In reality, if there is an abandoned baby at the church door, there is a high probability that the priest will pick it up. And even if it is not picked up by the priest, there is a high probability that it will be picked up by farmers or workers who get up early.

Early morning services were the norm in the 19th century, and although infant abandonment was not uncommon, few believers would run to the church door to abandon an infant.

Devout believers will most likely take the abandoned baby home to raise, especially if the baby is healthy and not disabled.

Kill Vihliu Yasusky and send Miss Celestina to her mother? The looks of mother and daughter should easily explain everything.

However, there is a small problem, that is, Adjani deliberately hid her whereabouts, and Franz deliberately did not ask. After all, it would be embarrassing if they met again.

Moreover, what Adjani is best at is hiding herself, and she even trained many of Franz’s intelligence officers.

If there are some misunderstandings, there may be unnecessary casualties.

But speaking of abandoned babies, Franz felt it was necessary to set up abandoned baby boxes within the Austrian Empire. Baby boxes first appeared in Italy, which was still dominated by the church. In order to put an end to infanticide, some priests came up with the idea of ​​setting up baby boxes to receive unwanted babies.

However, the abandoned baby box at that time was very crude, similar to an oven. Once the baby was put in, the mechanism would be triggered due to gravity. A bell would ring inside the church, and the dedicated personnel responsible for managing the abandoned baby would take it away.

However, some things have good intentions but are a disaster when implemented. Instead of bringing the church a reputation for charity, the baby box has become an important cause of criticism.

Because politicians feel that baby boxes encourage abandoned babies, while human rights organizations feel that the church does not provide enough help to those abandoned babies, and instead persecutes those poor people in disguise.

Historically, due to the decline of the church and the emergence of a large number of more powerful voices, the practice of baby boxing, which began in the 12th century, finally disappeared from the world in the mid-19th century.

People at the time claimed that this was a great progress in human history. However, after 2002, baby boxes were restored across Europe.

Over time, baby boxes appeared on other continents. No one can tell exactly why, the economic crisis? Moral degradation? Or is it an inescapable historical cycle rate?

Franz was too lazy to care about this. He felt that the baby box was an acceptable system. After all, if the economic situation allowed, the mother of the motherland should not abandon any of her children.

And in Franz's future plan, many, many people are needed. In addition to quantity, he also needs enough loyalty.

What's more, since it is inevitable, why not perfect it?

Closer to home, night.

Colonel Bordeaux knocked on the door.

"Archduke Franz, there is a lady who wants to see you."

Franz felt a little helpless, but in order to solve the Galician problem neatly and beautifully, he still said.

"Invite her in."


After Bordeaux left, Franz sighed.

"It seems like I have to work hard again, and it always feels weird."

After a while, Lakshmi Pai stood at the door, and Franz's face became serious.

"Why did the little brat stay up late at night and come to see me? Be careful not to grow up! If you want to hear a story, go find Miss Mia."

As Franz spoke, he wanted to drive Lakshmi Pai out of his room, but the latter pressed her feet against the door and refused to leave. The former had no choice but to pick her up and prepare to throw her out.

Then Lakshmi Pai shouted "Someone is crying!"

Franz put it on his lap, then picked up the sole and gave it a hard slap.

"What the hell!"

Lakshmi Pai said "Yeah", but still said stubbornly.

"There are really ghosts crying, and the whole manor smells of blood, especially the garden at the back."

"Are you a dog nose!"

Franz couldn't help but sigh, this was similar to the situation discovered by Colonel Bordeaux.

Vihliu Yasusky's housekeeper did move those who should have been buried alive that day, but the few corpses buried in the soil and the smell of blood in the air could not hide the experienced security chief of Bordeaux. official.

It's just that Franz hopes to collect more evidence and then hold a public trial to completely discredit these people.

Only in this way can those people be cut off from the possibility of making a comeback, otherwise what cannot kill them will only make them stronger.

Then trying to get stronger by making comebacks again and again is not what Franz wants. That's why he's here. The rebellion in Galicia must end here.

At least they can't be allowed to coerce the people into a wave, but the so-called upper-class elites can't make any big noise.

The so-called wave has both scale and general trend. This kind of rebellion is the most difficult to stop. Unless the most brutal and inhumane purge is carried out, no matter how strong the dam is, it will collapse sooner or later.

Lakshmi Pai knew from Franz's expression and tone that the latter had known all this for a long time, but why didn't he say it?

Lakshmi Pai still loves to watch public trials. Although the races and countries are different, it does not affect the empathy at all.

It was precisely because of the trials along the way that Lakshmi Pai felt that Franz should be a great person. At least she had never seen a prince with such courage.

If I have to say it, only the legendary wise king can do it. As for the British, they will only do things that are beneficial to themselves in India, and they are the ones with the most double standards.

"You all know that pig is a bad guy, why do you still live here? Wouldn't it be better to just tie that bad guy up and burn him on fire?"

Lakshmi Pai suggested in a low voice.

Franz was a little helpless. He didn't want this little guy to do anything to alert others. After all, Lakshmi Pai was too young and it was easy to hide things in her heart.

"No! It's easier to burn it with fire, but it only burns the surface. If you want to clean up the darkness, you have to start from the source."

"Then can you cleanse the darkness by continuing to live here?"

Lakshmi Pai asked with longing and curiosity.


Franz's answer was very simple, and the admiration that Lakshmi Pai had finally aroused disappeared.

"Then you are still like this? Is it because of that woman!"

The latter's words shocked herself, and the former was also shocked, but she immediately returned to speaking as usual.

"It seems that my acting skills are really good. Who do you think is the best person to deceive?"

Lakshmi Pai was a little overwhelmed by Franz's sudden rhetorical question, but after spending so many days together, the latter knew that the former must have deep meaning.

So I thought about it seriously.

"A person who takes advantage? A stupid person? A smart-aleck person?"

"Then do you think I look like that kind of person now?"

"How could it be? I've never seen such a cunning villain as you."

Lakshmi Pai was suddenly stunned. At this moment, Franz seemed to be a greedy and arrogant fool.

Her big eyes flashed, and her little head was filled with doubts.

Does this guy in front of me have any quirks? Do you like the feeling of being looked down upon?

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