Evan appeared in the middle of Yin Lei, glanced at his gilded double swords, and shot a golden light! This golden light is him in the middle of the dark thunder.

The man in Taoist robe threw the wooden sword in front of him! Two yellow talismans were attached to the sword! The wooden sword glowed!

"The Talisman of the Sword! Get up!"

The wooden sword broke free from the man's hand!

Then the man made another handprint! He shouted!

"Shadow Divider! Open!"


As soon as these words come out! The wooden sword is divided into six parts in the air! They form a seven-star formation to fight against Owen's gilded twin swords!

"The Talisman of the Golden Armor! The Talisman of the Divine Line! The Talisman of the Divine Line! The Talisman of the Divine Line! The Talisman of the Powerful Warrior! The Talisman of Dodging! The Talisman of Dodging the Lightning! Today I will show you five talismans! I will show you What are the five talismans!"

As soon as he raised his hand, the person wearing the Taoist robe placed a few yellow talismans on his body, strengthening himself again and again!

And at this time in the air, the gilded swords ignored the obstacles of the wooden swords and penetrated the wooden swords directly. These split wooden swords are not the opponents of the gilded swords at all. They will break when touched, only the original wooden sword has a move, it is fine. , but was also knocked out!

The gilded double swords pointed directly at the man in the robe, but the man in the robe only saw his legs move! He avoided the attack at an incredible speed! His legs arc in the air.

A divine rune that increases the user's mobility and speed.

The man in the robe rushed towards Ai Wen, put his foot on the divine light, waved his hand, the wooden sword fell into his hand, and the man in the robe hit Ai Wen! Ai Wen was knocked to the ground.

Don't think that the wooden sword is not strong enough to block the blow of the gilded double sword. The material of this wooden sword is no different from that of steel. If it is stabbed, it will also be injured.0


"You play melee for a mage who uses magic?

Of course, with his impulsive swipe of the sword, Owen! Raised a cloud of lightning and swept towards the man in the Taoist robe! .


Unfortunately, before they could get close, the lightning dispersed, and as before, the man in the Taoist robe rushed through the scattered lightning, rushed towards Owen, and stabbed his sword into his heart!

"Golden Light Bodyguard!"


Owen raised the sword and blocked the wooden sword! But there was a terrible force on the wooden sword! After the wooden sword was blocked, he pointed upward and stabbed Owen's left shoulder!


Even with the golden light shield, Owen was swept away by this sword, turned twice in the air, landed on his back, and slipped out of the distance under his feet.

"hiss!!!". Rex's Yellow Turban Charm? What a powerful force! "

Ai Wen gritted his teeth, rubbed his sore shoulders, and was jealous... Ai Wen also wanted to experience the power of the "Tuntian Talisman".

"Humph! I really want to kill you with a sword! Come again!"

The Taowen man pounced on him again, and his attack was no more innovative than that of the equally straight-forward.


Owen hooked his fingers! Two golden lights have appeared behind the man in the robe!


A golden light flashed from the man in the robe! It took the form of armor! Two 1.3 gilded swords pierced the armor two inches! They pierced the body of the man in the gi!



This is only a shallow layer of flesh and blood! But the power of the spirit cone carried by the gilt double swords is released without hindrance! The person wearing the dress only feels a pain in the back! Followed by the head A sharp pain!

"Avalanche Fist!"

Owen seized the opportunity and took a step forward. Without using a sword, he used his right fist to hit the Taohen man's chest with all his strength!


The man in Taoist robe flew out like a cannonball! The double-handled gilt sword stabbed the golden armor with a counterattack!


The man in the Taoist robe rolled to the ground and lay beside Cao Xun.

An inch-long fist penetrated his body, and under the attack of the gilded double swords, the man in the Taoist uniform vomited blood, feeling a little tired.

Chapter 327 The strong have their own so-called dignity


The gilded double swords were drawn from the Dao Mark man and flew towards Ai Wen.

Ai Wen walked over and punched the Daodai man on the head, but the golden armor did not appear.

"Alas.... We've solved two, let's quickly solve the rest!"

After solving these two troublesome young men, Ai Wen turned around and prepared to chase after the full-sex people who had entered the house.

However, Ai Wen just raised his leg! was discovered.


The backyard of the mansion suddenly lit up! The entire courtyard of the mansion was bathed in golden light! Even the ground was submerged in golden light! An impressive sight made Owen stunned on the spot!

"Damn it! The celestial master has taken action!"

There is only one possibility for this scene in front of you, that is, the Heavenly Master has taken action!

As soon as this master made a shot, it was different. Aiwen's golden light spell was not comparable to that of the old master, and it was completely paediatric.

"Ah no! Heavenly Master, be merciful! Leave me some!"

After being stunned for a moment, Ai Wen suddenly reacted, if the old Tianshi takes 10 shots, he will not have his share! He must find them!

With these thoughts in mind, Ai Wen rushed into the inner hall without saying a word! He was going to try to kill some more people...

The old Tianshi succeeded in one strike and staggered in anger.

In the past, the old Tianshi gave Zhang Chulan the degree of Tianshi as an inheritance.

The celestial master degree is the inheritance of the celestial master, and contains many things that only a celestial master can learn; it is not a physical object, but the inheritance of memory ability.

In order to inherit this legacy, Zhang Chulan had to accept it willingly and could not resist, but Zhang Chulan was a little bit resistant in order to find out his grandfather's secret, so the Tianshi degree was not passed on smoothly.

After several consecutive attempts, Zhang Chulan finally angered the old master.

The old Tianshi was not angry because Zhang Chulan didn't get the degree of Tianshi, but because Zhang Chulan was too smart.

Zhang Chulan questioned and asked the celestial master, what would be the consequences if he accepted the celestial master degree?

the answer is…

The celestial master didn't say it, because he couldn't say it.

At this time, the old Tianshi realized that Zhang Chulan didn't want to accept the degree of Tianshi, at least not now. There was a trace of resentment in his heart. He threw Zhang Chulan out of the office building, only to find that the entire floor was attacking the mountain.

One by one, they are dealing with Lao Tzu! "

With a snort, the Heavenly Master made his move, approaching the most densely populated place in the building, and he was hit with a single blow!

The old master has been practicing golden light spells for a hundred years, and his level is unpredictable.

When he raised his hands, the golden light turned into a whip like a rope, and anyone who approached would not be able to withstand the blow of the old master! As soon as the whip of the old heavenly master rang, one person would be knocked down.

Seeing this scene, some "Omnipotent" members flinched, while others were ready to try their luck and taste the old man's love for whipping.

In the contest with this supreme, it is not ashamed to lose.

**Now a spontaneous organization. Although it has deviated from the original intention of the founder, it has many strong players and has become the most powerful villain organization in the world.

The strong have the so-called dignity of the strong. The enemy is strong and can't be defeated, but you can't back down! you need to know. If you back down, the cultivation of this life will be in vain.

Many miscellaneous caterpillars chose to continue to attack, while some miscellaneous caterpillars with weak minds and weak strength chose to retreat.

The two flat-headed people quickly retreated, and the shouting and killing behind them did not stop. The two were sweating profusely, and now they just want to get out of here quickly.


"Oh, found two lost lambs!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Suddenly, they heard voices in front of them and they were hit. They were hit in an instant while dodging! They were hit in an instant! They fell to the ground before they could run two steps.

"Two more, come on, let's try to grab some more..."

Evan came out of the shadow in front, looked at the number of quest clues, and confirmed that there were two, and then Evan turned around and over the wall to chase the other fugitives! .

The old Tianshi was furious there, fighting a gang of fully-armed shouts and screams.

Except for those who were knocked down in the first place, not many members of the Holistic were still determined to stay there and strike the iron, and the people on the periphery had long since dispersed and dispersed.

Evan was on the side, because these fleeing Quanzhen Sect members only focused on escaping, and their attention was relatively low. Evan was almost hit with a single blow, and many Quanzhen Sect members were wiped out in the blink of an eye.

"You, the real Linghai? Hello, we are company employees to help Longhushan defend against the attack."

The workers of Natto Hall have already climbed up the hill and started to clear the field. This is what the old man had planned for a long time, and Master Lu also participated in the company's plan.

"Thank you for your hard work, take these people down, and I will handle the rest."

Suddenly stopped by Lin Haizhen, Ai Wen suddenly felt refreshed, and Zhang Wei's feeling attached to him, after explaining.

The entire floor was almost destroyed, and only a few people were still active in the mountains and forests.

Evan glanced at the number of tasks and there was only one left.

"There is one left, hurry back to the courtyard."

Ai Wen is also a little anxious now, time is running out, and Tian Lao does not know if it is over.


A soft sound came from behind Ai Wen, 560. If it wasn't for Ai Wen's amazing hearing with the overlord's sense of color, he probably wouldn't have found it.

"Ah? Uncle Shi?"

Ai Wen turned around and saw Lao Tianshi standing on a branch, disheveled and breathless.

"Lin Hai, what are you doing here? Didn't I tell you to protect your master?"

The old Tianshi frowned and looked at Owen, with a hint of doubt in his eyes, he knew. This time, because there are people in good disguise on the mountain, the genders are mixed. It does not rule out the possibility that Ai Wen is someone else disguised in front of him.

Ai Wen hurriedly shook his hand and said.

"Master heard that there are some situations outside. Some people are worried. Let me help. Uncle, don't worry. There is Senior Brother Rongshan and Xiaoqingzi and Xiaoyuzi there, and everything will be fine."

After listening to Ai Wen's words, the old master dispelled his doubts, but he was still uneasy, so he said.

"I don't need to help you here. Since the old man has taken action, it means that he will not let these people succeed. You should go back and take care of your master to avoid misfortune."


When the old master said so, Ai Wen had no reason to refute, he could only nod his head in agreement.

"Okay, come back."

The old celestial master disappeared with the Buddha's hand. He was over a hundred years old. This movement method was a bit scary.

Ai Wen watched Lao Tianshi leave, presumably to find Zhang Lingyu and Elder Lu, who encountered enemies in the forest

Chapter 328 Illusions!

In desperation, he had no choice but to return to the mansion, hoping to leave one or two people behind, otherwise he would go out to look for it again against the instructions of the celestial master.

Qin Tiancheng returned to the yard, but played a clever trick. Instead of taking the main road back, he took a relatively hidden path.

In this way, if he encounters a few more unlucky ones, he can complete the task.

He didn't hold out much hope, but on the way back, his ears twitched! He said: "I know.

Let's go! Come on!


The first thing Owen did was jump on a tree for cover, using the leaves for protection, and it didn't take long.


The sound of hurried footsteps came, and two people were rushing in that direction.

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