nearly fifty years old. Roots of silver hair rose to the sky, matching his steel face and majestic silver whiskers of the same color. Just sitting straight up, but sitting with a strong and domineering taste.

Under him, there are three generals. Each of these is a fierce man who has made the East Asian Alliance's army frightened. On weekdays, the three generals occupy the stronghold of the fortress, and they rarely gather together. Today, he was called by Long Hai urgently, and what he did was naturally no trivial matter.

"Just yesterday ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I received the battle report from Alpha. Although they repelled the invaders from the sea, they lost 40,000 fanatics." Long Hai's majestic voice was in the hall. Inside, his tone was flat, but it was like a thunder in the ears of the three generals.

Fanatics are fanatical religious worshipers who regard every battle as a holy war. They are not afraid of sacrifice, because for them, sacrifice is just a return to the land of the gods. Therefore, even if Qin is strong, once he encounters a fanatic, he will cause the most outstanding generals to have a headache. But now, Alpha not only dispatched the fanatics, but also paid such a huge sacrifice to repel the invaders.

Some images appeared on the ground of the earth, which was part of the judgment that the assault worms attacked the Sui Rift Valley. Seeing the astonishing number of insect army in the video, all the generals gasped. Long Hai looked at the image on the ground and said, "Everyone, no matter how big animosities we have with the East Asia Alliance before. It seems that we have to let go. If we don’t join forces with them to fight these invaders, once the East Asia Alliance is destroyed, It's our turn soon."

"I don't think I need to repeat the truth about the death of the lips and the coldness of the teeth. This is not about a war of one pool, but a war of the entire continent. The three of us are gathered here today to inform you. We will mobilize the entire army immediately. Three days later, my 72nd Battalion of Qin Zhi had exhausted all the troops and rushed to the Suyi Rift Valley. In any case, I must drive these **** bugs back into the sea!"

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