War Paradise

Chapter 998

Mondillo, who was in a trance, followed Lin Chi and the others to the alley. He stood in front of the van, and a subordinate's voice sounded from his side:

"Wait a minute, Boss, our car can't hold so many people!"

"Ah, oh..."

The jackal, who was panting, turned his head to look at Lin Chi, and asked in a daze, "What should I do?"

"What's wrong with you?" Lin Chi frowned slightly.

"A little dizzy..." Jackal raised his head in confusion, turned his gaze to Jane, and then looked at the laundry sign on the van.

Since the original plan was not to take this car to retreat, this van simply couldn't hold so many people plus a few large bags of dollar bills. The bastards who were in charge of receiving them were too scared by the army to come over.

It stands to reason that the three "outsiders" should be quickly wiped out now, but...

As soon as the jackal opened the rear door, he heard the "girl" with long black hair speak: "I can stay and hold them..."

"No!" The jackal suddenly roared loudly, and the men around him were taken aback.

"What's wrong?" Lin Chi looked at him with interest.

"It's okay..." Jackal gasped.

"Well, let's keep our share here. The three of us find a way to leave, you drive this car and leave." Lin Chi said the own proposal: "I happen to have something to deal with."

——Now there are seven minutes left for the reward task, and the nearby players are estimated to be coming soon. Although I didn't enter the game this time to kill people, is there any reason not to accept the head sent to the door?

"Okay, then... be careful." The jackal touched the back of his head, as if he wanted to say something, but didn't say anything in the end.

"Boss, it's time to go, and you will be killed by the silver shield if you stay here!" The Jackal's men urged.

"Um, you can continue to cooperate in the future..." Jackal glanced at Zhen again, took out a crumpled business card from his pocket, and stuffed it into Lin Chi's hand.

After he got into the van, the car quickly ignited and started to leave the crime scene, leaving Lin Chi and the three people in the alley with dark blue travel bags full of dollar bills at their feet.

"This seems to be more than ninety thousand." He laughed.

It seems that the amount of money stored in the bank vault in the southern city of Alvara should be more than 300,000, which led to an increase in his share. However, the money actually doesn't make much sense to him.

The harsh sound of tires rubbing against the ground was heard in the street, and the roar of the engine also appeared at the same time. Needless to say, nearby players have already begun to "hunt".

"Mason left here with the money and will use SOG's encrypted frequency band to contact me, and Jane and I will go together." Lin Chi quickly gave instructions to own entourage.

"Okay." Mason grabbed the travel bag with one hand on his shoulder, and hurried out of the alley. Lin Chi and Zhen are the only people who are still staying in this dangerous zone.


The young man raised his slender arms, moved his waist a little, his green eyes were bent, and a clear smile appeared on his face: "You need me to kill, right?"

"Yes." Lin Chi nodded, "Please."

"You are my savior, and I will satisfy all your wishes." The boy said, taking a step forward, leaving Lin Chi with a thin back:

"Your will is my will, and the one who is against you is my enemy."


A jeep passing by in front of the alley was crushed into distorted fragments, and the kill prompt appeared directly in front of all players in this game:

The player "Terminator" was killed!

Congratulations to the player "Countercurrent" for winning the first blood of this game! The player will get a little attribute value and a reward of ten thousand dollars!

Adding a little attribute value to the agility at will, Lin Chi reminded: "Don't do it too obvious, you can stop the enemy's car."

Now, Lin Chi didn't want to directly expose his own "secret weapon" to the public. Jane quickly understood what he meant, and turned back to give Lin Chi a thumbs up:

"I understand, Master."

While they were talking, a few Daoist shadows appeared at the entrance of the alley. The assault rifles in their hands were immediately raised, but before they could fire, they suddenly seemed to be tripped by an invisible rope, and the three fell to the ground neatly. .

Before the opponent stood up, the ACR "big snake" in Lin Chi's hand had already opened fire, causing the brains of the three people to burst. As the body in the middle broke into pieces and dissipated, the two corpses beside him immediately disappeared.

The player "Godkiller's Fury" was killed by the player "Countercurrent"!

"Let's go." Lin Chi put down his gun and turned and walked towards the back of the alley.

After the two players were killed in a second, the others seemed to be shocked, and they didn't continue to rush to die, and became a lot of convergence.

At the same time, armed conflicts began to occur between the players who arrived here. Seeing that there were only five minutes left for the reward mission, Lin Chi didn't intend to stay here anymore, and began to prepare to retreat.

"Commander, another tank has passed..." Mason's intermittent voice came from the earphones, sounding like he was experiencing signal interference: "Attention... the enemy..."

"Don't worry, it's okay." Lin Chi replied.

——Relying on Jane’s assistance, at this time, she is invincible in the world. If she is on a map with magical or supernatural abilities, Jane may also encounter a threatening opponent, but in a modern city map like the City of Chaos , This "Super Power Boy" is completely invincible, and no enemy can survive under his hands!

As long as Jane's personality does not change, with this child's ability, she can walk sideways in the city. No matter how many enemies come, it is just a gift. Now, just find a place to wait for the end of the reward mission.

But in this way, the challenge of the game and the fun of fighting seem to have completely disappeared...

"Really boring." Lin Chi sighed.

Now it seems that "War of Heaven" does not open the recruitment of leader-level entourage. It is indeed a very wise choice. Entering the game with leader-level entourage will indeed seriously damage the game experience, whether it is an enemy with no fight back or completely Without a sense of accomplishment, the experience is not good.

Speaking of the leader-level entourage, when I arrived in this game, it seemed that I hadn't read the observer's contract. As long as the content of the contract was completed, I should be able to recruit the leader-level entourage this time. but……


Just as Lin Chi was considering whether to complete the contract mission, a series of explosions suddenly occurred on the street. The ground under my feet also began to tremble violently, as if a small earthquake had occurred.

"They plan to bombard the city? That's not good, right..."

Realizing that the army in the City of Chaos had begun shelling this area, Lin Chi nodded to Zhen, and the two quickly left the area being shelled.

When they left here unharmed, the few unlucky ghosts who were still here trying to "hunt" disappeared into the flames of the explosion, and then a red Death prompt popped up:

The player "Waver" has died.

The player "Lemon Tea Drink" has died.

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