War Paradise

Chapter 975

At the same time that the BOSS kill prompt pops up, various rewards are instantly "accounted for".

Excluding insignificant rewards such as gold coins, Lin Chi directly opened the skill bar to check the new skills he had obtained:

Ancient language talent (level 1):

Passive skill.

You can now interpret parts of ancient languages.

"Xuan'ao chaotic knowledge awaits you, practitioner."

This BOSS battle did not drop any equipment, but provided a skill. Seeing this skill introduction, Lin Chi left the execution ground quickly and came to the oil lamp on the side of the road.

He opened the backpack and took out the Crimson Book, ignoring Molliya's suspicious gaze, and began to try to interpret this ancient book written in mysterious language.

The ancient text on the previous pages is still unreadable. But when Lin Chi turned to page five, the ancient language talent he had just acquired finally came into play, and the words on the page became understandable content, presented in front of Lin Chi's eyes:

"When the world was born, mankind came here. They have nothing, their hearts are filled with hatred, hatred is transformed into anger, and anger leads to war. They fought all day long, devastated but unable to die, falling into endless despair and pain."

"The terrifying Creator abandoned the believers and left them to fend for themselves. People collapsed one after another and fell into madness in the void. Only the most determined brave survived, hiding in a corner of the world, and casting an eternal curse on the Creator."

Except for this part, the other texts are still illegible. Because the content is too small, Lin Chi is currently unable to determine what the record in the Crimson Book is saying.

——This creator may refer to the thirteen "creators" in the game, or it may be something else. If you want to clarify the content of this book, you can only continue with the skill of Ascension "Ancient Language Talent".

Fortunately, this book is an epic item that can be taken out of this game. Even if you can't finish reading it now, you will have the opportunity to continue to interpret it in the future.

"Can you understand?" Moulia leaned over curiously and looked at the ancient words in the book.

"can not read."

Lin Chi said that he put "The Book of Crimson" into his backpack and walked towards the tall walls of Sodom City.


The man in a gray robe sat on the wooden chair in the study, and his long, knuckled fingers crossed the book cover. The eyes behind the lenses of the round glasses stared at the "air" above the tabletop.

Although it is a role in the game "War of Heaven", if you look at the appearance, this person has nothing to do with the soldier, and he is a gentle scholar.

His private house area has also been transformed into a small library. However, due to the fact that there are not many books that have reached epic level in the game, the library is basically empty at present, with only a few books, all alone. On the shelf.

The man silently picked up the ancient book on the desk, opened the blue cover, and stared at the content of the first page.

The words like an earthworm appeared in front of him, and they were not translated into Chinese by the translation system, making him completely unable to read.

He got this book from the map of "Remnants of the Abyss", but he has been unable to interpret it. After that, he lined up on this map several times, trying to find a way to interpret the book, but found nothing.

He is a relevant professional in the real world. He once tried to decipher this kind of text by himself, but finally ended in failure. Even if there is more "time" in brain imaging games than in the real world, it is too difficult to translate unknown text without reference.

But he also knew that in ancient maps, he might find skills that could interpret such words, or someone who could interpret ancient books. Sooner or later, I will interpret these inexplicable ancient books in the game and figure out the contents.

——In the eyes of ordinary players, own efforts may be ridiculous.

However, as an avid plot fan, he focuses on the PVE part in any game. To understand the plot background in the game, one of his goals is to interpret the "unknown books" in the game.


He laughed mockingly, put down the ancient book in his hand, stood up and stretched.

The phone in his pocket used to communicate with his friends in the game began to vibrate. He took out his phone and immediately popped up dozens of messages, densely occupying a large area of ​​sight:

"Do you want to make a copy today? It's just you."

"Can the boss take me into a mix of achievements?"

"Um, I want to join the group too..."

"I just bought the expansion pack entourage, I promise not to cheat!"

Looking at the messages sent by other players, he simply closed the dialogue bar, and did not respond to anyone's interest at all. He just stood next to the bookshelf and put the ancient books in his hands back on the bookshelf.

Now that the teammates have sent a message, it's time to continue the team game. But before that...

He casually opened the BOSS kill record page in the game, and skillfully opened the BOSS list in the "Remnant of the Abyss" map, and then suddenly his eyes widened slightly:

"This BOSS has been passed?"

Noting that the kill record had appeared behind the name of "Old Sodom", the smile on his face froze.

——This boss battle belonging to the category of "hidden BOSS" was discovered by him inadvertently. It seems that only when certain special conditions are fulfilled in the game will they be teleported to the old city of Sodom and enter this battle.

In his opinion, this BOSS battle is likely to be related to the hidden plot in the game, and it should also be helpful to the interpretation of ancient books.

However, even if he had entered this BOSS battle twice, he still ended up in Death.

The difficulty of the boss battle in the old city of Sodom was a bit too high. Even if you are fully prepared to trigger a battle after using a large number of spirits to exchange the attribute value, you still can't see any hope of passing the level.

Pillars of fire falling from the sky, fallen angels all over the city, together form the horrible Death web. In addition to knowing that the NPCs in the city seemed to believe in a god named "God of Nature", in the two defeats, he could not find any other clues.

For a long time, this BOSS has been in a state of no one to kill, let alone a strategy, most people have never seen it, or even know the existence of this boss battle.

But... it's different now.

Now that someone has completed the first kill, that is to say, the secrets hidden in the BOSS battle and the "hidden plot" after the battle may have been learned by the player who completed the first kill.

If this is the case, the "hidden plot" that I have been pursuing may finally come to an end...

"Hurry up, I've been waiting for you for a long time. What about teaming up tonight?" A message was sent.

"I'll be there soon."

The elegant "scholar" turned and left his own study, closing the door gently.

In the dark study room, the cover of the ancient book exudes a blue light, like a secluded deep ocean.

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