War Paradise

Chapter 964


With his big feet wrapped in iron boots, he smashed the road easily on the streets of Mephistopheles.

The extremely strong giant Devil entered the area ruled by Mephistopheles. Every time he took a step, his muscles and bones made a strange clicking sound.

The black steel armor covering the gray skin was nailed directly into the body by a nail, and two green rays of light appeared in the gap of the cylindrical helmet on the head.

Under the escort of two giant Devils resembling lizards, a floating black shadow passed through the territory of Mephistopheles. Residents who had wanted to go out were scared to hide in the house again, and the atmosphere did not dare to escape.

A believer who was bold enough to live on the edge of Mephistopheles territory opened the curtains and looked into the distance. The expression on his face suddenly solidified:

——The territory of Mephistopheles has been surrounded by Devil!

After the blood god crusade was over, the monsters who crawled out of The Underworld did not return to where they were supposed to go. At this time, the dense army of Devil surrounded Mephistopheles’ territories, even if they couldn’t see clearly. The faces of the Devils, but the believer still saw the weapons in their hands.

"The God of Mephistopheles...Save us..."

The old man who was already impoverished, but still admired Mephistopheles, listened to the heavy breathing of the Devils, two tears slid down his face.

Then, a sharp, penetrating voice resounded through the entire Mephistopheles territory:

"Faust, get out!"

The floating shadow that entered Mephistopheles territory began to look for the person in charge here. But this time, Faust did not respond to his call.


Seeing the silhouettes that suddenly appeared on the street, the two lizards Devil made ambiguous sounds, and walked up to the left and the other to protect the black mist floating in the air.

A gray-haired old man walked onto the street, wearing a tattered linen robe. The joints of his limbs were twisted at angles that humans could not achieve. His eyes were already turned white, and a few bloodstains shed from the corners of his mouth and nostrils. .

When this "walking corpse" appeared, the black mist on the street and the two Devil soldiers felt the powerful force coming from each other. Strangely, this power didn't feel like it came from Mei. Pfister’s is more like another god:

"...Leviathan?" In the black mist that kept changing shape, a questioning voice sounded.

The old man who was walking chuckled his yellow teeth and laughed out loud. The long-pitch manner of speaking made the "elder"'s tone seem unusually treacherous:

"No, you are wrong, I am Mephistopheles."

Hearing this, the black mist floated backwards, transforming into a round ball, and questioned: "It is against the law for a god to use the body of a believer to appear in this world. What do you mean?"

"Sorry, but Faust can't come now. I can't keep you waiting." The walking corpse possessed by Mephistopheles raised his fractured right hand: "Excuse me~ You came to my territory. Is there anything wrong with you? "

"Don't pretend to be confused. The ancient sacrifices were made by your cursed ones. Yazlar has already reported to the God King, so the God King will send me over. If you still want to save this territory, don't do it anymore. Playing tricks." Sombra threatened.

"Oh, I understand~"

Mephistopheles shook his arm, and the broken joints began to crackle. The old man twisted his head back forty-five degrees, and suddenly put on a weird smile: "But the king of God should thank me... "

As soon as he said this, the shadow floated silently to a position near Mephistopheles, and the two Devil soldiers immediately followed, staring at the old man standing on the street.

After a long silence, Sombra finally asked slowly: "Cheat, what are you doing?"

"I know that the king of God has always wanted to suppress the living corpses in the undead zone, and couldn't find any reason to slaughter, so I gave him a small excuse..."

Mephistopheles’ tone of voice sounded cheerful, which was in stark contrast to his terrifying corpse shape: “Don’t you know? One of my faithful believers is a vampire hidden in the city who believes in me at the same time. , She is also a believer of the'Blood God'."

"The fraudster..." Sombra's voice suddenly became low.

The old man bent his eyes and continued to explain: "I know the truth about this believer, but she doesn't know my plan. I deliberately revealed some'intelligence' in front of her and instilled some wrong information into the blood god through her. For example, "As long as you get "The Book of Crimson", the blood can rise again and dominate the entire Sodom."

"You planned this war?" The black mist floated in front of Mephistopheles' body: "Do you know what you did? The King of God will give you eternal torture!"

"No, I just helped God King solve a problem." The old man said with a smile: "You also know that God King has always wanted to destroy the monsters underground in the undead zone, but he just couldn't find a reason to slaughter in the undead zone. Now the whole is immortal. All the living corpses in the district have disappeared, and we don’t have to continue to live in the shadow of the'Blood God', right?"

"It's nonsense. If the King of God gave an order, we would have done it a long time ago. That adult decided to let the undead zone continue to exist after other considerations!" Sombra roared angrily.

Facing the furious visitor, Mephistopheles did not panic, but continued slowly: "You are the guardian of the God King, and you should know the secret of the'God King'. Of course you can erase me and this territory together. , But unless everyone in the entire city is killed, that secret will spread. At that time, what do you guess the other'gods' in the city will do?"

"Dare you threaten the King of Gods?" The black shadow condensed into a human-like form.

"No, no, no, how can a humble servant like me dare to threaten that adult?" The old man's voice was frivolous, and it sounded like a beating: "I just happened to hear some rumors. It is said that the god king is actually ..."

"shut up!"

Sombra roared and overwhelmed the word Mephistopheles uttered with his own voice. Although it was not obvious, Sombra still noticed that there seemed to be a shadow change in the clouds above Mephistopheles Territory.

——The extremely powerful Leviathan may be listening to the conversation here. Once Leviathan learns the secrets of the god king, the city will once again be plunged into a bloody storm!

Realizing this, Sombra threatened in a low voice: "Don't want to say it, otherwise you will be forever!"

"Of course, I pay a lot of attention to appointments. As long as I can live, this secret can be kept well."

The old man shook his head as if he was nodding, and then suddenly changed his words: "However, there may be other gods who are also interested."


So what else did Sombra want to say, a thunder and lightning fell suddenly, and the explosive shock wave shattered all the glass hundreds of meters in a radius. Sombra and the two Devil soldiers were turned into ashes in the lightning in an instant!

"Good morning, Lord Leviathan~" Standing next to the "bullet crater" exploded by thunder and lightning, the old man with erect hair curled his mouth and looked up at the gathering dark clouds in the sky.

Leviathan’s oracle descended from the air with an irresistible pressure:

"Tell me everything you know, Mephistopheles."

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