War Paradise

Chapter 977

"Paid item box... Means the krypton gold system?"

Lin Chi understood the meaning of Pulse Entertainment in an instant, and the expression on his face suddenly became complicated, his brows furrowed, as if he was looking at his disappointed son.

Since the start of "War Paradise", it has always been known for its "conscience". There is not much krypton gold content in the game, except for the few follower expansion packs that can be purchased, there is no other in-game paid content.

Compared with those operators in the market that are ugly and want to charge every time a player goes online, Pulse Entertainment is a very reliable company.

Although some people, including Lin Chi, were skeptical of the company itself, they also investigated some weird information. But if you ignore those things and just look at the operation of the game, Pulse Entertainment can definitely be called "the last hope of the industry."

However, if this so-called "magic box" system is implemented in the game, the situation may be different.

In Lin Chi's view, if you want to add the Krypton Gold Card System to the game, it is the right choice to turn it on when the game is officially launched. If this system is suddenly added after the game is opened, it will make some players feel disgusted.

After all, the mechanism of krypton gold drawing cards out of the box is really unfriendly to non-Chief players.

Looking at "European" shipping for free, I have charged thousands of dollars and still haven't got what I want, the game experience is absolutely incomparable. As a result, some players with bad luck hate this kind of system. As long as they see the card drawing or box opening mechanism in the game, they will stay away from this game.

Now, "Paradise of War" suddenly announced that it would launch a paid-for item box mechanism, which is undoubtedly playing with fire. In this way, maybe some players will leave the game.

However, the game "Paradise of War" should not be too ugly. This "magic box" is not the kind of game mechanism that seriously affects the balance of the game and allows the krypton gold boss to crush the non-krypton player casually.

While thinking about it, Lin Chi continued to read the following paragraphs about the introduction of the magic box:

"The magic box can be purchased through recharge. The price of each magic box is 30 yuan. During the testing period of the system, it can be purchased up to ten times a day."

"When a player logs in for the first time every day, they can receive a ‘magic box’ in the private house area for free. The item can be opened directly or stored in the private house area."

"When you open the'Magic Box', you will get random items in the game, with attributes ranging from ordinary to epic."

"Please note that the ordinary, excellent, and sophisticated equipment obtained from the magic box can be stored in the item box in the private house area. But once you choose to bring these items into a game, these items that have not reached the epic level , Will not be able to be taken out of the map again. In addition, in the test version of the magic box, legendary equipment cannot be obtained."

"At five o'clock this afternoon, the'magic box' system in the test will be activated first. As a gift to the old player, users who register before five o'clock in the afternoon and have created a character will receive ten free magic boxes. I wish you all a happy game!-Pulse Entertainment."

——Is this "random item" a bit too broad?

After reading the introduction to the magic box system, Lin Chi raised his head thoughtfully and cast a godless gaze on the ceiling of the living room.

Judging from this text description, the unboxing system of "War Paradise" seems to be an extremely random mechanism that mixes a large number of props together. The introduction did not say that only "utility items" such as weapons and armor would appear in the box, but that "random items" were used.

If all the props in the game are within the range that may appear in the magic box, this unboxing system may become a nightmare for non-chief players: there may be all kinds of weird tatters in the box, and no one knows what the next magic box will be. What to open.

However, the extreme randomness actually provides an alternative attraction for the magic box-even if there is no legendary equipment, some strange "artifacts" may be opened in the box, even the unknown unknown before. Props. Because the types of items that can be drawn from the magic box are too broad.

"Five o'clock..."

Seeing that there are still two hours before the start of the test of the Magic Box system, Lin Chi has already started gearing up and is eager to try. He wanted to sleep, but his sleepiness disappeared.This kind of unboxing system is able to make money because of the gambling mentality that everyone has. Lin Chi, who is experienced in gaming, naturally knows no more.

However, even if he knew this was the case, he was still expecting to enter the game at five o'clock and out of the box. After all, the free box is a business that makes a profit without losing money. In case something good is opened, you can say that you have made a lot of money!

After reading the following content roughly, I found that it was all clichés like "adding a new map". Lin Chi simply turned off the forum page and began to enjoy the dishes served by the housekeeping robot.

After eating, Lin Chi turned on a "card drawing simulator" he had used before and began to test his current luck.

The content simulated by this simulator is a card mobile game that was popular many years ago. Ten consecutive draw guarantees will result in an SR, which is a common method of drawing cards in mobile games at that time.

——Before opening the magic box, it is better to test it first.

In the eyes of many people, such things as "luck" are illusory, but Lin Chi knows that luck in the game does exist, and it is also an important content that affects the outcome: "Burning Devil" is the horror of the European emperor. He has personally experienced it in the Invitational.

Lin Chi returned to the bedroom, pulled up the curtains and sat on the bed. A faint of sweat appeared on his forehead, and the expression on his face was as serious as a candidate who was about to make a presidential election speech.

it's time.

He took a deep breath, his previously closed eyes suddenly opened, a sharp light flashed in his pupils, and his eyes focused on the holographic projection above the desk.

What appears on the projection screen is completely different from the more and more fancy three-dimensional web pages. The traditional page with black text on a white background, even if you don’t read the content, has an inexplicable sense of seriousness.

Right above the page, the headline in printed form is suspended in the air, which is exactly:

"Drawing Card Metaphysics: Method of Ascension Shipment Rate in Card Games"

Lin Chi glanced over the title and scanned the following content in ten lines:

——Before you start drawing cards, put on your most comfortable clothes.

He took off his rumpled T-shirt and shorts, and put on his black and white pajamas neatly.

——Before drawing the card, please make sure your hands are clean.

He looked at the potato chip packaging bag beside the table, walked quickly into the bathroom and washed his hands.

——Ment in your heart the card you want to draw and the name of the god you believe in.

Lin Chi raised his head and stared at the gray ceiling, worshipping every god-tier he could think of.

—— Stand up and turn around 720 degrees, taking care not to fall.

Lin Chi did this in the bedroom without hesitation, feeling a little dizzy.

-Count from one to ten, close your eyes, and wait for the miracle to happen!

He counted ten numbers silently in his mind. He waved his right hand and clicked the draw button floating in front of him, then instantly closed his eyes, slightly clenched his fists, and carried incredibly serious and firm gestures.

It's time to witness own lucky value!

Thirty seconds later, when the sound effect of the ten consecutive card draws ended, Lin slowly opened his eyes, staring at the card draw results in front of him for a few seconds, and then he was silent for a moment:

"Why is it guaranteed again?"

He tried several more times, and the simulation result of ten consecutive draws was still guaranteed, and he couldn't even see an SSR.

It seems that I am not very lucky now. However, there is still more than an hour before the official launch of the Magic Box system, and there may be a chance to "heaven-defying life change"...

Lin Chi sat on the bed with his eyes closed and rested, when an electronic sound suddenly sounded in his phone, breaking his Meditation:

"What are you doing?"

The Frankenstein boarding in Lin Chi's house has evolved at an amazing speed, and can already express some emotions through tones in his voice. If Lin Chi heard it right, Frankenstein's words should have expressed a feeling of "contempt".

"It's okay, it's just human inferiority." Lin Chi smiled.

"Humans are more excited when faced with random results than fixed results," said Frankenstein.

"Well, you fully understand the nature of human beings." Lin Chi nodded.


At five o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Chi, who had just taken a short nap, sat up suddenly, like a zombie awakened from the cemetery.

He opened the game compartment and lay in, connected to the game at the fastest speed, ready to go online and have a good time.

The sky in the private house area is as sunny as usual. Since it was not late into the night, Lin Chi did not contact the blood entourage he had just obtained, but strode to the mailbox in front of the building, and then found piles of boxes beside the mailbox.

Ten square boxes tightly wrapped in grey cloth were piled on the open space on the west side of the Loumen. A bald-headed cyclops in a vest and camouflage trousers was walking around the box, looking very interested.

Seeing Lin Chi's appearance, Crazy Evan turned his head abruptly, the only remaining eye seemed to be shining, rushing to Lin Chi in three steps and two steps, and asked:

"Comrade, what's in this box? I seem to smell TNT!"

"You may be drunk too much vodka, and have an illusion." Lin Chi said angrily.

There are not many entourages in the private housing area, and a few people seem to have left temporarily. Lin Chi was talking to Crazy Yiwen, but saw a maid come out from the back of the building and came to him.

——Is there this entourage?

Watching the little maid with her hair tied into a single ponytail and a bow tie on her head stopped in front of him, Lin Chi didn't realize that this guy was from the Soviet superpower force until he met her emerald eyes. "Ace Soldier".

"Master, good afternoon." Jane reached out and grabbed the hem of the skirt and bowed a little. She looked pretty like a "professional maid".

"How do you dress like this?" Lin Chi asked curiously.

"It's the clothes Ms. Media gave me. She said I look better like this." The young maid turned a half circle and blinked at Lin Chi, "Master, what do you think?"

"That woman, really bad children..." Lin Chi sighed and did not continue the topic just now: "Where did these boxes come from?"

"It was delivered by the courier company, saying that you bought it." Jane said as if she lowered her head in embarrassment.

Perceiving the strangeness of this "maid", Lin Chi asked, "What's wrong?"

"Master, before opening the box, I accidentally ‘seen’ what’s inside..." Jane seemed a little nervous: "I didn’t expect you to...you wouldn’t blame me, would you?"

"Don't worry, it won't." Lin Chi reached out and touched the maid's head, then suddenly realized something:

The contents of these boxes are completely random. Since Jane will react this way, that is to say, something shameful may be hidden in a certain box...

"Comrade, do you need my help to open these boxes!" Crazy Evan rubbed his hands enthusiastically.

"No, I'll do it myself." Lin Chi said, putting his hand on one of the boxes, and the text of the item description popped out:

Magic box.


Item level: unknown.

After opening, you can get random quality items.

"These boxes were salvaged by the expedition from a sunken ship. It is said that there are various props hidden in them."

——The ten cube boxes delivered vary in size, the largest is half a person tall, and the smallest is like a shoe box. It seems that the size of the box should be related to the props stored in it.

Before unpacking the box, Lin Chi took a deep breath and suddenly stood on tiptoe, and a beautiful 720-degree turn came.

"Master, what's the matter with you?" Jane asked with some worry, "If I feel sick, I still have some medicine..."

"It's okay, don't worry." Lin Chi said as he picked up the smallest box and tore open the gray cloth on the bread, revealing the silver metal shell underneath.

The outer shell of the magic box looks like metal from an alien, and it feels almost like plastic to the touch, with a strange temperature. Looking at the smallest magic box in his hand, before Lin Chi had time to open the box, Crazy Yiwen's bald head instantly leaned over.

"What is it, what is it?" Crazy Ivan was almost stammering with excitement.

Without time to pay attention to the Soviet blaster, Lin slowly opened the outer shell of the box. When the box was opened from directly above, there seemed to be a scorching red light coming through, reflecting the sallow face of Crazy Ivan.

"Is this..."

Lin Chi's eyes widened in surprise.

Then, what appeared in front of the two of them was a red brick.


Melee weapons (can be thrown).

Item level: Normal.

General-purpose weapon, can be used without proficiency. Requires minimum strength value: 7. The strength value required to reach the maximum attack power: 12.

"Plate is a civilian weapon that can be seen everywhere, and it can exert great lethality in the hands of masters. It can be said to be a must-have for home travel. Bricks are in hand, I have the world!"

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