
As soon as Franz disembarked, he was put into the royal carriage and joined the victory parade.

The parade slowly passed through the streets, lined with celebrating crowds, and flower petals were flying in the air. The victory of recapturing Belgrade made people intoxicated.

Of course, the Austrian government also spent money. They prepared twenty tons of candies to celebrate this victory.

In fact, the Austrian government did not spend much money on this batch of sugar. They were sent by the Mexicans to pay off debts.

Tasang Anna's level of governance was comparable to that of the two emperors of Huiqin.

After the civil war, instead of improving, the Mexican economy fell into depression.

Due to successive economic crises and famine, demand for sugar in Europe dropped sharply, and Mexico's economy suffered a heavy blow. At the same time, the Mexican-American War and the Civil War left Mexico with huge debts, and Tasan Anna's method of dealing with it was to raise taxes.

The Mexicans were overwhelmed by various taxes. However, as France began to invade the Central American Federation, and the Americans expanded their arms and prepared for war.

Tasan Anna felt the crisis, and to face the crisis at hand, he must have a strong army.

As a result, the continuous increase in taxes finally led to people's resistance. Coupled with the instigation of some local forces, rebellions occurred one after another in some parts of Mexico.

But Tasang Anna simply couldn't see the crux of the problem. In order to quell the rebellion, he had to feed more troops, and more troops meant higher taxes.

In the end, even the Mexican soldiers discovered the problem, because those who resisted would not resist as long as they could survive.

But Tasang Anna himself couldn't get out of this vicious circle. After some thinking, he remembered the friend who had helped him.

Of course, Archduke Franz Karl couldn't understand what the other person wrote, so he gave it to Madame Sophie.

However, Mrs. Sophie's level of governance was not very good. After giving Tasang Anna a few bad ideas, she handed it over to Franz.

Franz could see at a glance that Tasan Anna was avoiding the important and trivial. What he was most worried about was actually the issue of territorial ownership of California and New Mexico.

Americans and French are constantly penetrating into these two vast and sparsely populated lands. Tasan Anna's immigration plan proved to be completely whimsical.

People in the South were unwilling to leave their homeland, California and New Mexico were not ready to receive immigrants, and the Mexican government was counterproductive in the immigration process.

As a result, Tasan Anna's ambitious immigration plan had to be terminated because of the untouchables. The subsequent debt crisis and endless rebellions made him breathless.

Franz sighed, "It's true that mud can't hold up the wall."

But the land in Mexico is really good. It’s either gold or silver. It’s just God’s blessing.

It's a pity that I am incompetent and have evil neighbors as companions.

Rather than giving Americans a bargain, it's better to dig it out yourself.

Franz had made up his mind, and just when he wanted Adjani to handle the matter, he found that the latter could hardly stand.

The previous parade was a kind of torture for Franz. He had to sit upright in the carriage and accept the blessings of his subjects.

What was even worse was that Adjani followed the carriage for eight kilometers in high heels and did not stop even for a moment when she returned to Schönbrunn Palace. At this time, her legs were trembling, and if she hadn't continued to exercise, she might have collapsed.

"Go to bed."

"Ah?!" Adjani was a little shocked for a moment, thinking she heard wrong.

"Go to bed," Franz repeated.

Adjani has received professional and strict training, and generally will not sit on the owner's bed or chair casually. But she couldn't stand anymore. After hearing Franz's words, she couldn't care so much and jumped directly onto the bed.

The moment she lay on the bed, she felt like she was alive again. With her waist and legs relaxed, Adjani looked at the ceiling, lost in thought and didn't know what she was thinking. Even Franz didn't pay much attention when he went out and came back.

Just when Adjani was about to stretch and relax, Franz suddenly grabbed her ankle. Instantly, an electric shock-like feeling spread throughout Adjani's body, making her shudder.

But Adjani only struggled twice symbolically, and then allowed Franz to take off her shoes and stockings.

Just when Adjani was looking forward to what would happen next, she suddenly felt a rush of heat rushing up from her feet, and she sat upright suddenly.

Seeing that her feet had been pressed into the hot water basin, Adjani felt very puzzled and thought to herself, "Foot washing ceremony? What does Franz want to express?"

As Adjani's feet were bathed in the hot water, waves of warmth rushed straight into her heart. Soon her brain was in a state of shutdown due to the accelerated downward circulation of blood flow.

Adjani leaned on the edge of the bed with both hands, looking intoxicated.

Due to the influence of religion, Westerners have given special meaning to foot washing. But in Franz's eyes, there is nothing more comfortable than a foot bath after a tiring day.

But judging from Adjani's appearance, the matter may not be discussed for the time being.

Another war broke out in the Chenla area, and the Vietnamese misjudged the situation. They believed that Austria's ability to quickly occupy large areas of Chenla's territory was supported by Chenla and the Siamese.

As a result, Emperor Minh Minh of Vietnam did the biggest mistake in his life and ordered the arrest of Queen An Mei's sisters, tortured them to death in front of her, and threw their bodies into the Mekong River.

This move greatly angered the Chenla people, nobles, and monks (Chenla was a Buddhist place at that time, and the monks had a very high status and had considerable power.) Farmers, and even bandits and bandits all rose up against the Vietnamese.

The church did not miss this opportunity and sent troops to attack Phnom Penh. The Vietnamese side assembled a total of 50,000 troops in an attempt to break the myth that the Skitarii were invincible.

However, contrary to expectations, the Vietnamese army originally wanted to take advantage of the Skitarii's lack of cavalry and use elite cavalry to break through the front line in one fell swoop.

Unexpectedly, the Skitarii had just replenished a batch of Congreve rockets. The rockets flying all over the sky caused great panic to the Vietnamese cavalry.

In addition, the Vietnamese, who had been defeated repeatedly at this time, lied about the fact that the Western Yi knew how to use magic to cover up the fact of their defeat. When the Vietnamese army saw the rockets flying in the sky, they immediately felt that a disaster was coming and fled in a panic.

As a result, the Vietnamese cavalry collided with their own infantry formations, leading to a complete rout. In this battle, the Vietnamese army lost 3,500 people and captured more than 30,000 people. They were forced to return the Chenla royal family, recognize the independence of Chenla, and pay an indemnity of three thousand yuan. One million taels of silver.

In history, Prince Anton, who was supposed to take advantage of the chaos to seize the throne of Chenla, died inexplicably at sea, along with his cronies.

Siam and Chenla became allies, and Chenla surrendered to Austria. Queen Anmei officially ascended the throne, Ambrosius became the prince's husband, and their son was named prince.

However, the Skitarii did not disband, and the church still actually controlled the power, but the queen herself did not care, and there was no force in Chenla that could confront the church.

But Franz was a little worried because the church had taken too big a step.

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