
Immediately afterwards, a huge figure about two meters high appeared in the eyes of the purple-winged cat, with a huge body, slender arms, and a yellow circle on its chest.

A round bear!

One of Natsu's early collection of Pokémon, now the guardian of the boreal forest, has slender shoulder-length hair that looks like a female bear at first glance.


Feeling the threat, the vigilant purple-winged cat pounced on the circling bear with a low roar! Like hazy lightning!

But you can only watch!

The circling black bear lifted his right leg! Then slammed it down!


A dark yellow shock wave burst out! The speed is so fast! The purple-winged cat was caught off guard and was sent flying! He rolled around on the ground and quickly got up again. The body was enveloped in yellow energy, attracting the purple-winged cat and letting him slow down. Come on!

Stomping hard.

A elf's skill, the attack power of the ground attribute is not particularly high, but the range is large, the speed is high, and it has a slowing effect after being hit.

Purple-winged cats rely on speed and attack power to eat, and if they lose speed, their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.


But even if it is two-on-one, as the guardian of the northern forest, the round bear is not timid at all!


The round bear roared! Shasha, Shasha, Shasha! A single forest elf appeared from all directions, and the number quickly exceeded ten.

During this period, Natsu caught a few more elves and carried them into the forest. Now the number of elves in the entire observatory area, not counting the seaside ones, has exceeded 100. Fortunately, the observatory is very large, otherwise it will be slightly If they're small, they won't be able to feed them.


Seeing that all the helpers had arrived, the round bear spit out two air currents from his nostrils, his two thick and long arms glowed crimson, and the big battle attribute skill Arm Hammer was displayed, and then

Then roared at the purple-winged cat

Meanwhile, battles between Pokémon and Purple-winged cats are also taking place elsewhere in the forest.

In another corner of the northern forest, Round Bear's second partner, a rogue panda with a bamboo leaf in his mouth, knocked a purple-winged cat flying with one punch.

This is a male rogue panda with fighting + evil attributes, which should be a good fit for Kuan Kuan Bear, but I don't know why this guy is going to be Kuan Kuan Bear's deputy, he's obviously coveting Kuan Kuan Bear's body! He has Big plan!

He is fast against the purple-winged cat, but the fist of the rogue panda is even faster!

The speed at which the bullet pierces is astonishingly fast! Even at the speed of the purple-winged cat, there is no way to dodge him. In less than a few minutes, the three purple-winged cats were lying there, unable to resist.

The northern forest is almost finished, and the southern forest is almost finished.

King Nido stepped on a purple-winged cat, its sharp claws glowing purple, and the three purple-winged cats beside him were poisoned and lay powerlessly on the ground.

In another part of the southern forest, a stinking mucus-like Allosaurus, with poisonous gas churning around, pushed its body away from the purple-winged cat, and the three purple-winged cats were also poisoned,

fell to the ground.

In this way, among the thirteen purple-winged cats that entered the forest, only one Alpha remained, still fighting.

\'Ow! ! ! "

At this time, the leader of the big cat is also fighting hard, and his opponent is Zoroark!

Zoroark looked at the leader of the purple-winged cat with a blank expression, and threw the wave of evil in his hand to the leader of the purple-winged cat, looking at the leader of the purple-winged cat with envy as if he had no money.

Purple-winged cats are magical beasts, and they are born with magic, and their strongest attack is also magic.

However, there is no magic at all in this world. Before, when they didn't feel the magic, the purple-winged cats would burst out en masse, but now, in the observatory, although the magic was constantly coming from the inside, it was still not dense enough.

The purple-winged cats had used a little bit of their own magic power, but it was indeed a little less.

They didn't pay attention before, but now they've recovered and are ready to go!

Just now, in order to confuse the attacking troops, the leader of the purple-winged cat released a spell that blocked the range, which cost him some magic (Li Nuohao), and now he dare not use it again, only

passively beaten

However, soon, the leader of the purple-winged cat realized that there was no movement from his group around, as if....

Are they destroyed?

"Ouch!! Village!"

Thinking of this possibility, the leader of the purple-winged cat couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief!


Light blue shadow flames erupted on the leader's body! Everything the flames touched paled and died.

Seeing the change in the leader of the purple-winged cat, Zoroark finally cheered up and looked at the purple-winged cat that was flying towards him quickly! Only then did Zoroark realize his situation. Zoroark stepped out and split the phantom!

The Phantom split, and dozens of Zoroarks appeared in front of the leader of the Purple Winged Cat.

The leader of the purple-winged cat was stunned for a moment, then rushed towards him, tore off a clone with one paw, and quickly cut most of the clones.

Chapter 364 Decisive Battle on the Black Whale!


"Alas! Phew!". call! "

Although the flame of shadow is powerful, it also consumes a lot of energy, and soon the magic power of the leader of the purple-winged cat has dried up.

I saw the movements of the leader of the purple-winged cat slow down in an instant, at the moment when the flame of shadow went out!


A black light passed by the leader of the purple-winged cat, and Zoroark appeared behind the leader of the purple-winged cat with his claws crossed.

Deceptive attack, evil attribute attack is very powerful, after one hit...


The leader of the purple-winged cat fell to the ground resentfully, losing his fighting power.

At this time, all the monsters in the observation station area were defeated, and it took less than five minutes in total.

Outside the forest, Naxi was floating in the air in her pajamas, next to the red light in Woody's eyes, making her and Naxi flourish.

When the last purple-winged cat leader fell to the ground, a smile appeared at the corner of Naxi's mouth.

"Hmph, yes, I'm a little weak, Geng, go and tell Zoroark, arrest all the intruders, and let them stay together and wait for me to pass by later."

Gengar floated out from behind Natsu, and after hearing the order 593, flew to the forest, ready to deliver the message.

Natsu and Woody then returned to the villa, Natsu changed clothes, then brought healing wounds and antidote, and finally...

Natsu looked in Owen's direction.

This guy came back without saying hello, but his breathing has been getting faster, has he made a breakthrough? Forget it... No matter if he comes in, don't disturb him at this time...

After getting everything necessary, Naki left the room with Woody.

Zoroark and others should have brought all the purple-winged cats by this time, Naqi is very interested in these strange creatures, if possible, she wants to study them and see... these otherworldly creatures What's the difference between ...and a pixie?

There was no major upheaval on the observatory side, the entire purple-winged cat colony was breached within minutes, Natsu handled the attack brilliantly, but on the military side

"What's the matter!!!? What the hell!!!? You can make this happen to him!!"

Lin Zhengjie arrived at night, and the expression on his face was very unpleasant.

He only came back from the capital three days ago and took over the job of guarding Haiguan again. He didn't expect such a big mess in just three days!

Lin Zhengjie had no idea about the situation in the Guanhai Building. He didn't know if there were any casualties. He didn't know what kind of monster it was, let alone what it was.

Seeing that he didn't answer the phone, Lin Zhengjie was as worried as an ant on a hot pan.

Lin Zhengjie got up to ring the doorbell, but only raised his hand.

"Beep beep..."

the phone is ringing.

Lin Zhengjie hurriedly opened it to take a look. Du Ao?

"Hey! What's wrong?"

Lin Zhengjie's tone was not very pleasant.

And on Du Ao's side.

"Hmph, did something happen as soon as I left? Don't worry, there's nothing wrong inside, I've already asked Elder Tian, ​​and the old man said that the problem has been solved, take your time, take your time.

Du Ao was also taken aback when he received the news. He originally promised to protect the safety of Guanhaitai, but who knew that something would happen in less than a month.

In the end, it was Du Ao who summoned the courage to find Elder Tian and explained the situation.

"It's alright, Naki has solved the problem and is now playing with the cat."

Du Ao said. "...???"

Purple-winged cats are the kind of beasts that are friendly to humans and will not attack humans for no reason.

The purple-winged cats that attacked the observation deck are now gathered in the garden not far from the north side of the villa, and they can clearly feel the magic emanating from the villa.

The cats are now lying on the grass with blindfolds on their backs, eyes closed and asleep...


The two hypnotists were so good at hypnotizing that even the beasts couldn't resist the urge to sleep, so they (babd) fell asleep on the grass, at the mercy of Naxi.

Cats are lazy by nature, and so are Warcraft.

There is a constant flow of magic around the hut, and only a small amount of magic can calm the big cats who have run away from home for lack of magic. Combined with the effect of hypnosis, Hu Di and Geng Qi subconsciously hypnotized the will of the purple-winged cats, letting them know not to attack people at will.

In this way, even if the big cat wakes up, it will not accidentally hurt people.

When Lin Zhengjie rang the doorbell and asked for permission to enter the observatory, it was not far from dawn.

Yang Minghao got on the phone and sent a car to pick him up. Soon Lin Zhengjie met with Natsu, and he had already started preparing food for the Pokémon.

"Miss Natsu! That monster from last night!"

Lin Zhengjie didn't go to Qi's father and Qi's mother, but went directly to Natsu and asked about the purple-winged cat without any hesitation.

Natsu looked at Lin Zhengjie, and found that Lin Zhengjie's face was a little anxious and haggard. Obviously, he didn't rest well all night, but Lin Zhengjie's golden light spell also reached a certain level of cultivation, so there was no problem for him to not sleep all night.

"Those big cats are all right. I put them in the garden, guarded by my elf, and they'll be fine."

After a night of manipulation, when the hint was done and the wound was almost healed, Zoroark and Geng Jie were still watching them and nothing could happen.

"No... no casualties?".

This is what Lin Zhengjie is most worried about, to ensure that no one in the observation station has an accident! .

"Human casualties? No, just a few trees were broken, a few places were cleared, only a few big cats, not even a third of the woodland."

Natsu was telling the truth, a few trees were still broken by Ring Bear and Zoroark, and the loss of the purple-winged cat was almost negligible.

Lin Zhengjie was speechless for a while. The purple-winged cat group that Natsu was talking about turned out to be a monster that almost destroyed the garrison!

If it weren't for the surging magic that attracted the attention of the purple-winged cat, the purple-winged cat might have been hunted in the military camp.

"It's okay, it's okay...well, everything is fine...".

In short, everything went well, Lin Zhengjie breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked carefully.

Miss Nashi, this time.... Did Mr. Qi make a move? Haven't seen each other for a long time and didn't call him back? I…”

Ai Wen has not shown up for almost a month, Lin Zhengjie has a suspicion that Ai Wen is not in Guanhailou.


"What, you call him!"

Naxi's tone began to change, and she frowned.

"Huh? Yes, I called a few times, but it didn't get through."

Lin Zhengjie heard something wrong from Naxi's tone.

"You'd better not disturb him first, he is now retreating and breaking through, I can feel his aura is strengthening, these days should be a critical period,

If he is affected by your call

Chapter 365 Yang Leifa!

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