War of Hiponi

Vol 3 Chapter 914: Persuade one

Labavis Guanghui nodded and said, "Ms. Belle Rosa is very reasonable."

"As for the supplies, Chitaki, I think we can only find a way to get it from a third-party channel." Belle Rosa replied.

"What is a third-party channel?" Pique asked suspiciously.

"It's the shameful channel, the gray or black channel! It's estimated that the bright face won't work." Chitaki explained.

"I feel that the future is gloomy! Real Nima is ridiculous. After returning to the Federation, I feel that the situation is more desperate than when I was against a foreign army! I think we were not so pitted when we singled out the imprisonment!" Shenhui gritted his teeth and said.

"There is nothing to complain about. These can't change anything. Let's do what we want to do, so let's lobby a few key countries on the list for help!" Chitaki made a decisive decision, a road hit the wall, then Just put it aside for a while.

"Okay, circle out the key countries first." Collimy Shenhui said.

Belle Rosa took out a blank paper, and a pen, ready to record.

"Let me come, first of all, there is no need to write about the God Court Empire. The first country is the Kebekash Empire. This country is a first-level empire, and it is also a very strong first-level empire. They even have a ship on the Feralas Death Front. Star Destroyer Despair Exclamation." Rabevis Guanghui began to analyze.

"This is enough!" Collimy Shenhui agreed.

"The second country is the country of Santa Marti." Rabevis Guanghui said.

"How to choose this country, this country is not easy to negotiate! This country's owner is also an annoying guy." Collimy Shenhui frowned and said.

"You can also use this point. If you say that it is not friendly, the Shentian Empire and the Saint Marty Kingdom are even more disagreeable, but this guy represents a power, and the national power is also strong, and is a better representative. The most important point is that they are in The strength of the Feralas Death Front is still well preserved." Rabevis Guanghui said helplessly.

"Yes, it just makes sense." Collim Shenhui reluctantly agreed.

Chitaki and Belle Rosa quietly listened to the discussion between them. After all, the two of them were more familiar with the power distribution. As far as they were talking about the country, Chitaki had never heard of them.

"There is also a neutral country, a free country of krypton and gold." Rabevis Guanghui continued.

"Stop! This is also a country with a weird personality! You can't specifically select countries with high levels of difficulty to start." Collim Shenhui said with a black face.

"The difficulty is high, and the effect will be good. Otherwise, how can we play a leading role, and the ones I picked are not random. In a sense, they are not too close to Lotherfa Shenhui. We It's relatively easy to start." Labavis Guanghui said.

"Okay." Collimy Shenhui said.

"Then lobby these three countries first." Chitaki replied simply.

"According to the news that I have received, the leaders of these three countries are now in the city of the world, so we are also very good at lobbying them. There is no need to run around. The only trouble is that I don’t know if the other party wants to see us. I think There are quite a few people lobbying them at this time," said Colimi Shenhui.

"A regular visit, if you don't see it, I'm trying to find a way to see them halfway!" Chitaki thought for a few seconds and said.

"Who shall we see first with these three?" Colimi Shenhui asked.

"Foresee the Kebekash Empire, start with the most promising one, and decide to die first." Chitaki said simply.

"Okay." Rabevis Guanghui said.

In a heavily guarded private villa, an old man in a robe (Kerbekash Empire Lord Yuriel Kebekash) leaned on a chair and closed his eyes as if thinking about something.

A general in colonial armor stood by.

"The Lord?"

"What's the matter?" Ulier Kebekash replied without opening his eyes.

"Are the representatives of the federal government still waiting outside?" The general (Gordon) said hesitantly.

"I know, let them wait." Ulier Kebekash took a deep breath.

"Your Majesty, isn't it good for us to wait like this? After all, it is a representative of the federal government. Besides, why didn't your Majesty agree to the proposal of the President of Parliament. In fact, the reward is very generous." Gordon asked suspiciously.

"It's not that I don't want to agree to the federal government, nor that the conditions offered by the federal government are not attractive enough, but because I can't go." Ulier Kebekash replied.

"Your Majesty is worried about His Royal Highness and Despair Exclamation?" Gordon replied in response.

Ulier Kebekash nodded slightly: "At the time the federal government rigorously ordered our Star Destroyer, I was really worried and sent the prince over. Who knows how it turned out to be like this."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.


"Come in." Ulier Kebekas said.

The door was pushed open, and only a handsome man (the second prince of the Kebekash Empire Fitch Kebekash) came in with a federal government official.

"My father, I saw Master Anto waited for a long time, so I brought him in." Fitch Kebekash said modestly.

"Your Majesty Ulier Kebekash, the second prince is also kind, please don't blame it." Anto sang and replied with a smile.

General Gordon shouted, standing beside Ulier Kebekash.

"Without your majesty's order, you brought in outsiders privately."

"General Gordon is wrong. Anto is the representative of the federal government! How can people be called an outsider, I do it for the good of the empire." Fitch Kebekash defended.

As Gordon was about to continue speaking, Ulier Kebekash stretched out his hand and interrupted him.

"Don't be rude, Anto is an important guest on behalf of the federal government, please sit down."

Anto is not angry~www.wuxiaspot.com~ speaks very well and sits aside.

"Your Majesty, how are your considerations? Lord Lotherfa Shenhui is still waiting for your response. If you feel that the conditions are not satisfied, we can still talk about them. These are trivial matters, of course I also know. Your Majesty must have some concerns, but you have to understand that there are some things you can't do. You can only give up with tears even though your flesh hurts. You can't bet the whole country." Anto said with a smile. .

"Yes, father, we have made a decision quickly. If it is too late, it will be too late. As for Despair·Exclamation and Big Brother, there is no way. We should give up. We can't just because they put us in. And even if it gets in, it doesn't necessarily work." Fitch Kebekash hurriedly persuaded.

After listening to Fitch Kebekas, Ulier Kebekas suddenly threw the teacup on the table to the ground.

"Fuck! That's your big brother."

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