War of Hiponi

Vol 3 Chapter 874: letter

Colimi Shenhui swallowed hard and said: "I'm telling you the truth, I don't really know these guys, but they look familiar. Really, these guys shouldn't be here normally. "

"This is the federal system?" Chitaki turned his head in doubt to look at Colimi Shinki.

"I said it was an accident, do you believe it?" Collim Shenhui said helplessly.

Chitaki stared at Collimy Shinki for a while, and slowly replied, "Believe!"


Rabevis Guanghui also felt a headache when he touched his chin.

Compared with Collimy Shenhui who lacked a thread, Rabevis Guanghui still recognized what these people represented.

The twenty-odd people represent more than two dozen noble families and empires, especially the man who took the lead. It seems that the family emblem on him is the El Roo family, one of the five big chaebols behind the federation, who enjoys supreme glory and privileges. Great nobles, each force controls different wealth and resources in this world, and it feels tricky to think of Rabevis Glory.

Rabevis Koki looked at Chitaki's expression a little gloomy, but fortunately he didn't act because of the arrogance of the other party.

At this time, a group of guards from the Water Mirror Star hurried over, holding special protective shields and cutting into the chaotic crowd, isolating the Cove Tiger from the crowd!

But just like that, they didn't dare to attack the beast.

When Meryl, who was watching Chitaki and others in the distance, drew out her light gun angrily, she put a hand on her arm.

"Don't be impulsive, I've said this before that it's not about you. Just be optimistic about the other group of people. I will watch the people of the El Roo family."

"This is how you look after?" Meryl turned to the scruffy man.

"Although you don't like it, but this can only be done. We cannot offend the El Roo family. Once offended, everyone in the Water Mirror Star will not have a good life. Don’t forget that we are just a country of tourism! Calm down for the Lord!" the man with the sloppy name replied.

Meryl trembled with anger all over.

"Did you not see that he did it on purpose? It is terrible to condone pets to bite people."

"He has immunity, and he can be said to have slipped his hands and the reins fall off. It is useless even to sue the world government. At most, it is to kill the animal. Is it useful? Take the whole country's peace to gamble?"

"Have you ever thought about those innocent passers-by?" Meryl questioned. At this moment Meryl suddenly came up with a ridiculous idea, hoping that the other group of people who had a conflict with him would jump out and beat up this group of bastards. Meal!

"They will get compensation."

Meryl stomped angrily, turned and left.

Among the crowd, Chitaki turned around and said to Belle Rosa and others: "Let's go, don't we want to go shopping in the west of the city?"

"Okay." Belle Rosa replied with a smile.

When Colimi Shinki heard Chitaki's words, it was as if he heard the sound of nature! Oh yeah! Thank god! Thanks! The cargo finally escaped, but Colimi Shenhui is still a bit fluffy. This group of cargo is rampant everywhere, as if you are blind. Don't look back and hit it again.

Suddenly, Colimi Shinki's eyes lit up and said to Chitaki Chitaki and others.

"and many more!"

"What's the matter?" He was about to leave Chitaki and the others looked at Colimi Shinki in doubt.

"Let me tell you that, if you don't go to a place in the Star of Water Mirror, you will definitely die!" Collim Shenhui said confidently.

"Where?" Chitaki was a little curious when he heard Colimi Shinki said.

"Haishan City is a water city, you should know this, the eastern sea of ​​Haishan City is a shallow sea! Known as the magic sea star sky!" Collim Shenhui just said here.

"Illusory sea and starry sky? Don't tell me, I have forgotten a bit, it is indeed a beautiful place." Farlie said with a smile.

"Yeah, especially now that the time is just right, we walked all the way, and when we got there, it should be dark, and the scenery at that time was the most beautiful!" Collim Shenhui replied with joy.

Farie couldn't help but glance at Colimi Shenhui, showing a faint smile.

Collim Shenhui's smile suddenly became a little stiff, and he didn't know why he always felt that his Xiao Jiujiu was seen through by this guy.

"Since everything is so good, let's go and take a look." Chitaki looked at Belle Rosa and others with a look of yearning, as if they were all interested.

"Beautiful! Long live!" Collim Shenhui said in ecstasy, proud of his wise decision.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, the night fell slowly, Chitaki took Belle Rosa and others to the beach east of Haishan City. The whole beach was full of lovers, and Chitaki was a little dazed at first glance.

The water in the distance is very clear and shallow, with shining waves.

That is almost to the knee! You can't see the edge at a glance.

"It's beautiful!" Bai Li Luosha and others were a little obsessed with it.

"More than that, you will be able to see more beautiful landscapes later." Collimy Shenhui said with a smile.

Chitaki seemed to feel something, he raised his head and looked at the sky.

In the night, bright stars lit up, and the sky full of stars reflected on the sea, reflecting the bright starry sky.

Where the water and the sky meet, it becomes an endless sea of ​​stars.

When Chitaki and others recovered, they found that they were already in the sea of ​​stars, and at the same time, the cold water was flowing over Chitaki and others' feet!

He lowered his head unconsciously that the sea had already flowed over.

Belle Rosa was very happy to pull Bilan and the others forward! The whole world is as beautiful as the dream star sea.

Many lovers around are relying on each other to look at the stars in the sky.

"Isn't it rare to see such a beautiful scenery?" Inadvertently Farie walked to Chitaki's side and said.

Chitaki nodded and said, "Yes, I have been busy fighting for these years, and I haven't stopped much, let alone go to see the scenery, but it's good to stop occasionally. You see how happy they are, the world is actually It's still pretty."

"It's like this~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In fact, like this beautiful scenery, there are still many in the entire star sea, but many of them are destroyed. Every time humans occupy a star sea, the entire star sea will be earthshaking. Changes, many beautiful things will be erased inadvertently." Farlie looked at the Miss Belle Rosa who was playing in the water with emotion.

"What are you talking about so happy?" Colimi Shenhui leaned over.

"Talk about life and scenery." Farie replied with a smile.

Colimi Shenhui stretched his waist and said, "What is there to talk about, it might as well be something substantial, huh? What's the taste?"

Chitaki and Farre also asked at this time that a very fragrant smell came from not far away.

I saw a small stall opened by a middle-aged couple on the sea not far away.

"Barbecue booth?" Chitaki was also taken aback.

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