War Lord

Chapter 910: brother

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Afar strode into the hall, and Modas was lying on the sofa, his body beaten with blood. His face was pale, and he covered his abdomen with one hand. There was a clean towel, but at this moment, the towel had been stained red with blood. Hearing the sound of footsteps, he opened his eyes weakly and smiled reluctantly: "Brother..."

"Don't talk!" Afar said solemnly, and then to the guard next to him: "Dr. Randy hasn't arrived yet?"

A guard hurriedly said: "When the major general was found, Mrs. Karina had ordered someone to invite her, and she should be on the road at this time."

When the voice fell, the door of the hall was pushed open, and a puff of rain powder came in. Some people walked into the hall one after another from the outside, led by an old man in sixties, followed by a few young men and women. When he saw him, Afar's eyebrows relaxed slightly: "Doctor Randy, look at Modas."

The old man nodded, winked at several assistants, and several young people immediately stepped forward. Some took out first aid injections from their handbags, some took out surgical scissors, and some carefully opened Modas' clothes. When the assistant carefully took off Modas' clothes with surgical scissors, everyone gasped. Modas' body was scarred, and the deepest of them almost saw the internal organs.

However, the most serious injury was under the abdomen, which was a long and narrow wound that almost revealed the intestines. One of the assistants swept over Modas with an instrument in hand, and the instrument lit up with a red light. The assistant hurriedly said: "The major general is polluted by strong radiation, and the pollution intensity has exceeded the safety baseline. ..."

Originally, I was going to say "isolation", but Afar's momentum rose sharply, and he swallowed the two assistants back into his stomach.

Randy looked at the guard: "What are you doing in a daze? I need a clean room. I must operate on the major general immediately."

The guard was about to leave, and Afar coughed lightly: "I hope that no one outside knows what happened tonight."

"Yes, Maharaja."

Modas had disappeared for nearly a month, and now he returned with his whole body wounded, and a strong radiation reaction appeared on his body. No one knows what he has experienced. If the news is allowed to spread, I am afraid that other MPs will force him to detain him. People are selfish, and Afar is no exception. He does not want his brother to be treated in this way, so he does not accept the so-called "isolation".

While transporting Modas to the temporary operating room, Randy and Afar walked along and said, "With our conditions, it may be difficult for the Major General to clean up the radiation source on his body. In this case, even if the surgery can be successfully completed. , The deadly radiation source will still corrode the major general's body..."

"Don't worry." Afar said lightly: "I will clean up the radiation source."

"But the prince, that kind of power to you..."

"He's my brother!" Afar said forcefully, without leaving Randy a chance to refute, he had changed into a sterile coat and walked into the makeshift operating room.

This was originally a guest room, but it was quickly cleaned by the guards and it became an operating room. Modas was placed on a table, the assistant was ready for the operation, Randy glanced at Afar. Then he shook his head and dealt with Modas' injury with his assistant. The operation lasted three hours, and when Dr. Randy retreated, the elderly doctor looked paler than Modas.

All Modas' wounds have been cleaned and sutured, and his body is covered with stitches. The assistant is cleaning the wounds to prevent them from being infected again. Afar walked over, and Modas weakly opened his eyes and shook his head: "Don't waste your power, brother. I'm coming back this time just to tell you the secrets of those **** bugs."

"They caught me, as well as the other Seawolf people. Everyone died except me. I escaped back. The process was not easy, but I finally came back, right? Listen, those bugs... …"

Afar covered Modas' mouth with his hand, and whispered, "Don't speak, brother. After you let me clear the radiation source in your body, you have time to talk."

After saying, winking at an assistant, the assistant immediately gave Modas a needle in the neck. It was an anesthetic that was enough to bring down the mutant elephant, but for a powerful person like Modas, the effect of anesthesia was only an hour, so Afar had to hurry up.

Randy waved to his assistant, and they quietly exited the room, closed the door, and left room for the brothers.

Afar's eyes lit up, and a misty light shone through his hands. He pressed against Modas’ chest, and the energy gently stretched out his tentacles into Modas’ body, spreading along the blood vessels of his whole body to any corner of the body, thus sketching out a nearly broken body in Afar’s perception. body of. Modas is almost like being thrown into a nuclear reactor for a period of time. With his tenth-order strength, there is such a severe and strong radiation inside his body.

The maharaja snorted, and his heart filled with anger. However, his subordinates kept injecting energy into his brother's body in a dedicated manner to neutralize or annihilate the radiation that occupied the internal organs and other places. This process must be highly concentrated, otherwise Modas will be hurt by a carelessness. Therefore, after removing the radiation from several important internal organs of Modas, Afar was already covered in sweat, and the energy consumption was no less than a battle.

Fortunately, the work was completed smoothly. As long as there were a few more visits, Modas' life would be saved, but even Afar was not sure whether his power would regress. The dawn came quietly, but the wind and rain outside still showed no signs of stopping, and the world was still dim. Only the light in the room was still bright, Modas finally opened his eyes, looked at Afar and shook his head: "At this time, you really shouldn't do this."

"If I don't save you, my father will jump out of the grave and teach me." Afar made a rare joke.

Modas chuckled softly. After a while, he said, "Brother, those invaders, I know what they are... They are..."

Perhaps because of his serious injury, Modas' voice was very soft, so that Afar's ears were hard to hear. The matter was confidential, the Maharaja couldn't help but leaned forward, his ears fell to Modas' mouth, and only listened to him: "They don't belong to the earth. Brother, the great Lord Prosius comes from the far depths of the universe!"

"What?" Afar shook his whole body.

He was surprised not only because the intruder came from outside the sky, but also because Modas even called the intruder an adult! A strong crisis rushed into his mind, Afar almost subconsciously retreated back violently, but a black shadow swept across his chest, Afar's clothes turned into thousands of butterflies, and five waves appeared on his chest. Deep bone scars can be seen. Green bubbles continue to rise from the wound, which is a sign of a highly toxic body. But what shocked Afar even more was Modas' right hand that stretched upwards diagonally.

His brother stood up from the table that served as the operating bed, looked at the blood on his hand and said, "It's Afar, my dear brother. I wanted to dig out your heart. What a pity..."

Afar furiously said: "Modas, why do you want to do this!"

Modas jumped down, rolled his eyes, and suddenly his pupils turned ink. The second red ring lit up in the depths of his pupils, resembling a demon. He smiled and said: "I'm so sorry, the man Modas has disappeared. Now in front of your eyes is the frontline commander of Lord Prosius! We will soon I will meet, but next time, I will definitely dig out your heart!"

He laughed, flew back, smashed the window of the room and fell into the back garden. Afar chased after him, a bright electric fire slashed from the sky, showing him that Modas had turned over and stood on the wall, turned around and left him with a grinning smile, and then jumped down. At this time, the door was knocked open by the guard, and seeing the scene in the room, the guard was at a loss.

"Go on..." Afar sighed softly, his tone was bitter, and the maharaja seemed to be ten years old in an instant.

A little bit of green blood dripping on the ground, Afar looked at the wind and rain outside, and felt that this dawn was extraordinarily cold.

An hour later, the Maharaja left Bergoni. In the car, the wound on his chest was painful, and Afar gently covered his chest. Bandaging and cleaning were done there, but the serious thing was not the trauma, but the strong toxin sent into his body by Modas!

The rain finally stopped at noon.

In the evening, Afar arrived in the Sui Rift Valley. The Great Rift Valley has become the front line for the East Asian Alliance to reach the invaders. The barracks lined up in the valley, tens of thousands of soldiers and sufficient supplies are the guarantee against the invaders. At this time when it was related to the survival of the entire continent, Qin's emperor Longhai put aside all prejudices and mobilized the 72nd Battalion to rush to the Great Rift Valley, becoming the most powerful support of the East Asian Alliance.

Long Hai also brought a lot of war supplies, including sufficient guns and ammunition, and even a batch of flying fire cannons that once caused headaches for the East Asia Alliance~www.wuxiaspot.com~Flying fire cannons belong to heavy artillery. In the first kind, after Qin's technical engineers installed moving rails in the terrain of the Great Rift Valley, this self-propelled fort operated by the brain became a nightmare for the invaders.

Its biggest advantage is that there is no need for independent gunners to operate. A soldier can control a dozen or so turrets at the same time. The flying flame gun is more flexible, making it difficult for intruders to pull out the fire point with a strong attack like a fixed turret. .

When Afar got out of the car, he was notified that the generals wanted the Maharaja to attend a strategy meeting. Afar felt a pain in his chest, which made him look a little ugly. The courier saw it in his eyes and asked in a low voice, "Are you informing the generals to postpone the meeting a little bit?"

"No, military intelligence comes first. Nothing is more important than repelling the invaders, let's go!" Afar straightened his waist, like a pillar supporting the sky, and walked towards the battlefield command with a firm pace.

The courier made a military salute behind him.

At this moment, the Indian Maharaja is the most important spiritual pillar in the minds of all soldiers on the front line. If he falls, the consequences will be disastrous. Afar himself understood this, so he forced himself to forget any pain, and even put the matter of Modas behind. Now he only thinks about one thing, to drive the intruder back into the sea!

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