War Paradise

Chapter 980

After opening the ten magic boxes presented by the system, Lin Chi stood by the door, looking down at Crazy Yiwen who was still in a coma.

Although the exoskeleton is not of much use to him, it is considered usable equipment at any rate. Compared with the crooked melons and cracked dates out of the previous boxes, it is definitely worthy of the title of "epic".

"Let's go to sleep..."

After putting the props from the magic box into the backpack, Lin Chi yawned.

With this experience, he basically dispelled the idea of ​​krypton gold. The props that the magic box can open are too random. If the krypton gold is out of the box, it is estimated that it will be difficult to return to the original.

What's more, there are already many epic-level equipment stored in the own item box, and there is no need to continue buying the magic box to try your luck.

Mindful of this, Lin Chi opened the menu and was about to click the button to quit the game, but suddenly received a message from a friend.

Valkyrie: "Are you there?"

"Just going offline." Lin Chi replied.

When she was invited to form a team, the female Martial Sage added Lin Chi as a friend. This woman was also one of the few people on Lin Chi's friend list. Lin Chi didn't contact her a few times because he was too lazy to socialize. The other party took the initiative to send messages each time, and this time was no exception:

"Is your friend status set to prohibit adding?" female Martial Sage asked.

"There are too many people adding friends, I'm too lazy to deal with it." Lin Chi told the truth.

"You can't develop like this, why don't you take this opportunity to market?" female Martial Sage asked again.

"Come on, I'm not interested." Lin Chi replied impatiently: "Is there anything else? I'll get off if I'm okay."

"Wait a minute, someone wants to contact you but can't add a friend, so please ask me to help." The female Martial Sage sent a message very fast: "Can you add him?"

According to Lin Chi's understanding, "female Martial Sage" is a arrogant guy who will only make friends with players who are well-known or strong enough. If you can ask female Martial Sage to help you contact, you must be a master.

Realizing this, Lin Chi also slightly suppressed the urge to go offline and asked, "What is it called?"

"Silver Arowana." Female Martial Sage said a somewhat familiar name: "The deputy leader of the fishing strategy team, you should know it?"

"I've heard of it." Lin Chi replied.

——Lin Chi naturally knows the famous "fishing strategy group" in the game circle. This group is basically equivalent to the highest level of strategy for puzzle-solving games. Lin Chi was once invited to join, and then refused on the grounds that the time limit was too tight.

Even if he refused the invitation from the fishing strategy team, Lin Chi still held a respectful attitude towards this organization. In this age of impetuous heart and irritable brothers everywhere, it is not easy for a group of people to insist on playing niche puzzle games, and to release strategies and plot analysis for the first time.

Mindful of this, Lin Chi asked: "Is he looking for something to do with me?"

"This is not very clear, and I didn't ask. Anyway, it must be a matter of the game plot. They basically don't play PVP in Heaven of War. You add him, I'm going to eat."The female Martial Sage quickly sent out a series of messages, and then her name was grayed out, apparently offline. Lin Chi, who received the "Silver Dragon Fish" ID from her, also directly sent a friend request to the other party.

The deputy leader of the fishing strategy team immediately agreed to Lin Chi's request, fast enough to compete with Frankenstein. Before Lin Chi could send a greeting, the other party had already sent a message:

"Hello, Mr. Champion."

"Don't call me that, it's too embarrassing." Lin Chi sighed a little depressed, and continued to communicate with the other party: "What can I do for you?"

"Do you have time? I want to have a face-to-face meeting with you." The silver dragon fish seemed to be very familiar, and directly sent a "face-based" invitation to Lin Chi: "It's not very convenient here."

"Forget the interview, it's okay to go to Realm for a chat." Lin Chi refused the other party's request.

"Realm is okay, then you can arrange a place that is sufficiently hidden." Silver Arowana replied: "The meeting time is set tonight, what do you think?"

"I'm too sleepy now, so tomorrow, I will contact you tomorrow morning." After Lin Chi confirmed the meeting time, he went offline without waiting for a reply from the other party.

He didn't know why the deputy leader of the fishing strategy team was so enthusiastic that he even asked for an offline meeting. But now, eyelid fights are starting in the game, it is better to go to sleep first...

Dragging his tired body to the bedroom, Lin Chi picked up the phone on the coffee table and asked the Frankenstein who was still on standby: "How are you in that bar in Realm?"

"Operating normally." Frankenstein replied immediately.

"Well, there is a guy who wants to talk to me tomorrow. I'm going to fix the location there. Isn't it any problem?" Lin Chi said.

Judging from the way the silver dragon fish just spoke, the guy might want to talk about some "unseen" content, so he proposed to meet offline. If this is the case, Frankenstein’s illegal acceleration zone in Realm is undoubtedly a good place to chat.

After getting a positive answer from Frankenstein, Lin Chi, who was still wearing black and white striped pajamas, fell on the bed in the bedroom.


The next morning, Lin Chi, who arrived in the 13th district of Realm, walked through the noisy crowd and walked towards the alley where the "Blood Bar" is located.

As the most chaotic area in the domestic Realm, the 13th district today is as chaotic as ever, with all kinds of bizarre websites emerging in an endless stream, playing signs on the side of the road openly. The pictures above make Lin Chi as an adult, All felt a strong shock:

"XX Paradise! Suitable for you with special hobbies!"

"#)! The clubhouse, welcome everyone to visit!"

"Young man, come to play on the computer! Don't miss it when you pass by!"

Looking at the chaos in the 13th district and the users using various modules on the side of the road, Lin Chi sighed and manipulated his body to float across the street.

What Lin Chi used in Realm today was an image of a zombie with a pale complexion and a charm on his head. Compared with a large group of "monsters" on the streets of District 13, this kind of module is fairly normal.

According to Lin Chi’s knowledge of Realm, this place in District 13 should have been temporarily “restocked” by the network supervision agency: every once in a while, there will be a wave of police coming to harvest and ban all kinds of unhealthy websites here. Shopkeepers who can find the true information will be arrested. Then within a few days, similar things will spring up again like bamboo shoots after a rain.

Entering the alley full of rubbish, came to the door of the blood-stained bar, Lin Chi used the key provided by Frankenstein to open the door, entered the bar, but found that there were no other users in the bar, only one wearing a white cloth. A slender female bartender in cap, standing alone behind the bar.

"Where are the others?" Lin Chi asked.

"Recently, the investigation has been tight, and they dare not show up." Frankenstein replied.

——As the creator of the "Blood Bar" in the underground illegal acceleration zone, Frankenstein uses the bartender's module today. Her eyes are hidden in the shadow under the brim of her hat, only showing the lower half of her face with a slightly rounded outline. The red and white short top and the jeans are full of ripped holes, it seems to have a little gothic style, and the slender fingers hold a glass that has been polished brightly, as if they may perform the skill of "throwing the cup" at any time. .

"Is that guy not here yet." Frankenstein asked coldly.

"It should be here soon." Lin Chi looked at the time and reminded in a low voice: "You can pretend to be a service AI, remember not to record."

——If the silver dragon fish really found something, it is necessary to record the information here. However, the silver arowana chatting on other people's sites may also prepare countermeasures in advance.

"Here," Frankenstein said coldly.

With a squeak, the door to the blood-stained bar opened, and a tall, thin man with a yellow complexion walked into the bar slowly, looked around curiously, and then focused his gaze on the face of the "zombie" leaning on the sofa.

"I am Silver Dragon Fish, how are you?" the man in suit and leather shoes asked tentatively.

"It's me, close the door quickly. This is an illegal acceleration zone." Lin Chi said angrily.

"Yeah, 20 times faster, right..." Yinlongyu turned around and closed the door, isolating the internal area of ​​the blood-stained bar from the main server in the 13th district.

In order to prevent users’ heads from being burned out, illegal acceleration is prohibited in Realm. Because of this, places like blood bars have emerged for those who want to "live a little longer" in the virtual world. Users, provide a place for recreation.

This illegal acceleration zone built by Frankenstein is still relatively hidden. After several large-scale investigations, it still stands tall. However, since other illegal acceleration zones have been blocked recently, there are basically no users who dare to come here. There are a few left.

"Did you build this?" the silver dragon fish asked curiously.

"I don't know how to program." Lin Chi said, pointing his finger at the bartender standing motionless behind the bar: "If you want to drink something, you can let the AI ​​make it."

"..." The female bartender stood silently behind the bar, without even moving her eyes.

Originally a Frankenstein from a computer virus, disguising AI can be described as an anomalous restoration, basically acting in his true colors, without any flaws at all.

"This place is not bad, do you come here often?" Yinlongyu continued to question.

——Does this guy want to derive any information?

Facing the silver dragon fish who seemed to have ulterior motives, Lin Chi would naturally not be fooled, but said slowly: "This is introduced by a friend. I have only been here twice. Why, do you want to report me?"

"Nothing, don't get me wrong..." Silver Dragon fish hurriedly waved his hand: "I really have something to discuss with you."

"Go in and talk about it. Inside is an encrypted area." Lin Chi pointed to the doors on the wall on his right.

Zombies in white and men in suits and leather shoes entered the encrypted space together, closing the door to the outside world.

The small lamp above his head casts a soft yellow light, sitting on the comfortable soft sofa, Lin Chi uses only the white of his eyes, watching the silver arowana sitting opposite, waiting for the other party to say what he is coming for. .

"Well, I am the silver dragon fish of the fishing strategy group. I am glad to meet you." The silver dragon fish smiled and stretched out his right hand, and shook Lin Chi's rotten hand."The polite remarks are forgotten, and let's talk about business." Lin Chi curled his lips.

Lin Chi still maintains a vigilant attitude towards this overly polite man: this guy looks like a very slick person, and this kind of person is what Lin Chi is most unwilling to deal with.

"You attacked the boss battle in the old city of Sodom yesterday, right." The silver dragon fish's voice is very magnetic: "Our fishing strategy team is currently writing the "War Paradise" plot strategy, can you help us? ?"

"Can the plot of this game be connected?" Lin Chi pretended to be confused.

After more than a dozen games in the past, Lin sooner or later discovered that there were more or less connections between each map in "War Paradise". The details of these connection plots are basically not very conspicuous, and it is easy to be ignored by ordinary players.

However, as a fishing strategy group specializing in puzzle games, it is normal to notice these details.

"Of course, according to the summary of our strategy group, all the maps in "War of Heaven" should be connected. The maps currently launched can almost be connected into a complete story, but we still have a lot of mysteries. Untie." Yinlongyu smiled.

"So you need my help?" Lin Chi narrowed his eyes: "This is for compensation, young man."

"Please don't worry about the remuneration, we can provide generous remuneration. The leader of our strategy group is Kai...the second generation of rich, he can meet your needs." Silver Dragon fish replied immediately.

"Oh? It sounds okay." Lin Chi nodded, and went straight to the topic without hesitation: "What do you need?"

"If possible, I need a video of your battle in the old city of Sodom. Now "War Paradise" has the function of automatically saving the previous video." Yinlongyu said.

"Sorry, this won't work." Lin Chi sighed.

No matter how generous the other party’s offer, he cannot reveal the fact that he can recruit BOSS. Once the video is passed on to the other party, the observer’s contract will be impossible to hide.

"Uh, the price can still be discussed..." Silver Dragon Fish also tried to continue this topic.

"This really doesn't work, I also have privacy." Lin Chi said solemnly, and began to shift the topic to another question:

"So, you said you want to find a hidden place to chat, just come and talk to me about this?"

The plot communication between players is not a "forbidden topic" in any game, and there is no need to go to the illegal acceleration zone to chat. If the silver dragon fish is just to talk about this, it must be a fuss.

However, the intention of the silver dragon fish should not be just to say this:

"I have one more question I want to talk to you."

The man in suit and leather shoes approached and whispered to the zombie who was leaning on the sofa: "Don't you think the game "Paradise of War" is weird?"

"Hundreds of thousands of people in the forum think this game is weird." Lin Chi looked at Yinlongyu's face.

"No, I'm referring to another aspect." Silver Dragon Fish whispered: "Some NPCs in this game, I've seen them... before."

"In other games? There are indeed a lot of easter eggs." Lin Chi said.

"Do not……"

Having said this, the silver dragon fish suddenly lowered his voice: "I mean, I seem to have seen them in the real world..."

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