War Lord

Chapter 897:  Abyss

"So we have work again? It's great. It's too boring to fight with Su recently. My bones are going to rust."

In a tavern in Asgart, the zero three are alone. Hearing that Ling had taken over Douglas' job, Feng had not objected to it, but also excited. Subai gave him a glance and said, "I regret that I didn't take it seriously when I was training. Otherwise, you should have broken your bones. You don't need to look at you here with a cheerful look. Head, you can see if he is not serious. I'm so overwhelmed."

"I'm so overwhelmed." Feng emphasized: "Every man has a heart to fight. After hearing it clearly, fighting is not training. Oh, of course, you won't understand, because you are a woman."

Su sneered: "Don't you want to fight a woman like me outside the city?"

"Alright, alright." Ling Shi smiled: "I thought you two would train together and your relationship would improve."

Su's face blushed and he said, "Who would have a relationship with this kind of person. My man must be better than me!"

Feng said haha, "Then you can only find a male Tyrannosaurus."

"That's better than a soft egg."

Feng said angrily: "Who is the soft guy!"

"Shut up!" Zero said in a good tone: "If you have the strength to fight, let's save it to deal with the dark council. I dare to pack the votes, this time there must be some time for you to move your muscles and muscles."

He took out a tablet brain from behind, put it on the table, and opened a topographic map. That is the map of the parliament and the Hall of Valor theater. There are several colors on the map. Yellow represents the wilderness, gray is the respective buffer zone, red is the front line theater, and green is the last area affected by the war. It can be clearly seen on the map that there are many red areas and they are quite dense, which shows that at least seven or eight main battlefields of the two sides are fighting at the same time. Obviously, the war has reached a white-hot stage.

Judging from the red area, the war has continued for thousands of miles, basically isolating the east and west sides of the mainland.

Zero hand flicked on the screen, while saying: "The town of Sellers is on the northeast side of the main theater of the two sides. In order to create conditions for us, Sol will strengthen the strategic strike in that direction in order to attract the attention of the Parliament. We From here to bypass the main theaters 1 to 3, you have to go around in a big circle, but it is better than going directly around the theaters of both sides."

When the screen moved to the northeast, Zero stopped. He pulled **** in opposite directions, the map expanded, and a small town appeared. Clicking on an icon next to it, the town immediately changed from a plan view to a three-dimensional appearance. The model of the town slowly turned on the screen, and Zero said: "The town of Salles is backed by a section of the mountain, and there are town walls and firepower points on the other three sides. But this is not the point. The important thing is that we don’t know the Val Where is Kiri imprisoned. Also, what kind of arrangement Hart has made. My own guess is that Oglock might bring the men of the abyss into the station."

"Abyss?" Feng had put away the hippie smile just now, and asked solemnly: "What is that?"

"According to the intelligence of the Hall of Valor, the abyss only began a few years ago. It seems that high-level blood knights were made based on the genes of a certain creature. These warriors are called the knights of the abyss, and they are more bloody. The knight exists at several levels. The entire plan is called "Abyss". If the report is true, then the abyss knight will be the worst, and there will be a ninth or even tenth level." Zero Zheng said: "So we can't Take it lightly, even if the high-level concoction is far less experienced than ours, the power is there after all."

"In other words, we might run into a high-ranking knight, or even Oglock?" Su frowned, "In that case, this is simply an impossible task."

"Everything is not absolute." Ling smiled and said: "Knowing that it is an iron plate, of course we can't just kick it up with one foot. In fact, in addition to Sol will step up the action, Douglas will also go out himself. But he is not going there. Sellers bypassed the main theater and pretended to attack Phoenix. Phoenix is ​​now the garrison point of the Parliament. Once attacked, it will be very detrimental to the front-line theater of the Parliament. Douglas hopes to lead Oglock away. We create opportunities."

"Then what if Oglock isn't fooled?"

"The feint will turn into a real attack, and Douglas is not sure about it. He is betting on whether Phoenix or Valkyrie is more important in Oglock's heart."

Zero put away the tablet brain: "This is the basic situation, let's rest early, and we will leave tomorrow morning."

The night is long and short.

For people who are full of thoughts, every minute is as long as a year. For those who only care about their eyes, closing their eyes is another day. No matter whether it is long or short, the night will always pass and the day will inevitably fall.

When the morning light came in the wilderness outside Asgart, an off-road vehicle dangling out of the tunnel in the Julian Mountains. Zero drove the car, and the wind blew him up. Sitting behind Su and Feng, he didn't take the soldier this time. Bringing those soldiers will undoubtedly send them to death.

When Zero appeared in the wilderness, in a corner of a hill, two figures rose into the sky, hovering in the sky like a falcon, and followed the off-road vehicle with a radiation cloud. That was Mobirek. When they were flying at high altitude, they were just two black spots from the ground, and it was difficult to find that they were actually Tier 10 alien elites.

The off-road vehicle goes all the way east.

This is the road to the coastline, this road is very familiar.

From being rescued by Valkyrie, to the fall of Remte, Zero has ran back and forth several times along this route. The scenery of the wilderness is always the same, and only people are changed.

This time, taking the job of saving Valkyrie from Douglas, Zero is not all for the overall situation, there is also a little selfishness in it. He wanted to return Valkyrie's favor. If she hadn't rushed to the Shadow Capital to save him from Rhine's sword, there would be no such thing as today. Although Valkyrie came because of Ben’s order that day, favor is favor, and now, Zero finally has a chance to repay.

The journey in the wilderness is lonely, so lonely that even Feng has lost interest in quarreling with Su. A few days before the start, the two of them were able to talk about each other for a while. But afterwards, the two gradually became silent, which was affected by the smell of loneliness in the wilderness.

On the eighth day after leaving Asgart, driving in the wilderness, the sound of cannons from far away can already be heard. These voices remind the people in the car that they are approaching the front-line theater. At noon, Zero's car parked behind a mess of rocks and took advantage of the shadow of the rocks to escape the scorching sun. They ate something in the car, and while eating, they were comparing the map with the tablet in mind.

"We have to walk." Zero said: "A further two hundred kilometers from here, we will accept the edge of the No. 3 main theater. We have to start a detour from here, but this section of the road is beyond the reach of vehicles. "

"I can't ask for it. I've been in the car these days. I'm almost suffocated." Feng stretched out and said.

"Then act."

Zero Zhi Brain put away and jumped out of the car. The trio took out several half-length cloaks, three or four old gunpowder rifles or revolvers, as well as short knives and daggers from the back of the car. After equipping these things on his body, he smeared his hands and face with nearby rock ash. At first glance, the three of them are like hunters commonly found in the wilderness. But compared to Zero, Feng Hesu is obviously more eye-catching, because their respective weapons are more conspicuous.

The two previous weapons were damaged during the war on the Western Continent. After returning to Dawn City, Dr. Cord redesigned and made new weapons for them.

What Feng got was a pair of knives, one long and one short, one wide and the other narrow. The two knives are completely dark, and the blades are dull and dull, but the blades are invincible. The long one is called "Zhanlan" and the short one is called "Duanlang". With these two knives, Maple's attack became even more unpredictable. As for Su's weapon, it is still an epee. The sword was as high as Su, and its body was dark red with some turning lines on it. They can channel energy so that the great sword can withstand greater power.

Su's epee, named "Titan".

When **** Su holds the Titan Epee, there is always a feeling of mixing beauty and beast.

Compared to them, Zero with his bare hands is almost non-existent. Even a pair of fists is actually more powerful than their weapons. But most people only pay attention to the appearance, and few people pay attention to the inside.

After the three of them disguised the car as necessary, they proceeded according to the route of the brain. To bypass the three main battle zones, one must pass through a complex mountainous area. There is no highway in the mountain area~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Naturally, there is no way to sway the car over. Fortunately, the speed of the three of them is not slow, and after a day, they have already ran most of the distance. One day, you will be able to leave this mountainous area, then cut into a deserted road from the old age, and you will be able to reach the rear of the small town of Sellers in two days.

Of course, there will be no peace in the mountains. In addition to the alien beasts, there are also some refugees who have hid in the mountains because of the war. Few people killed several mutant beasts, including two corpse wolves. They simply took the wolf skin off with a knife and carried it on them more like hunters. And seeing the wolf skins with blood on them, not many refugees are willing to provoke them, even if they look like they have food on them.

At night, the three people found a sheltered cave to light a fire and rest. Feng hunted down a few violent gophers that wandered around in the nearby mountains. Although these things were a bit ugly, they were meaty and delicious. It’s just that Gui knows that the violent gophers can’t be hunted by ordinary people. These one-meter-long giant rats can bite off an adult man's leg with their front teeth, not to mention that they are always in groups, and it is not easy to hunt.

Soon, the hamster was cut into pieces of meat with a petty knife, and then put on a stone heated by fire and roasted. It didn't take long for the meat to be fragrant. After the first piece of rat meat was cooked, Zero saw that two thin figures from far away came towards their cave.

Those are two children.

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