War of Hiponi

Vol 3 Chapter 857: Die to face and suffer

Qianye controlled the tyrant to twist his neck and said with contempt: "Give you a chance! Now I will disappear for Lao Tzu, otherwise I don't mind killing you two."

"Looking for death! It just happened to kill you today!" Kagadia was furious! The momentum of the whole body soared rapidly.

Qianye was not to be outdone, his pupils shrank sharply, and said to Mie.

"Ready to go."

"Good!" Mie replied very excitedly! Not afraid of these two guys at all!


The **** destroyer and tyrant burst out a powerful black breath in an instant!

Cagadia rushed up first, and the two collided together! The huge impact swept away, and the surrounding ground began to crack!

Cagadia's body as Shanghai Yiggs's creatures soared rapidly, completely desperate.

In this way, Kagadia's whole body couldn't help but retreat, and his strength was still a little bit!

Aesopio opened his mouth at this time and began to charge up frantically!

It didn't expect Cagadia to be able to settle this thorny head alone! In fact, it is choking! You must know that both of them belong to the top-level existence in the Qijuzi clan!

Cagadia is even very close to the existence of the pseudo six generations!

Mie reminded Qianye at this time.

"Be careful, we still have one on our heads. This is not a heads-up!"

"Of course I know that there is another nonsense. The problem is that you freed up? The guy in front of you is paper." Qianye replied in an angry voice.

Before Chitaki's complaint was over, Aiso Io suddenly went crazy! A ray of Heyggs blasted towards the paralyzed fallen arbiter, and he didn't even choose to attack Qianye.

Qianye fiercely bounced Kagadia away, jumped and fell in front of the fallen arbiter, and the AT stand barrier opened!

Boom! The huge explosion spread.

The entire AT stand barrier shook violently!

"I'm stubborn enough! Playing with yin." Mie scolded angrily.

Aesopio sneered and said, "I see how long you can last!"

After speaking, it had a giant white baby body, and the distorted baby faces emerged one after another, and all those faces opened their mouths.

Cagadia flew directly next to Isoio, where countless spore coats on his body differentiated into tentacles and entangled together, forming huge sarcoma tentacles, and the heads of the tentacles split like flower buds.

There is no more effective and simpler way to deal with the enemy than this to lock down the fallen arbiter.

Mie was almost swearing at this time, this is simply shameless shooting, who can resist!

Qianye took a deep breath at this time, without any thought of avoiding it.

He said to Mie: "Stop complaining, prepare to resist!"

"Hey! We really want to fight this way!" Mie almost didn't jump up.

Behind him, Zonix made a difficult voice and said, "Get out of the way, I don't need your charity protection."

Qianye calmly replied: "Not everyone has to listen to you, what I want to do is my freedom!"

"Boss, he doesn't appreciate it himself, why are we thankless!" Mie replied in an angry voice.

"Stop talking nonsense! The AT position is fully open!" Qianye raised his head fiercely to control the tyrant and strengthen the AT position!

In an instant, the dense Heyggs light fell like a violent storm, bombarding the barrier at the AT position.

Keep exploding!

Then Cagadia shot an ultra-thick Heyggs beam down.

A dazzling sun rises!

Aesio said with a distorted face: "It's really stupid. Even if you resist it, you will have to die if you don't die."

"Be careful, don't get planted, that guy is like Xiaoqiang, he can't kill him even if he fights." Cagadia reminded him with a tight face.

When the explosion is over, remove the planetary surface and remove the AT position to cover a small circle, and all other areas will ablate.

The tyrant stood there completely!

Although the AT position barrier was distorted, it was not broken, and it was carried down abruptly.

"It's okay! Let's do it again!" After seeing the tyrant, Aeo's expression was distorted and annoyed. In fact, all the faces of the huge baby's body opened his mouth again.

At this time, the tyrant suddenly raised his head and raised the tyrannical gun in his hand! Suddenly turned into a black light that was unstoppable and directly attacked Aiso Io!

"How could it be!" Aesuo's face twisted and showed horror, it did not expect the tyrant to suddenly start his hand.

When Cagadia was about to move, resisted for Aiso Io, suddenly a dazzling light pierced the starry sky and struck towards it!

Cagadia was shocked! For a while, the loss was calculated, but as a result, he didn't have time to dodge, and he was directly hit in the front!

The meteor cannon directly hit the Cagadia AT stand barrier!

The huge explosion spread out, directly blasting it out.

At the same time, Qianye drove the tyrant directly through Isoiou's huge baby body.

Aesopio let out a screaming shrill scream! But not to say that Iso Io's luck is good, the real body is not penetrated.

At the same time, densely packed warships appeared in the starry sky! Lined up in a formation, flooding the sky with missiles attacking all Qijuzi.

On the verdict, Novi was shocked for a while, and she subconsciously thought it was the Federal Support Army who had arrived.

But she quickly realized that it was the Blue Tiger Legion, the defensive legion on the border of the chaotic star field.

She felt very ironic, to support them turned out to be former enemies!

Kagadia, who was knocked out at this time, looked at the large fleets that suddenly appeared. Although he was very unwilling to do so, he still gave orders.


At the same time, Qianye, who succeeded in one blow, did not continue to chase Aiso Io to kill, but fell and stood beside Zonics.

Zonics was still trying to control the mecha to stand up at this time, but it was a pity that several attempts failed.

"Don't move, you are so badly injured! Let your people follow us back to the Star of Chaos to rest. It's not safe here. The ghost knows if the alien troops have really withdrawn."

"You don't have to worry about it." Zonics didn't appreciate it at all.

"I don’t care about you, I’m not too lazy to care about you, I’m afraid that your idiot will go around and attract a bunch of aliens to our door, and even if you don’t like it, you must also consider your injured companions. Well, they need treatment urgently!" Qianye said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Zonix fell silent.

Angrily in the cab said to Qianye, "Why do you have a hot face and a cold butt! People don't appreciate it."

"What do you know, the last time the federal government was in the Chaos Star Territory, thanks to this man with facial paralysis who knows how to restrain himself! Otherwise, he would have been fighting with another legion. Although this guy is a bit annoying, but He is still very upright."

"After you say so, it seems that the rescue is not wrong." Mie Dou replied.

"Don't say anything else, how can the Federation now be at war with the three clans. If they lose, our days of chaos and stability in the star field will be over. To be correct, it should not be far from life and death." Qian Ye replied.

"When I didn't say it, it's up to you." Mie closed his mouth directly.

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