The Ottoman Empire's opposition was of course ineffective, after all, all of the people present here were European countries.

Before Reshid Pasha finished speaking, someone was about to overturn the table. Naturally, Viscount Stratford would not let this happen.

As a result, the latter almost repeated the former's words, and the shouts of beating and killing suddenly died down.

Duke Uvarov has finally seen what true shamelessness is, but his behavior is much calmer than the first time, but he still has to put a big hat on the opponent.

"Viscount Stratford, are you defending the heretics?"

"No, I'm just defending the truth."

Viscount Stratford's words almost made Duke Uvarov angry, and Prince Schwarzenberg had no choice but to smooth things over.

"Why don't we put aside the controversy and move on to the next topic."

In fact, it is unrealistic to expect the peace conference to produce results on the first day, so all parties do not hesitate.

After Austria and Russia, it was Britain who should have spoken, but Viscount Stratford was prepared to stay until the end.

Tocqueville faced a very embarrassing situation. On the one hand, he had to abide by the secret agreement with Britain, and on the other hand, he had to find ways to gain benefits for France.

What's even more disgusting is that these so-called benefits will only become the political capital of Louis Napoleon, and once it cannot obtain enough benefits and cannot satisfy the national sentiment in the country, the Party of Order will become the scapegoat.

“We will return the island of Cyprus to the Ottoman Empire, but the latter must pay an indemnity of 5 million francs, and at the same time open all ports to allow French merchants to trade freely and enjoy most-favored-nation status.

Furthermore, our country needs to reaffirm a right that it has enjoyed since the time of François I, namely the right to the protection of Christians in the Holy Land. "

The five million francs were negotiated by Britain and France long ago. As for open trade and most-favored-nation status, the Ottomans had nothing to worry about.

France proposed again, mainly because it was afraid that the Ottoman Empire would not recognize the new French Second Republic in the future.

Article 3: In fact, the French have enjoyed this right for hundreds of years, so it did not attract the attention of other countries. However, Franz knew very well that the issue of the Holy Land would draw the entire world into war in the future.

However, others did not understand the power of it, and there seemed to be no reason to refute it, so this was ignored by the diplomats present.

Then it was Egypt's turn. Mohammed Ali's personal attendance was still surprising. People were curious about what this tycoon who had stirred up the situation in the Near East for nearly 20 years looked like.

It's just that the request he made was so small that it made the participating countries laugh. They actually only wanted to ask for part of the land in Transjordan.

But Reshid Pasha knew what this meant, and he stood up again to oppose it.

"Mohammed Ali, as a hereditary pasha of the Ottoman Empire, you are nothing but a shameless betrayer. How can you claim to be a winner?"

This was recognized by Viscount Stratford.

"The vassal country betrayed the suzerain country, you really have no right to sit here!"

Viscount Stratford's words were very lethal. Egypt was not strong enough to continue the war unilaterally, so it had to seize the opportunity to seize the land it had plundered while the foreign forces stopped.

Otherwise, not only will all previous efforts be wasted, but you may even end up stealing the chicken and losing the rice.

Viscount Stratford changed the subject.

"If Egypt can retreat to the Sinai, then the Ottoman Empire can forget about it."

Viscount Stratford has a very good control over people's hearts, especially those who are weak and want to avoid getting into trouble.

Egypt and the Ottoman Empire were both pagans in the eyes of Europeans, and with Britain taking the lead, some people's sense of superiority burst out at this time.

However, these pressures and words were obviously of no use to Old Ali. After all, he often used this kind of delaying strategy. As for intimidation, he had seen scarier things.

"I am loyal to Sultan Meguid, and it is the sultan's will that Egypt obtain Transjordan."

"You fart!"

Reshid Pasha couldn't help but curse.

"The Transjordan region already belongs to Egypt, and taking it back at this time is just a reward for Sudan's loyalty to Egypt."

"Loyal? Is it loyalty to attack the suzerain country while the Sudan is critically ill?"

"I sent troops north to suppress the rebellion, but Grand Vizier, why did you send troops to stop it? Are you an accomplice with Abdul Aziz?"

(Previous article on civil strife in the Ottoman Empire.)

"You're talking nonsense!"

Reshid Pasha was already mad. If he hadn't had weapons, he would have rushed forward and hacked this crazy old man to death.

"Am I talking nonsense? I think you have a guilty conscience! Emperor Magid has a secret edict here! You cannot deny it!"

"Amna koyaym!" (Ottoman expletive)

Seeing that the venue was about to turn into a vegetable market again, Prince Schwarzenberg sounded the alarm on the table.

"Shut up! Where do you think this is? A mosque? If you don't want to talk, you can get out!"

It was obvious that Prince Schwarzenberg had no fear of Egypt and the Ottoman Empire. It was also his first time to host a peace conference. He did not expect that the negotiations would be such an annoying thing, so he took out his anger on the two lesser powers.

"Your Excellency, please calm down, why don't we move on to the next topic first."

This time it was the turn of the British and Russian ambassadors to smooth things over. After all, no one really wanted this war to continue forever, so Prince Schwarzenberg gave up.

As a fanatical Hellenicist and student, Greek Ambassador Andronikos spoke out Otto I's thoughts.

"Thessaly, Macedonia, Thrace, I want them all!"

The representatives of various countries in the meeting hall were like seeing a ghost, and Viscount Stratford and Duke Uvarov laughed as if they had heard the funniest joke.

"What are you laughing at?"

Andronikos knew that the other party was laughing at him, but he couldn't get angry in this situation.

"Haha, kid, you are very humorous. I am beginning to like you Greeks a little bit."

Viscount Stratford teased the serious Greek in front of him without hesitation. Although Uvarov on the other side did not say it directly, his eyes were also full of ridicule and contempt for Greece's arrogant ambitions.

"We Greeks are just taking back what we lost in the past. What's so funny about that?"

Andronikos's righteous speech made the representatives of various countries laugh even harder. Prince Schwarzenberg knew the Greek plan in advance, and he was full of contempt in his heart, but he still came out to make peace because of his ally status.

"Everyone, we can put aside the dispute and continue to the next topic."

"Okay, otherwise I will really be laughed to death."

Viscount Stratford also agreed.

Reshid Pasha stared at Andronikos with his eyes, and the latter stared back without avoiding.

"We should give the most basic respect to the members of the meeting."

Prince Schwarzenberg jumped out again to reiterate his position, but at this time Greece's ambitions were too huge, and it was not easy for Austria to take sides, so it was better to let other countries digest it first.

So he solemnly announced.

"Our country proposes to establish a European Monetary Union."

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