War of Hiponi

Vol 3 Chapter 859: Human cloning

"Haha! What am I going to do, a small refugee star field, do you think I will put it in my eyes? You don't need to take care of this matter. My Black Light Empire can easily wipe out the Chaos Star by itself. Domain, you have to be careful when you absorb it." Aitron Blacklight said twistedly and excitedly.

"Don't worry, if that's the case, then I don't have any scruples."

Qijuzi's deputy patriarch Andepala finished speaking and floated directly to Killing God Ayamis.

It differentiated into strips of tentacles directly stuck in the surface spore coat of Killing God Ayamis.


Just like drinking a drink, it began to madly absorb God Killing Ayamis.

Soon the entire mecha spore coat began to melt! The special metal frame inside is exposed! There are also metal devices! At the back, a metal light brain was sucked out along with the coating.

In the end, the whole God Killer Ayamis turned into a pile of metal frames.

It's like dried bones.

The whole body of Qijuzi's deputy clan leader, Andepara, swayed like a heart. After it absorbed it, it turned into a light and went through the exit on the top of the head.

At this time, a figure walked out from the dark corner.

Atron Blacklight turned his head to look at the figure walking out, with a brighter smile on his face.

Dressed in the uniform of a federal general, Cherili walked straight towards Aitron Blacklight.

"It's really hard work for me." Aitron Heiguang said twistedly with a wicked smile on his face.

"It's really hard, staying in a place where the Federation is rotten and dead, every second is disgusting." Celili said helplessly.

"Then there is no way, except for myself, I really don't believe in others, so I can only take a hard walk on my own." Aitron Heiguang laughed.

"Yes." Cherili replied indifferently.

"But everything is over, you should be here." After Etren Blacklight stretched out his right hand to aim at Cherili, his right hand began to squirm, splitting into a black twisted tentacle, directly entangled with Cherili.

Qi Lili's expression did not change at all, leaving the tentacles entangled, and then Qi Lili's body began to squirm, and then it was absorbed by it.

Sauron raised his head and said: "The cloned body containing the split personality has finally been recovered, so that your majesty's personality is complete."

Atelen Blacklight retracted his tentacles after absorbing it, and his entire twisted face became very indifferent at this time, and Qi Lili could be seen faintly.

"It feels good! Go get ready, it's time to get back my mecha."

"Yes!" Sauron replied respectfully.

The giant planet numbered EF-13 in the three-star domain, after solving Sugard's gang, the federal frigates overhead also slipped away directly.

The Hippony began to land slowly, and finally landed next to the König.

Originally, the Königssee looked very good, but when compared with the Hippony, it was instantly overshadowed.

Hybola came over at this time and came to Heidij Hyporian.

"His Majesty."

"Habola!" Heidije Hyporian embraced him excitedly!

Chitaki stood by and watched their reunion with tears of excitement, with mixed feelings, so the hard journey finally came to a happy ending.

At this moment, Belle Rosa walked to Chitaki's side and said, "Do you miss your relatives too."

"I'll find him when I'm done this time." Chitaki replied.

At this moment, a plainly dressed woman ran over with tears on her face in the distance, and Bilan turned her head to see the woman.

Suddenly his eyes were red.

The two hugged each other, and the woman cried while holding Bilan.

"You finally came back, I thought you couldn't come back."

"Mother, I'm back." Bilan choked back.

In the crowd at this time, a woman with a very good temperament, although she was older, hurried over, and she directly grabbed Bilan's arm and asked.


Suddenly the entire air stagnated.

Heidij Hyporian reacted instantly, where is his eldest son?

The people present all looked at Bilan.

Bilan replied with a sad expression: "I'm sorry! My brother is gone, I only brought his body back."

Suddenly the woman fainted directly.

Heidij Hyporian hurriedly said, "Call a doctor!"

Suddenly there was a rush on the court! Several doctors hurried up to carry the woman away. (Mother of Hemmerface)

Bilan said to his father with red eyes, "I'm sorry!"

Heidije Hyporian shook his head and replied: "It's not your fault. No one can guarantee that you will be alive when you flee. In fact, very few of the entire royal family survived this escape. You have more than 30. Brothers and sisters, if you don't count you, no more than five have survived so far. You will be lucky to be able to come back alive. Don't talk about this, don't continue to stand here, just go to the camp over there. "

"Good." Bilan replied.

Inside a pseudo-enhanced Star Destroyer in the Star Sea on the west side of the Third Three-Star Territory, an elegant man sits on the sofa, and rows of thinly dressed young women stand in front of him, their bodies trembling slightly.

Said a meticulously dressed old man in black butler clothes beside the man.

"Master, this is the selection of top-quality goods from the fleeing crowd this year. Each is carefully selected and can be sold at a good price."

"Very good! Not in vain. We spent so much energy and money contracting the entire refugee area. These captive pigs can still create good income for us." The man gracefully took a glass of red wine and took a sip with a smile on his face. Said.

At this time, an officer hurriedly walked in and said a few words in the ear of the old housekeeper.

The old housekeeper raised his hand for a gesture, and the officer retreated.

"What's the matter?" the elegant man asked a little displeased.

"Something went wrong with Sugard, and the prey we were looking at also fell through." The old butler explained.


The wine glass was thrown directly on the ground, and the red wine was flowing all over the place~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The rows of women present all knelt in horror.

The elegant man's eyes were a little cold and said, "Let's talk about it, how could something go wrong."

"Master, wait a minute, Sugar is on his way back, so he should be there soon." The old butler replied.

"I see." The elegant man tapped his fingers on the handrail, pressing his unhappy mood.

Before long, Sugard's ears were wrapped in bandages. He just treated it a little bit, and rushed over without going for regeneration treatment. In addition, the face swollen into a pig's head was as miserable as it was.

Seeing Sugarde's appearance, the smile on that elegant man's face became more and more permeating.

Sugar lowered his head in despair.

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