War Paradise

Chapter 970 A Feast for the Blasphemer -5

Pillars of fire with incalculable temperature raged in the old city of Sodom, and countless freaks were reduced to ashes along with their houses.

The moment his gaze penetrated the rapidly dissipating smoke and dust, and saw the destruction caused by the beam of light. Even Lin Chi felt a strong shock:

The victimized house was not just one, nor was it dozens of houses—hundreds of houses disappeared in the flames. The place within sight is completely turned into burning ruins. It was like an invisible giant blade, marking a fatal scar with deep bones on the city's body.

Soon, the beam followed Lin Chi's steps and reached a position near another pillar of fire.

This time, the Guardian did not continue to communicate with Lin Chi, but only merged the other beam with the previous beam. It turned into a thicker and larger "beam cannon" and moved towards Lin Chi.

Looking at the fast approaching "Sky Fire", Lin Chi turned around and left here, and then immediately found that the speed of the beam was faster than before.

Although he still couldn't catch up with the five times the speed of himself, the moving speed of that beam was obviously faster than that of the previous Ascension, and the damage range became larger.

According to this routine, if the other beams of light will become stronger after merging the remaining two beams of light, I am afraid that I will be unable to withstand it.

The "one-armed hero" with one arm missing, leaning forward in front of the beam, leaning forward and running, looks exactly like the ninja action in the old ninja comics.

After trying just now, he probably already knows the routine of this BOSS battle: Generally speaking, this kind of boss battle that is pursued all the way is definitely to destroy certain enemies or buildings in the city by guiding the beam.

Since it is a leader battle, the player will definitely not be too easy when guiding the beam. And those "angels" blocking the road are dangerous elements that hinder escape.

Just as Lin Chi expected, two tall human figures contaminated with slime flashed out from the end of the street. They both stood upright, holding huge long-handled weapons, and they seemed to be able to see looming light wings behind them.

The angel sent to attack Old Sodom was contaminated for some reason and became a "predator" among the deformed residents. Even if they were once angels, they couldn't resist the mighty sky fire. but……

As they approached Lin Chi, the two angels suddenly accelerated, raised the halberds in their hands high, and then suddenly swung down—


Even if it was just cutting the air, the halberd made a loud noise similar to cutting metal. The angel's attack speed was still terrifying, but Lin Chi, who had been attacked once, would of course not be hit by such a surprise attack again.

The ground was shaken by the shock wave with interlaced X-shaped cracks. Lin Chi passed through the gap between the two angels, and the debris of rubble flew from his side and hit the cold and stiff body of the walking corpse.

What followed was enough to make the corpse feel the torrent of fiery flames.

Before the two filthy angels could put away their weapons, they were burned to death by the sky fire. At the same time, the land under their feet and the two rows of houses on the street disappeared.

The incredibly powerful "cutter" can no longer stop, sweeping across the old city of Sodom. This time, Lin Chi did not go to the location of the remaining two beams of light, but rushed towards the center of the city.

——If the requirement of this battle is to guide the light beam to a certain location, the possibility of the city center should be the greatest. After all, in general, BOSS will refresh in the center of the battlefield, rather than appearing in some corners.

After several buildings and avoiding the interception of a few angels by the way, Lin Chi finally arrived at the square in the center of the old city of Sodom.

The circular square is surrounded by lifeless rock buildings, and in the middle is a high platform with several wooden shelves standing above it, which seems to be the execution ground in the city center.

There seemed to be no signs of life here, but this did not stop Lin Chi's pace. The walking corpse being chased by the beam rushed all the way to the back of the execution platform.

Immediately afterwards, the thick beam of light followed.


When the beam touched the high platform in the center of the square, a burning sound sounded, and the rocks on the high platform began to dissolve at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into golden-yellow "lava."

But this time, the situation is a little different:

The sky fire, which was enough to burn everything, failed to completely destroy the high platform on the square, but it was much dimmed.

The overwhelming black air burst out from the gap in the high platform, swallowing the entire open space, and the "Sky Fire" that was chasing Lin Chi, also seemed to have been extinguished, and suddenly disappeared without a trace.


The body was shrouded in darkness, Lin Chi looked around vigilantly, his remaining right hand gripped the Dark Sword tightly, ready to launch the slow Sword Technique at any time.

——It seems that own inference should be correct. After guiding the beam to attack here, the BOSS battle should have entered a new stage.

Thick black smoke was floating in the air, and thick black dots could be seen, like ink splashing all over the city. After less than ten seconds, there was another sound:

"Who is it, wake me up..."

The voice was slow and hoarse, as if countless years had passed. When he heard that voice, Lin Chi's mutilated body suddenly froze.

Realizing that something was wrong, Lin Chi opened the status bar with his mind, only to see that he was hit by the trick:

Unknown fear halo:

You have failed to pass the sanity test and have been controlled by the fear halo. From now on, you will not be able to control your own body movements.

"Fear controls us, drives us, and controls us. Chaos is the source of fear. Now, let us cheer for fear!"

——Come on this set...

Finding that own body was also controlled by the fear halo, Lin Chi didn't say much, just waited for the other party's further action.

He still doesn't know what he released, but according to the setting of this game, in the old city of Sodom, it is very likely that Devil and the like are also sealed. The "natural god" worshipped by the residents of the city should also be related to Devil.

"Outsider, why are you disturbing my long sleep?"

The sound with its own fear halo effect invaded Lin Chi from all directions, as if the stereo surround sound effect was turned on, and the magic sound filled the ears for a long time:

"Since you have entered my territory, you should also follow the laws of nature and become a believer in nature. Outsiders..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Chi's body, which was fixed by the halo of fear, was suddenly able to move freely.

He raised his head and saw that a green circle appeared in the dark sky, and the thing slowly turned in mid-air, a bit like some kind of luxurious crown. but--

"I know the truth, can you change the color?" Lin Chi vomited.

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